Got tired of stalking! Pages 1-111 then the last page and went back to like page 356.
-----First and foremost congrats to all the Greeners and BFP! And for those who are here like me
Quick background: 40 day cycles that last 7 days. 20 day luteal phaseik weird?! Chances of me conceiving is probably MESSED UP slim to none! However; since I was a kid always had a feeling Ill end up on I DIDNT KNOW I WAS PREGANT its a show that use to or still comes on the TLC network. SO what the hell with it, who knows what is in store for me this cycle?!
LMP= April 16th, 2015.
Expected MP= May 24/25!
Ahh what the hell, why not post! Who knows what is in store for me this cycle
AF isnt due until 4 days!
BD= May 3rd, 2015
Ovulation= May 4, 2015
OFF about this cycle- golden yellow urine, strong smelling urine, no headachesget every cycle from 0 on and off until 3rd day of AF, no heavy full bbs that throb and feel as if they are burninghave about a week till AF. Flutters in abdomen, and right ovary pain & twinges! Usually have no appetite during 0 & AF, vivid dreams back to back. No energy, Im always full of energy due to yoga, meditating, and exercising, and being an insomniac. Always been a morning person despite, late nights!
Here it goes!!
2 DPO=C/D 21-navel pulling while walkn my dog, sleepy went to bed by 7pm up by 9 pm, hungryyy
3 DPO=C/D 22- lower back ache, sleepy in bed by 9 pm, hungry, clumsy.
4 DPO=C/D 23-sleepy woke up at 9:46 a.m. went back to bed by 10:07 a.m. to end up in bed by 9 p.m. feeling nauseated.
5 DPO=C/D 24-hungryyyy--belly growling at 1 a.m. ..ate veggie roll and salt and vinegar chips(usually cannot stand these chips because of the smell but they did the job and was delicious).. while waiting for the veggie rolls I scuffed down fruits, walnuts & bread. Feeling blah, no energy, clumsy.
6 DPO=C/D 25- vivid dreams about having long hair that was braided, nauseous in the shower--almost puked like over 5 times luckily never did, dry heaving, became bitchy after probably because, you know you always feel better after you vomit
7 DPO=C/D 26- Sexual vivid dream woke up with an orgasm. Bitchy, clumsy, restlessness, Just feel out of it physically and mentally. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
8 DPO=C/D 27-Vivid sexual dreams, sleepy, hungryyy, Had to get up out of bed to eat veggie rolls again at 12 a.m. (maybe explains hunger?) excessive peeing (maybe bcuz of drinkn more fluids and its Summer time), Worked out today started training for an athletic race/obstacle course. Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
9 DPO=C/D 28- Vivid dreams of bf, saw a grain size of blood on pantyline. rite ovary pain, left twinges, feeling the burn Im guessing--workout pain @ 12 a.m. only in armz . 2:26 p.m. right ovary pain horrible (never felt so much pain except when I got a cyst from a cycle which feels a lot diff), 2:56 p.m. hungryyy eating waffles and fruits, 3 p.m. really feeling sore whole body. 4:44 p.m. hungry again!! Emotional almost cried watching a happy video about it being Summertime ..waaat thee heck!!?!? cant explain that! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth. Left nip itchy.
10 DPO=C/D 29- sore need massage..lower back, sleepy, no energy--fell asleep with lights on while eating! Milky/Creamy CM, excessive peeing. Excessive Saliva, bitter taste in mouth.
11 DPO=C/D 30- Watery discharge, tender bbs under arm pits, strng urineweird no uti, or bladder infectionnever had any of those of my 24 years of living Thank God! Bloated extremely, sleepy, no energy, worked out, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
12 DPO=C/D 31- watery/creamy discharge, strong urine, slpy, hungryy, bloated extremely, almost fell asleep with light on and eating, forgetfulness, excessive peeing. Runny nose.
13 DPO=C/D 32- vivid dreams, constipation, strong urine, left nips itchy, gassy--bad wind, cramp in right leg inner-thigh by groin, left side of armpit breast sore. Abdomen hurts when I sneeze (maybe sore from workout?) lil creamy cm, heightened smell, lil bloated. Stuffy nose at night.
14 DPO=C/D 33- bloated extremely, twinges, heightened smell, butterfly flutters in lower abdomen right below navel (maybe gas?) lil creamy cm with yellowish
don't need pantylinerAF isn t due till 10 days..lil spasm before trying to sleep that would shoot in lower abdomen. up 2 a.m. feel horrible whole abdomen sore can't sneeze (workout pain)?, pelvic area left/right feel swollen (wrkout related maybe) 2:39 a.m. starved, woke up 10 a.m. realized I'm not sore anymore. starved by 3:32 p.m. took a four hour nap right after eating 8:21 p.m. hungry again
food aversion to pasta. Stuffy nose at night.
15 DPO=C/D 34- Gassy (bad wind), fluttering abdomen right above vjay, lil creamy cm, dnt need pantyliner, runny nose right breast sore underarm pit right nipple sensitive .. appear to be lactose intolerant now? (weird usually have a strong stomach) strong urine, 2:30 a.m. eating again 3 a.m. feel funny and bloated ribs hurting, pelvic areas swollen 4:03 a.m. went sleep. At around 3:27 a.m. realized Im not sore anymore. Wake up at 10 a.m.=4 hr nap till 3-7 p.m. HAVENT WENT TO SLEEP YET!