Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

zyara1981 - until AF comes - you are still in the running (of becoming Americas next Supermodel :lo:) Test again in the evening with a cheapie! :)

I am 4dpo. VERY tired all the time (falling asleep at 9pm) and crampy all the time. I know those symptoms are impossible as there is no implantation yet.... hmmmm
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :winkwink: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days :shrug: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :flower:
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

Also, my hubby has been telling me that I am really warm when I sleep (usually I am an ice queen!)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!
Congrats prayfully I will be turning my thread green next week on Mother's Day :happydance:
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!

Wow!!! Congrats!! So happy for you, praying for a sticky bean for you!!!
Hello ladies. My name is Dana and I'm on my 11th cycle trying for #2. Here are my symptoms so far.

1dpo - Erect nipples (usually they are inverted)
2dpo - Woke up with mild headache and it lasted all day. Felt flutter like fuzzy feelings in my stomach almost constantly. Erect or flat nipples (not inverted)
3dpo - vivid dream. Feel flutter like fuzzy feelings in my stomach almost constantly and mild nauseous. Erect or flat nipples (not inverted)

Good luck to everyone! :thumbup:
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :winkwink: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days :shrug: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :flower:
I have no idea either how to temp or check cervix however I ordered a book that almost everyone TTC recommends which is call taking charge of your fertility from Toni Weschler. I haven't got it yet but I guess will be a good help.. How you feeling today? Any new symptoms?? I'm praying we both get to see our BFP soon girl!!
Hello ladies!!

Here are my symptoms by DPO

0DPO triggered with Novarel the day before, EWCM, got IUI done, lots of cramping and some spotting in the afternoon which my nurse warn me since is common after IUI. Bedded tonight.
1DPO I'm feeling good, maybe some sore BB but so far is all good, bedded tonight
2DPO Nada, just feeling tired
3DPO cramping just same as if I'm on AF but stronger. My lower back hurts and my BB feel so sore plus I'm tired. Lots of EWCM
4DPO Same as yesterday, feeling also some twinges in both ovaries. Tired, sleeping a lot but I don't feel rested.
5DPO cramping still there but less painful. Watery CM, tired and hungry. Craving Mexican food. I know it might be my trigger shot but still feeling hopeful, had trigger shot the past 6 cycles and never felt like this before. Tested to see if the shot was still on my system and got a +HPT
6DPO cramping comes and goes during the day. Feeling tired and hungry all day. Tested trigger shot, still +HPT
7DPO BB little sore, craving mexican food again. Sleepy, heartburn at night +HPT still
8DPO BB soreness is almost gone. Still sleepy. Cramps are gone, heartburn attacks back at night.msneezing a lot in the morning. Very faint +HPT
9DPO I feel normal today, trying to feel cramps or sore BB but nothing!! Staring to feel out this month. Tested today again and trigger shot is still there but got faintest of lines so it might be gone by tomorrow. That means if I get any other +HPT it will be the real thing
10 DPO Tested in themorning and the test is negative. I was kind of hoping that I was going to get a stronger line meaning I am pregnant but nothing. Started to feel discouraged. Feeling cramps again but more in my uterus. Back ache is back and my BB are not really sore unless I poke them but they look strange. Also I have small pimples in my chest and a couple on my aereolas which is weird. I wonder is AF is on her way early since it should show by May 2nd. I still feel wet CM which has been watery since 3-4DPO.
11 DPO cramping is almost gone same with back ache. Had some discomfort on my pelvic area and some light nausea. Breast still little sore but very mild. Yesterday was cramping very bad in the afternoon and having back pain as if I started AF but no signs of her. Feeling so hopeful this cycle!! Praying for all of us to get our BFP this month!!!

12 DPO tested this morning with FMU and it was a BFN, I was really hoping to see something since yesterday morning I tested and I saw a very very faint line however in the afternoon tested again after holding it for 4 hours and it was a negative but I was hopeful it was because I drank too much water... I tested with a dollar store test and in was BFN so I decided to get one of my FRERs I keep for last and it was also a BFN so I am kind of losing hope here. This morning the cramping was totally gone and my BB were still mild sore, for the rest of the day I experienced sore breast and soreness on my pelvic area and hips, kind of cramps but mild very very mild. Back ache is gone or at least it don't bother me much that I do not notice pain. Came home at 6 and had to go straight to WC since I had diarrhea so maybe my nausea yesterday was a sign of stomach issues and nothing more. I am expecting AF to have an entrance by Friday since usually you get AF 14 to 15 days after the shot so who knows. I am probably gonna wait till AF is due to test again. I feel very discouraged. We been trying for over 2 years and I never seen a BFP test except when I tested the trigger out which has been the last 2 cycles. I have been sleepy the past few days but that is because I don't rest since I am having vivid dreams and I wake up too early craving to POAS hoping for a BFP. At least I know I am not alone in the world and there is more ladies dealing with the same. I wish I could have a magic wand and make us all pregnant hehehehe...
Any updates with you ladies?
13 DPO Woke up with sore breast again. I actually dreamed I turned my post green which is first time ever I dream anything related to TTC... Did a dollar test with FMU and I could swear there is the faintiest of lines, so faint I have to squint to see it and put light too... So I am not hopeful yet since it could be just my imagination or an evap. Went to work and had pretty much lack of symptoms (except my BB which remain sore) I kept going to WC to double check for AF since is due either today or tomorrow but so far nada. I didn't want to test this afternoon so I'm waiting for tomorrow morning to see if it was or not my imagination lol.. I did check the test I put on the side from this morning and the faint line is still there. I do feel my puvic area kind of sore and my back ache kind of comes and goes every day. I am praying so bad for this to be our month. I never felt this close so I'm scared!! Hope AF stays away!!
Any updates from you ladies??
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :winkwink: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days :shrug: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :flower:
I have no idea either how to temp or check cervix however I ordered a book that almost everyone TTC recommends which is call taking charge of your fertility from Toni Weschler. I haven't got it yet but I guess will be a good help.. How you feeling today? Any new symptoms?? I'm praying we both get to see our BFP soon girl!!

Hey Zyara thanks for responding....sometimes I feel like ive bn left all alone on this thread lol...but anyways thanks for recommending the book, let me know how you like it....I did temp yesterday morning and indeed just like in my dream it was 98.10 :shrug: lol, I checked this morning and it was up a little 98.26.....I have know idea what this means lol.....wish someone could chime in if they know!
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :winkwink: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days :shrug: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU
5 dpo-cramps on left side nothing major....still sore throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose (sinus/allergy like symptoms)...creamy cm....checked my bbt yesterday and this morning, 98.10 and 98.26, does this mean anything :shrug: HELP!!!
Hello ladies!!

Here are my symptoms by DPO

0DPO triggered with Novarel the day before, EWCM, got IUI done, lots of cramping and some spotting in the afternoon which my nurse warn me since is common after IUI. Bedded tonight.
1DPO I'm feeling good, maybe some sore BB but so far is all good, bedded tonight
2DPO Nada, just feeling tired
3DPO cramping just same as if I'm on AF but stronger. My lower back hurts and my BB feel so sore plus I'm tired. Lots of EWCM
4DPO Same as yesterday, feeling also some twinges in both ovaries. Tired, sleeping a lot but I don't feel rested.
5DPO cramping still there but less painful. Watery CM, tired and hungry. Craving Mexican food. I know it might be my trigger shot but still feeling hopeful, had trigger shot the past 6 cycles and never felt like this before. Tested to see if the shot was still on my system and got a +HPT
6DPO cramping comes and goes during the day. Feeling tired and hungry all day. Tested trigger shot, still +HPT
7DPO BB little sore, craving mexican food again. Sleepy, heartburn at night +HPT still
8DPO BB soreness is almost gone. Still sleepy. Cramps are gone, heartburn attacks back at night.msneezing a lot in the morning. Very faint +HPT
9DPO I feel normal today, trying to feel cramps or sore BB but nothing!! Staring to feel out this month. Tested today again and trigger shot is still there but got faintest of lines so it might be gone by tomorrow. That means if I get any other +HPT it will be the real thing
10 DPO Tested in themorning and the test is negative. I was kind of hoping that I was going to get a stronger line meaning I am pregnant but nothing. Started to feel discouraged. Feeling cramps again but more in my uterus. Back ache is back and my BB are not really sore unless I poke them but they look strange. Also I have small pimples in my chest and a couple on my aereolas which is weird. I wonder is AF is on her way early since it should show by May 2nd. I still feel wet CM which has been watery since 3-4DPO.
11 DPO cramping is almost gone same with back ache. Had some discomfort on my pelvic area and some light nausea. Breast still little sore but very mild. Yesterday was cramping very bad in the afternoon and having back pain as if I started AF but no signs of her. Feeling so hopeful this cycle!! Praying for all of us to get our BFP this month!!!

12 DPO tested this morning with FMU and it was a BFN, I was really hoping to see something since yesterday morning I tested and I saw a very very faint line however in the afternoon tested again after holding it for 4 hours and it was a negative but I was hopeful it was because I drank too much water... I tested with a dollar store test and in was BFN so I decided to get one of my FRERs I keep for last and it was also a BFN so I am kind of losing hope here. This morning the cramping was totally gone and my BB were still mild sore, for the rest of the day I experienced sore breast and soreness on my pelvic area and hips, kind of cramps but mild very very mild. Back ache is gone or at least it don't bother me much that I do not notice pain. Came home at 6 and had to go straight to WC since I had diarrhea so maybe my nausea yesterday was a sign of stomach issues and nothing more. I am expecting AF to have an entrance by Friday since usually you get AF 14 to 15 days after the shot so who knows. I am probably gonna wait till AF is due to test again. I feel very discouraged. We been trying for over 2 years and I never seen a BFP test except when I tested the trigger out which has been the last 2 cycles. I have been sleepy the past few days but that is because I don't rest since I am having vivid dreams and I wake up too early craving to POAS hoping for a BFP. At least I know I am not alone in the world and there is more ladies dealing with the same. I wish I could have a magic wand and make us all pregnant hehehehe...
Any updates with you ladies?
13 DPO Woke up with sore breast again. I actually dreamed I turned my post green which is first time ever I dream anything related to TTC... Did a dollar test with FMU and I could swear there is the faintiest of lines, so faint I have to squint to see it and put light too... So I am not hopeful yet since it could be just my imagination or an evap. Went to work and had pretty much lack of symptoms (except my BB which remain sore) I kept going to WC to double check for AF since is due either today or tomorrow but so far nada. I didn't want to test this afternoon so I'm waiting for tomorrow morning to see if it was or not my imagination lol.. I did check the test I put on the side from this morning and the faint line is still there. I do feel my puvic area kind of sore and my back ache kind of comes and goes every day. I am praying so bad for this to be our month. I never felt this close so I'm scared!! Hope AF stays away!!
Any updates from you ladies??
fx crossed for you and im praying really hard for us that this is our month for a :bfp:
I love this thread I want in

1DPO - cramping, bloated
2DPO - cramping, tired
3DPO - cramping, VERY hungry and tired
4DPO - VERY tired all the time (falling asleep at 9pm) and crampy all the time. I know those symptoms are impossible as there is no implantation yet.... hmmmm
5DPO - crampy, dull aches, hungry and runny nose....
Ok so the last time i had sex was April the 20th at night around 10pm, i ovulated on the 25th with positive opk at around 1200pm noon time.... is there a chance i could still get pregnant??? also i have had shooting vag pains like lightning on the 26th and today......any comments are welcome....

OK so i don't know if im 11 dpo or 6 dpo, but here ya go

im gonna go with 6 dpo....

1-3dpo- nothing

4dpo- cramps like pinches, diarrhea, gassy

5dpo - dizzy, nausea, tender breasts, and shooting cramps some really hurt, diarrhea, really hungry, gassy

6dpo - diarrhea, tender breasts, cramps again ugh, hungry again, gassy
Hi everyone!! Tested this morning 14DPO pretty sure is negative so I am guessing the witch will be showing up soon... I still have sore BB and some watery CM and soreness on my pubic area so I lost hope. I'm so sad :(
Hi everyone!! Tested this morning 14DPO pretty sure is negative so I am guessing the witch will be showing up soon... I still have sore BB and some watery CM and soreness on my pubic area so I lost hope. I'm so sad :(

dont be sad you aint out until she shows!!! :hugs:
Hi everyone!! Tested this morning 14DPO pretty sure is negative so I am guessing the witch will be showing up soon... I still have sore BB and some watery CM and soreness on my pubic area so I lost hope. I'm so sad :(

dont be sad you aint out until she shows!!! :hugs:

Thank you for trying to keep the hope. I am just tired that's all, over two years trying and never seen a good outcome. I am literary broke from all medications and doctor appointments plus emotionally TTC took a toll. My heart is broken, I am just way too sad specially because is me the one with issues and not DH.
The witch is probably just around the corner, I know my body and I can feel her staking me so... Anyway good luck to you girls!! I hope to see some green from you soon!!
Hi everyone!! Tested this morning 14DPO pretty sure is negative so I am guessing the witch will be showing up soon... I still have sore BB and some watery CM and soreness on my pubic area so I lost hope. I'm so sad :(

Awwww hunny sending you a huge :hugs: it's not ever over until the ugly witch shows her face :nope:
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

Also, my hubby has been telling me that I am really warm when I sleep (usually I am an ice queen!)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!
Hey SammyBat do you remember if you had tender breast at all
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :winkwink: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :shrug:
5 dpo-cramps on left side nothing major....still sore throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose (sinus/allergy like symptoms)...creamy cm....checked my bbt yesterday and this morning, 98.10 and 98.26, does this mean anything HELP!!! :flower:
6 dpo-mild cramps so yesterday my bbt was 98.26.....this morning at 7 dpo it was 98.23....I am 7 dpo but since today just started I cant really say what my symptoms are.....good luck ladies...praying I get a great Mother's Day gift which would be my :bfp: which would be my New Year's :baby:
Ooh, good thread!! Currently I'm just comparing symptoms to what I had with DD but this is a great idea!

0dpo - increased sex drive
1dpo - increased sex drive
2dpo - nothing
3dpo - anxiety, bloated, gassy, vivid dreams
4dpo - af-style cramping, trapped wind, increased cm
5dpo - diarrhea, decreased appetite, tender breasts, vivid dreams, feeling certain AF will show
6dpo - vivid dreams, nausea, decreased appetite

i will update as the week goes on..

Well I think any symptom spotting I may have been doing is now completely useless as for the last two days I have been down with food poisoning.

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