Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:
The :witch: got my this morning :cry: oh well :shrug: on to the next....good luck ladies!

I am so sorry the witch got you this month, let's keep the hopes up and keep trying!! This month should be the good one!!! :)
Sending you lots of hugs!!

Thanks Zyara....How is everything going with you?

Nothing much. Finished my Femara yesterday and I have a scan on Friday to see if follies are ready for trigger. I won't have an IUI this month probably since I will likely ovulate on the weekend and the clinic is closed so we will be doing TI this cycle which I am ok with. Honestly my hopes are not too high lately but I am planning on keep trying till September then if nothing happens I'll be looking into IVF to see cost and options for finance since I can't afford it to pay in full lol.. Hope I don't have to go that route and that God will bless us soon with a little one.
Yesterday was my dog's 6th birthday and I cooked spaghetti for him since he loves it. He was so happy!!
Are you doing natural cycles or you taking anything for ovulation? How long you been trying? I'm really hoping this month is our month dear friend!!
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:
Wow!! Keep us updated!! Hope this symptoms are leading you to a BFP!!
The :witch: got my this morning :cry: oh well :shrug: on to the next....good luck ladies!

I am so sorry the witch got you this month, let's keep the hopes up and keep trying!! This month should be the good one!!! :)
Sending you lots of hugs!!

Thanks Zyara....How is everything going with you?

Nothing much. Finished my Femara yesterday and I have a scan on Friday to see if follies are ready for trigger. I won't have an IUI this month probably since I will likely ovulate on the weekend and the clinic is closed so we will be doing TI this cycle which I am ok with. Honestly my hopes are not too high lately but I am planning on keep trying till September then if nothing happens I'll be looking into IVF to see cost and options for finance since I can't afford it to pay in full lol.. Hope I don't have to go that route and that God will bless us soon with a little one.
Yesterday was my dog's 6th birthday and I cooked spaghetti for him since he loves it. He was so happy!!
Are you doing natural cycles or you taking anything for ovulation? How long you been trying? I'm really hoping this month is our month dear friend!!

Awww tell ur baby Happy bday :happydance: and yes Im doing everything natural....We have been trying since February of this year...I took the mirena out in November after having it for 6 years...I think that is playing a part in why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. My Dr said it could sometimes take anywhere from 6 months to a year to get pregnant...she stated that sending me to a specialist right now would be a waste of time...I know my BFP is coming real soon so im trying to stay as positive as possible you know! So now im looking forward to my Valentine's Day :baby: :winkwink:...keeping you in my prayers as well my friend that you too will get ur BFP this month in spite of all the obstacles we have had! Keep me posted :hugs:
Cycle: #7
OPK: No, saving them for when I can pinpoint ovulation week more accurately.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 18
0 dpo - sore nipples, watery CM, :sex:
1 dpo - twinging on right side, increased libido, sore nipples, :sex:
2 dpo - increased libido, sore nipples, :sex:
3 dpo - backache, sore nipples, breaking out (ugh zits all over my T-zone!!) :sex: (my libido has been on overdrive the past few days too!! Poor hubby didn't stand a chance.)
4 dpo - nipples not as sore today, slight lower backache
5 dpo - same as previous day
6 dpo - same as previous day (nipples are less sore but still there, backache is not as pronounced, but still there), feeling lightheaded/weakness in the afternoon, feel hot
7dpo - nipples are sensitive on and off (such a weird feeling), it has now been a full week of sore nipples (not breast) and they are always hard (wth?), odd twinges in the lower middle part of my abdomen (not quite cramping), backache is back
8dpo - HOT FLASHES throughout the day, less sore nipples but breasts are a little sore, had a vaccination today so I am also fatigued, ridiculous forgetfulness/absentmindedness :sex:
9dpo - continued absentmindedness, hot flashes continued
10 dpo - a little spotting, no other symptoms :sex:
11 dpo - spotting, backache, fatigue, hpt :bfn:
12 dpo - AF showed.
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:

6dpo: Still feeling a little bloated/gassy, more acne break outs, some random bouts of nausea? (maybe I just need to eat something?):sick:
I love this thread I want in

1DPO - cramping, bloated
2DPO - cramping, tired
3DPO - cramping, VERY hungry and tired
4DPO - VERY tired all the time (falling asleep at 9pm) and crampy all the time. I know those symptoms are impossible as there is no implantation yet.... hmmmm
5DPO - crampy, dull aches, hungry and runny nose....

turned out to be Ovulation pains :growlmad:

On to the next cycle!
I love this thread I want in

1DPO - cramping, bloated
2DPO - cramping, tired
3DPO - cramping, VERY hungry and tired
4DPO - VERY tired all the time (falling asleep at 9pm) and crampy all the time. I know those symptoms are impossible as there is no implantation yet.... hmmmm
5DPO - crampy, dull aches, hungry and runny nose....

turned out to be Ovulation pains :growlmad:

On to the next cycle!

Boooo! Sorry to hear that. FX for the next cycle though! :dust:
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:

6dpo: Still feeling a little bloated/gassy, more acne break outs, some random bouts of nausea? (maybe I just need to eat something?):sick:

7dpo: Some mild af like cramps, sore throat, feeling bloated, mild nausea in the morning (food seems to help) took a hpt after lunch and when I looked at it I thought I saw a very faint line, but when I looked at it closer I didn't see it :wacko: Maybe I'm just going crazy!
1 dpo nothing much just watery cm.
2 to 3 dpo cramps in lower tummy and my lady bits are so achey lovely temp spike on 3 dpo
4 dpo cramps have gotten more intense. Tired and sore lower back
Does anyone get cramps after ovulation? It's obviously too early for implantation cramps but the last 2 days I have intense af like cramps.
Does anyone get cramps after ovulation? It's obviously too early for implantation cramps but the last 2 days I have intense af like cramps.

I did.... didnt end up in a pregnancy. I gather they are quite common
Does anyone get cramps after ovulation? It's obviously too early for implantation cramps but the last 2 days I have intense af like cramps.

This happened to me and the 1st time it happened I really thought I was preggo but wasn't...I think it's just the hormones right after ovulation! Good luck this month! FYI and it still happens every month right after ovulation for me!
Does anyone get cramps after ovulation? It's obviously too early for implantation cramps but the last 2 days I have intense af like cramps.

This cycle was the first time I ever had intense cramping and (TMI) spotting at ovulation. I'm testing in 2 days!
Does anyone get cramps after ovulation? It's obviously too early for implantation cramps but the last 2 days I have intense af like cramps.
Are you on any kind of fertility medication? Since I started first clomid and then Femara I had ovulation cramps every single month. Sometimes they are very mild and sometimes bit stronger kind of AF so don't worry :hug:
No meds but being honest ladies I've got mild Ovid but I've recently lost 30lbs so I think this is the second maybe even first cycle I've ovulated on my own. Im temping so I know I'm def in the 2ww .
the cramps have continued today, and now sore boobs. I'm hoping it's a good sign. Thanks ladies
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:

6dpo: Still feeling a little bloated/gassy, more acne break outs, some random bouts of nausea? (maybe I just need to eat something?):sick:

7dpo: Some mild af like cramps, sore throat, feeling bloated, mild nausea in the morning (food seems to help) took a hpt after lunch and when I looked at it I thought I saw a very faint line, but when I looked at it closer I didn't see it :wacko: Maybe I'm just going crazy!

8dpo: Some heartburn

9dpo: CP high and somewhat soft, more acne breakouts :growlmad:
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hi Zyara I really hate to hear that....My fingers are alwayas crossed for you hun....wishing you nothing but the best :hugs:
I am doing good.....waiting til Wednesday to :sex: because we are gonna go 5 days straight lol...last cycle we did 7 days and still :baby: so I don't wanna stress him or myself out so we are gonna just wait this cycle closer to the time I ovulate which will be on either Thursday Friday or Saturday....This is stressful but im really trying to relax this time...I will definitely keep you posted my friend!!!
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:

6dpo: Still feeling a little bloated/gassy, more acne break outs, some random bouts of nausea? (maybe I just need to eat something?):sick:

7dpo: Some mild af like cramps, sore throat, feeling bloated, mild nausea in the morning (food seems to help) took a hpt after lunch and when I looked at it I thought I saw a very faint line, but when I looked at it closer I didn't see it :wacko: Maybe I'm just going crazy!

8dpo: Some heartburn

9dpo: CP high and somewhat soft, more acne breakouts :growlmad:

10-11dpo: some light spotting

CD1/12dpo: heavy spotting and cramps... I'm out, on to cycle #9!

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