This is my first time posting. I have been reading this thread for several days (so fun!) and thought I would register to join in this TWW. DH and I have a 3 year old son and have been TTC our 2nd since March with no luck. I started taking a baby aspirin on CD 1 and took Mucinex on CD 8 for a cold I had, but read that Mucinex can help, so hoping it works!
Here are my symptoms so far:
Dec 29th: CD 10: Lots of EWCM - BD
Dec 30th: CD 11: Lots of EWCM - Cervix was very open, high, and soft - BD
Dec 31st: CD 12: This is when my Period Tracker predicted me to O (I have been using this app for over a year and it has been very accurate with my cycles). My cervix was beginning to close and not as much EWCM - BD
1 DPO: Cervix more closed and CM drying up. BBs are starting to get tender which is a sign for me that I Od
2 DPO: Nothing to report
3 DPO: Tingly boobs. Painful left nipple. Constipated. Very hungry.
4 DPO: Vivid dreams last night. Constipated until evening time and even then it was like rabbit poop (haha, sorry TMI!), very hungry, break out on chin area. In a crappy mood and feeling tired.
5 DPO: Was starting to feel like I was getting over my cold from last week, but now feeling sore throat, stuffy nose, and annoying post nasal drip. Frequent urination and still have hard BMs. Flossed before bed and had bleeding gums.
6 DPO: Restless sleep last night. Tossed and turned and was worried about over sleeping? Blew nose in AM and had blood. Diarrhea in the AM. Starting to feel symptoms are the same as every other BFN month, so feeling a little down and out. In the evening, my molars were sore and nips were painful. Hips are bothering me too. Feeling gloomy and sad, BBs are tender.
7DPO: Diarrhea 3 times today and stomach felt horrible at night. Frequent urination again. Blood in nose both in AM and PM. Still feeling sore throat, stuffy nose, and post nasal drip. Crying for stupid reasons today and just feeling emotional. My eyes were so dry tonight and I never use eyedrops, but would have if we had some in the house. BBs are getting bigger and blue veins are becoming more apparent, but I have had this in other cycles, so I can't really get too excited about it.
8 DPO: I had weird bowel stuff this morning. Feeling like I need to go really bad, but when I get there it's little rabbit poops again. Stuffy nose/sore throat. Blood in nose in the morning. Increased urination continues and I've been starving all day. Feeling a little bit bloated, small amount of cramps that come and go, and a little bit of a headache.
9 DPO: So far I felt nausea when waking up this morning, but it has gotten better after eating something. Gagged twice while brushing my teeth. Was digging for a pair of thicker socks in my drawer this morning and found a Dollar Tree pregnancy test, the urge to POAS took over and I know I am too early...didn't think I would see anything since I have never even seen a hint of a second line...and a stupid ghost line showed up. Now I just have more to obsess over. Feeling bloated and my stomach felt in knots this morning. Stuffy nose/sore throat/post nasal drip continue. Metal taste in mouth that comes and goes.
10 DPO: sudden nausea in the morning. Had to lay down for a little bit. Stomach continues to feel hard as a rock. Nips super sore. Felt the urge to POAS, so did so on an was positive? Tried a FRER with afternoon urine...BFN. Feeling angry, depressed, frustrated, mean, and sad.
11 DPO: Stuffy nose and sore throat continue. Blood in my nose in the morning. Feeling crampy and my nips HURT! Cervix is high, firm, and closed. Feels wet. Still urinating frequently.
12 DPO: Stuffy nose and sore throat. Post nasal drip (so annoying!). Metal taste in my mouth that comes and goes, urinating frequently. Feeling bloated and crampy. Cervix is beginning to feel open and there were 2 small dots of blood. AF not due for 2 days, but I am beginning to accept that I am out for this cycle

Feel really sad and down.
13 DPO: AF type cramps this morning. Keep feeling like she is coming at any second, but just watery CM. Cervix feels like it is closed again? Feels hard. Metal taste in mouth continues to come and go. Sore throat/stuffy nose/post nasal drip continue. Tingly boobs on and off. Gagged while brushing my teeth this morning.