Hello everyone! Techinically we are WTT, but I'm thinking we may have had a little slip up this month, which neither of us would be really upset about. Baby news is always good news!
Anyways, I tend to symptom spot like crazy and I love the idea of this thread, I just need to get it out there and I think I'll feel a little better, sharing my obsession with other people waiting to find out as well, especially since I don't really have anyone else to tell right now! So, here goes:
CD14 - Ovulation, I always get strong pains mid cycle so I am 99% sure this is when I ovulated.
1 DPO - 3 DPO - tender breasts, which is fairly normal PMS, gassy, which is normal but not usually this early, and some mild constipation, which is not normal
4 DPO - Felt like crap! tummy ache, mild nausea, loose BM (Sorry, tmi)
5/6 DPO - back to gassy and constipated. Breasts still tender
7 DPO - tender breasts, gassy, constipated. In the evening had short but strong back aches twice. Never had back aches before. Whenever I get bad cramps it's always in the front and just (as in an hour)before my period starts.
8 DPO - Mild, infrequent, dull cramps/aches in uterus, not really out of the ordinary, but noticing because of back ache last night. Tender breasts, gassy, constipated. Very Thirsty!! mouth/throat felt really dry and I could not get enough to drink.
9 DPO - Woke up and immediately thought "i'm pregnant" my uterus just felt like it was full, my whole lower abdomen really felt kind of like there was just extra in there. Mild backache every now and then thru the day, was moody, had a couple headaches which is also not norml for my pms. I never get PMS headaches. still constipated, breasts are tender and feel firmer. Was extra tired today, could have left work early and napped all afternoon.
10 DPO - woke up and immediately thought "nope, not pregnant" haha. Breasts didn't feel tender until couple hours later, but definitely noticed them at work, they seem swollen, too. My lunch (something I've had a million times) tasted different/gross to me, but couldn't quite say why. Exhausted again. In the evening I felt 'blah' A mild upset stomach, not quite nausea but getting there. Seem to be peeing more often.
11 DPO - Woke up feeling normal again. Breast tenderness and swelling still there. Feel like I'm peeing alot, and when I need to pee I need to pee NOW. mild back aches now and then, mild dull cramping. Stomach can't decide what it feels like. Sort of the mild back-of-the-throat nausea, know what I mean?
I did take a FRER today with FMU, BFN but I'm not convinced yet, I'll test again in a couple days, but won't be satisfied with any BFN until AF.
Another BFN in the evening with dollar store test. (Couldn't help myself!)
12 DPO - Tender breasts, cramps. BFN with FMU on a dollar store test, super emotional today. Sad and then angry for silly things. Mild tummy ache after eating. Super exhausted in the afternoon even though I slept like 11 hours last night! Heart was pounding anytime I had to go up or down stairs. In the evening cramps started to feel more like AF, but still mild compared to normal.
13 DPO- Woke up early for a couple minutes and felt a *little* sick, but nothing major. When I actually got up later I felt like my boobs got so big! Actually, the left seems to be getting bigger but not the right. Go figure. All other symptoms are the same. More headaches today. Cramping is not very often anymore. Another :BFN: because I can't help myself
I know I'm testing kind of early but the negatives have me doubting everything, at least in the mornings now because in the mornings I tend to feel almost completely normal

when I get sooo sleepy in the afternoons, that's about all that gives me hope now.
Ahhh over-obsessing! Wish I could just forget about it until Wednesday when AF is late. Time seems to just craaawwwlll!