Good morning ladies, Im back for cycle #3....This cycle we tried preseed and we used it everyday we

and I also continued to take Vitex...according to my ovulation calenders and OPKs, I ovulated either Saturday or Sunday....I think it was Saturday which was the 25th so that's what we will go with. We bd on April 19, 21, 23, 24 25, twice on 26 and 27...again we used preseed every single time we bd.
(O) April 25th
1-2 dpo- vivid dream on 1 dpo about me bn 9 weeks pregnant

and nothing else unusual...praying this is our month FX for our New Year's

3 dpo-nothing unusal, just a lot of fatigue

4 dpo-mild cramping, creamy cm ( also had this on 3 dpo) when I checked and a sore throat....vivid dream about me checking my BBT and it was 98.10 for 3 days CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO TEMP AND WHAT TO LOOK FOR PLEASE AND THANK YOU

5 dpo-cramps on left side nothing major....still sore throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose (sinus/allergy like symptoms)...creamy cm....checked my bbt yesterday and this morning, 98.10 and 98.26, does this mean anything HELP!!!

6 dpo-mild cramps so yesterday my bbt was 98.26.....this morning at 7 dpo it was 98.23....I am 7 dpo but since today just started I cant really say what my symptoms are.....good luck ladies...praying I get a great Mother's Day gift which would be my which would be my New Year's

7 dpo-strange pain (doesn't really hurt) low in left ovary....this morning at 8 dpo my temp dropped a little to 97.71 but still a good temp I would assume....someone please chime in!!!!!....also after brushing my teeth had some bleeding after spitting...very vivid dream....feeling very positive

8 pdo- temp 97.71 creamy cm in undies, dull pain on left ovary and just feeling a little off

9 dpo- temp went back up a little 98.10 mild backpain and my lower abs feels like Ive bn doing a lot of crunches...this TWW is starting to feel like a two month wait lol but over all im still feeling positive

...good luck ladies...continue to update and turn some threads GREEN