Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.

5 dpo: creamy cm, occassional slight aches in lower abdomen again. Spot eruption.

6 dpo: creamy cm, bit stretchier than before, mild cramps again. Bowels bit loose, feeling quite tired today. Sore nips. Checked my cp which I never normally do, it was high hard and closed, but as I've never checked it before I'm not sure if that's normal for this time in cycle.

Dpo 7: creamy cm but not as much today. Tender nips, big appetite and crampy lower abdomen again.

Dpo 8: cm sticky today, and quite sparse. Boobs sore at sides, left side is worse. Still got the dull cramps in lower abdomen. Mild headache and lethargic. Feel a bit cranky today, hoping it's not pmt.

9 dpo: small amount of sticky cm. Feeling a bit bloated and still cranky 😠. Nips not really sore anymore. Breasts only a tiny bit tender. Feeling like I'm out already....


Hello everyone! Techinically we are WTT, but I'm thinking we may have had a little slip up this month, which neither of us would be really upset about. Baby news is always good news!

Anyways, I tend to symptom spot like crazy and I love the idea of this thread, I just need to get it out there and I think I'll feel a little better, sharing my obsession with other people waiting to find out as well, especially since I don't really have anyone else to tell right now! So, here goes:

CD14 - Ovulation, I always get strong pains mid cycle so I am 99% sure this is when I ovulated.

1 DPO - 3 DPO - tender breasts, which is fairly normal PMS, gassy, which is normal but not usually this early, and some mild constipation, which is not normal

4 DPO - Felt like crap! tummy ache, mild nausea, loose BM (Sorry, tmi)

5/6 DPO - back to gassy and constipated. Breasts still tender

7 DPO - tender breasts, gassy, constipated. In the evening had short but strong back aches twice. Never had back aches before. Whenever I get bad cramps it's always in the front and just (as in an hour)before my period starts.

8 DPO - Mild, infrequent, dull cramps/aches in uterus, not really out of the ordinary, but noticing because of back ache last night. Tender breasts, gassy, constipated. Very Thirsty!! mouth/throat felt really dry and I could not get enough to drink.

9 DPO - Woke up and immediately thought "i'm pregnant" my uterus just felt like it was full, my whole lower abdomen really felt kind of like there was just extra in there. Mild backache every now and then thru the day, was moody, had a couple headaches which is also not norml for my pms. I never get PMS headaches. still constipated, breasts are tender and feel firmer. Was extra tired today, could have left work early and napped all afternoon.

10 DPO - woke up and immediately thought "nope, not pregnant" haha. Breasts didn't feel tender until couple hours later, but definitely noticed them at work, they seem swollen, too. My lunch (something I've had a million times) tasted different/gross to me, but couldn't quite say why. Exhausted again. In the evening I felt 'blah' A mild upset stomach, not quite nausea but getting there. Seem to be peeing more often.

11 DPO - Woke up feeling normal again. Breast tenderness and swelling still there. Feel like I'm peeing alot, and when I need to pee I need to pee NOW. mild back aches now and then, mild dull cramping. Stomach can't decide what it feels like. Sort of the mild back-of-the-throat nausea, know what I mean?
I did take a FRER today with FMU, BFN but I'm not convinced yet, I'll test again in a couple days, but won't be satisfied with any BFN until AF.

Another BFN in the evening with dollar store test. (Couldn't help myself!)

12 DPO - Tender breasts, cramps. BFN with FMU on a dollar store test, super emotional today. Sad and then angry for silly things. Mild tummy ache after eating. Super exhausted in the afternoon even though I slept like 11 hours last night! Heart was pounding anytime I had to go up or down stairs. In the evening cramps started to feel more like AF, but still mild compared to normal.

13 DPO- Woke up early for a couple minutes and felt a *little* sick, but nothing major. When I actually got up later I felt like my boobs got so big! Actually, the left seems to be getting bigger but not the right. Go figure. All other symptoms are the same. More headaches today. Cramping is not very often anymore. Another :BFN: because I can't help myself

I know I'm testing kind of early but the negatives have me doubting everything, at least in the mornings now because in the mornings I tend to feel almost completely normal :P when I get sooo sleepy in the afternoons, that's about all that gives me hope now.

Ahhh over-obsessing! Wish I could just forget about it until Wednesday when AF is late. Time seems to just craaawwwlll!

updated 12 DPO and added 13 DPO (Today)

I keep getting negatives but this month just seems so different to me. Usually my breasts are a little tender, never swollen, and there's just a couple days of twingy cramps a week before I'm due. Plus having small bouts of (very mild) nausea has my hopes up.

Howww how how how do you stop yourself from testing? I've been testing every morning and keep getting disappointed. Then the rest of the day is agony just waiting for my next FMU! lol I'm going to tryyy to wait until tuesday, when AF is due. Any tips are appreciated!

I've been home alone the past three days, all day, that probably doesn't help.
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

6 dpo - twinges in bbs (they're achy but not as sore as they were in dec when I got bfp, which leaves me questioning myself), bloated, random periods of queasiness, and super emotional/tired.

7 dpo - more random twinges in bbs, slight pulling feeling in lower ab, grumpy, co is high and soft, still super queasy... It won't go away. Was worse when I walked by the raw meat in the grocery store. The thought of raw meat or even seeing it makes me cringe atm. Hmmmmm.... Trying not to psych myself up in case the witch comes though.
Oh neat! JOINING!

MY ticker says 2 days past ovulation. BUT I think I ovulated a day later than what it was expecting!

CD17-1DPO: (02-26-2015)
Watery CM
Drop in appetite
Drop in temp
RUNNY nose this am! Like a faucet!

Lots of watery CM
At one point it was creamy
ALSO there was like chunks. Similar to mucus plug.
Raised temp

Woke up to lots of creamy CM
Temp raised again
Increased appetite for breakfast! SO HUNGRY!
Sore throat
Hungry all day
Creamy/Sticky Cm kept up all day as well
About to have a nap... But I like to do that now and then... Don't know if its a sign or just me needing a nap! Haha
Usually I nap for 30 minutes... I napped for three hours.
Loose stool since O
Peeing lots today

CD-20 4DPO
Felt heaviness/ bit of pressure around the uterus
Felt twinges... Kinda all over including the cervix.
Diarrhea like insane at one point in the day.

Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.

Not sure what to do now should I count the weird spotting as my af or do I continue aand see if next af shows ?
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.

Not sure what to do now should I count the weird spotting as my af or do I continue aand see if next af shows ?

Sorry about your bfn. Cd1 should be counted as the first day of fresh red blood, which is enough to make you wear a pad/tampon. Xx
Mineral- Did you have confirmed ovulation with an opk?
If not, the spotting could be a sign that you didn't ovulate this cycle. If that is the case, then I personally would count the spotting as a new cycle as you will likely have another chance to ovulate after that, BUT the dates will be off. So I recommend starting with on opk in the afternoon each day and as the line starts to get darker increase it to 2-3 per day.
Wandfo sells them for cheap on so you can get some there :)
Sorry about the bfn, but don't be discouraged! It WILL happen!!
I think I'm out ladies. Still no AF and another BFN. Damn PCOS. after 10 years of tring and 1 miscarriage I told hubby today any sex is going to be for enjoyment purposes only. Good luck everyone.
Pretty sure AF turned up or its a chemical! Passing clots which aren't exactly small in size and I bleed so light each cycle and always have done so this is not right for me! :( onto the next. Good luck ladies fingers are crossed for you all x
Hi, I'm spotting on 3dpo and wondering why? Do you normally spot this soon after you od?

Day 5dpo- had thick creamy cm, still majorly sode nipples and now shooting pains in boobs, particularly the left, dull back ache and mild cramping, quite gassy, keep having waves of nausea more in the morning!
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

6 dpo - twinges in bbs (they're achy but not as sore as they were in dec when I got bfp, which leaves me questioning myself), bloated, random periods of queasiness, and super emotional/tired.

7 dpo - more random twinges in bbs, slight pulling feeling in lower ab, grumpy, cp is high and soft, still super queasy... It won't go away. Was worse when I walked by the raw meat in the grocery store. The thought of raw meat or even seeing it makes me cringe atm. Hmmmmm.... Trying not to psych myself up in case the witch comes though.

8 dpo - feeling fine for the most part atm, been a bit dizzy and very slightly queasy but that's it so far. My animals are oddly affectionate lately too... Kitty always wants to curl up and knead on my tummy (which he doesn't normally do), but he did that when I had my mc too.
The dreaded TWW!! Best of luck to you all :-)

I ovulated 18th feb.

1-4dpo from day after ovulation I had increasing breast tenderness to sides and tops, normally only get couple days before AF. No other symtoms.

5dpo - spotting, extreme breast tenderness, cramps, craving salty foods.
CP - high closed soft, CM sticky.

6dpo - bad mood!!! Very grumpy all day and irritable (I don't suffer with Pmt so unusual) sore Bbs, constipation, tired!
CP- high soft closed. CM sticky.

7dpo - clear skin (normally start breaking out by now), dry skin around lips and nose. Really sore Bbs with spider veins around nipples, poor sleep, indigestion, frequent urge to pee.
CP - high closed and soft CM - creamy white thick

8dpo - lower back ache, breast seem less tender....thinking I'm out?
CP- high closed squishy CM - thick White creamy

9dpo - low symtoms....really do think I'm out :-(

10dpo BFN
Sore breasts around nipples return, really tired, craving red meat and salt!
CP- high closed soft CM - thick White creamy

AF due Wednesday 4th March, feeling I'm out already but first time recording CP and CM daily to compare to previous month.
Best of luck to you all x
14 DPO update: only symptoms are tender breasts, tired and moody. Starting to think I'm out. :( just want AF to show up so I can quit my POAS obsession.
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.loads of white creamy cm ebough to have to wear a liner Tingle Iin nipples and nipples darker in colour.
Cd35 ewcm is it possible I could be only just ovulating now ? Light cramping.

Is it possible to ovulate this late ? Has anyone else experienced this ? .... I hope its not hubby's away at work for a week so havnt and cant dtd :( boooo x
Mineral- Did you have confirmed ovulation with an opk?
If not, the spotting could be a sign that you didn't ovulate this cycle. If that is the case, then I personally would count the spotting as a new cycle as you will likely have another chance to ovulate after that, BUT the dates will be off. So I recommend starting with on opk in the afternoon each day and as the line starts to get darker increase it to 2-3 per day.
Wandfo sells them for cheap on so you can get some there :)
Sorry about the bfn, but don't be discouraged! It WILL happen!!

Hi thanks for your advise I think im ovulating today ewcm I use to use opks but after over a year of trying we decided to stop using them as I was getting so obsessed and becoming a bit of a crazy lady so we dont do opk cervix checking or temps anymore but I may start using just opks again if my cycles are gunna be allover the place again :) x
Mineral- Did you have confirmed ovulation with an opk?
If not, the spotting could be a sign that you didn't ovulate this cycle. If that is the case, then I personally would count the spotting as a new cycle as you will likely have another chance to ovulate after that, BUT the dates will be off. So I recommend starting with on opk in the afternoon each day and as the line starts to get darker increase it to 2-3 per day.
Wandfo sells them for cheap on so you can get some there :)
Sorry about the bfn, but don't be discouraged! It WILL happen!!

Hi thanks for your advise I think im ovulating today ewcm I use to use opks but after over a year of trying we decided to stop using them as I was getting so obsessed and becoming a bit of a crazy lady so we dont do opk cervix checking or temps anymore but I may start using just opks again if my cycles are gunna be allover the place again :) x
Hi, I'm spotting on 3dpo and wondering why? Do you normally spot this soon after you od?

Day 5dpo- had thick creamy cm, still majorly sode nipples and now shooting pains in boobs, particularly the left, dull back ache and mild cramping, quite gassy, keep having waves of nausea more in the morning!

6dpo- had sharp pains down my left side and dull cramp all
Morning! My boobs are feeling bruised and heavy now too
I took my bbt vaginally, I O'd late, and I had a cold basically the whole time

CD10 - BD (pull out method), watery cm, cervix low/ med /med closed, acne, bloat, cramps
CD11 - 97.44
CD12 - 97.56, cervix med/med soft/med, watery cm, pelvic pain, vaginal pain, app increase
CD13 - 97.11, med/med soft/med open, horrible back pain, indigestion/heartburn, creamy watery cm, very fatigue, nauseous after I ate, starving at 6am, BD legs raised 45 mins, right ovary pain
CD14 - 97.44, high/firm/open, right ovary pain, backache, very watery cm, swollen gums
CD15 - 97.42, high/soft/open, sticky cm/EWCM, BD raised 45 mins
CD16 - 97.71, high/med firm/med open, watery cm, BD raised hr, dry lips, nausea at night
CD17 - 97.38, dry lips, watery cm, high/soft/open
CD18 - 97.38, soft/very high/open/watery cm, blue veins breasts, bigger areolas, nipples more erect, ovulation pains in middle, emotional (teary-eyed)
CD19 - 97.64, med soft/med/open/watery cm, BD raised hr, emotional
CD20 - 97.51, med/med/med, super watery cm, vaginal shooting pains, pelvic pressure during the pains, gassy, bloated, emotional, FF says today is O

CD21(1dpo) - 97.89, high/med firm/med open, vivid dream, almost milky watery cm, smelled blood, still have chapped lips, frequent urination without drinking anything, pelvic pressure, BD raised 40mins, bad stomach cramps after bd

CD22 (2dpo) - 98.47, med/firm/med closed, watery milky cm, very gassy, vaginal pain, frequent urination, bloated

CD23 (3dpo) - 98.49, low/soft/closed, tons of creamy lotion white cm, slept in...very fatigue, bloated, later in the day had white stretchy cm almost ewcm, AF cramps and started getting a cold (couch, wheezing, runny/stuff nose) at 11pm

CD24 (4dpo) - 98.25, med/med firm/closed, creamy cm, still have a cold, headache, bloated, pressure/shooting pain by rectum (could be because my tilted uterus) lasted about 5 mins, breast twinges, brown cm spot

CD25 (5dpo) - 98.49, high/firm/closed, lotion/clotted cm, runny rose, slight headache, bloated, lightheaded all day, ate 1/4 pineapple core (started late), brown cm spot, pelvic pain, ewcm at night, nips sticking out and bigger areolas from now on

CD26 (6dpo) - woke up for 30 mins during sleep 98.28, clumpy creamy cm, shooting pain in lower abdomen, very fatigue took a 4hr nap pineapple core, painless hemorrhoids during bowel movement (they're only painless when I'm pregnant), shooting stomach pains, mild AF cramps and lower back pain, negative walmart cheapie

CD26 (7dpo) - 98.22, creamy/sticky cm, high/med firm/closed, swollen inside v, pineapple core, pelvic twinges, headache, runny/stuffy nose, negative FRER, took a 4 hr nap again, cried on a 2 min video of labor lol

CD27 (8dpo) - 98.79 temp spike (pos. implantation spike), lotiony/sticky cm with light brown spot once, high/med/closed, swollen vag walls, woke up hr early with hot flashes, crazy acne breakout on face (I always have a clear face), out of breath, full quick, gassy, emotional, very fatigue (yawned the whole day) I JUST FEEL PREGNANT! Trouble sleeping during night

CD28 (9dpo) - 98.60, med/med soft/closed [cervix is getting lower and softer], hot flashes waking up, starving at 6 am, VFP Answer hpt, acne, milky/clumpy cm with brown tint once, very swollen & squishy vag wall, mild AF cramps, randomly smelled tuna, fullness and pain lower abdomen, hurts when I lay on belly, sharp shooting pain radiating from vagina BFP on Walmart cheapie at 11pm!!!! Ewcm at night

CD28 (10dpo) - 98.40, low&soft in the a.m and med/med/closed in afternoon, creamy/clotted cm with ewcm, faint BFP on FRER! very heavy lower abdomen, bloated, swollen vaginal walls, frequent urination, frequent urination, acne, fatigue, shooting stomach twinges

CD28 (11dpo) - 98.45, low/soft/closed, clear BFP on Answer FMU, darker BFP on Walmart cheapie P.M., ewcm, sick with cold and cough, extremely dry mouth, mild AF cramps with dull lower back pain, headaches, bloated, lower pressure, sore throat, fatigue, acne, frequent urination

CD28 (12dpo) - 98.47, frequent urination, still really sick, pelvic pain, headache, low/med/closed

CD29 (13dpo) - 98.96, frequent urination, sick, dark BFP on First Signal!!

CD31 (15dpo) - Super dark BFP on Answer...second came up before the control!

One big clue was my leg hairs don't grow when I'm pregnant and I noticed they stopped a week before my bfp :)
Is it possible to ovulate this late ? Has anyone else experienced this ? .... I hope its not hubby's away at work for a week so havnt and cant dtd :( boooo x

I had ewcm throughout my whole 2ww. Its very possible to have it after ovulation
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

6 dpo - twinges in bbs (they're achy but not as sore as they were in dec when I got bfp, which leaves me questioning myself), bloated, random periods of queasiness, and super emotional/tired.

7 dpo - more random twinges in bbs, slight pulling feeling in lower ab, grumpy, cp is high and soft, still super queasy... It won't go away. Was worse when I walked by the raw meat in the grocery store. The thought of raw meat or even seeing it makes me cringe atm. Hmmmmm.... Trying not to psych myself up in case the witch comes though.

8 dpo - feeling fine for the most part atm, been a bit dizzy and very slightly queasy but that's it so far. My animals are oddly affectionate lately too... Kitty always wants to curl up and knead on my tummy (which he doesn't normally do), but he did that when I had my mc too.

9 dpo - woke up this morning with full on nausea (more than just queasiness), holy crap the sore bbs!... and hot flashes. Nausea is starting to subside a bit now (an hour later). I'm fighting the urge to test early! I am finally getting those "I have to be pregnant" feelings, let's hope I am right! CP is quite high and soft.

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monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2"