Ok onto cycle #7, so today I got my crosshairs on ff, so I shall start logging symptoms again.
1-2 dpo: nothing of note. Dtd both these days.
3 dpo: ff gave crosshairs today. Slight cramping this morning, more to lower left side. Tender nips (usual for post ov). Bit of heartburn after dinner.
4 dpo: very lightly pink tinged creamy/lotiony discharge. Seriously heightened sense of smell today.
5 dpo: not much cm at all today. Symptoms of infection seem to have subsided. Woke up quite sniffly this morning, but could be last of a mild cold I had. No real other symptoms to note.
6 dpo: temp shot up this morning. Not much cm today either, what there is is stickyish. Bit of a full feeling in lower abdomen. Nips still tender/sore.
7 dpo: nips not so sore today. Awoke with headache. Really bad mood today. Mild cramps in eve. Cm sticky, not much of it.
8 dpo: Foul mood again. Very slight nausea late this afternoon. armpits/side of breast slightly sore.
9 dpo: short while after getting up started feeling nauseous again. Also been sneezing randomly, have been for a few days. Brief spell of mild cramps. Cm still pretty non existent. I caved and tested, BFN

. I know it's still early but I kind of feel like I would have got a positive if I was. Won't test again, unless AF is late.
10 dpo: had a glob of almost clear and stretchy cm earlier. Bad headache this afternoon and extreme nausea, felt so bad have taken myself to bed. I also have chronic burps, which makes me think it's a bug 😷. Nips tender.