1 DPO - Bloating badly, wedding ring too snug. Increased sex drive. Still quite a lot of watery CM, and cervix still HSO. Usually experiencing lots of PMS symptoms by now, but there hasn't been anything I could call PMS
2 DPO - Woke up with lower back ache similar to PMS symptoms. Cervix was so high I could only barely reach it enough to tell that it had firmed up. Couldn't reach the opening. CM is somewhere between watery and creamy today. I marked it as creamy in my chart because there wasn't enough of the watery CM to really make me feel I was still fertile.
3 DPO - CM definitely moved to creamy now. Cervix still high, but low enough to tell that it was still open and firm. No other symptoms charted that day. Usually I have tender BBs, mood swings... nothing.
4 DPO - LOTS of lotiony CM today for some reason. Cervix was so high this morning that I couldn't even reach it to determine the texture. Hoping those are good signs!
Edit @ 5pm: No other symptoms today, which is really odd. No cramps, no moodiness, no sore breasts... nothing. Hmm. Wonder if it has to do with my cycle being so long?
5 DPO - Steep temperature dip this morning, but also noticed my thermometer's batteries are low. I hope that's not what caused the dip, and that this is actually an implantation dip! FF says I'm 5 DPO but I think I'm 6, so an implantation dip here wouldn't be out of line!

Had a strange twitchy feeling in my lower abdomen this morning, and also woke up feeling like I am getting a cold. Still lots of lotiony CM, CP is still High - Firm - Open (though I had an easier time reaching it this morning, so it might be dropping a little).
Woke up feeling absolutely exhausted, too. I didn't go to bed any later than I normally do. I fell right to sleep and didn't have any particularly disturbing dreams. The temperature in the room was comfortable and the only thing that bothered me was that I drank too much water last night before bed, so when I woke up to take my BBT I had to pee SO bad! lol
Edit @ 10am: Feeling very very slight cramps/twinges. Not the same as AF cramps.
6 DPO - Slept pretty hard last night. DH said he heard me snoring, which is odd because I don't snore unless I'm sick and all stuffed up. I didn't wake up with a stuffy nose today, but I had one yesterday for a little bit. I'm assuming it's allergies, but marking it down just in case it's a symptom! lol
Still lots of creamy/lotiony CM today. Enough so that it's wetting my underwear. According to the charts where I tracked that sort of thing, my CM almost immediately went from Watery to Sticky after O. Not this time! [-o< My chemical in Nov was marked as Creamy for the full 18 days after O. Fingers crossed!
Also woke up with odd, cramp-like twinges in my lower abdomen again, like yesterday. Not like AF cramps at all. They're lower, localized to one side, and a little more sharp.
Cervix is approximately the same height as yesterday, still firm, but now beginning to close up. I'd say it's at medium-open today.
Also got another temp dip, but I'm still above coverline, so as long as it stays above cover, I'll be all right.
Edit: I was soooo tired today, I caught myself falling asleep on the couch while I was reading/browsing the web. Took an hour long nap and still felt tired enough to go to bed around my usual 9:30pm later that night.
7 DPO - Temp spiked back up by almost a whole degree (.72 to be exact) this morning. Whew! I was worried I'd keep dropping, and AF would show up early.
Still feeling like I might be getting a cold. Stuffy sinuses (which in turn are causing one ear to feel sore/achey), scratchy throat. I had trouble sleeping last night too. My heart felt like it was absolutely RACING for no apparent reason. I mean, I'm laying down and trying to sleep. Why should I feel like I had just run for my life?
Still lots of creamy CM, cervix seems to be lowering a little, but still firm and with a medium opening. My only other symptom this morning is a tender lower abdomen. It's a little odd that I have so few symptoms with AF only about a week away (though really, I hope she doesn't show up!)
Edit @ 4pm: I am soooo sleepy today. Feel like I could just nod off right where I'm sitting. The only reason I haven't gone to take a nap is because I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I know that a nap this late in the day will only screw up my sleeping patterns even more.
I'm a little nauseated right now after drinking a glass of water, and I have some heartburn.
Edit at 8pm: Just had so much CM leaking that I had to run to the restroom to see if AF had appeared several days early -- but no, it's just far too much (creamy) CM! >.> Not sure what causes that. I haven't had enough water to drink today either, so you'd think that I'd be all dried up in there. This is not the case! Also, there was a faint pinkish tinge to the tissue when I wiped once last night. I told myself it was the bathroom lighting though.
8 DPO - Woke up with a stuffy nose again. Either my allergies are getting worse for some reason, or this is a very mild cold? Noticed very very slight discomfort in my BBs last night when I laid on my stomach. Usually by this point I'm so PMS-y that everything hurts. I can remember months where my BBs were so tender, moving my arms at all made them hurt. Not this month!
Noticed that my urine was a funny color this morning. It was a dark yellow that was closer to brown than yellow. Not dark brown or anything that'd indicate that I had blood in my urine, just a strange color I haven't seen before, even with UTIs. I drank an
okay amount of water yesterday, just not the same 3 liters I normally do.
Still seeing lots and LOTS of creamy CM. Cervix is getting higher, now the texture feels medium in firmness and the opening is medium-small today.
I am SOOO irritable this morning. The cats were seriously getting on my nerves.. they get wet food in the mornings, and even though I got up at the same time I do every day, all of them were crowding me, tripping me up, yowling at me and nearly getting stepped on - and it was driving me nuts! Usually I'm pretty tolerant of them because that's just their excitement for getting a special treat, but this morning I could have cheerfully locked them bot out in the back yard for the remainder of the morning.
Edit @ 4:40pm - Still SO tired today. It's aggravating! Started getting a headache in both temples a little bit ago. My abs are ridiculously sore, like I did 100 sit-ups -- only I haven't done anything of the sort. This happens from time to time though I'm not sure why.
As I was typing this update, I got a fluttery feeling in the left side of my lower abdomen (uterus area).
Sensitive nipples, noticed blue veins on my chest when I was in the restroom earlier, and my cervix has closed up.
Edit @ 9:00pm - EVERYTHING. HURTS. My abs are sore, my back is sore, my neck and shoulders, my legs... I ache everywhere. Plus, I pigged out on dinner even though I wasn't all that hungry and now I'm feeling a little green. Early bedtime for me, because I'm feeling really crappy!