Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

6 dpo - twinges in bbs (they're achy but not as sore as they were in dec when I got bfp, which leaves me questioning myself), bloated, random periods of queasiness, and super emotional/tired.

7 dpo - more random twinges in bbs, slight pulling feeling in lower ab, grumpy, cp is high and soft, still super queasy... It won't go away. Was worse when I walked by the raw meat in the grocery store. The thought of raw meat or even seeing it makes me cringe atm. Hmmmmm.... Trying not to psych myself up in case the witch comes though.

8 dpo - feeling fine for the most part atm, been a bit dizzy and very slightly queasy but that's it so far. My animals are oddly affectionate lately too... Kitty always wants to curl up and knead on my tummy (which he doesn't normally do), but he did that when I had my mc too.

9 dpo - woke up this morning with full on nausea (more than just queasiness), holy crap the sore bbs!... and hot flashes. Nausea is starting to subside a bit now (an hour later). I'm fighting the urge to test early! I am finally getting those "I have to be pregnant" feelings, let's hope I am right! CP is quite high and soft.

10 dpo - hot and cold flashes, still nauseous, upper dizzy/lightheaded, bbs still achy, sooo hungry in the pm, and super tired (had a long nap at 7pm). Got hit with it all today! Tried to resist the urge to test yesterday (9 dpo) but failed and got a bfn yesterday but it wasn't fmu and is still too early, I know. Last time I didn't get a bfp till 16 dpo, so I will test again Saturday (when AF is due). Cp is still high and soft today with watery cm

11 dpo - slight cramping in pm, a bit of nausea on and off, super tired again, sore bbs. Cp is high and soft still with watery cm. V fel a bit swollen too.... I also noticed a bump on my cervix and freaked/stressed out a bit but then remembered that a year ago when I went for my pap, my doc said I had a polyp on it and it was nothing to worry about. Might ask about it again at my next physical in a few months or if I get preggo.
Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.

5 dpo: creamy cm, occassional slight aches in lower abdomen again. Spot eruption.

6 dpo: creamy cm, bit stretchier than before, mild cramps again. Bowels bit loose, feeling quite tired today. Sore nips. Checked my cp which I never normally do, it was high hard and closed, but as I've never checked it before I'm not sure if that's normal for this time in cycle.

Dpo 7: creamy cm but not as much today. Tender nips, big appetite and crampy lower abdomen again.

Dpo 8: cm sticky today, and quite sparse. Boobs sore at sides, left side is worse. Still got the dull cramps in lower abdomen. Mild headache and lethargic. Feel a bit cranky today, hoping it's not pmt.

9 dpo: small amount of sticky cm. Feeling a bit bloated and still cranky 😠. Nips not really sore anymore. Breasts only a tiny bit tender. Feeling like I'm out already....

10 dpo: cm kind of like clearish thick and stringy, not much of it. Feel quite bloated today, have left sided lower backache, probs unrelated. Boobs feel kind of bruised. Strange feeling in tummy, can't decide if it's hunger pangs or slight nausea?? Bit constipated today.

Checked cp this evening and was met with small amount of fresh red blood. Pretty sure AF will be here in a few days 😞

11 dpo: tested this morning with Internet cheapie BFN :(. Cm is sparse and sticky. Chronic lower left sided backache (not sure if it's related). Mild cramps, heavy and mildly tender breasts, slight nauseous feeling. Had some strange sharp pains in my lady bits earlier, about six sharp pains over about 20-30 seconds??? Generally feeling Bleurghh.

12 dpo: cm same as previous days, mild cramps, very mild nausea, wasn't sure if it was hunger??
Boobs very mildly tender on sides.

13 dpo: woke from restless night, temp rise, but not sure if that's from restless sleep. Feel really fed up, crappy, lethargic and emotional. Mild nausea and tension headache.

Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.

5 dpo: creamy cm, occassional slight aches in lower abdomen again. Spot eruption.

6 dpo: creamy cm, bit stretchier than before, mild cramps again. Bowels bit loose, feeling quite tired today. Sore nips. Checked my cp which I never normally do, it was high hard and closed, but as I've never checked it before I'm not sure if that's normal for this time in cycle.

Dpo 7: creamy cm but not as much today. Tender nips, big appetite and crampy lower abdomen again.

Dpo 8: cm sticky today, and quite sparse. Boobs sore at sides, left side is worse. Still got the dull cramps in lower abdomen. Mild headache and lethargic. Feel a bit cranky today, hoping it's not pmt.

9 dpo: small amount of sticky cm. Feeling a bit bloated and still cranky 😠. Nips not really sore anymore. Breasts only a tiny bit tender. Feeling like I'm out already....

10 dpo: cm kind of like clearish thick and stringy, not much of it. Feel quite bloated today, have left sided lower backache, probs unrelated. Boobs feel kind of bruised. Strange feeling in tummy, can't decide if it's hunger pangs or slight nausea?? Bit constipated today.

Checked cp this evening and was met with small amount of fresh red blood. Pretty sure AF will be here in a few days 😞

11 dpo: tested this morning with Internet cheapie BFN :(. Cm is sparse and sticky. Chronic lower left sided backache (not sure if it's related). Mild cramps, heavy and mildly tender breasts, slight nauseous feeling. Had some strange sharp pains in my lady bits earlier, about six sharp pains over about 20-30 seconds??? Generally feeling Bleurghh.

Alright, I'm back in for round 6 of ttc! Me and hubby only got one good bd in my fertile window, but it only takes one time right? So hopefully we get lucky this time around :shrug:

Oday: Mild cramps, ewcm, temp dip, very light pink spotting

1dpo: Terrible nightmares last night/restless sleep, creamy cm, feeling kinda meh...:gun: I also feel like I'm out already, I know I should be positive but I feel like my odds are not great this month...

2dpo: Slept like a baby!:sleep: Creamy cm with pink spotting

3dpo: slept ok... woke up around 4am and could not get back to sleep, creamy cm with lighter pink spotting, cervix is high and feels tilted?

4dpo: Slept great! No more spotting, watery cm (which I never get) cervix is high and closed...

5-6dpo: No real symptoms to report...

7dpo: Some mild cramps off and on... Temp dip :huh:

8dpo: Weird dreams, still some mild cramps off and on, another temp dip... Probably out for this cycle :nope: While checking cp in the afternoon I noticed some slight pink creamy cm... so bummed, af may just come a day early this month...

9dpo: Light pink spotting, strange dreams, irritable/emotional
Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.

5 dpo: creamy cm, occassional slight aches in lower abdomen again. Spot eruption.

6 dpo: creamy cm, bit stretchier than before, mild cramps again. Bowels bit loose, feeling quite tired today. Sore nips. Checked my cp which I never normally do, it was high hard and closed, but as I've never checked it before I'm not sure if that's normal for this time in cycle.

Dpo 7: creamy cm but not as much today. Tender nips, big appetite and crampy lower abdomen again.

Dpo 8: cm sticky today, and quite sparse. Boobs sore at sides, left side is worse. Still got the dull cramps in lower abdomen. Mild headache and lethargic. Feel a bit cranky today, hoping it's not pmt.

9 dpo: small amount of sticky cm. Feeling a bit bloated and still cranky 😠. Nips not really sore anymore. Breasts only a tiny bit tender. Feeling like I'm out already....

10 dpo: cm kind of like clearish thick and stringy, not much of it. Feel quite bloated today, have left sided lower backache, probs unrelated. Boobs feel kind of bruised. Strange feeling in tummy, can't decide if it's hunger pangs or slight nausea?? Bit constipated today.

Checked cp this evening and was met with small amount of fresh red blood. Pretty sure AF will be here in a few days 😞

11 dpo: tested this morning with Internet cheapie BFN :(. Cm is sparse and sticky. Chronic lower left sided backache (not sure if it's related). Mild cramps, heavy and mildly tender breasts, slight nauseous feeling. Had some strange sharp pains in my lady bits earlier, about six sharp pains over about 20-30 seconds??? Generally feeling Bleurghh.

Ovulated on feb. 22 2015

1-5dpo- light cramps

6dpo-ewcm but not ovulating

7dpo light cramps, cm ewcm but not ovulating

8dpo, medium cramps on left side, medium nausea, light tender breasts, hot flashes, constipation

9dpo-medium nausea, medium cramps, medium tender breasts, light sleepiness, loose stool, cm sticky and clear, tested with cheapie not with fmu bfn

10dpo- both my sides pinching and hard cramps like af cramps, pinch above belly button, tender breast medium, bloated, light nausea when i ate but still hungry, cm watery wet, felt like peeing myself. Tested frer bfn not with fmu though

will update later
Ok for all you symptom watchers...I got my bfp today at 10dpo

3dpo-don't usually temp (so this may not be accurate but had temps close to 100 every day) also had tons of thick cm today
4dpo-had more thick cm
5-8dpo, nothing really except for continuing high temps and some irritability
9dpo woke up with cramps, thought maybe af was coming early but then throughout the entire day I had pulling in my right ovary, googled and decided I'd prob test the next day due to many women having this symptom and going on to get a bfp on 10dpo
10dpo-bfp! Could not believe it!!! We prayed really hard for this, this was also my first time ovulating after not ovulating for 2 cycles after a mmc. Still crampy today

***also felt some mild nausea and a little more tired than usual
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.loads of white creamy cm ebough to have to wear a liner Tingle Iin nipples and nipples darker in colour.
Cd35 ewcm is it possible I could be only just ovulating now ? Light cramping.
Cd36 lots of clear gooey cm not quite ewcm and mild cramps soooooo tired
Cd37 clear gooey cm not quite ewcm some stronger cramps today but still not overly painful sore nipples.

Ok for all you symptom watchers...I got my bfp today at 10dpo

3dpo-don't usually temp (so this may not be accurate but had temps close to 100 every day) also had tons of thick cm today
4dpo-had more thick cm
5-8dpo, nothing really except for continuing high temps and some irritability
9dpo woke up with cramps, thought maybe af was coming early but then throughout the entire day I had pulling in my right ovary, googled and decided I'd prob test the next day due to many women having this symptom and going on to get a bfp on 10dpo
10dpo-bfp! Could not believe it!!! We prayed really hard for this, this was also my first time ovulating after not ovulating for 2 cycles after a mmc. Still crampy today

***also felt some mild nausea and a little more tired than usual

:yipee: Congrats!!
Omg just got bfp on frer digital! I don't know how to make this green as just using my phone but I found this thread so helpful during tww so entering my info as best I can remember for others!

1-3 dpo - gassy/bloatiness
Also have a cold, but had that before oed.
4-11 dpo - no symptoms other than exhaustion and cold not going away, wondered if exhaustion was from cold and began to doubt I was pregnant as had so few symptoms, less than the average tww.
12dpo - bfp!!

Hope this helps all the symptom spotters! I had almost no symptoms and still got my bfp!
Omg just got bfp on frer digital! I don't know how to make this green as just using my phone but I found this thread so helpful during tww so entering my info as best I can remember for others!

1-3 dpo - gassy/bloatiness
Also have a cold, but had that before oed.
4-11 dpo - no symptoms other than exhaustion and cold not going away, wondered if exhaustion was from cold and began to doubt I was pregnant as had so few symptoms, less than the average tww.
12dpo - bfp!!

Hope this helps all the symptom spotters! I had almost no symptoms and still got my bfp!

Ahh massive congrats to you :) x
Updating as I go...

1DPO - Nothing
2DPO - Awful cramps left side. Gassy. Hungry.
3DPO- Feeling very sick, was sick. Head ache.
4DPO - Nothing really. Still feeling sick, haven't been sick again. Feeling dizzy and all over the place. Forgetful, keep forgetting what i'm meant to be doing and where i'm putting things.
5DPO - Slight nauseous still. Cramps both sides. Mild back ache. Streaming runny nose and sinus pain. Sleepy. Needing to pee a lot (which has been happening all week!)
6DPO - Was poorly with an infection so didn't notice any symptoms
7DPO - Awful taste in mouth, possibly due to antibiotics I'm on, feel sick. Few cramps. Boobs not sore but heavy. Tired.
8DPO - Sick this morning, possibly antibiotics. So tired. Boobs feel bigger. Bloated. CP high and between soft and hard, closed. V very swollen. CM not much of it but runny white. Sharp pain in V.
9DPO - Temp 37.16. SO tired, fell asleep really early last night. Woke up to wet CM (so wet I thought AF came early). CP high and closed. Slight bloat. Boobs not that sore, only when I press against them. Tooth felt loose?! (it isn't!). AFTERNOON - temp drop 36.51 and a tiny amount of pink blood in CM.
10DPO - BFN this morning. Cramps gone, temp dipped to 35.97. Slight nausea. Itchy boobs. Headache. Little to none CM. CP high and soft (can barely reach it). V swollen. Afternoon temp 36.97 :wacko:
11DPO - Feeling so nauseous. Headache. Dizzy. Gassy. Exhausted. Wet CM with creamy bits - gross. Loss of appetite despite feeling hungry. CP still relatively high, not as squishy though. Needing to pee like every half an hr. Forgot to test with FMU. Used 3rd pee of the day and a BFN, possibly faintest line ever or i'm getting line eye :lol:

Updating as I go...

1DPO - Nothing
2DPO - Awful cramps left side. Gassy. Hungry.
3DPO- Feeling very sick, was sick. Head ache.
4DPO - Nothing really. Still feeling sick, haven't been sick again. Feeling dizzy and all over the place. Forgetful, keep forgetting what i'm meant to be doing and where i'm putting things.
5DPO - Slight nauseous still. Cramps both sides. Mild back ache. Streaming runny nose and sinus pain. Sleepy. Needing to pee a lot (which has been happening all week!)
6DPO - Was poorly with an infection so didn't notice any symptoms
7DPO - Awful taste in mouth, possibly due to antibiotics I'm on, feel sick. Few cramps. Boobs not sore but heavy. Tired.
8DPO - Sick this morning, possibly antibiotics. So tired. Boobs feel bigger. Bloated. CP high and between soft and hard, closed. V very swollen. CM not much of it but runny white. Sharp pain in V.
9DPO - Temp 37.16. SO tired, fell asleep really early last night. Woke up to wet CM (so wet I thought AF came early). CP high and closed. Slight bloat. Boobs not that sore, only when I press against them. Tooth felt loose?! (it isn't!). AFTERNOON - temp drop 36.51 and a tiny amount of pink blood in CM.
10DPO - BFN this morning. Cramps gone, temp dipped to 35.97. Slight nausea. Itchy boobs. Headache. Little to none CM. CP high and soft (can barely reach it). V swollen. Afternoon temp 36.97 :wacko:
11DPO - Feeling so nauseous. Headache. Dizzy. Gassy. Exhausted. Wet CM with creamy bits - gross. Loss of appetite despite feeling hungry. CP still relatively high, not as squishy though. Needing to pee like every half an hr. Forgot to test with FMU. Used 3rd pee of the day and a BFN, possibly faintest line ever or i'm getting line eye :lol:


Oh wow fingers crossed for you, when r u testing again? X
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

6 dpo - twinges in bbs (they're achy but not as sore as they were in dec when I got bfp, which leaves me questioning myself), bloated, random periods of queasiness, and super emotional/tired.

7 dpo - more random twinges in bbs, slight pulling feeling in lower ab, grumpy, cp is high and soft, still super queasy... It won't go away. Was worse when I walked by the raw meat in the grocery store. The thought of raw meat or even seeing it makes me cringe atm. Hmmmmm.... Trying not to psych myself up in case the witch comes though.

8 dpo - feeling fine for the most part atm, been a bit dizzy and very slightly queasy but that's it so far. My animals are oddly affectionate lately too... Kitty always wants to curl up and knead on my tummy (which he doesn't normally do), but he did that when I had my mc too.

9 dpo - woke up this morning with full on nausea (more than just queasiness), holy crap the sore bbs!... and hot flashes. Nausea is starting to subside a bit now (an hour later). I'm fighting the urge to test early! I am finally getting those "I have to be pregnant" feelings, let's hope I am right! CP is quite high and soft.

10 dpo - hot and cold flashes, still nauseous, upper dizzy/lightheaded, bbs still achy, sooo hungry in the pm, and super tired (had a long nap at 7pm). Got hit with it all today! Tried to resist the urge to test yesterday (9 dpo) but failed and got a bfn yesterday but it wasn't fmu and is still too early, I know. Last time I didn't get a bfp till 16 dpo, so I will test again Saturday (when AF is due). Cp is still high and soft today with watery cm

11 dpo - slight cramping in pm, a bit of nausea on and off, super tired again, sore bbs. Cp is high and soft still with watery cm. V fel a bit swollen too.... I also noticed a bump on my cervix and freaked/stressed out a bit but then remembered that a year ago when I went for my pap, my doc said I had a polyp on it and it was nothing to worry about. Might ask about it again at my next physical in a few months or if I get preggo.

12 dpo - still super tired, boobs feel like they are bruised all over, crazy emotional (cried over the dumbest video today), had some random shooting pains in my left side this morning. Took a test and got a bfn, but I thought it looked like maybe the slightest line I had ever seen, like dani, I think I am getting line eye. Lol.

The weird shooting pains didn't feel like AF cramps though and CP is high and soft, cm is stretchy and ew. Fx the witch doesn't come! AF due Sat
Hey Ladies!! New Member Here! :D
so I've been feeling some symptoms and I hope the BFP finally happens !

O' day: light cramps and white creamy CM
1DPO: White thick creamy CM (it only happens on the day I Ovulate then it goes away on this day)
2DPO: White creamy/lotion CM
3-4DPO: White Creamy/lotion CM, very emotional, gassy, very hungry, sore nipples (I've never ever had this before :D ) , both breast tender from the sides, AF like cramps & Cold/Hot Flashes

I know this may be too early for it to be pregnancy symptoms, but I don't know anything i'm not a mother yet lol. but i'ma keep updating see if this time me & hubby get lucky ! :)
Oh wow fingers crossed for you, when r u testing again? X

Thank you. I tested again this afternoon and swore I saw something but it's so ridiculously faint. Feel like i'm seeing things! Ordered some FRERs x

FX for you Ninja x
Alright, I'm back in for round 6 of ttc! Me and hubby only got one good bd in my fertile window, but it only takes one time right? So hopefully we get lucky this time around :shrug:

Oday: Mild cramps, ewcm, temp dip, very light pink spotting

1dpo: Terrible nightmares last night/restless sleep, creamy cm, feeling kinda meh...:gun: I also feel like I'm out already, I know I should be positive but I feel like my odds are not great this month...

2dpo: Slept like a baby!:sleep: Creamy cm with pink spotting

3dpo: slept ok... woke up around 4am and could not get back to sleep, creamy cm with lighter pink spotting, cervix is high and feels tilted?

4dpo: Slept great! No more spotting, watery cm (which I never get) cervix is high and closed...

5-6dpo: No real symptoms to report...

7dpo: Some mild cramps off and on... Temp dip :huh:

8dpo: Weird dreams, still some mild cramps off and on, another temp dip... Probably out for this cycle :nope: While checking cp in the afternoon I noticed some slight pink creamy cm... so bummed, af may just come a day early this month...

9dpo: Light pink spotting, strange dreams, irritable/emotional

10dpo: More pink spotting :growlmad: Temp rise... Af due tomorrow, so will probably be turning this red.

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