Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

5DPO: Finally got my crosshairs today, sharp pain in right breast for only 3-4mins...:shrug: Also feeling kinda bloated

6DPO: Some mild cramping, bloated, gassy, had terrible nightmares last night! ](*,)

7DPO: Nausea in the morning off and on :sick:, had a minor nose bleed when blowing my nose (I never get nosebleeds?!) still bloated...

8-9DPO: Random bouts of nausea off and on, particular food cravings... a little moody

10DPO: Temp dip, no nausea, strange dream about being chased by dragons?! LOL :haha: some light cramps, no spotting yet... Which is unusual, I usually start spotting on 10dpo... But with the large temp dip today, I feel as if I will be turning this red by tomorrow...#-o tested BFN

11DPO: Irritability in am, still no spotting! I rarely make it to 11dpo (like only 2 other times in my 9mos of tracking!) And I always had spotting by then? Starting to think that both myself and ff got my O date wrong? Or a slim possibility that I could be pregnant? Please look at my chart and tell me what you wonderful ladies think!!!:wacko: tested BFN

12DPO: I guess it could be 10dpo if I ovulated later than I thought... Mild cramps and bloating, temp spike, lots of random dreams these past few days... Gonna test again today so I guess we will see!:shrug: =BFN

Fx for you hun....lots of :dust:
FINALLY got another rise in temp, so my chart now has dotted cross hairs.

Here's my DPO chart for this cycle, according to when FF thinks I ovulated:

1 DPO - Bloating badly, wedding ring too snug. Increased sex drive. Still quite a lot of watery CM, and cervix still HSO. Usually experiencing lots of PMS symptoms by now, but there hasn't been anything I could call PMS

2 DPO - Woke up with lower back ache similar to PMS symptoms. Cervix was so high I could only barely reach it enough to tell that it had firmed up. Couldn't reach the opening. CM is somewhere between watery and creamy today. I marked it as creamy in my chart because there wasn't enough of the watery CM to really make me feel I was still fertile.

3 DPO - CM definitely moved to creamy now. Cervix still high, but low enough to tell that it was still open and firm. No other symptoms charted that day. Usually I have tender BBs, mood swings... nothing.

4 DPO - LOTS of lotiony CM today for some reason. Cervix was so high this morning that I couldn't even reach it to determine the texture. Hoping those are good signs!

Edit @ 5pm: No other symptoms today, which is really odd. No cramps, no moodiness, no sore breasts... nothing. Hmm. Wonder if it has to do with my cycle being so long?

5 DPO - Steep temperature dip this morning, but also noticed my thermometer's batteries are low. I hope that's not what caused the dip, and that this is actually an implantation dip! FF says I'm 5 DPO but I think I'm 6, so an implantation dip here wouldn't be out of line! :dance: Had a strange twitchy feeling in my lower abdomen this morning, and also woke up feeling like I am getting a cold. Still lots of lotiony CM, CP is still High - Firm - Open (though I had an easier time reaching it this morning, so it might be dropping a little).

Woke up feeling absolutely exhausted, too. I didn't go to bed any later than I normally do. I fell right to sleep and didn't have any particularly disturbing dreams. The temperature in the room was comfortable and the only thing that bothered me was that I drank too much water last night before bed, so when I woke up to take my BBT I had to pee SO bad! lol

Edit @ 10am: Feeling very very slight cramps/twinges. Not the same as AF cramps.

6 DPO - Slept pretty hard last night. DH said he heard me snoring, which is odd because I don't snore unless I'm sick and all stuffed up. I didn't wake up with a stuffy nose today, but I had one yesterday for a little bit. I'm assuming it's allergies, but marking it down just in case it's a symptom! lol

Still lots of creamy/lotiony CM today. Enough so that it's wetting my underwear. According to the charts where I tracked that sort of thing, my CM almost immediately went from Watery to Sticky after O. Not this time! [-o< My chemical in Nov was marked as Creamy for the full 18 days after O. Fingers crossed!

Also woke up with odd, cramp-like twinges in my lower abdomen again, like yesterday. Not like AF cramps at all. They're lower, localized to one side, and a little more sharp.

Cervix is approximately the same height as yesterday, still firm, but now beginning to close up. I'd say it's at medium-open today.

Also got another temp dip, but I'm still above coverline, so as long as it stays above cover, I'll be all right. :af:

Edit: I was soooo tired today, I caught myself falling asleep on the couch while I was reading/browsing the web. Took an hour long nap and still felt tired enough to go to bed around my usual 9:30pm later that night.

7 DPO - Temp spiked back up by almost a whole degree (.72 to be exact) this morning. Whew! I was worried I'd keep dropping, and AF would show up early.

Still feeling like I might be getting a cold. Stuffy sinuses (which in turn are causing one ear to feel sore/achey), scratchy throat. I had trouble sleeping last night too. My heart felt like it was absolutely RACING for no apparent reason. I mean, I'm laying down and trying to sleep. Why should I feel like I had just run for my life?

Still lots of creamy CM, cervix seems to be lowering a little, but still firm and with a medium opening. My only other symptom this morning is a tender lower abdomen. It's a little odd that I have so few symptoms with AF only about a week away (though really, I hope she doesn't show up!)

Edit @ 4pm: I am soooo sleepy today. Feel like I could just nod off right where I'm sitting. The only reason I haven't gone to take a nap is because I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I know that a nap this late in the day will only screw up my sleeping patterns even more.

I'm a little nauseated right now after drinking a glass of water, and I have some heartburn.

Edit at 8pm: Just had so much CM leaking that I had to run to the restroom to see if AF had appeared several days early -- but no, it's just far too much (creamy) CM! >.> Not sure what causes that. I haven't had enough water to drink today either, so you'd think that I'd be all dried up in there. This is not the case! Also, there was a faint pinkish tinge to the tissue when I wiped once last night. I told myself it was the bathroom lighting though.

8 DPO - Woke up with a stuffy nose again. Either my allergies are getting worse for some reason, or this is a very mild cold? Noticed very very slight discomfort in my BBs last night when I laid on my stomach. Usually by this point I'm so PMS-y that everything hurts. I can remember months where my BBs were so tender, moving my arms at all made them hurt. Not this month!

Noticed that my urine was a funny color this morning. It was a dark yellow that was closer to brown than yellow. Not dark brown or anything that'd indicate that I had blood in my urine, just a strange color I haven't seen before, even with UTIs. I drank an okay amount of water yesterday, just not the same 3 liters I normally do.

Still seeing lots and LOTS of creamy CM. Cervix is getting higher, now the texture feels medium in firmness and the opening is medium-small today.

I am SOOO irritable this morning. The cats were seriously getting on my nerves.. they get wet food in the mornings, and even though I got up at the same time I do every day, all of them were crowding me, tripping me up, yowling at me and nearly getting stepped on - and it was driving me nuts! Usually I'm pretty tolerant of them because that's just their excitement for getting a special treat, but this morning I could have cheerfully locked them bot out in the back yard for the remainder of the morning. :growlmad:

Edit @ 4:40pm - Still SO tired today. It's aggravating! Started getting a headache in both temples a little bit ago. My abs are ridiculously sore, like I did 100 sit-ups -- only I haven't done anything of the sort. This happens from time to time though I'm not sure why.

As I was typing this update, I got a fluttery feeling in the left side of my lower abdomen (uterus area).

Sensitive nipples, noticed blue veins on my chest when I was in the restroom earlier, and my cervix has closed up.

Edit @ 9:00pm - EVERYTHING. HURTS. My abs are sore, my back is sore, my neck and shoulders, my legs... I ache everywhere. Plus, I pigged out on dinner even though I wasn't all that hungry and now I'm feeling a little green. Early bedtime for me, because I'm feeling really crappy!

9 DPO - FF Updated my cross hairs today to CD 33 instead of CD 34, which makes today 10 DPO instead! See the entry below.

10 DPO
- Sensitive nipples today, blue veins still easily visible. CP is medium high, medium opening, and firm. Still creamy CM, but less of it. Blood in the tissue when I blew my nose this morning. Wasn't particularly dry in the room last night, so not sure where that came from. Didn't feel like Wifezilla when I woke up today, which is good.

Gave myself an abdominal massage last night. Seemed to relieve a lot of the soreness, the heavy feeling in lower abdomen, and some discomfort which I'm assuming was due to bloat. I actually feel pretty darn good today!

Tested with Wondfos HPT and got BFN. Not even a tiny hint of a line! Erf. Going to try and wait until Saturday the 20th to test, if I can! I'm trying to keep my hopes up, since implantation may not even have occurred yet! [-o>

Edit @ 6:30pm -- Strangely, all the things that were bothering me for the previous 9 - 10 days are GONE today. I was only slightly sleepy/fatigued, my twingy abdomen didn't bother me much at all... My nipples are only a tiny bit sensitive. I felt surprisingly well today, after feeling like crap yesterday! Even got a brief workout in today and some housework that I was putting off because I was so exhausted.

I wonder why everything disappeared? I hope it's a good sign!

11 DPO - Woke up feeling very bloated this morning -- but we had salty french fries with dinner last night, so that's probably why I'm bloated. I'm not going to read too much into THAT one. Plus I drank 4 liters of water yesterday, not including my morning cup of coffee or the orange soda I had at dinner time (I splurged! Normally if we get takeout, I ask for unsweetened iced tea. Far fewer calories! lol)

Noticed two perfect circles of bumps around the outside of my areolas this morning. That's something I haven't seen before! I normally get, like, ONE of those, and today each BB had a perfect ring of them around the areola. Odd. And the blue veins aren't so prominent any more. Probably because of the bloating.

CM is still creamy, with little granular-looking bits. Still white, no odor. And there was less of it today than there has been.

My cervix was SO high this morning that I couldn't reach it, no matter how far I leaned back of forward.. not sure what to make of that! I couldn't tell what firmness it was, or whether or not it's even open. Hmmm.

Temp went down a littlle bit today. About .10°F, but it was a much cooler night last night than it has been for a little while, so I think that's why.

Sneezing like crazy today, woke up with my eyes and nose running like you wouldn't believe, and blood in the tissue when I blow my nose. That happens from time to time, but not often. Will keep an eye on it.

12 DPO - June 19th, stay tuned!

What's with those weird little bumps around the outsides of my areolas? I've never had those before! And I've been through seven TWWs so far! Or, well, this one makes eight I guess. Haha
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

5DPO: Finally got my crosshairs today, sharp pain in right breast for only 3-4mins...:shrug: Also feeling kinda bloated

6DPO: Some mild cramping, bloated, gassy, had terrible nightmares last night! ](*,)

7DPO: Nausea in the morning off and on :sick:, had a minor nose bleed when blowing my nose (I never get nosebleeds?!) still bloated...

8-9DPO: Random bouts of nausea off and on, particular food cravings... a little moody

10DPO: Temp dip, no nausea, strange dream about being chased by dragons?! LOL :haha: some light cramps, no spotting yet... Which is unusual, I usually start spotting on 10dpo... But with the large temp dip today, I feel as if I will be turning this red by tomorrow...#-o tested BFN

11DPO: Irritability in am, still no spotting! I rarely make it to 11dpo (like only 2 other times in my 9mos of tracking!) And I always had spotting by then? Starting to think that both myself and ff got my O date wrong? Or a slim possibility that I could be pregnant? Please look at my chart and tell me what you wonderful ladies think!!!:wacko: tested BFN

12DPO: I guess it could be 10dpo if I ovulated later than I thought... Mild cramps and bloating, temp spike, lots of random dreams these past few days... Gonna test again today so I guess we will see!:shrug: =BFN

CD1: The :witch: got me... Guessing I either ovulated later than I thought or I had chemical. Either way I'm out, on to cycle #10!

:dust: to all you wonderful ladies!
1st month off bcp so who knows if i ovulated but or when my periods even coming....

Based on a 28 day cycle

super thirsty/dry mouth
back kinda hurts
boobs kinda hurt
was cramping in the morning but it went away

cramps!!!! I think i calculated wrong. I think my af is coming. Ive been feeling like its going to come any second all day today.. had a headache in the morning
7pm cramps are staying to subside a bit. Not so gooey either but still no blood at all. Soooo thirsty!!

6am uhhhh i swore af was coming yesterday but the symptoms have disappeared. I feel pretty bloated like i cant really suck in my stomach that well. Idk whats going on. Withdrawal symptoms from the bcp pill? Maybe af is coming today
7am cramps are coming back.. still super thirsty. Ive peed 4 times this morning. I usually pee more after my coffee but jeez. I pee & 10 min later i have to go again. This is getting ridiculous. It could just be cuz im so thirsty i keep drinking water. Its kinda like when i had a uti but without the burning part. Thighs and back are sore
8am af is here. Darn
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

5DPO: Finally got my crosshairs today, sharp pain in right breast for only 3-4mins...:shrug: Also feeling kinda bloated

6DPO: Some mild cramping, bloated, gassy, had terrible nightmares last night! ](*,)

7DPO: Nausea in the morning off and on :sick:, had a minor nose bleed when blowing my nose (I never get nosebleeds?!) still bloated...

8-9DPO: Random bouts of nausea off and on, particular food cravings... a little moody

10DPO: Temp dip, no nausea, strange dream about being chased by dragons?! LOL :haha: some light cramps, no spotting yet... Which is unusual, I usually start spotting on 10dpo... But with the large temp dip today, I feel as if I will be turning this red by tomorrow...#-o tested BFN

11DPO: Irritability in am, still no spotting! I rarely make it to 11dpo (like only 2 other times in my 9mos of tracking!) And I always had spotting by then? Starting to think that both myself and ff got my O date wrong? Or a slim possibility that I could be pregnant? Please look at my chart and tell me what you wonderful ladies think!!!:wacko: tested BFN

12DPO: I guess it could be 10dpo if I ovulated later than I thought... Mild cramps and bloating, temp spike, lots of random dreams these past few days... Gonna test again today so I guess we will see!:shrug: =BFN

CD1: The :witch: got me... Guessing I either ovulated later than I thought or I had chemical. Either way I'm out, on to cycle #10!

:dust: to all you wonderful ladies!

So sorry hun :hugs:
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

CD 6- AF is gone, :sex:

CD 7 - :sex: just been wanting to BD not really thinking this is going to help our chances LOL. :haha::haha: CP is high, soft, open. CM is watery creamy

CD 8 - :sex: i tried to say No but hubby just wont stop touching me :haha: I think i am going to have to wear a Burlap Sack on to bed LOL
cm becoming more EWity lol but not quite there...... cp high, soft, open.

CD 9 - :sex: IN P.M. oh yea globs of EWCM now, and crampy feeling, geesh i ovulate so early im guessing since its 24-48 hours i will be ovulating on CD11:thumbup: swim little buddies swim :spermy: i took a cheapie OPK at 6:00pm and it was negative so i guess im not ovulating quite yet......:wacko::wacko:

CD10- :sex: in A.M., i tried to put look ugly and pass on bding this morning since i wanted to skip a day HA that went out the window, i wore a baggy tshirt and night pants and socks and that seems like it made it worse.... LOL :shrug::shrug: I am going to try and not let him touch me tonight so that way we can at least have a 24 hour break..geesh MEN :bike: im alil crampy but we shall see what the day holds, onward and upward :plane: watery creamy cm.

CD 11 - :sex: IN P.M. i give up, he just is not going to build any sperm up. i don't know if it will help anyways i am so confused with my CM and OPK, i have watery creamy cm, high open and soft position :shrug::shrug: i had cramps some today, i don't know whats going on maybe ill have EWCM again and then ovulate or maybe i have already I have NO idea.

Can I join you ladies? I'm on my 3rd cycle of trying after getting my periods back properly in March after having my last child in Dec 13. I'm currently on (possibly) 15 dpo as FF had me down as O'd on the 4th but I don't temp, use tests or anything so I could of o'd anytime in the week. My last period was the 18th of May and I'm around 31/32 days.
Not really been symptom checking but taken a few noted these past few days.
11dpo- feeling really tired, no other symptoms.
12dpo- really gassy. Feeling full but really hungry lol.
13 dpo- struggling to go to the loo, however I'm weeing loads but I do drink up to 4litres a day to help my bowels.
14dpo- feeling a bit "wet" below so run to check and nothing is there. Very sparse cm but it's clear. Big bowel movement makes me feel a bit better. Very bunged up in the nose- possible hayfever.
15dpo- bfn test. Tired, miserable (probably due to the bfn) loose bowel movements, still hungry all the time. No sign of AF
17dpo AF arrives, on with next month :-)
1st month off bcp so who knows if i ovulated but or when my periods even coming....

Based on a 28 day cycle

super thirsty/dry mouth
back kinda hurts
boobs kinda hurt
was cramping in the morning but it went away

cramps!!!! I think i calculated wrong. I think my af is coming. Ive been feeling like its going to come any second all day today.. had a headache in the morning
7pm cramps are staying to subside a bit. Not so gooey either but still no blood at all. Soooo thirsty!!

6am uhhhh i swore af was coming yesterday but the symptoms have disappeared. I feel pretty bloated like i cant really suck in my stomach that well. Idk whats going on. Withdrawal symptoms from the bcp pill? Maybe af is coming today
7am cramps are coming back.. still super thirsty. Ive peed 4 times this morning. I usually pee more after my coffee but jeez. I pee & 10 min later i have to go again. This is getting ridiculous. It could just be cuz im so thirsty i keep drinking water. Its kinda like when i had a uti but without the burning part. Thighs and back are sore

Has anyone experienced this coming off bcp?

Nvm af came
13 DPO - AF cramps went away by bedtime last night and are only very faintly present this morning. I'm optimistic! Checked CP and I'm still high, medium, closed (tightly closed! Feels like a pin hole, even though I've had part of my cervix removed!).

Temp went back up this morning, phew! I was really worried it'd continue to drop and AF would show up. I'm starting to get really excited about this! I want to wait to test again until Sunday (Father's Day) just because I got a BFN yesterday and I want to give my body time to build up hCG if it's there.

Nipples aren't so sensitive this morning, but I could see the blue veins in my BBs again. They weren't present yesterday. Still seeing the raised bumps around the outside of my areolas. It's like I have permanent goosebumps there this month, which is still odd to me. DH says my BBs are wider. Honestly they felt a little like they were in the way this morning.

Woke up hungry, somewhat gassy. Have some body aches that I associate with this cold I have. I don't really have any other symptoms to report. No bloody nose this morning, but still sneezing and coughing.

Updated for today!

What do you gals think? I'm getting a little excited! I don't usually get AF cramps except on the day AF is due to appear? :shrug:
Ovulated June 10th, had light spotting.

0-5 DPO nothing out of the ordinary.

6 DPO had cramps when I went to go to sleep which kept me awake for a little bit.

7 DPO breasts sore but feeling good other than that.

8 DPO still sore. Also have a sore throat.

9 DPO vivid dreams..which is very strange I don't dream at all and if I do then I don't remember a single thing. restless legs. sore throat went away.

10 DPO still sore, some stomache pains, aches in upper legs. restless legs after dinner. So annoying! Gassy. Smelling things no one else can smell. Vivid dreams.

11 DPO gassy. BB are not as sore. White/light yellow creamy CM.

TMI but Diarrhea everyday! Seriously going crazy over here, have one child but never in my life have these symptoms! And I only ever get AF symptoms within days of arrival.
14 DPO - Tested this AM, BFN! Ugh!

AF expected any day now. Longest LP was 17-18 days (was a Chem), average 14 days. But my temps are still well above cover line, CM still creamy and lots of it, and CP is still high. Checking previous cycles on FF, CP was always low by this point, and CM either dry or sticky.

BBs feel enormous and they're tender all over.

Lower abdomen is sore, but not in the way AF cramps feel. More like a strained muscle. My AF cramps usually feel like they burn. Bloated feeling in stomach and BBs, but my wedding band fits fine and I don't have a puffy face or anything. Hmmm.

Updated my list for today, 14 DPO.

Oh, AND I'm still getting bloody noses! Not enough so that it's gushing, but it's on the tissue every time I blow, or when I wipe my nose after sneezing.

I'm so impatient! I am really hoping AF doesn't show tonight! FF says I shouldn't have taken an HPT today, says I should have waited til this coming Tuesday. Well, I hope AF stays away and that I get my BFP by then!

No AF cramps what-so-ever. They usually show up riiiiight before AF, which was why I was so worried on 12 DPO. I had AF cramps that night, but they're gone now? :shrug:

Today I play the waiting game. AF shows up late in the evenings. I'll try not to go bonkers while I wait. :coffee:
1DPO: Nothing
2DPO: Thick yellow cm, exhausted and 2 headaches.

3DPO: Some yellow cm, some ewcm and the same headache accompanied by nausea

4DPO: A lot of ewcm? Feeling beyond exhausted, no energy, muscles aching and a bit of a sore throat, could it be the start of a cold?

5DPO: No sign of the cold I thought I had... Felt some mini cramps in my uterus.
Updated for today!

What do you gals think? I'm getting a little excited! I don't usually get AF cramps except on the day AF is due to appear? :shrug:

I'm literally experiencing the exact same cramping as well as my L ovary keeps throbbing on and off. I never get cramps either until the first day of AF and then only that one day. I'm 9dpo. I hope we both get a :bfp:

:dust: to you honey!!!!!
Hello ladies!!
So here I am on my cycle # who knows, I lost the count lol.. It's being 2 and half years trying so...
I just applied the trigger shot tonight so I will be ovulating any time between tomorrow and Tuesday. I went to my RE office last week and they told me next month we will be doing something more aggressive with femara+injections+trigger+iui
I am kind of nervous to be honest. We will try injectables for 3 cycles before finally giving up and start saving for IVF. I kind of hope we get our BFP this cycle so I don't have to get to the next one, I am not looking forward to stab myself every day with a shot hehehe...
Any news from you? Need all the optimism and good vibes this month!! Sending you lots of :dust:
Hello ladies!!
So here I am on my cycle # who knows, I lost the count lol.. It's being 2 and half years trying so...
I just applied the trigger shot tonight so I will be ovulating any time between tomorrow and Tuesday. I went to my RE office last week and they told me next month we will be doing something more aggressive with femara+injections+trigger+iui
I am kind of nervous to be honest. We will try injectables for 3 cycles before finally giving up and start saving for IVF. I kind of hope we get our BFP this cycle so I don't have to get to the next one, I am not looking forward to stab myself every day with a shot hehehe...
Any news from you? Need all the optimism and good vibes this month!! Sending you lots of :dust:

Heyyyyy :hi: Zyara how are you hun.....Glad to see you! AFM im on cycle #5 and im really hoping this the month for us...Im on 8dpo as of today and feeling fine...gonna try to test on Wednesday I will be 10 dpo! Fx for my BFp!
Thank You Ladies for All Your Support!!

Well I am On CD5 and my period is gone. I AM :sex: tonight, just cuz i WANT it!!! LOL :happydance: but i think we are going to use the coconut oil starting in 4 days. And try and :sex: every other day until i see EWCM and then continue this is the plan!! FX :blush::shipw:

CD 6- AF is gone, :sex:

CD 7 - :sex: just been wanting to BD not really thinking this is going to help our chances LOL. :haha::haha: CP is high, soft, open. CM is watery creamy

CD 8 - :sex: i tried to say No but hubby just wont stop touching me :haha: I think i am going to have to wear a Burlap Sack on to bed LOL
cm becoming more EWity lol but not quite there...... cp high, soft, open.

CD 9 - :sex: IN P.M. oh yea globs of EWCM now, and crampy feeling, geesh i ovulate so early im guessing since its 24-48 hours i will be ovulating on CD11:thumbup: swim little buddies swim :spermy: i took a cheapie OPK at 6:00pm and it was negative so i guess im not ovulating quite yet......:wacko::wacko:

CD10- :sex: in A.M., i tried to put look ugly and pass on bding this morning since i wanted to skip a day HA that went out the window, i wore a baggy tshirt and night pants and socks and that seems like it made it worse.... LOL :shrug::shrug: I am going to try and not let him touch me tonight so that way we can at least have a 24 hour break..geesh MEN :bike: im alil crampy but we shall see what the day holds, onward and upward :plane: watery creamy cm.

CD 11 - :sex: IN P.M. i give up, he just is not going to build any sperm up. i don't know if it will help anyways i am so confused with my CM and OPK, i have watery creamy cm, high open and soft position :shrug::shrug: i had cramps some today, i don't know whats going on maybe ill have EWCM again and then ovulate or maybe i have already I have NO idea.

CD12 - positive OPK, severe cramps like ive never had them before, but my cm is like creamy. We did not BD today. :cry::cry:

CD13- positive OPK again :sex: in the A.M. so maybe i will still be ok. CM is watery, and extreme nausea and pain in abdomen, i believe i got food poisoning. I felt bad all day. :sick:

CD 14 - :sex: A.M., i had the worst diarrhea today which confirms my food poisoning idea...HAPPY FREAKING FATHERS DAY!!! Ughh i feel terrible :sick::sick:

15 DPO - No AF today and -- ACK! I am seeing super super faint lines on my Wondfos! I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I can see them within the 5 minute window and they stay there after, too! :yipee:

I attached some pics, what do you ladies think? I'm hesitant to mark anything as BFP for the moment. Need some darker lines? Maybe tomorrow!

CP still high firm medium. Lots of creamy CM. Temp increased today.

BBs getting more and more tender. Nips are perpetually pointy! Got another problem with blood on the tissue when I blow my nose, I could even smell the blood in there last night when I was trying to sleep.

No AF cramps, but lower abdomen is still sore/tender.

Was really nauseated last night after dinner. My mouth tasted like I had already thrown up even though I hadn't. It was still there after I brushed and flossed my teeth so I'm not sure what's going on with that.

Holy cow, I think I see lines! :headspin: what do you think, ladies? I'm too nervous to call this a BFP even if it showed up within 5 mins!


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