Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

1DPO: Nothing
2DPO: Thick yellow cm, exhausted and 2 headaches.

3DPO: Some yellow cm, some ewcm and the same headache accompanied by nausea

4DPO: A lot of ewcm? Feeling beyond exhausted, no energy, muscles aching and a bit of a sore throat, could it be the start of a cold?

5DPO: No sign of the cold I thought I had... Felt some mini cramps in my uterus.

6DPO: Lots of pinching, cramping and some dull ache in my uterus. Am I imagining all of these??? Super gassy too (Can't fake those!!! LOL)
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

CD 6- AF is gone, :sex:

CD 7 - :sex: just been wanting to BD not really thinking this is going to help our chances LOL. :haha::haha: CP is high, soft, open. CM is watery creamy

CD 8 - :sex: i tried to say No but hubby just wont stop touching me :haha: I think i am going to have to wear a Burlap Sack on to bed LOL
cm becoming more EWity lol but not quite there...... cp high, soft, open.

CD 9 - :sex: IN P.M. oh yea globs of EWCM now, and crampy feeling, geesh i ovulate so early im guessing since its 24-48 hours i will be ovulating on CD11:thumbup: swim little buddies swim :spermy: i took a cheapie OPK at 6:00pm and it was negative so i guess im not ovulating quite yet......:wacko::wacko:

CD10- :sex: in A.M., i tried to put look ugly and pass on bding this morning since i wanted to skip a day HA that went out the window, i wore a baggy tshirt and night pants and socks and that seems like it made it worse.... LOL :shrug::shrug: I am going to try and not let him touch me tonight so that way we can at least have a 24 hour break..geesh MEN :bike: im alil crampy but we shall see what the day holds, onward and upward :plane: watery creamy cm.

CD 11 - :sex: IN P.M. i give up, he just is not going to build any sperm up. i don't know if it will help anyways i am so confused with my CM and OPK, i have watery creamy cm, high open and soft position :shrug::shrug: i had cramps some today, i don't know whats going on maybe ill have EWCM again and then ovulate or maybe i have already I have NO idea.

CD12 - positive OPK, severe cramps like ive never had them before, but my cm is like creamy. We did not BD today. :cry::cry:

CD13- positive OPK again :sex: in the A.M. so maybe i will still be ok. CM is watery, and extreme nausea and pain in abdomen, i believe i got food poisoning. I felt bad all day. :sick:

CD 14 - :sex: A.M., i had the worst diarrhea today which confirms my food poisoning idea...HAPPY FREAKING FATHERS DAY!!! Ughh i feel terrible :sick::sick:

CD 15 - 2DPO - nothing really to report other than feeling unloved by hubby, which is crazy cuz i know he loves me lol, the only other thing in CM is milky/creamy, and just cleaning alittle. :dust:

Well here goes the first TWW after an early miscarriage, looking for my rainbow! Only took one cycle to conceive my first so hoping for a BFP again, but not counting on it as my cycle is a bit screwy from the hormone shifts!

Ovulated June 21, we dtd in the evening of June 19 and again on June 22 (I had no idea when I would ovulate so we just did every 2-3 days). I had really bad ovulation cramp this time, the worst were on June 19th. I had left sided cramps on the day I ovulated.

1DPO: a little crampy and increased libido.
2DPO: very mild cramps in the morning, breasts larger, increased libido.
3 DPO: mild cramping in morning, nothing in afternoon, some more in the evening.
4 DPO: Not really any cramping in the morning but mild cramping and pressure/fullness feeling in my uterus in the evening. Breasts very tender today. Feeling tired. My temps have been nice and high and steady, unlike my last cycles BFP that ended in miscarriage. (page 428) Feeling pretty sure I'm pregnant again. Very nauseous right before bed ugh. Doubt it could be pregnancy related this early in the game but who knows.
5 DPO: cramping pretty much gone today except very mild twinges on left side. Snotty cm in the evening.
6 DPO: cramping still mostly gone. Very tired today. Had nightmares last night. Sore breast are gone unless I actually press on them. Really smelly armpits yuck! Extremes hunger in the evening.
7-8 Dpo: cramping still mostly gone unless I focus on it then it is very mild. BFN's (not expecting a BFP but have a bunch of IC's to use up and tested + on 8DPO last time so worth a shot!
9DPO: Mildly nauseous, tired. Boobs still big and a little sore. Still very low-grade cramps. BFN this morning. Some intense cramping for an hour or so late afternoon.
10 DPO: mildy cramping, snotty cm, larger breasts, slightly nauseous at dinner. Bfn this morning and feeling discouraged :(
11DOO: no cramping in morning. Gob of dark brown cm/tissue late morning. Not sure if this is AF coming early or maybe implantation bleed? Really hoping it's IB but not getting my hopes up. Feeling really emotional today.
12dpo: AF-like cramps very very bad, feels like it should be here full force but Im still just very lightly spotting on and off. AF not expected until Sunday so it will be two days early which is very unusual for me but my hormones are still weird from MC so who knows.
Ended up getting AF the evening of 12DPO, very early for me! Was a very weird cycle. Hope the mext is more normal!
16 DPO - Woke up at 7:30am all on my own. It's nice to not be jolted awake by an alarm.

Temp spiked by about .4 degrees this morning, looking good! I hope it stays high!

FF says my average LP is 15 days (but the 'median' is 14.5 days?). That means I'm about 1 day late for AF.

Slightly darker line on FRER this morning. My camera can finally see it! I'm getting excited here, but trying to stay grounded. I feel like if FRER is so sensitive, shouldn't it be getting a LOT darker a lot faster than the Wondfos? I'll test again on Thursday with my last FRER and see what I get. Fingers crossed it's a sticky BFP! I had a chemical once and now I'm paranoid.

Creamy CM, and a lot of it. CP is high - firm - medium opening. Nipples still sensitive, but BBs have calmed down some. Still sneezing and sniffling, but a lot less blood on the tissue when I blow my nose. That's a good thing.

Attached a pic of my FRER. What do you ladies think?

Should I officially mark my original post as BFP and turn it green? I'm being so cautious!

What do you gals think?


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So my next question is what are all your symptoms?

My original DPO post is on thread pg 445. Since the "rules" for the thread said to only update that original post, that's what I've been doing.

For the most part I had next to no PMS symptoms this month at all. That's what started to get me really suspicious.

Then I got AF cramps right on schedule, but AF didn't show. I only get those kinds of cramps immediately before AF. So close to it, in fact, that the cramps signal "get to the bathroom NOW!" in a BFN cycle.

But what made me fairly certain was the fact that I was getting nosebleeds on and off for daaaayyyssss. I never get those! Did once when I went to Las Vegas in the summer. It's the desert out there, and the air is SO dry my nose couldn't cope. Haha.

So since I didn't have any PMS symptoms I wrote down every other little thing that I could think of to call a symptom this month, plus my CM and CP, how I slept, that sort of thing. :flower:
Hey ladies, I broke an tested this afternoon with a cheapie from Walmart and a 1st response and they were both neg.....Im not to sad b/c im only 9 dpo and it was with my afternoon urine and not FMU....I will test again in the morning at 10 dpo and hopefully something will show or do you ladies think I should wait a couple of days?
Hey ladies, I broke an tested this afternoon with a cheapie from Walmart and a 1st response and they were both neg.....Im not to sad b/c im only 9 dpo and it was with my afternoon urine and not FMU....I will test again in the morning at 10 dpo and hopefully something will show or do you ladies think I should wait a couple of days?

9 dpo is really early, I didn't get even a hint of a line until 14dpo! Maybe wait 2 or 3 days if you can stand it! I know I couldn't. lol
Hey ladies, I broke an tested this afternoon with a cheapie from Walmart and a 1st response and they were both neg.....Im not to sad b/c im only 9 dpo and it was with my afternoon urine and not FMU....I will test again in the morning at 10 dpo and hopefully something will show or do you ladies think I should wait a couple of days?

9 dpo is really early, I didn't get even a hint of a line until 14dpo! Maybe wait 2 or 3 days if you can stand it! I know I couldn't. lol

Thanks im just so nervous b/c I really want a BFP....when did you start testing?
Thanks im just so nervous b/c I really want a BFP....when did you start testing?

About the same time as you! lol

I knew it'd be negative, but really I am a POAS addict and I hadn't done OPKs in like a week, so I had to get my fix. lol!
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

CD 6- AF is gone, :sex:

CD 7 - :sex: just been wanting to BD not really thinking this is going to help our chances LOL. :haha::haha: CP is high, soft, open. CM is watery creamy

CD 8 - :sex: i tried to say No but hubby just wont stop touching me :haha: I think i am going to have to wear a Burlap Sack on to bed LOL
cm becoming more EWity lol but not quite there...... cp high, soft, open.

CD 9 - :sex: IN P.M. oh yea globs of EWCM now, and crampy feeling, geesh i ovulate so early im guessing since its 24-48 hours i will be ovulating on CD11:thumbup: swim little buddies swim :spermy: i took a cheapie OPK at 6:00pm and it was negative so i guess im not ovulating quite yet......:wacko::wacko:

CD10- :sex: in A.M., i tried to put look ugly and pass on bding this morning since i wanted to skip a day HA that went out the window, i wore a baggy tshirt and night pants and socks and that seems like it made it worse.... LOL :shrug::shrug: I am going to try and not let him touch me tonight so that way we can at least have a 24 hour break..geesh MEN :bike: im alil crampy but we shall see what the day holds, onward and upward :plane: watery creamy cm.

CD 11 - :sex: IN P.M. i give up, he just is not going to build any sperm up. i don't know if it will help anyways i am so confused with my CM and OPK, i have watery creamy cm, high open and soft position :shrug::shrug: i had cramps some today, i don't know whats going on maybe ill have EWCM again and then ovulate or maybe i have already I have NO idea.

CD12 - positive OPK, severe cramps like ive never had them before, but my cm is like creamy. We did not BD today. :cry::cry:

CD13- positive OPK again :sex: in the A.M. so maybe i will still be ok. CM is watery, and extreme nausea and pain in abdomen, i believe i got food poisoning. I felt bad all day. :sick:

CD 14 - :sex: A.M., i had the worst diarrhea today which confirms my food poisoning idea...HAPPY FREAKING FATHERS DAY!!! Ughh i feel terrible :sick::sick:

CD 15 - 2DPO - nothing really to report other than feeling unloved by hubby, which is crazy cuz i know he loves me lol, the only other thing in CM is milky/creamy, and just cleaning alittle. :dust:

CD 16 - 3dpo tired, tender breasts and a crampy feeling on my right side can someone give me some input on this??? i have never felt anything like this THIS early!!! :wacko: cm is creamy/watery.

Updated with a question
Hey ladies, I broke an tested this afternoon with a cheapie from Walmart and a 1st response and they were both neg.....Im not to sad b/c im only 9 dpo and it was with my afternoon urine and not FMU....I will test again in the morning at 10 dpo and hopefully something will show or do you ladies think I should wait a couple of days?

dont get discouraged :hugs::hugs: it is still VERY EARLY!!! :flower: you will get your bfp just wait about three days and use FMU. :hug:
Updated with a question

The crampy feeling could be a lot of things. In April, I had cramps all month long, literally every single day, especially in the areas around my ovaries. They didn't seem to have a particular rhyme or reason. :dohh:

It could be ovulation pains, since you got some +OPKs right around then.

It could be a cyst forming, too. Hard to say.

Do you temp? It'd be much easier to see if you O'd for sure on the day you got the cramps!
Yeah, those cramps. I've had them for the last 5 cycles. I always think they're something.. then AF comes.
Congrats ireadyermind!!!:happydance: Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months:baby:
Thanks im just so nervous b/c I really want a BFP....when did you start testing?

About the same time as you! lol

I knew it'd be negative, but really I am a POAS addict and I hadn't done OPKs in like a week, so I had to get my fix. lol!

Yea this is the earliest ive ever tested lol....I think ima just wait until Friday morning.....if im indeed preggo it will definitely show by then
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

CD 6- AF is gone, :sex:

CD 7 - :sex: just been wanting to BD not really thinking this is going to help our chances LOL. :haha::haha: CP is high, soft, open. CM is watery creamy

CD 8 - :sex: i tried to say No but hubby just wont stop touching me :haha: I think i am going to have to wear a Burlap Sack on to bed LOL
cm becoming more EWity lol but not quite there...... cp high, soft, open.

CD 9 - :sex: IN P.M. oh yea globs of EWCM now, and crampy feeling, geesh i ovulate so early im guessing since its 24-48 hours i will be ovulating on CD11:thumbup: swim little buddies swim :spermy: i took a cheapie OPK at 6:00pm and it was negative so i guess im not ovulating quite yet......:wacko::wacko:

CD10- :sex: in A.M., i tried to put look ugly and pass on bding this morning since i wanted to skip a day HA that went out the window, i wore a baggy tshirt and night pants and socks and that seems like it made it worse.... LOL :shrug::shrug: I am going to try and not let him touch me tonight so that way we can at least have a 24 hour break..geesh MEN :bike: im alil crampy but we shall see what the day holds, onward and upward :plane: watery creamy cm.

CD 11 - :sex: IN P.M. i give up, he just is not going to build any sperm up. i don't know if it will help anyways i am so confused with my CM and OPK, i have watery creamy cm, high open and soft position :shrug::shrug: i had cramps some today, i don't know whats going on maybe ill have EWCM again and then ovulate or maybe i have already I have NO idea.

CD12 - positive OPK, severe cramps like ive never had them before, but my cm is like creamy. We did not BD today. :cry::cry:

CD13- positive OPK again :sex: in the A.M. so maybe i will still be ok. CM is watery, and extreme nausea and pain in abdomen, i believe i got food poisoning. I felt bad all day. :sick:

CD 14 - :sex: A.M., i had the worst diarrhea today which confirms my food poisoning idea...HAPPY FREAKING FATHERS DAY!!! Ughh i feel terrible :sick::sick:

CD 15 - 2DPO - nothing really to report other than feeling unloved by hubby, which is crazy cuz i know he loves me lol, the only other thing in CM is milky/creamy, and just cleaning alittle. :dust:

CD 16 - 3dpo tired, tender breasts and a crampy feeling on my right side can someone give me some input on this??? i have never felt anything like this THIS early!!! :wacko: cm is creamy/watery.

Updated with a question

I had these cramps 2 cycles ago and of course ended up bn nothing...but hun we all are different so don't give up!
1DPO: Nothing
2DPO: Thick yellow cm, exhausted and 2 headaches.

3DPO: Some yellow cm, some ewcm and the same headache accompanied by nausea

4DPO: A lot of ewcm? Feeling beyond exhausted, no energy, muscles aching and a bit of a sore throat, could it be the start of a cold?

5DPO: No sign of the cold I thought I had... Felt some mini cramps in my uterus.

6DPO: Lots of pinching, cramping and some dull ache in my uterus. Am I imagining all of these??? Super gassy too (Can't fake those!!! LOL)

7DPO: A lot of dull pain in my uterus, pressure, kinda feels like I'm gonna pee myself. Over salivating, sweet taste in my mouth. Tested with internet cheapy BFN (Kinda would've been surprised otherwise :P) Argh can't stop peeing in the evening!

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