Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

thank you ladies but i dont think its me, i have been to my obgyn 6 months ago and they did some tests and even an ultrasound and i was ovulating and had "nice looking eggs" and all, i think its my husband but he wont get checked so i think we are just going to keep doing what we have been doing for 9 years and if it happens it happens idk i feel so discouraged and sad right now......:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Ladies I need someone's help....I started testing yesterday at cd9 and of course I didn't detect a surge at all (clear blue advanced) so yesterday evening I tested with both clear blue advanced and 1st response and I got a blinking smiley with clear blue and nothing at all with 1st response....Tested again this morning with FMU and the same thing happened...3 of my apps states that I should ovulate on Saturday and one states Monday...My problem is if I am to ovulate on Saturday why am I not picking up a LH surge at all....I'm so frustrated right now...I have slight ovulation pains but not picking anything up on the test....Oh and to make matters worse I don't see a blinking smiley on the box or instructions of clear blue...the face should be a smiley face without blinking and it should remain for two days without having to I making any sense....I'm just so frustrated right now....why is one test saying I may be about to ovulate and one is stark white....I wanna cry...PLEASE HELP LADIES!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

You're getting your surge! It will blink and then go to solid smiley when you are at your peak. Keeping BDing every other day until your smiley goes to solid. You're in good shape!!! Don't worry! Test twice a day right now though...morning and after 8 pm.

Thanks and that's our plan...You are such a sweetheart :kiss:
thank you ladies but i dont think its me, i have been to my obgyn 6 months ago and they did some tests and even an ultrasound and i was ovulating and had "nice looking eggs" and all, i think its my husband but he wont get checked so i think we are just going to keep doing what we have been doing for 9 years and if it happens it happens idk i feel so discouraged and sad right now......:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Aww, that's no good! :hugs: There are some things he can do to increase sperm quality without going in for testing. Taking multi-vitamins, drinking plenty of water, eating well, wearing loose underwear instead of tighty-whiteys... And like Tag suggested, maybe he could take Fertilaid?
thank you ladies but i dont think its me, i have been to my obgyn 6 months ago and they did some tests and even an ultrasound and i was ovulating and had "nice looking eggs" and all, i think its my husband but he wont get checked so i think we are just going to keep doing what we have been doing for 9 years and if it happens it happens idk i feel so discouraged and sad right now......:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Awww :hugs: hun don't be discouraged....I understand how you feel...Do you know why he won't get tested? It's very simple, my OH went on Monday and it took him less than 5 mins to do his business in a cup lol...The results came back very quickly and he is for me Im think im just impatient :dohh: I have kids but I think by me bn on BC for 6 years is what causing me to not get preggo right away...Try to relax and just talk to him again about getting tested! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
he is the type that feels if it isnt happening then its for a reason.... he does drink water and is healthy for the most part but i think because he smokes cigs and did drink alcohol heavily for years up til a year ago he quit drinking. he does take protien shakes, but i will say this and it is TMI so beware.......When he ejaculates it is super thick and not very much like maybe a half dollar coin size and very that normal?

BFP on 16 DPO, June 23 2015!

Here's my DPO chart for this cycle, according to when FF thinks I ovulated:

1 DPO - Bloating badly, wedding ring too snug. Increased sex drive. Still quite a lot of watery CM, and cervix still HSO. Usually experiencing lots of PMS symptoms by now, but there hasn't been anything I could call PMS

2 DPO - Woke up with lower back ache similar to PMS symptoms. Cervix was so high I could only barely reach it enough to tell that it had firmed up. Couldn't reach the opening. CM is somewhere between watery and creamy today. I marked it as creamy in my chart because there wasn't enough of the watery CM to really make me feel I was still fertile.

3 DPO - CM definitely moved to creamy now. Cervix still high, but low enough to tell that it was still open and firm. No other symptoms charted that day. Usually I have tender BBs, mood swings... nothing.

4 DPO - LOTS of lotiony CM today for some reason. Cervix was so high this morning that I couldn't even reach it to determine the texture. Hoping those are good signs!

Edit @ 5pm: No other symptoms today, which is really odd. No cramps, no moodiness, no sore breasts... nothing. Hmm. Wonder if it has to do with my cycle being so long?

5 DPO - Steep temperature dip this morning. Had a strange twitchy feeling in my lower abdomen, and also woke up feeling like I am getting a cold. Still lots of lotiony CM, CP is still High - Firm - Open.

Woke up feeling absolutely exhausted, for no reason I could think of.

Edit @ 10am: Feeling very very slight cramps/twinges. Not the same as AF cramps.

6 DPO - Slept pretty hard last night. DH said he heard me snoring, which is odd because I don't snore unless I'm sick and all stuffed up. I didn't wake up with a stuffy nose today, but I had one yesterday for a little bit. I'm assuming it's allergies, but marking it down just in case it's a symptom! lol

Still lots of creamy/lotiony CM today. Enough so that it's wetting my underwear. According to the charts where I tracked that sort of thing, my CM almost immediately went from Watery to Sticky after O. Not this time! [-o< My chemical in Nov was marked as Creamy for the full 18 days after O. Fingers crossed!

Also woke up with odd, cramp-like twinges in my lower abdomen again, like yesterday. Not like AF cramps at all. They're lower, localized to one side, and a little more sharp.

Cervix is approximately the same height as yesterday, still firm, but now beginning to close up. I'd say it's at medium-open today.

Also got another temp dip, but I'm still above coverline, so as long as it stays above cover, I'll be all right. :af:

Edit: I was soooo tired today, I caught myself falling asleep on the couch while I was reading/browsing the web. Took an hour long nap and still felt tired enough to go to bed around my usual 9:30pm later that night.

7 DPO - Temp spiked back up by almost a whole degree (.72 to be exact) this morning. Whew! I was worried I'd keep dropping, and AF would show up early.

Still feeling like I might be getting a cold. Stuffy sinuses (which in turn are causing one ear to feel sore/achey), scratchy throat. I had trouble sleeping last night too. My heart felt like it was absolutely RACING for no apparent reason.

Still lots of creamy CM, cervix seems to be lowering a little, but still firm and with a medium opening. My only other symptom this morning is a tender lower abdomen. It's a little odd that I have so few symptoms with AF only about a week away (though really, I hope she doesn't show up!)

Edit @ 4pm: I am soooo sleepy today. Feel like I could just nod off right where I'm sitting.

I'm a little nauseated right now after drinking a glass of water, and I have some heartburn.

Edit at 8pm: Just had so much CM leaking that I had to run to the restroom to see if AF had appeared several days early -- but no, it's just far too much (creamy) CM! >.>

8 DPO - Woke up with a stuffy nose again. Noticed very very slight discomfort in my BBs last night when I laid on my stomach. Usually by this point I'm so PMS-y that everything hurts. I can remember months where my BBs were so tender, moving my arms at all made them hurt. Not this month!

Noticed that my urine was a funny color this morning. It was a dark yellow that was closer to brown than yellow. Not dark brown or anything that'd indicate that I had blood in my urine, just a strange color I haven't seen before, even with UTIs. I drank an okay amount of water yesterday, just not the same 3 liters I normally do.

Still seeing lots and LOTS of creamy CM. Cervix is getting higher, now the texture feels medium in firmness and the opening is medium-small today.

I am SOOO irritable this morning. Texted DH to warn him and apologized in advance. Haha.

Edit @ 4:40pm - Still SO tired today. It's aggravating! Started getting a headache in both temples a little bit ago. My abs are ridiculously sore, like I did 100 sit-ups -- only I haven't done anything of the sort. This happens from time to time though I'm not sure why.

As I was typing this update, I got a fluttery feeling in the left side of my lower abdomen (uterus area).

Sensitive nipples, noticed blue veins on my chest when I was in the restroom earlier, and my cervix has closed up.

Edit @ 9:00pm - EVERYTHING. HURTS. My abs are sore, my back is sore, my neck and shoulders, my legs... I ache everywhere. Plus, I pigged out on dinner even though I wasn't all that hungry and now I'm feeling a little green. Early bedtime for me, because I'm feeling really crappy!

9 DPO - FF Updated my cross hairs today to CD 33 instead of CD 34, which makes today 10 DPO instead! See the entry below.

10 DPO
- Sensitive nipples today, blue veins still easily visible. CP is medium high, medium opening, and firm. Still creamy CM, but less of it. Blood in the tissue when I blew my nose this morning. Wasn't particularly dry in the room last night, so not sure where that came from. Didn't feel like Wifezilla when I woke up today, which is good.

Gave myself an abdominal massage last night. Seemed to relieve a lot of the soreness, the heavy feeling in lower abdomen, and some discomfort which I'm assuming was due to bloat. I actually feel pretty darn good today!

Tested with Wondfos HPT and got BFN. Not even a tiny hint of a line! Erf. Going to try and wait until Saturday the 20th to test, if I can! I'm trying to keep my hopes up, since implantation may not even have occurred yet!

Edit @ 6:30pm -- Strangely, all the things that were bothering me for the previous 9 - 10 days are GONE today. I was only slightly sleepy/fatigued, my twingy abdomen didn't bother me much at all... My nipples are only a tiny bit sensitive. I felt surprisingly well today, after feeling like crap yesterday! Even got a brief workout in today and some housework that I was putting off because I was so exhausted.

I wonder why everything disappeared? I hope it's a good sign!

11 DPO - Woke up feeling very bloated this morning.

Noticed two perfect circles of bumps around the outside of my areolas this morning. That's something I haven't seen before! Edit @ 12:15pm - They're still there, visible as slightly more pale bumps in a circle around my areola. My nipples are sensitive but my BBs don't hurt. If I touch my nipples at all, the bumps raise and become really prominent...?

The blue veins on my chest aren't so prominent any more. Probably because of the bloating.

CM is still creamy, with little granular-looking bits. Still white, no odor. And there was less of it today than there has been. Edit @ 12:15pm - Having CM leak out now. I keep thinking it's AF and running to the toilet to check.

Edit @ 5:20pm -- CM dried up again this evening. Not much there and CP is suddenly VERY low. Yikes!

My cervix was SO high this morning that I couldn't reach it, no matter how far I leaned back of forward.. not sure what to make of that! I couldn't tell what firmness it was, or whether or not it's even open. Hmmm.

Temp went down a littlle bit today. About .10°F, but it was a much cooler night last night than it has been for a little while, so I think that's why.

Sneezing like crazy today, woke up with my eyes and nose running like you wouldn't believe, and blood in the tissue when I blow my nose. That happens from time to time, but not often. Will keep an eye on it. Edit @12:15pm - Small traces of blood have turned to nothing BUT bloody boogers... not a full-on, streaming down my face nosebleed, but still pretty nuts. I keep swallowing something every few mins which I hope is not blood streaming down the back of my throat, but could be. Hmm.

Edit @ 5:20pm -- Nose isn't so bloody any more, though when I blow my nose after sneezing (lots of sneezes today!), it's still pinkish.

12 DPO - Couldn't help it. POAS today, got BFN.

CM is still creamy but there's so little of it, I think it'll dry up soon.

Temp dropped again, by about .3°F. I'm worried that it will keep dropping and AF will show up in a couple of days. It could easily drop below the coverline in that amount of time. :cry:

CP is so high I can't reach it, again. I am reminding myself that technically AF won't show if my CP is still this high, just trying to keep my hopes up.

Nipples only slightly sore today, not as bad as yesterday. The raised bumps are less noticeable. Edit @ 5pm: Nips are pointy ALL THE TIME and they're starting to get really irritated when touched. My shirt is becoming uncomfortable on them and forget about wearing a bra!

Woke up feeling like crap. Headache, scratchy throat, stuffy/bloody nose, watery eyes. The allergy meds I usually take don't seem to be touching any of these symptoms. I might have caught a summer cold from somewhere.

Edit @ 5pm: Still have the sniffles, but the bloody nose problem seems to have stopped. I felt so tired at about 2:30pm today (still! This has been happening since about 6 DPO!) that I finally caved and took a nap. I just couldn't keep my eyes open any more. Woke up feeling marginally better, but as soon as I started getting up and moving around, I went right back to sneezing and sniffles. Ugh!

Also felt like I had really low blood sugar, even though I had a light snack before my nap. Felt a little weak and shaky. I went ahead and had an apple, but I felt so bloaty it was hard to think of eating anything.

Very faint, dull cramps in lower abdomen. Not like AF cramps, those usually feel a little like they burn? If that makes sense.

Edit @8:30pm - AF-type cramps suddenly appeared, and I feel wet in my undies. But AF never showed, and in fact my cervix is pretty tightly closed! In previous cycles where AF appeared, my CP was low and open by this point in time, even when my LP was longer than normal. FX'd this is a good sign!

13 DPO - AF cramps went away by bedtime last night and are only very faintly present this morning. I'm optimistic! Checked CP and I'm still high, medium, closed (tightly closed! Feels like a pin hole, even though I've had part of my cervix removed!).

Temp went back up this morning, phew! I was really worried it'd continue to drop and AF would show up. I'm starting to get really excited about this! I want to wait to test again until Sunday (Father's Day) just because I got a BFN yesterday and I want to give my body time to build up hCG if it's there.

Nipples aren't so sensitive this morning, but I could see the blue veins in my BBs again. They weren't present yesterday. Still seeing the raised bumps around the outside of my areolas. It's like I have permanent goosebumps there this month, which is still odd to me. DH says my BBs are wider. Honestly they felt a little like they were in the way this morning. Edit @ bedtime: My BBs are now feeling so much larger, they're in the way when I move my arms. Also VERY sore in the areas around my armpits. In fact, if I touch them there at all, it hurts about as badly as a smashed finger does. OW!

Woke up hungry, somewhat gassy. Have some body aches that I associate with this cold I have. I don't really have any other symptoms to report. No bloody nose this morning, but still sneezing and coughing.

14 DPO - Tested this AM, BFN! Ugh!

AF expected any day now. Longest LP was 17-18 days (was a Chem), average 14 days. But my temps are still well above cover line, CM still creamy and lots of it, and CP is still high. Checking previous cycles on FF, CP was always low by this point, and CM either dry or sticky.

BBs feel enormous and they're tender all over.

Lower abdomen is sore, but not in the way AF cramps feel. More like a strained muscle. My AF cramps usually feel like they burn. Bloated feeling in stomach and BBs, but my wedding band fits fine and I don't have a puffy face or anything. Hmmm.

15 DPO - No AF today and -- ACK! I am seeing super super faint lines on my Wondfos! I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I can see them within the 5 minute window and they stay there after, too! :yipee:

I attached some pics, what do you ladies think?

CP still high firm medium. Lots of creamy CM. Temp increased today.

BBs getting more and more tender. Nips are perpetually pointy! Got another problem with blood on the tissue when I blow my nose, I could even smell the blood in there last night when I was trying to sleep.

No AF cramps, but lower abdomen is still sore/tender.

Was really nauseated last night after dinner. My mouth tasted like I had already thrown up even though I hadn't. It was still there after I brushed and flossed my teeth so I'm not sure what's going on with that.

Edit at 11:30am - I can SMELL. EVERYTHING. Cat food in the kitchen is currently driving me crazy!

I've had to pee twice in the last hour and haven't had much to drink this morning, either. If these are not pregnancy symptoms I'm going to be pretty upset. lol

Edit at 8:30pm - I'm so tired I'm going to bed early, which is crazy because I really didn't do anything to tire myself out today. I could barely eat all of my dinner because of queasiness... And I remembered not to drink a ton of liquids after 7pm so that I could sleep through the night without having to get up to pee.

Fell into bed and I don't really remember turning out the light.

16 DPO - Woke up at 7:30am all on my own. It's nice to not be jolted awake by an alarm.

Temp spiked by about .4 degrees this morning, looking good! I hope it stays high!

FF says my average LP is 15 days (but the 'median' is 14.5 days?). That means I'm about 1 day late for AF.

Slightly darker line on FRER this morning. My camera can finally see it! I'm getting excited here, but trying to stay grounded. I feel like if FRER is so sensitive, shouldn't it be getting a LOT darker a lot faster than the Wondfos? I'll test again on Thursday with my last FRER and see what I get. Fingers crossed it's a sticky BFP! I had a chemical once and now I'm paranoid.

Creamy CM, and a lot of it. CP is high - firm - medium opening. Nipples still sensitive, but BBs have calmed down some. Still sneezing and sniffling, but a lot less blood on the tissue when I blow my nose. That's a good thing.

Attached a pic of my FRER. What do you ladies think?

17 DPO - June 24, stay tuned!


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he is the type that feels if it isnt happening then its for a reason.... he does drink water and is healthy for the most part but i think because he smokes cigs and did drink alcohol heavily for years up til a year ago he quit drinking. he does take protien shakes, but i will say this and it is TMI so beware.......When he ejaculates it is super thick and not very much like maybe a half dollar coin size and very that normal?

Hmmm. It's hard to say. I'd wager that the smoking and drinking definitely played a factor in that, but have you tried Googling something like, "What should healthy seminal fluid look like" or similar? You might find some good info on a few fertility sites. Just don't run an image search unless you're brave! :)

I have a couple of TTC books, but they don't really mention what healthy fluid ought to look like. They do say, though, that it should be about the same consistency as EWCM. If you think it's much thicker than that, it could be making it really difficult for the sperm to move around to where they need to go.

I wonder if he could take Mucinex the same way some ladies do, to help thin out the fluid?
he is the type that feels if it isnt happening then its for a reason.... he does drink water and is healthy for the most part but i think because he smokes cigs and did drink alcohol heavily for years up til a year ago he quit drinking. he does take protien shakes, but i will say this and it is TMI so beware.......When he ejaculates it is super thick and not very much like maybe a half dollar coin size and very that normal?

:shrug: hmmm great question....I think that my OH have had some to come out thick and sometimes a very small amount...I would say it's ok b/c like I said he just got his swimmers tested and he is fine but hey im no expert lol! He also stated that he use to drink heavily before he met me b/c he was dealing with the death of his son but since we meet he has stopped...hope this helps :hugs:
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

5DPO: Finally got my crosshairs today, sharp pain in right breast for only 3-4mins...:shrug: Also feeling kinda bloated

6DPO: Some mild cramping, bloated, gassy, had terrible nightmares last night! ](*,)

7DPO: Nausea in the morning off and on :sick:, had a minor nose bleed when blowing my nose (I never get nosebleeds?!) still bloated...
Cycle: #8
OPK: Yes, but I'm pretty sure I used them too late.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 17
0 dpo - :sex:
1 dpo - cervix is high, soft and open
2 dpo - :sex:
3 dpo - :sex:
4 dpo - nothing
5 dpo - irritability, cervix is medium, firm, closed
6 dpo - :sex: spotting

I think we totally bungled the BD timing this month. *sigh*

The spotting sounds promising! FX
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

5DPO: Finally got my crosshairs today, sharp pain in right breast for only 3-4mins...:shrug: Also feeling kinda bloated

6DPO: Some mild cramping, bloated, gassy, had terrible nightmares last night! ](*,)

7DPO: Nausea in the morning off and on :sick:, had a minor nose bleed when blowing my nose (I never get nosebleeds?!) still bloated...

:O Your chart! Sometimes I feel like I can't completely trust FF to pinpoint my O-day. I really don't think I'm very in-tune with my own body at all. LOL

Cycle: #8
OPK: Yes, but I'm pretty sure I used them too late.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 17
0 dpo - :sex:
1 dpo - cervix is high, soft and open
2 dpo - :sex:
3 dpo - :sex:
4 dpo - nothing
5 dpo - irritability, cervix is medium, firm, closed
6 dpo - :sex: spotting

I think we totally bungled the BD timing this month. *sigh*

The spotting sounds promising! FX

I'm not sure spotting is ever promising. I always get it and AF always shows up anyway. :nope:
Cycle: #8
OPK: Yes, but I'm pretty sure I used them too late.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 17
0 dpo - :sex:
1 dpo - cervix is high, soft and open
2 dpo - :sex:
3 dpo - :sex:
4 dpo - nothing
5 dpo - irritability, cervix is medium, firm, closed
6 dpo - :sex: spotting
7 dpo - nothing

I think we totally bungled the BD timing this month. *sigh*

Do you always get spotting around 6dpo? The last time I had early spotting I thought I was out, but it was implantation spotting... :shrug:
Cycle: #8
OPK: Yes, but I'm pretty sure I used them too late.

Fertility Friend Predicted Ovulation Day - CD 17
0 dpo - :sex:
1 dpo - cervix is high, soft and open
2 dpo - :sex:
3 dpo - :sex:
4 dpo - nothing
5 dpo - irritability, cervix is medium, firm, closed
6 dpo - :sex: spotting
7 dpo - nothing

I think we totally bungled the BD timing this month. *sigh*

Do you always get spotting around 6dpo? The last time I had early spotting I thought I was out, but it was implantation spotting... :shrug:

Unfortunately for me it's on and off. Some cycles I spot around 6dpo. Other times I've spotting a few days leading up to AF. And on one or two occasions, I spotted the entire week leading up to AF from 6dpo.

It looks like it's stopped for now. But it wasn't pinky, more browny. I don't want to put too much on it because it would certainly get my hopes up. I'm fairly certain I'm out this cycle.

The good news means that I'll probably be able to go on that trip to St. Lucia in Feb now!
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

What is coconut oil used for?
So I'm embarrassed to even say that somehow I managed to read every page of this thread, but I celebrated with some of you when you got your BFPs, and felt terrible when some of you had MCs. I feel like I know everyone!

I am 30 and my husband is 33. We are TTC #1. I have never been pregnant, and this is our second cycle TTC. We decided a few days too late to start trying last month, and I just went by my EWCM to guess when I ovulated. We started on the last day I saw the EWCM, but did it like crazy the whole following week. It was our 1 year anniversary trip.

I proceeded to drive myself absolutely insane with symptom spotting, but I sure did learn a lot about what our bodies go through. I was convinced I was pregnant, but was also relieved when AF finally showed up and we could try again. I started charting my BBT and took OPKs to pinpoint my ovulation day.

1DPO: Fatigue, Headache, started getting a scratchy throat

2DPO: Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, breasts started becoming tender

3DPO: Peeing often, slight nausea, skin breaking out, tender breasts

4DPO: While I was studying, I was finally distracted from symptoms and caught myself pressing down and rubbing on the left side of my lower abdomen, because it had a sharp, pinching cramp. Got excited for a new symptom when I realized what I was doing lol. Diarrhea, gas, heartburn, boobs hurting more

5DPO: Had a cramp on the left side of my back today, still have diarrhea, gas, heartburn, irritable, boobs feel like BOWLING BALLS and almost make me want to cry, they hurt so bad.

6DPO: yellow-beige CM once after wiping, sore boobs still

7DPO: nose swelling at night, sneezing, headache, tiny brown spot in underwear in the morning and one in the afternoon

8DPO: exhausted, sore and firm boobs, thirsty, post-nasal drip

9DPO: my boobs have never hurt for this long before, but I have typical pre-AF spotting this morning, and pretty sure I'm out. :dohh:

Good luck to you ladies this cycle! On to the next for me! I'll turn this red when the witch officially arrives. :dust:

EDIT: The spotting has turned red already. 9DPO seems pretty early for AF, doesn't it? Does my ovulation date look correct on my chart? This was my first month charting but I know the luteal phase should be at least 10 days. I've been taking B-6 this month just in case, anyway.
Hey everyone! New to forums and on my first month ttc (though I've been stalking for awhile...). I decided to actually join in and post because it is really difficult obsessing alone!

I have kind of irregular cycles -- pretty consistently 27ish days, but every few months I'll get a 24 or 32 cycle and I don't know exactly when I ovulated but I believe it was on 28/05 (cd14), as far as the cm was telling me anyway.

1-6 dpo: not a whole lot to report
7 dpo: my bbs aren't sore (weird for me), my gums hurt though?, nauseated on and off
8-10 dpo: boobs are huge but pain free, gums and intermittent
nausea, tired/not sleeping well
11 dpo: same as above, convinced my one nip is bigger somehow, light brown cm when I checked cp (we're still getting acquainted so not sure how high/closed), checked later regular white cm

I'm sure there's more I could add, but I've been trying really, really hard not to symptom check too much and get my hopes up. Unless I'm having an off month, AF should show in 3 days.

Anyway, happy to be able to share this. Counting the days til AF has been making me crazy!! It's nice knowing I'm not alone :flower:

Well, can't edit so we'll do it this way... Update:

12 dpo: side-boobs are SO sore suddenly, gums still sore and alternating nausea and hunger (of course), sore lower back
13 dpo: same as above, cramps but they feel off... not quite af-like, soooo tired
14 dpo: af is officially due! I usually have spotting by now, but none so far, so fingers crossed. Still feeling crampy and just kind of crappy all around.

I promised the husband I wouldn't test til tomorrow so I'm settling in for the longest 24 hours of my life :headspin:. Hope you're all doing well :)

Day 30 of my cycle, 16 dpo, no changes in symptoms, no sign of af, two BFN!
I tested yesterday with fmu and thought I had a squinter line, but this morning with fmu I can't see anything.:nope: At this point, give me a bfp or give me af! I want to get on to the next try! I guess if I implanted on 11 dpo with the brown cm my hCG levels might still be too low... and I'm making myself crazy.

Not sure when I'll test again, probably give it a few days. Good luck to all the rest of you and thanks 5starsplus1 for being such a great cheerleader! :kiss:
FINALLY got another rise in temp, so my chart now has dotted cross hairs.

Here's my DPO chart for this cycle, according to when FF thinks I ovulated:

1 DPO - Bloating badly, wedding ring too snug. Increased sex drive. Still quite a lot of watery CM, and cervix still HSO

2 DPO - Woke up with lower back ache similar to PMS symptoms. Frequent urination today, I think getting rid of the bloat from previous days. Cervix was so high I could only barely reach it enough to tell that it had firmed up. Couldn't reach the opening. Watery CM has almost dried up, somewhere between watery and creamy today. I marked it as creamy in my chart because there wasn't enough of it to really make me feel I was still fertile.

3 DPO - CM definitely moved to creamy now. Cervix still high, but low enough to tell that it was still open and firm. No other symptoms charted that day.

4 DPO - LOTS of lotiony CM today for some reason. Cervix was so high this morning that I couldn't even reach it to determine the texture. Hoping those are good signs! Edit @ 5pm: No other symptoms today, which is really odd. No cramps, no moodiness, no sore breasts... nothing. Hmm. Wonder if it has to do with my cycle being so long?

5 DPO - Steep temperature dip this morning, but also noticed my thermometer's batteries are low. I hope that's not what caused the dip, and that this is actually an implantation dip! FF says I'm 5 DPO but I think I'm 6, so an implantation dip here wouldn't be out of line! :dance: Had a strange twitchy feeling in my lower abdomen this morning, and also woke up feeling like I am getting a cold. Still lots of lotiony CM, CP is still High - Firm - Open (though I had an easier time reaching it this morning, so it might be dropping a little).

6 DPO - June 14th, stay tuned!

Updated my symptoms -- would someone take a look at my chart and tell me what they think of today's temperature dip, and the date FF has assigned as my potential O date, pleeeease? <3
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

What is coconut oil used for?

i use it for lube and lotion and cooking and on and on and on LMAO.....Good Stuff!

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