Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Ok so the last time i had sex was April the 20th at night around 10pm, i ovulated on the 25th with positive opk at around 1200pm noon time.... is there a chance i could still get pregnant??? also i have had shooting vag pains like lightning on the 26th and today......any comments are welcome....

OK so i don't know if im 11 dpo or 6 dpo, but here ya go

im gonna go with 6 dpo....

1-3dpo- nothing

4dpo- cramps like pinches, diarrhea, gassy

5dpo - dizzy, nausea, tender breasts, and shooting cramps some really hurt, diarrhea, really hungry, gassy

6dpo - diarrhea, tender breasts, cramps again ugh, hungry again, gassy

7DPO - woke up kinda nauseated, tender nipples and breasts, still gassy took a dollar store test i think its a BFN. will update more as day ends.
Stalking the thread this month rather than participating and just wanting to send lots of positive vibes to you all. Really hope you all get that BFP.

I'm assuming I didn't O this month. I haven't had sore boobs AT ALL, and that is my sign that I ovulate :shrug:. It's never happened before though so very confused!

Good luck all :flow: xx
Hi! Im 34 and we are trying for number 2. I have a 2.5 year old. This is our second 'official' month of actually bd-ing at the right times!

BD on 'O' day (ovulation test positive) and 2 days later for good measure! thats all though this month

1DPO - left hip pain most of the evening. This then spread across my back, was uncomfy more than anything so much so had to get husband to massage me

4DPO - Spotty! I have good skin and rarely get them so this is a surprise. ONly a few but they are bloody big ones!!

6-7DPO - I tried not to think about it for the few days as it was driving me crazy and I've been wracking my brains trying to remember how I feel leading up to AF so I know whether this is just a normal month or not. But been feeling lower tummy pains, dull...I dont think they are like normal AF but could well be

8DPO since this afternoon ive been struggling with the tummy pains, especially low and on the left side near my hip bone. Sometimes feels like a 'turning over' feeling...not sure how to describe it, like someone's turning a page of a book underneath my skin maybe? Sounds strange! I have an on/off bubbly feeling but I wonder if im imagining this as the logical part of me knows this is a later pregnancy sign, had this at around 15 weeks pregnant so maybe im willing it too much!

Also terribly terribly tired. not unusual I guess, I have a 2 year old!
Nauseous all afternoon. THink im hungry but when I eat I immediately feel that horrible full feeling that you have eaten too much!

Boobs - especially underneath and near my armpits - a tiny bit tender. Sometimes hurt when Im walking about (better bra needed maybe?!) and definitely tender to touch. I usually get sore breasts a day or two before af, which, in my calculations is another 9 days away.

9dpo - woke up just 'feeling it' and couldnt resist the urge to test. of course I got a bfn. Didnt get a bfp until 11/12DPO with my son so I could kick myself for wasting a test!
On and off dull cramps this morning and heavy hard feeling boobs. pain mostly on the side. My son jogged me today and the pain in my breast made me yelp!
Slept this afternoon whilst my son was napping. was exhausted and very unusual for me to nap in the day. but son is unwell so wondering if im coming down with a bug.
Itchy nipples this morning and then this afternoon the odd shooting pain.

All symptoms disappeared for a couple of hours and immediately felt silly for thinking I was preggers! But cramping and loss of appetite again this evening and incredibly thirsty.

10dpo - nauseous all morning and a bit dizzy. Resisted again with testing until I went to pee for the second time this morning and something told me to do it. There wasn't anything for a good 1 minute so I tossed it aside. Got up to flush the loo...and just spied the faintest of faintest lines...Ive posted the pics on the other thread but its sooo faint Im not sure. Will hang on two more days but im pretty sure its my bfp...just turning this been green for now!!!
Hello everyone!!
hope you are all good.
Tested this morning with FMU even when I told myself yesterday I wouldn't lol.. It was a BFN so I am out and just waiting for AF. Being feeling odd this past two days as if AF will show but nothing so far. Hate when she plays around like this... I am 15DPO and 16 days past trigger. I don't get how come AF is so late if usually comes 15 days after my shot.
Any updates from you?
Star, how are you feeling?? Sending you a big hug
To everyone else, hope you get your BFP this month!!
Hello everyone!!
hope you are all good.
Tested this morning with FMU even when I told myself yesterday I wouldn't lol.. It was a BFN so I am out and just waiting for AF. Being feeling odd this past two days as if AF will show but nothing so far. Hate when she plays around like this... I am 15DPO and 16 days past trigger. I don't get how come AF is so late if usually comes 15 days after my shot.
Any updates from you?
Star, how are you feeling?? Sending you a big hug
To everyone else, hope you get your BFP this month!!
DOn't give up until the witch shows her head....Im doing great....feeling positive that I will get my New Years :baby:....I am 7dpo today and still in the running for my :bfp: im pretty sure that the preseed worked....we used all of it hahahha :happydance:...good luck ladies!
Ive STALKED this thread obsessively through my 2ww so I'm so happy to be able to add my BFP 'symptoms'. I have to say if I wasn't TTC I wouldn't of noticed any symptoms at all apart from
the bad cramps and spotting on 10DPO, so if you don't feel pregnant don't worry...I still don't feel pregnant right now! Best of luck to you all!!

Sunday 12/4
Tuesday 14/4
Friday - 17/4 - strechy Ewcm

Suspected O: 17/18 - moody, slight cramp, very watery cm so much my knickers are wet.


1 DPO (19th) Dull cramps, not sure if they from ovulation or if there all in my head. Quiet a lot of creamy cm - (it's not at all strechy though)

2DPO (20th) dull ache all day, cm was dry then watery gush in the evening

3DPO (21st) AM - creamy cm not a lot. Still dull ache feeling like I've done thousands of sit ups.
PM - creamy but watery cm (bm) uterus still aching.
Late PM - less uterus ache, CM sticky.

4DPO (22nd) nothing during the day CM had dried up. Start to notice really thick white cm in the evening (not a lot) . Husband says I'm being moody but I feel like I'm being ok and he's in the wrong! Healthy eating is out of the window, just want to eat junk food!

5DPO (23rd) nothing during the day. Lotion cm after BM, irritated.

6DPO (24th) bloated, itchy and sore down there sorry TMI
Went to bed early, tired - slight back pains

7DPO (25th) Feeling out today :( low backache is still there. Also I've noticed the hair on my arms has stopped growing??? Heartburn which isn't unusual, increased appetite, really moody and emotional - bordering on crazy. Healthy eating has gone out of the window, eating so much rubbish food. Down there as still itchy.

8DPO (26th) - slight breast tenderness near armpits.
Less moody today feel normal! Slight backache. Cm seems more watery

9DPO (27th) - few twinges during the day but probably gas, slight breast tenderness continues, slight nausea in PM gagging - think it's all in my head, already looking towards the next cycle.

10DPO (28th) - BFN - thought there seemed to be a bit more CM. Slight back ache, really bad stomach cramps (like gas pain) in afternoon from 12:30 - 5pm. Slight spotting when I checked later, stabbing pains in womb at night THINK THIS WAS IMPLANTATION

11DPo - nothing :(

12DPO - took FRER test in AM, very very faint line. Slightly more CM, few twinges in abdomen, nipples feel more sensitive. CB digi in PM BFN :(

13DPO -Nothing really, breasts slightly tender when I took my bra off at the end of the day.

14DPO - BFP on FRER!! Woohoo.

Ive STALKED this thread obsessively through my 2ww so I'm so happy to be able to add my BFP 'symptoms'. I have to say if I wasn't TTC I wouldn't of noticed any symptoms at all apart from
the bad cramps and spotting on 10DPO, so if you don't feel pregnant don't worry...I still don't feel pregnant right now! Best of luck to you all!!

Sunday 12/4
Tuesday 14/4
Friday - 17/4 - strechy Ewcm

Suspected O: 17/18 - moody, slight cramp, very watery cm so much my knickers are wet.


1 DPO (19th) Dull cramps, not sure if they from ovulation or if there all in my head. Quiet a lot of creamy cm - (it's not at all strechy though)

2DPO (20th) dull ache all day, cm was dry then watery gush in the evening

3DPO (21st) AM - creamy cm not a lot. Still dull ache feeling like I've done thousands of sit ups.
PM - creamy but watery cm (bm) uterus still aching.
Late PM - less uterus ache, CM sticky.

4DPO (22nd) nothing during the day CM had dried up. Start to notice really thick white cm in the evening (not a lot) . Husband says I'm being moody but I feel like I'm being ok and he's in the wrong! Healthy eating is out of the window, just want to eat junk food!

5DPO (23rd) nothing during the day. Lotion cm after BM, irritated.

6DPO (24th) bloated, itchy and sore down there sorry TMI
Went to bed early, tired - slight back pains

7DPO (25th) Feeling out today :( low backache is still there. Also I've noticed the hair on my arms has stopped growing??? Heartburn which isn't unusual, increased appetite, really moody and emotional - bordering on crazy. Healthy eating has gone out of the window, eating so much rubbish food. Down there as still itchy.

8DPO (26th) - slight breast tenderness near armpits.
Less moody today feel normal! Slight backache. Cm seems more watery

9DPO (27th) - few twinges during the day but probably gas, slight breast tenderness continues, slight nausea in PM gagging - think it's all in my head, already looking towards the next cycle.

10DPO (28th) - BFN - thought there seemed to be a bit more CM. Slight back ache, really bad stomach cramps (like gas pain) in afternoon from 12:30 - 5pm. Slight spotting when I checked later, stabbing pains in womb at night THINK THIS WAS IMPLANTATION

11DPo - nothing :(

12DPO - took FRER test in AM, very very faint line. Slightly more CM, few twinges in abdomen, nipples feel more sensitive. CB digi in PM BFN :(

13DPO -Nothing really, breasts slightly tender when I took my bra off at the end of the day.

14DPO - BFP on FRER!! Wooho

congrats Lilly :happydance:
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :happydance: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :flower:
5 dpo-cramps on left side nothing major....still sore throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose (sinus/allergy like symptoms)...creamy cm....checked my bbt yesterday and this morning, 98.10 and 98.26, does this mean anything HELP!!! :shrug:
6 dpo-mild cramps so yesterday my bbt was 98.26.....this morning at 7 dpo it was 98.23....I am 7 dpo but since today just started I cant really say what my symptoms are.....good luck ladies...praying I get a great Mother's Day gift which would be my which would be my New Year's :baby:
7 dpo-strange pain (doesn't really hurt) low in left ovary....this morning at 8 dpo my temp dropped a little to 97.71 but still a good temp I would assume....someone please chime in!!!!!....also after brushing my teeth had some bleeding after spitting...very vivid dream....feeling very positive :happydance:
Temp dropped this morning... feeling that the witch is right around the corner and maybe coming early
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

Also, my hubby has been telling me that I am really warm when I sleep (usually I am an ice queen!)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!
Hey SammyBat do you remember if you had tender breast at all

I actually never did! Even now I am still not really having tenderness (increase in size though).
I did not do a great job of keeping track day by day, but in case this is helpful for anyone:

Very lucid dreams starting around 3-4 dpo (I actually got nauseous in one dream around 5 dpo)
dpo 4-5 stuffy/tingling nose (like the equivalent of when your stomach drops on a roller coaster)
Very pinpointed cramp (left lower abdomen) that came and went on and off 6-7dpo after a day of some more general cramps
Could not stand the smell of one of my student's permanent markers around 6-7 dpo
Small acne flair up 6 dpo onward
Metallic taste in mouth after eating certain things 5-7 dpo
Cramps (thought for sure AF was coming) 9-11 dpo
Increased fatigue 10 dpo onward
(Negative test - I think - at 10 dpo)

Also, my hubby has been telling me that I am really warm when I sleep (usually I am an ice queen!)

:bfp: this morning at 12 dpo!!
Hey SammyBat do you remember if you had tender breast at all

I actually never did! Even now I am still not really having tenderness (increase in size though).
Ok cool....I think I may get my :bfp: this cycle and I haven't really noticed any major tenderness in my breast...Im really feeling positive :happydance: oh do you know anything about temping

Ok cool....I think I may get my :bfp: this cycle and I haven't really noticed any major tenderness in my breast...Im really feeling positive :happydance: oh do you know anything about temping

Fx for you 5stars!

I did use to temp (I actually just stopped these last two months as I started using OPKs). I generally knew AF was coming when my temp dipped below my cover line (that usually happened 1-2 days before AF). I used to use Fertility Friend to track my temps and my cover line would be calculated automatically. However, even one dip below the cover line doesn't necessarily mean AF is coming - some people get an implantation dip. With my first pregnancy I did not have a triphasic pattern, but some women get a second temp rise after implantation (you mention in one of your posts that you temp went up again). Of course, temps are so variable - time of day you take it (I used to set an alarm to be consistent), what you are sleeping in, temperature of the room, etc.

Does that help? Did you have a particular question?

Ok cool....I think I may get my :bfp: this cycle and I haven't really noticed any major tenderness in my breast...Im really feeling positive :happydance: oh do you know anything about temping

Fx for you 5stars!

I did use to temp (I actually just stopped these last two months as I started using OPKs). I generally knew AF was coming when my temp dipped below my cover line (that usually happened 1-2 days before AF). I used to use Fertility Friend to track my temps and my cover line would be calculated automatically. However, even one dip below the cover line doesn't necessarily mean AF is coming - some people get an implantation dip. With my first pregnancy I did not have a triphasic pattern, but some women get a second temp rise after implantation (you mention in one of your posts that you temp went up again). Of course, temps are so variable - time of day you take it (I used to set an alarm to be consistent), what you are sleeping in, temperature of the room, etc.

Does that help? Did you have a particular question?
Well I was trying to see if I was tracking my temp during my TWW could I track if I was indeed pregnant or not...I use OPK's also so I usually know when I ovulate I was just wondering if tracking during the TWW would tell if I was pregnant!
Ive STALKED this thread obsessively through my 2ww so I'm so happy to be able to add my BFP 'symptoms'. I have to say if I wasn't TTC I wouldn't of noticed any symptoms at all apart from
the bad cramps and spotting on 10DPO, so if you don't feel pregnant don't worry...I still don't feel pregnant right now! Best of luck to you all!!

Sunday 12/4
Tuesday 14/4
Friday - 17/4 - strechy Ewcm

Suspected O: 17/18 - moody, slight cramp, very watery cm so much my knickers are wet.


1 DPO (19th) Dull cramps, not sure if they from ovulation or if there all in my head. Quiet a lot of creamy cm - (it's not at all strechy though)

2DPO (20th) dull ache all day, cm was dry then watery gush in the evening

3DPO (21st) AM - creamy cm not a lot. Still dull ache feeling like I've done thousands of sit ups.
PM - creamy but watery cm (bm) uterus still aching.
Late PM - less uterus ache, CM sticky.

4DPO (22nd) nothing during the day CM had dried up. Start to notice really thick white cm in the evening (not a lot) . Husband says I'm being moody but I feel like I'm being ok and he's in the wrong! Healthy eating is out of the window, just want to eat junk food!

5DPO (23rd) nothing during the day. Lotion cm after BM, irritated.

6DPO (24th) bloated, itchy and sore down there sorry TMI
Went to bed early, tired - slight back pains

7DPO (25th) Feeling out today :( low backache is still there. Also I've noticed the hair on my arms has stopped growing??? Heartburn which isn't unusual, increased appetite, really moody and emotional - bordering on crazy. Healthy eating has gone out of the window, eating so much rubbish food. Down there as still itchy.

8DPO (26th) - slight breast tenderness near armpits.
Less moody today feel normal! Slight backache. Cm seems more watery

9DPO (27th) - few twinges during the day but probably gas, slight breast tenderness continues, slight nausea in PM gagging - think it's all in my head, already looking towards the next cycle.

10DPO (28th) - BFN - thought there seemed to be a bit more CM. Slight back ache, really bad stomach cramps (like gas pain) in afternoon from 12:30 - 5pm. Slight spotting when I checked later, stabbing pains in womb at night THINK THIS WAS IMPLANTATION

11DPo - nothing :(

12DPO - took FRER test in AM, very very faint line. Slightly more CM, few twinges in abdomen, nipples feel more sensitive. CB digi in PM BFN :(

13DPO -Nothing really, breasts slightly tender when I took my bra off at the end of the day.

14DPO - BFP on FRER!! Woohoo.

Congratulations H&H 9 months!!
16DPO and 17 days post trigger and still no AF. I tested again this morning and another BFN so I really have no clue what's going on with my body. So frustrating!! I'm calling my RE tomorrow morning and see what they suggest. My breast is not sore anymore like previous days but if I poke it is still sensitive. I been constipated for the past 3 days and been feeling the usual cramps of AF as if I'm already on my period but no show yet. Today I actually felt so normal and symptomless... I just want this cycle to be over so we can star trying again.
Any news from you ladies??
5starsplus1 I'm really hoping this is your month!! I love the possitive attitude you have!! Hugs for you!!
16DPO and 17 days post trigger and still no AF. I tested again this morning and another BFN so I really have no clue what's going on with my body. So frustrating!! I'm calling my RE tomorrow morning and see what they suggest. My breast is not sore anymore like previous days but if I poke it is still sensitive. I been constipated for the past 3 days and been feeling the usual cramps of AF as if I'm already on my period but no show yet. Today I actually felt so normal and symptomless... I just want this cycle to be over so we can star trying again.
Any news from you ladies??
5starsplus1 I'm really hoping this is your month!! I love the possitive attitude you have!! Hugs for you!!
Thanks Zyara and Im keeping my fx for you.....Hopefully you and I hope can get our New Year's :baby:and everyone else that is in the TWW window :happydance: keep us posted :hugs:
Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we :sex: and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.

(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant :happydance: and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's :baby:
3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue :sleep:
4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU :shrug:
5 dpo-cramps on left side nothing major....still sore throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose (sinus/allergy like symptoms)...creamy cm....checked my bbt yesterday and this morning, 98.10 and 98.26, does this mean anything HELP!!! :flower:
6 dpo-mild cramps so yesterday my bbt was 98.26.....this morning at 7 dpo it was 98.23....I am 7 dpo but since today just started I cant really say what my symptoms are.....good luck ladies...praying I get a great Mother's Day gift which would be my which would be my New Year's :baby:
7 dpo-strange pain (doesn't really hurt) low in left ovary....this morning at 8 dpo my temp dropped a little to 97.71 but still a good temp I would assume....someone please chime in!!!!!....also after brushing my teeth had some bleeding after spitting...very vivid dream....feeling very positive :winkwink:
8 pdo- temp 97.71 creamy cm in undies, dull pain on left ovary and just feeling a little off :wacko:
9 dpo- temp went back up a little 98.10 mild backpain and my lower abs feels like Ive bn doing a lot of crunches...this TWW is starting to feel like a two month wait lol but over all im still feeling positive :thumbup:...good luck ladies...continue to update and turn some threads GREEN :kiss:
Hi! Im 34 and we are trying for number 2. I have a 2.5 year old. This is our second 'official' month of actually bd-ing at the right times!

BD on 'O' day (ovulation test positive) and 2 days later for good measure! thats all though this month

1DPO - left hip pain most of the evening. This then spread across my back, was uncomfy more than anything so much so had to get husband to massage me

4DPO - Spotty! I have good skin and rarely get them so this is a surprise. ONly a few but they are bloody big ones!!

6-7DPO - I tried not to think about it for the few days as it was driving me crazy and I've been wracking my brains trying to remember how I feel leading up to AF so I know whether this is just a normal month or not. But been feeling lower tummy pains, dull...I dont think they are like normal AF but could well be

8DPO since this afternoon ive been struggling with the tummy pains, especially low and on the left side near my hip bone. Sometimes feels like a 'turning over' feeling...not sure how to describe it, like someone's turning a page of a book underneath my skin maybe? Sounds strange! I have an on/off bubbly feeling but I wonder if im imagining this as the logical part of me knows this is a later pregnancy sign, had this at around 15 weeks pregnant so maybe im willing it too much!

Also terribly terribly tired. not unusual I guess, I have a 2 year old!
Nauseous all afternoon. THink im hungry but when I eat I immediately feel that horrible full feeling that you have eaten too much!

Boobs - especially underneath and near my armpits - a tiny bit tender. Sometimes hurt when Im walking about (better bra needed maybe?!) and definitely tender to touch. I usually get sore breasts a day or two before af, which, in my calculations is another 9 days away.

9dpo - woke up just 'feeling it' and couldnt resist the urge to test. of course I got a bfn. Didnt get a bfp until 11/12DPO with my son so I could kick myself for wasting a test!
On and off dull cramps this morning and heavy hard feeling boobs. pain mostly on the side. My son jogged me today and the pain in my breast made me yelp!
Slept this afternoon whilst my son was napping. was exhausted and very unusual for me to nap in the day. but son is unwell so wondering if im coming down with a bug.
Itchy nipples this morning and then this afternoon the odd shooting pain.

All symptoms disappeared for a couple of hours and immediately felt silly for thinking I was preggers! But cramping and loss of appetite again this evening and incredibly thirsty.

10dpo - nauseous all morning and a bit dizzy. Resisted again with testing until I went to pee for the second time this morning and something told me to do it. There wasn't anything for a good 1 minute so I tossed it aside. Got up to flush the loo...and just spied the faintest of faintest lines...Ive posted the pics on the other thread but its sooo faint Im not sure. Will hang on two more days but im pretty sure its my bfp...just turning this been green for now!!!

Im going to congratulate you hun b/c I know ur faint line will turn super dark later today and through the week...happpy for you :happydance:

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