Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 Cycle #8!!! I am feeling really hopeful about it this time so FX I get my BFP so I can finally stop the obsessing!:haha: I have a short luteal phase (10days) so I always feel like it would be harder to get pregnant... But I'm sure it will happen soon :shrug:

0day: BD in early am, Ovulation cramps on left side in the afternoon

1dpo: Nothing much... slept really well :) Temp up a bit, had some stomach cramps that felt kinda like food poisioning for about 10-15mins in the evening (probably not pg symptom related but thought I should record it anyway)

2dpo: Some more of the same stomach cramps in the morning for about 10mins, Big temp spike, light pink spotting in the evening.

3dpo: More pink spotting, and some mild af like cramps

4dpo: Lighter pink spotting, gassy, cervix feels tilted...

5dpo: No more spotting, temp dip, face started breaking out a bit... Having a lot of the same symptoms that I had when I got my BFP in March! Trying not to get too excited, but I am extremely hopeful!:winkwink:

6dpo: Still feeling a little bloated/gassy, more acne break outs, some random bouts of nausea? (maybe I just need to eat something?):sick:

7dpo: Some mild af like cramps, sore throat, feeling bloated, mild nausea in the morning (food seems to help) took a hpt after lunch and when I looked at it I thought I saw a very faint line, but when I looked at it closer I didn't see it :wacko: Maybe I'm just going crazy!

8dpo: Some heartburn

9dpo: CP high and somewhat soft, more acne breakouts :growlmad:

10-11dpo: some light spotting

CD1/12dpo: heavy spotting and cramps... I'm out, on to cycle #9!
So sorry to hear that 808malia :hugs:
Ladies I need ur cycle started May 10 and it only lasted Sunday Monday and a little on Tuesday.....Yesterday I was cramping like ovulation cramps well low and behold I just went to the bathroom and im having some EWCM....the question is WHY AM I OVULATING SO EARLY....this is CD 10 for me and I don't think I ever ovulated this early...could it be b/c of the short cycle... luckly we :sex: on Sunday.....HELP ME PLEASE :shrug:
I can be imagining all of this, and just overlooking hard into symptoms because of becoming an addict to this board= tragic. Lol. But, however, I think a little bit inside of me wants to be PG because I have a twin sis and she has my niece 1, and nephew 2. Tired of people asking me when am I next?! We are about to be 25, still have a lot of time not trying to rush things but, instead going with the flow and being very aware!
oh geez, whole message was not saved and only the ending went thru! DOH..idk if I WANT TO REWRITE AGAIN.
Got tired of stalking! Pages 1-111 then the last page and went back to like page 356.
-----First and foremost congrats to all the Greeners and BFP! And for those who are here like me … LET US NOT GIVE UP THE FAITH, LOSE HOPE AND STAY IN IT to win IT!

Quick background: 40 day cycles that last 7 days. 20 day luteal phase—ik weird?! Chances of me conceiving is probably MESSED UP slim to none! However; since I was a kid always had a feeling I’ll end up on “I DIDN’T KNOW I WAS PREGANT” it’s a show that use to or still comes on the TLC network. SO what the hell with it, who knows what is in store for me this cycle?!
LMP= April 16th, 2015.
Expected MP= May 24/25!
Ahh what the hell, why not post! Who knows what is in store for me this cycle… AF isn’t due until 4 days!
BD= May 3rd, 2015
Ovulation= May 4, 2015
OFF about this cycle- golden yellow urine, strong smelling urine, no headaches—get every cycle from 0 on and off until 3rd day of AF, no heavy full bbs that throb and feel as if they are burning—have about a week till AF. Flutters in abdomen, and right ovary pain & twinges! Usually have no appetite during 0 & AF, vivid dreams back to back. No energy, I’m always full of energy due to yoga, meditating, and exercising, and being an insomniac. Always been a morning person despite, late nights!

Here it goes!!

2 DPO=C/D 21-navel pulling while walkn my dog, sleepy went to bed by 7pm up by 9 pm, hungryyy
3 DPO=C/D 22- lower back ache, sleepy in bed by 9 pm, hungry, clumsy.
4 DPO=C/D 23-sleepy woke up at 9:46 a.m. went back to bed by 10:07 a.m. to end up in bed by 9 p.m. feeling nauseated.
5 DPO=C/D 24-hungryyyy--belly growling at 1 a.m. ..ate veggie roll and salt and vinegar chips(usually cannot stand these chips because of the smell but they did the job and was delicious).. while waiting for the veggie rolls I scuffed down fruits, walnuts & bread. Feeling blah, no energy, clumsy.
6 DPO=C/D 25- vivid dreams about having long hair that was braided, nauseous in the shower--almost puked like over 5 times luckily never did, dry heaving, became bitchy after probably because, you know you always feel better after you vomit…hungry.
7 DPO=C/D 26- Sexual vivid dream woke up with an orgasm. Bitchy, clumsy, restlessness, Just “feel out of it” physically and mentally. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
8 DPO=C/D 27-Vivid sexual dreams, sleepy, hungryyy, Had to get up out of bed to eat veggie rolls again at 12 a.m. (maybe explains hunger?) excessive peeing (maybe bcuz of drinkn more fluids and it’s Summer time), Worked out today started training for an athletic race/obstacle course. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
9 DPO=C/D 28- Vivid dreams of bf, saw a grain size of blood on pantyline. rite ovary pain, left twinges, feeling the burn I’m guessing--workout pain @ 12 a.m. only in armz . 2:26 p.m. right ovary pain horrible (never felt so much pain except when I got a cyst from a cycle which feels a lot diff), 2:56 p.m. hungryyy eating waffles and fruits, 3 p.m. really feeling sore whole body. 4:44 p.m. hungry again!! Emotional almost cried watching a happy video about it being Summertime ..waaat thee heck!!?!? –can’t explain that! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth. Left nip itchy.
10 DPO=C/D 29- sore need massage..lower back, sleepy, no energy--fell asleep with lights on while eating! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
11 DPO=C/D 30- Watery discharge, tender bbs under arm pits, strng urine—weird no uti, or bladder infection—never had any of those of my 24 years of living Thank God! Bloated extremely, sleepy, no energy, worked out, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
12 DPO=C/D 31- watery/creamy discharge, strong urine, slpy, hungryy, bloated extremely, almost fell asleep with light on and eating, forgetfulness, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
13 DPO=C/D 32- vivid dreams, constipation, strong urine, left nips itchy, gassy--bad wind, cramp in right leg inner-thigh by groin, left side of armpit breast sore. Abdomen hurts when I sneeze (maybe sore from workout?) lil creamy cm, heightened smell, lil bloated. Stuffy nose at night.
14 DPO=C/D 33- bloated extremely, twinges, heightened smell, butterfly flutters in lower abdomen right below navel (maybe gas?) lil creamy cm with yellowish… don't need pantyliner—AF isn’ t due till 10 days..lil spasm before trying to sleep that would shoot in lower abdomen. up 2 a.m. feel horrible whole abdomen sore can't sneeze (workout pain)?, pelvic area left/right feel swollen (wrkout related maybe) 2:39 a.m. starved, woke up 10 a.m. realized I'm not sore anymore. starved by 3:32 p.m. took a four hour nap right after eating 8:21 p.m. hungry again …food aversion to pasta. Stuffy nose at night.
15 DPO=C/D 34- Gassy (bad wind), fluttering abdomen right above vjay, lil creamy cm, dnt need pantyliner, runny nose right breast sore underarm pit right nipple sensitive .. appear to be lactose intolerant now? (weird usually have a strong stomach) strong urine, 2:30 a.m. eating again 3 a.m. feel funny and bloated ribs hurting, pelvic areas swollen 4:03 a.m. went sleep. At around 3:27 a.m. realized I’m not sore anymore. Wake up at 10 a.m.=4 hr nap till 3-7 p.m. HAVEN’T WENT TO SLEEP YET!
Cycle: #7
OPK: No, saving them for when I can pinpoint ovulation week more accurately.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 18
0 dpo - sore nipples, watery CM, :sex:
1 dpo - twinging on right side, increased libido, sore nipples, :sex:
2 dpo - increased libido, sore nipples, :sex:
3 dpo - backache, sore nipples, breaking out (ugh zits all over my T-zone!!) :sex: (my libido has been on overdrive the past few days too!! Poor hubby didn't stand a chance.)
4 dpo - nipples not as sore today, slight lower backache
5 dpo - same as previous day
6 dpo - same as previous day (nipples are less sore but still there, backache is not as pronounced, but still there), feeling lightheaded/weakness in the afternoon, feel hot
7dpo - nipples are sensitive on and off (such a weird feeling), it has now been a full week of sore nipples (not breast) and they are always hard (wth?), odd twinges in the lower middle part of my abdomen (not quite cramping), backache is back
8dpo - HOT FLASHES throughout the day, less sore nipples but breasts are a little sore, had a vaccination today so I am also fatigued, ridiculous forgetfulness/absentmindedness :sex:
9dpo - continued absentmindedness, hot flashes continued
10 dpo - a little spotting, no other symptoms :sex:
11 dpo - spotting, backache, fatigue, hpt :bfn:
12 dpo - AF showed.
Back for cycle no.9

Ff said I ovulated on cd 15, but I know I ovulated at least a day earlier so I did manual override, which is why my crosshairs are blue. Temps are very odd this cycle, not looking great 😕

1-2dpo - not much just post ov sore nipples.

3-4dpo - quite a lot of creamy/lotion like cm. ridiculously chronic wind. Headache. Very tired, despite good sleep.

5dpo - creamy cm, increased hunger. Peeing more. Increased tiredness again.

6dpo - cm less and more sticky consistency today. Still got increased appetite. Felt bit light headed at times through day, with a very mild headache. Frequent weeing again.

7 dpo - not much to report, cm same as yesterday. Very mild cramps on and off.

8 dpo - woke up to horrendous headache. Red/pink stained cm when I checked am. I've had spotting mid cycle before but it's usually a couple of days after ovulation and is different consistency and colour. Cm kind of thick snotty consistency. Mild muscle pulling pain in right side earlier when I reached upwards.
Do you always have chronic wind? I've been experiencing this first time, especially after drinking diary products and I love diary and always had a strong stomach!
Got tired of stalking! Pages 1-111 then the last page and went back to like page 356.
-----First and foremost congrats to all the Greeners and BFP! And for those who are here like me … LET US NOT GIVE UP THE FAITH, LOSE HOPE AND STAY IN IT to win IT!

Quick background: 40 day cycles that last 7 days. 20 day luteal phase—ik weird?! Chances of me conceiving is probably MESSED UP slim to none! However; since I was a kid always had a feeling I’ll end up on “I DIDN’T KNOW I WAS PREGANT” it’s a show that use to or still comes on the TLC network. SO what the hell with it, who knows what is in store for me this cycle?!
LMP= April 16th, 2015.
Expected MP= May 24/25!
Ahh what the hell, why not post! Who knows what is in store for me this cycle… AF isn’t due until 4 days!
BD= May 3rd, 2015
Ovulation= May 4, 2015
OFF about this cycle- golden yellow urine, strong smelling urine, no headaches—get every cycle from 0 on and off until 3rd day of AF, no heavy full bbs that throb and feel as if they are burning—have about a week till AF. Flutters in abdomen, and right ovary pain & twinges! Usually have no appetite during 0 & AF, vivid dreams back to back. No energy, I’m always full of energy due to yoga, meditating, and exercising, and being an insomniac. Always been a morning person despite, late nights!

Here it goes!!

2 DPO=C/D 21-navel pulling while walkn my dog, sleepy went to bed by 7pm up by 9 pm, hungryyy
3 DPO=C/D 22- lower back ache, sleepy in bed by 9 pm, hungry, clumsy.
4 DPO=C/D 23-sleepy woke up at 9:46 a.m. went back to bed by 10:07 a.m. to end up in bed by 9 p.m. feeling nauseated.
5 DPO=C/D 24-hungryyyy--belly growling at 1 a.m. ..ate veggie roll and salt and vinegar chips(usually cannot stand these chips because of the smell but they did the job and was delicious).. while waiting for the veggie rolls I scuffed down fruits, walnuts & bread. Feeling blah, no energy, clumsy.
6 DPO=C/D 25- vivid dreams about having long hair that was braided, nauseous in the shower--almost puked like over 5 times luckily never did, dry heaving, became bitchy after probably because, you know you always feel better after you vomit…hungry.
7 DPO=C/D 26- Sexual vivid dream woke up with an orgasm. Bitchy, clumsy, restlessness, Just “feel out of it” physically and mentally. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
8 DPO=C/D 27-Vivid sexual dreams, sleepy, hungryyy, Had to get up out of bed to eat veggie rolls again at 12 a.m. (maybe explains hunger?) excessive peeing (maybe bcuz of drinkn more fluids and it’s Summer time), Worked out today started training for an athletic race/obstacle course. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
9 DPO=C/D 28- Vivid dreams of bf, saw a grain size of blood on pantyline. rite ovary pain, left twinges, feeling the burn I’m guessing--workout pain @ 12 a.m. only in armz . 2:26 p.m. right ovary pain horrible (never felt so much pain except when I got a cyst from a cycle which feels a lot diff), 2:56 p.m. hungryyy eating waffles and fruits, 3 p.m. really feeling sore whole body. 4:44 p.m. hungry again!! Emotional almost cried watching a happy video about it being Summertime ..waaat thee heck!!?!? –can’t explain that! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth. Left nip itchy.
10 DPO=C/D 29- sore need massage..lower back, sleepy, no energy--fell asleep with lights on while eating! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
11 DPO=C/D 30- Watery discharge, tender bbs under arm pits, strng urine—weird no uti, or bladder infection—never had any of those of my 24 years of living Thank God! Bloated extremely, sleepy, no energy, worked out, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
12 DPO=C/D 31- watery/creamy discharge, strong urine, slpy, hungryy, bloated extremely, almost fell asleep with light on and eating, forgetfulness, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
13 DPO=C/D 32- vivid dreams, constipation, strong urine, left nips itchy, gassy--bad wind, cramp in right leg inner-thigh by groin, left side of armpit breast sore. Abdomen hurts when I sneeze (maybe sore from workout?) lil creamy cm, heightened smell, lil bloated. Stuffy nose at night.
14 DPO=C/D 33- bloated extremely, twinges, heightened smell, butterfly flutters in lower abdomen right below navel (maybe gas?) lil creamy cm with yellowish… don't need pantyliner—AF isn’ t due till 10 days..lil spasm before trying to sleep that would shoot in lower abdomen. up 2 a.m. feel horrible whole abdomen sore can't sneeze (workout pain)?, pelvic area left/right feel swollen (wrkout related maybe) 2:39 a.m. starved, woke up 10 a.m. realized I'm not sore anymore. starved by 3:32 p.m. took a four hour nap right after eating 8:21 p.m. hungry again …food aversion to pasta. Stuffy nose at night.
15 DPO=C/D 34- Gassy (bad wind), fluttering abdomen right above vjay, lil creamy cm, dnt need pantyliner, runny nose right breast sore underarm pit right nipple sensitive .. appear to be lactose intolerant now? (weird usually have a strong stomach) strong urine, 2:30 a.m. eating again 3 a.m. feel funny and bloated ribs hurting, pelvic areas swollen 4:03 a.m. went sleep. At around 3:27 a.m. realized I’m not sore anymore. Wake up at 10 a.m.=4 hr nap till 3-7 p.m. HAVEN’T WENT TO SLEEP YET!
--------------UPDATE ----------

16 DPO=C/D 35 vivid dreams about vomitting and fainting multiple times, that lead to being hospitalized..I said in the dream I must of came down with a bug. creamy cm. feet broke out in rash not itchy. gassy!! Hungryy
17 DPO =C/D 36 vivid dreams about 3dpo and 3 days late for cycle. bubble guts. nauseous, right knee leg cramp, sore legs and thighs, mild backache, foggy brain, sore uterus when walking my dog!! Extra saliva, creamy CM thick.
Do you always have chronic wind? I've been experiencing this first time, especially after drinking diary products and I love diary and always had a strong stomach!

No I don't at this stage of cycle, usually a bit day or two before af but not as bad as I had these days, the only thing I think it could possibly be related to is that I ate quite a few dried apricots?? I haven't had it as bad the last couple of days x
My DPO symptoms this time around were very different !
Other cycles I would have PMS symptoms 1-14 dpo and period would come 15 or 16 dpo.

This time
1-5 dpo - NOTHING
6-7 dpo- Sick with some kind of stomach bug
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo- NOTHING
10 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
11 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
12 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN possible squinter that nobody else saw
13 dpo- breasts a TINY bit sore- tested BFN
14 dpo- NOTHING - BFP

I felt that my PMS symptoms were missing and that really clued me in that I may be pregnant this time! Normally I break out like crazy and cramp from 9-14- dpo.

I now have experienced light cramps and one incident of very light implantation spotting AFTER my period was due and after my BFPs!
My DPO symptoms this time around were very different !
Other cycles I would have PMS symptoms 1-14 dpo and period would come 15 or 16 dpo.

This time
1-5 dpo - NOTHING
6-7 dpo- Sick with some kind of stomach bug
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo- NOTHING
10 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
11 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
12 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN possible squinter that nobody else saw
13 dpo- breasts a TINY bit sore- tested BFN
14 dpo- NOTHING - BFP

I felt that my PMS symptoms were missing and that really clued me in that I may be pregnant this time! Normally I break out like crazy and cramp from 9-14- dpo.

I now have experienced light cramps and one incident of very light implantation spotting AFTER my period was due and after my BFPs!

Congrats!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Do you always have chronic wind? I've been experiencing this first time, especially after drinking diary products and I love diary and always had a strong stomach!

No I don't at this stage of cycle, usually a bit day or two before af but not as bad as I had these days, the only thing I think it could possibly be related to is that I ate quite a few dried apricots?? I haven't had it as bad the last couple of days x

Sounds good! Whenever u have to try and think what is the cause of's a good sign nature is taking care of business I'd like to think! Sending you lots of baby dustttt
My DPO symptoms this time around were very different !
Other cycles I would have PMS symptoms 1-14 dpo and period would come 15 or 16 dpo.

This time
1-5 dpo - NOTHING
6-7 dpo- Sick with some kind of stomach bug
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo- NOTHING
10 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
11 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
12 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN possible squinter that nobody else saw
13 dpo- breasts a TINY bit sore- tested BFN
14 dpo- NOTHING - BFP

I felt that my PMS symptoms were missing and that really clued me in that I may be pregnant this time! Normally I break out like crazy and cramp from 9-14- dpo.

I now have experienced light cramps and one incident of very light implantation spotting AFTER my period was due and after my BFPs!

Congratulations!!!!! Yippeee sticky beans for you! And interesting note on feeling of catching a stomach bug! can you go a little more in depth for that please? Feeling a little hopeful! Did you vomit at any time?

I Hope to see a lot more greens for all who are trying this cycle and future ones!
My DPO symptoms this time around were very different !
Other cycles I would have PMS symptoms 1-14 dpo and period would come 15 or 16 dpo.

This time
1-5 dpo - NOTHING
6-7 dpo- Sick with some kind of stomach bug
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo- NOTHING
10 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
11 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN
12 dpo- NOTHING- tested BFN possible squinter that nobody else saw
13 dpo- breasts a TINY bit sore- tested BFN
14 dpo- NOTHING - BFP

I felt that my PMS symptoms were missing and that really clued me in that I may be pregnant this time! Normally I break out like crazy and cramp from 9-14- dpo.

I now have experienced light cramps and one incident of very light implantation spotting AFTER my period was due and after my BFPs!
Congrats on ur BFP :happydance:
Back for cycle no.9

Ff said I ovulated on cd 15, but I know I ovulated at least a day earlier so I did manual override, which is why my crosshairs are blue. Temps are very odd this cycle, not looking great 😕

1-2dpo - not much just post ov sore nipples.

3-4dpo - quite a lot of creamy/lotion like cm. ridiculously chronic wind. Headache. Very tired, despite good sleep.

5dpo - creamy cm, increased hunger. Peeing more. Increased tiredness again.

6dpo - cm less and more sticky consistency today. Still got increased appetite. Felt bit light headed at times through day, with a very mild headache. Frequent weeing again.

7 dpo - not much to report, cm same as yesterday. Very mild cramps on and off.

8 dpo - woke up to horrendous headache. Red/pink stained cm when I checked am. I've had spotting mid cycle before but it's usually a couple of days after ovulation and is different consistency and colour. Cm kind of thick snotty consistency. Mild muscle pulling pain in right side earlier when I reached upwards.

9dpo - bit nauseous today but was probs because I didn't reall eat properly until early evening. Cm kind of sparse, but what there is is kind of like thick snot 😕, not creamy but not sticky either?? Have had quite noticeable cramps tonight. Breasts (more nipples) pretty tender.

10dpo - serious insomnia last night and incredibly hot (not environmental), odd dreams when I did fall asleep. Mild cramps on and off through day. Cm very sparse today, what there was of it was sticky/snotty consistency. Breasts/ nips still a bit tender.
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hi Zyara I really hate to hear that....My fingers are alwayas crossed for you hun....wishing you nothing but the best :hugs:
I am doing good.....waiting til Wednesday to :sex: because we are gonna go 5 days straight lol...last cycle we did 7 days and still :baby: so I don't wanna stress him or myself out so we are gonna just wait this cycle closer to the time I ovulate which will be on either Thursday Friday or Saturday....This is stressful but im really trying to relax this time...I will definitely keep you posted my friend!!!
Hey Hun!!!
Thank you for the good wishes!! I think is great you are trying to be more relaxed. Bd 5 or 7 days sounds fun lol but also you should try one day yes and one not. They say is best for sperm to build up and that way you have more chances.
Guess what? I went for my appointment Tuesday and they found one follie so I gave myself the trigger shot at home (first time I do myself, it was scary but it did not hurt at all hehehe) and we bd Wednesday morning and night and also tonight. I don't have a lot of hopes but let's see. I think next cycle we will move to injectables. Hopefully this is the answer to our prayers and we will be successful pretty soon.
How you feeling? Any news??
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hi Zyara I really hate to hear that....My fingers are alwayas crossed for you hun....wishing you nothing but the best :hugs:
I am doing good.....waiting til Wednesday to :sex: because we are gonna go 5 days straight lol...last cycle we did 7 days and still :baby: so I don't wanna stress him or myself out so we are gonna just wait this cycle closer to the time I ovulate which will be on either Thursday Friday or Saturday....This is stressful but im really trying to relax this time...I will definitely keep you posted my friend!!!
Hey Hun!!!
Thank you for the good wishes!! I think is great you are trying to be more relaxed. Bd 5 or 7 days sounds fun lol but also you should try one day yes and one not. They say is best for sperm to build up and that way you have more chances.
Guess what? I went for my appointment Tuesday and they found one follie so I gave myself the trigger shot at home (first time I do myself, it was scary but it did not hurt at all hehehe) and we bd Wednesday morning and night and tonight. I don't have a lot of hopes but let's see. I think next cycle we will move to injectables. Hopefully this is the answer to our prayers and we will be successful pretty soon.
How you feeling? Any news??
Hey Zyara....It's great to hear from you as always.... I started testing on Tuesday with OPK's b/c I started seeing EWCM and We BD Tuesday night and I took a digital ClearBlue Wednesday morning and it showed that I was at my peak so we BD Wednesday Night and Thursday night...He didn't have energy to do it Friday which my calendars said that Friday was my O day but prayerfully there was enough sperm to catch the egg if it didn't release until Friday... We did it this morning just incase it was still there....Do you know how long a egg stays after it is released...I think we may have covered it though....Your thoughts are welcomed...and I would love to hear what the other ladies think as well
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hi Zyara I really hate to hear that....My fingers are alwayas crossed for you hun....wishing you nothing but the best :hugs:
I am doing good.....waiting til Wednesday to :sex: because we are gonna go 5 days straight lol...last cycle we did 7 days and still :baby: so I don't wanna stress him or myself out so we are gonna just wait this cycle closer to the time I ovulate which will be on either Thursday Friday or Saturday....This is stressful but im really trying to relax this time...I will definitely keep you posted my friend!!!
Hey Hun!!!
Thank you for the good wishes!! I think is great you are trying to be more relaxed. Bd 5 or 7 days sounds fun lol but also you should try one day yes and one not. They say is best for sperm to build up and that way you have more chances.
Guess what? I went for my appointment Tuesday and they found one follie so I gave myself the trigger shot at home (first time I do myself, it was scary but it did not hurt at all hehehe) and we bd Wednesday morning and night and tonight. I don't have a lot of hopes but let's see. I think next cycle we will move to injectables. Hopefully this is the answer to our prayers and we will be successful pretty soon.
How you feeling? Any news??
Hey Zyara....It's great to hear from you as always.... I started testing on Tuesday with OPK's b/c I started seeing EWCM and We BD Tuesday night and I took a digital ClearBlue Wednesday morning and it showed that I was at my peak so we BD Wednesday Night and Thursday night...He didn't have energy to do it Friday which my calendars said that Friday was my O day but prayerfully there was enough sperm to catch the egg if it didn't release until Friday... We did it this morning just incase it was still there....Do you know how long a egg stays after it is released...I think we may have covered it though....Your thoughts are welcomed...and I would love to hear what the other ladies think as well

So glad to hear from u girl!! As far as I know the egg lives 24 hrs after is released and if is not fertilized it desintagrates but don't panic since sperm can live up to 72 hours so I am sure you had plenty of chances to catch that egg!!!
Keep me posted :)
Hey ladies!! Well I went to my RE appointment for a follie scan and there is no follie this month which means Femara didn't do magic this cycle. Nurse told me I didn't respond this month which is odd since I responded too good the past 3 Femara cycles... Anyway, I have an appointment on Tuesday to see what we will do for next cycle which most likely will be injections... Let's wait :coffee: and see...
How you all doing? Keep me posted!! :thumbup:
5Starsplus1 how you doing Hun? Sending you :hug:
Hi Zyara I really hate to hear that....My fingers are alwayas crossed for you hun....wishing you nothing but the best :hugs:
I am doing good.....waiting til Wednesday to :sex: because we are gonna go 5 days straight lol...last cycle we did 7 days and still :baby: so I don't wanna stress him or myself out so we are gonna just wait this cycle closer to the time I ovulate which will be on either Thursday Friday or Saturday....This is stressful but im really trying to relax this time...I will definitely keep you posted my friend!!!
Hey Hun!!!
Thank you for the good wishes!! I think is great you are trying to be more relaxed. Bd 5 or 7 days sounds fun lol but also you should try one day yes and one not. They say is best for sperm to build up and that way you have more chances.
Guess what? I went for my appointment Tuesday and they found one follie so I gave myself the trigger shot at home (first time I do myself, it was scary but it did not hurt at all hehehe) and we bd Wednesday morning and night and tonight. I don't have a lot of hopes but let's see. I think next cycle we will move to injectables. Hopefully this is the answer to our prayers and we will be successful pretty soon.
How you feeling? Any news??
Hey Zyara....It's great to hear from you as always.... I started testing on Tuesday with OPK's b/c I started seeing EWCM and We BD Tuesday night and I took a digital ClearBlue Wednesday morning and it showed that I was at my peak so we BD Wednesday Night and Thursday night...He didn't have energy to do it Friday which my calendars said that Friday was my O day but prayerfully there was enough sperm to catch the egg if it didn't release until Friday... We did it this morning just incase it was still there....Do you know how long a egg stays after it is released...I think we may have covered it though....Your thoughts are welcomed...and I would love to hear what the other ladies think as well

So glad to hear from u girl!! As far as I know the egg lives 24 hrs after is released and if is not fertilized it desintagrates but don't panic since sperm can live up to 72 hours so I am sure you had plenty of chances to catch that egg!!!
Keep me posted :)
Thanks Zyara....Yes thanks and I will keep you guys posted :hugs:

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