Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

ok here goes....

6-8DPO - bit tired, needing to wee

9dpo - tired, wretching and feeling sicky!!

10dpo - tired, wretching and feeling sick if I don't eat

11dpo - cervix has gone awol!! tired and sickly!! BFN

12dpo - as as all above, gassy some light cramps BFN

13 dpo - very faint BFP!!!! gonna test again on sunday if af stays away x

14dpo... no af yet... will test again tomorrow if she stays away. still feeling same as other days, sicky etc

Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)
Hey ladies! I just found this thread. I don't think I am doing it right but thought I'd share my symptoms. I hope you all don't mind!

1dpo & 2dpo- diarrhea, cramps, bloating, creamy cm (felt "wet" all day)

3dpo- gassy, congestion, creamy cm (felt "wet" all day), bloated

4dpo- creamy cm, gassy

5dpo- creamy cm, twinges, cramps, acne

6dpo- creamy cm, twinges, acne

7dpo- diarrhea, gassy, creamy cm, faint bfp

8dpo- creamy cm, gassy, another faint bfp

9dpo-creamy cm, gassy, bfp getting darker, negative digi

10dpo- egg white cm, gassy, tired, bfp still darkening

11dpo- egg white cm, stuffy nose, gassy, positive digi! :happydance:

12dpo(today)- FRER REALLY positive, egg white cm, stuffy nose, tired
Hi, i am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.

(Can i ask, when i update tomorrow, how do i edit this same post plq

click on reply with quote on your post and it will do it
I have a post a little further back but couldn't get it to add a pic when editing

I'll give my symptoms etc again
1dpo-3dpo NOTHING
4dpo- cramps
5dpo uterine twinges, sore nipples and a huge abundance of creamy CM
6dpo- COLDSORE !!!!! Same as above
7dpo- okay today cramps have lessened but the cervical mucus has increased , also I still have COLDSORE and also my neck is swollen , it's my lymph nodes which I have read happen in early pg because your body thinks there is an infection it's an immune system thing , well I know it's wayyyyy too early but decided to do a 6 hour hold thinking maybe I implanted at 5dpo and this is what I got what do u think xxx thanks ladies and baby dust to all xx

Could someone tweak it its a full line in person x and darker x


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Hello ladies just wanted to update you guys....I went to do my HSG and something is blocking the dye to even reach the tubes....he kept saying he couldn't see my tubes b/c something is in the way...the dye wouldn't even get through....Im so hurt and in disbelief right now...We are also looking for another dr b/c he was late rude and didn't really explain everything....the tech in the room with us agreed and gave us her Dr whenever he left out the heart is broken right now ....Will check back in later...sorry no testing for me this month ...good luck ladies waiting to test!


Good day ladies, hope is everyone is doing fine....ok so here is another update:
I called a fertility specialist and the are able to see me tomorrow morning at 10 and it is covered by my insurance .....They can also do another HSG there but not until my next cycle on another note, the rude Dr from yesterday nurse called and scheduled me for a Laparoscopy on next Wednesday....I wanna know what's going on but I hate I have to have him do it, prayerfully this new dr may be able to schedule me before next Wednesday....I just want to know what's going on with m body so we can get back to baby making! has any of you ladies ever had to have this procedure done?
Hey ladies! I just found this thread. I don't think I am doing it right but thought I'd share my symptoms. I hope you all don't mind!

1dpo & 2dpo- diarrhea, cramps, bloating, creamy cm (felt "wet" all day)

3dpo- gassy, congestion, creamy cm (felt "wet" all day), bloated

4dpo- creamy cm, gassy

5dpo- creamy cm, twinges, cramps, acne

6dpo- creamy cm, twinges, acne

7dpo- diarrhea, gassy, creamy cm, faint bfp

8dpo- creamy cm, gassy, another faint bfp

9dpo-creamy cm, gassy, bfp getting darker, negative digi

10dpo- egg white cm, gassy, tired, bfp still darkening

11dpo- egg white cm, stuffy nose, gassy, positive digi! :happydance:

12dpo(today)- FRER REALLY positive, egg white cm, stuffy nose, tired

Hello ladies just wanted to update you guys....I went to do my HSG and something is blocking the dye to even reach the tubes....he kept saying he couldn't see my tubes b/c something is in the way...the dye wouldn't even get through....Im so hurt and in disbelief right now...We are also looking for another dr b/c he was late rude and didn't really explain everything....the tech in the room with us agreed and gave us her Dr whenever he left out the heart is broken right now ....Will check back in later...sorry no testing for me this month ...good luck ladies waiting to test!


Good day ladies, hope is everyone is doing fine....ok so here is another update:
I called a fertility specialist and the are able to see me tomorrow morning at 10 and it is covered by my insurance .....They can also do another HSG there but not until my next cycle on another note, the rude Dr from yesterday nurse called and scheduled me for a Laparoscopy on next Wednesday....I wanna know what's going on but I hate I have to have him do it, prayerfully this new dr may be able to schedule me before next Wednesday....I just want to know what's going on with m body so we can get back to baby making! has any of you ladies ever had to have this procedure done?

Fx for you i will be thinking of you.
Hello ladies just wanted to update you guys....I went to do my HSG and something is blocking the dye to even reach the tubes....he kept saying he couldn't see my tubes b/c something is in the way...the dye wouldn't even get through....Im so hurt and in disbelief right now...We are also looking for another dr b/c he was late rude and didn't really explain everything....the tech in the room with us agreed and gave us her Dr whenever he left out the heart is broken right now ....Will check back in later...sorry no testing for me this month ...good luck ladies waiting to test!


Good day ladies, hope is everyone is doing fine....ok so here is another update:
I called a fertility specialist and the are able to see me tomorrow morning at 10 and it is covered by my insurance .....They can also do another HSG there but not until my next cycle on another note, the rude Dr from yesterday nurse called and scheduled me for a Laparoscopy on next Wednesday....I wanna know what's going on but I hate I have to have him do it, prayerfully this new dr may be able to schedule me before next Wednesday....I just want to know what's going on with m body so we can get back to baby making! has any of you ladies ever had to have this procedure done?
Hi Hun!! I am so sorry you had gone through all this specially deal with a rude Dr. On the other hand I am glad you are finally looking into your body and seeking help for ttc with an specialist. I am praying everything will be good and pretty soon you'll surprise me with the great new you got a BFP!! Hoping it all goes well, sending you lots of good possitive vibes and thoughts!

AFM I am 16 DPO today, is been 17 days since I did my trigger and no sight of AF except for lots of breast pain and discomfort. Last time I tested was 4-5 days ago (maybe more) and it was a BFN, honestly I don't even want to test unless I feel I should. My period is due today and if it won't come then I'll see what to do after. I mentioned my RE to do an HSG this cycle before wasting money on injectables since last time I did one was 4 years or more ago and they said is a good idea. Also as soon as I get my period I'll be calling my RE to see what is next. Lots of baby dust your way ladies!!
Hi All!!

This is my third cycle trying - first cycle really charting. :thumbup:

1DPO - Nothing, maybe slight gas
2DOP - Extreme fatigue
3DPO - Tired, gassy
4DPO - Tired, peeing A LOT
5DPO - Gassy
Hi guys , well this is my 13th cycle of trying but first with donor sperm as my partner has a low sperm count , I was hoping some of you ladies could give me some encouraged to and this will give me someone to obsess with , I will update





6DPO - : cramps in groin area , CM dried up a bit but really really horny , did anyone else feel this way , I don't usually get too frisky after OV lol but oucha lol

7DPO so this is weird , I just got a positive on an opk not as positive as my last positive 8 days ago but exactly the same as control line , I know it isn't ovulation as I have been having all these other symptoms last week etc , well today I have a cold sore like feeling in my nose which I haven't had in forever and my gums and tongue feel weird xx

8dpo Got what I thought was a VF line yesterday but today nada so either I was imagining it , or its because I didn't use FMU, today I've been tired , broke down in spots on my face, just a few but it's not like me , I feel very wet down there all the time , on off light cramps, still have swollen lymph nodes and that's about it. I will update again tomorrow , I'm going to test again tomorrow just to see lol POAS addict here lol x

Also forgot to add cervix is medium but really mushy and medium open , quite soft for where I am in cycle x
hi ladies.. Here is my first real stab at this thread. I have a 1 year old and my husband and i are ntnp, although, i would be lying if I said I was a tad hopeful. Hence why i'm here.. We only want to have 2 children and i'm hoping they are close in age by 2-3 years. So, here i am.

Cd 1-6 = af
cd 7 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 9 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 12 = bd
cd 14 = bd
cd 15 = supposed o date. I don't temp but believe i o'd. Crampy, cm, etc.
Cd 16 // 1dpo = bd (lotiony cm)
2 dpo = feeling bloated and tired. Intense cramping in the evening. It's too early for implantation so i don't know what is up with that. I could be off on my o date and either o'd earlier or was just ovulating last night. No idea but had to mention it.
3dpo = no symptoms
4dpo = no symptoms
5dpo = no symptoms / some very light cramping in afternoon
6dpo = no real symptoms other than some light cramping on and off
7dpo = nothing, nadda
8dpo = nothing so far
9dpo = nothing
10dpo = nothing
11dpo = nothing ** I believe my cramps at "2dpo" were ovulation cramps and that I am only 9dpo right now.
I've noticed one thing different about this cycle and that is a lack of cm. I usually have light, lotiony cm or watery cm on and off all throughout the TWW. But I have practically been dry as a desert which is odd. Hoping it's a sign, but doubtful. If I am only 9dpo the lack of symptoms makes sense. It wasn't until after I missed my period last pregnancy that my boobs/ arp

Here is a little update ladies:
I went to visit the fertility Dr today and from what I told her she seems to think that everything is fine....she said b/c im getting older (39) it may just be taking a little longer....I don't know if I ever told you ladies but I have 5 babies and getting pregnant has never been a problem for me....She also stated that if my last Dr isn't use to doing HSG's he may not have really known how to get through my uterus to see my tubes....she reassured me that im just fine and to stop stressing....She is gonna do another HSG when my next period starts and she said if there is anything unusual she will do a ultrasound right then and this is something my old Dr didn't even mention or consider because he was rushing to do a surgery The new Dr stated that she believes that I will probably get pregnant this cycle and we won't even have to do the HSG....ladies she was so awesome and happy to say that I feel so much better and im back to and looking forward to testing this month

Any news yet Zyara
Here is a little update ladies:
I went to visit the fertility Dr today and from what I told her she seems to think that everything is fine....she said b/c im getting older (39) it may just be taking a little longer....I don't know if I ever told you ladies but I have 5 babies and getting pregnant has never been a problem for me....She also stated that if my last Dr isn't use to doing HSG's he may not have really known how to get through my uterus to see my tubes....she reassured me that im just fine and to stop stressing....She is gonna do another HSG when my next period starts and she said if there is anything unusual she will do a ultrasound right then and this is something my old Dr didn't even mention or consider because he was rushing to do a surgery The new Dr stated that she believes that I will probably get pregnant this cycle and we won't even have to do the HSG....ladies she was so awesome and happy to say that I feel so much better and im back to and looking forward to testing this month

Any news yet Zyara

Oh Hun! You have no idea how glad I am that your Doctor told you everything will be fine! I hope this is your cycle!! I wish I have news but so far nothing. I tested this morning just because my bread was so sore and I kind of wanted to know what's going on but it was a BFN so white that I am certain I'm not pregnant yet. Today I will be 16 or 17 DPO and it's been 18 days since my trigger shot and no AF. I was hoping she will show today but nothing. I hope she shows tomorrow cuz my RE office is closed on weekends and they instructed me to call when I start to tell me how we will start treatment this month. I have so much faith God will listen to my prayers and give me my miracle this month!!
I'm sending you a big :hugs:

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