Hey guys! Just some background info. My DH and I have been TTC for 2 cycles now, and I have become OBSESSED with symptom boards. This is my first post ever though!
I'm currently in my TWW in attempt #2. My cycles are also super long (37 days).
I should also note I've been having some constant weird cramping/pressure in my right side for the past couple months. I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see what the problem is. My doc thinks it's most likely fibroid pain. But nonetheless, it makes it difficult to feel for twinges, pulling and the like!
Anyway, here are my symptoms.
1 DPO: Nothing out of the ordinary!
2 DPO: Nipples hurt! I rarely get sore breasts or nipples so I noticed this immediately. Watery CM
3 DPO: Nipples still hurt, gassy
4 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
5 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
6 DPO: Sore nipples, weird cramps in lower tummy
7 DPO: Sore nipples, pain just below belly button that lasted a couple hours. Noticed creamy CM.
8 DPO: Nipples less sore, but sore boobs close to armpits. Woke up nauseous and with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Headache and tired! Lotion CM.
Going to wait until 10 DPO to do a HPT. Fx!
Update guys!
9 DPO: I did a FRER HPT this morning and saw a BFN.But it's still early! My boobs hurt so much last night, I had to sleep on my back. Also feeling a little crampy and I don't know. I feel off. I'm going to test again at 11 DPO.
Update #2!
Ahhh, I'm freaking out guys and I don't know what to do!!
10 DPO: Cracked again and used my second FRER HPT. BFN again. Got mad at myself for testing early. Had some cramping and pinching, but very similar to AF cramps.
11 DPO (today): Decided to test again because I just feel weird. Used an Exact generic brand test (not early detection) not expecting to see anything, but saw a SUPER RIDICULOUSLY faint line. Had to squint and hold it up to window light to see it. Now I'm questioning I saw anything. I kept the test and checked it a few hours later, and now there is a darker blue line, but I think that's an evap. Going to be strong and try another test tomorrow morning.
Any recommendations on which brand I should try???
UPDATE: 12 DPO - Guys, it's 5:30 in the morning, I just took a Life brand digital test so I wouldn't have to line read. And guess what. BFP!!!. I am in complete shock. I was starting this think I was out this month, as for the last 2 days or so, my "symptoms" have gone away a lot. My boobs are even sore right now. HOWEVER, I knew from early after ovulation when my nipples were hurting that something was up.
Please. everyone on here that is thinking, and hoping and watching every symptom, NEVER give up hope!