Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Here is a little update ladies:
I went to visit the fertility Dr today and from what I told her she seems to think that everything is fine....she said b/c im getting older (39) it may just be taking a little longer....I don't know if I ever told you ladies but I have 5 babies and getting pregnant has never been a problem for me....She also stated that if my last Dr isn't use to doing HSG's he may not have really known how to get through my uterus to see my tubes....she reassured me that im just fine and to stop stressing....She is gonna do another HSG when my next period starts and she said if there is anything unusual she will do a ultrasound right then and this is something my old Dr didn't even mention or consider because he was rushing to do a surgery The new Dr stated that she believes that I will probably get pregnant this cycle and we won't even have to do the HSG....ladies she was so awesome and happy to say that I feel so much better and im back to and looking forward to testing this month

Any news yet Zyara

Oh Hun! You have no idea how glad I am that your Doctor told you everything will be fine! I hope this is your cycle!! I wish I have news but so far nothing. I tested this morning just because my bread was so sore and I kind of wanted to know what's going on but it was a BFN so white that I am certain I'm not pregnant yet. Today I will be 16 or 17 DPO and it's been 18 days since my trigger shot and no AF. I was hoping she will show today but nothing. I hope she shows tomorrow cuz my RE office is closed on weekends and they instructed me to call when I start to tell me how we will start treatment this month. I have so much faith God will listen to my prayers and give me my miracle this month!!
I'm sending you a big :hugs:

Thank you sweetie, Im hoping that he hears both of our prayers this month....we so deserve this is an awesome thing to have and it moves God more than sure he's listening and he will give us our little hearts desire...keep me posted hun...muah :hugs:
Hi guys , well this is my 13th cycle of trying but first with donor sperm as my partner has a low sperm count , I was hoping some of you ladies could give me some encouraged to and this will give me someone to obsess with , I will update





6DPO - : cramps in groin area , CM dried up a bit but really really horny , did anyone else feel this way , I don't usually get too frisky after OV lol but oucha lol

7DPO so this is weird , I just got a positive on an opk not as positive as my last positive 8 days ago but exactly the same as control line , I know it isn't ovulation as I have been having all these other symptoms last week etc , well today I have a cold sore like feeling in my nose which I haven't had in forever and my gums and tongue feel weird xx

8dpo Got what I thought was a VF line yesterday but today nada so either I was imagining it , or its because I didn't use FMU, today I've been tired , broke down in spots on my face, just a few but it's not like me , I feel very wet down there all the time , on off light cramps, still have swollen lymph nodes and that's about it. I will update again tomorrow , I'm going to test again tomorrow just to see lol POAS addict here lol x

9dpo no symptoms except so e burrowing like twinges nothing painful and they are all localised to the same place BFN today but likely too early x
i believe cycle 8 idk at this point....

cd-1 medium, cd-2 heavy, cd-3 light, cd4 spotting - :sex:, cd5 spotting - :sex:, cd6 spotting - :sex: i have been nauseated for 2 days and feel really weak.....ughhhhh
Here is a little update ladies:
I went to visit the fertility Dr today and from what I told her she seems to think that everything is fine....she said b/c im getting older (39) it may just be taking a little longer....I don't know if I ever told you ladies but I have 5 babies and getting pregnant has never been a problem for me....She also stated that if my last Dr isn't use to doing HSG's he may not have really known how to get through my uterus to see my tubes....she reassured me that im just fine and to stop stressing....She is gonna do another HSG when my next period starts and she said if there is anything unusual she will do a ultrasound right then and this is something my old Dr didn't even mention or consider because he was rushing to do a surgery The new Dr stated that she believes that I will probably get pregnant this cycle and we won't even have to do the HSG....ladies she was so awesome and happy to say that I feel so much better and im back to and looking forward to testing this month

Any news yet Zyara

Oh Hun! You have no idea how glad I am that your Doctor told you everything will be fine! I hope this is your cycle!! I wish I have news but so far nothing. I tested this morning just because my bread was so sore and I kind of wanted to know what's going on but it was a BFN so white that I am certain I'm not pregnant yet. Today I will be 16 or 17 DPO and it's been 18 days since my trigger shot and no AF. I was hoping she will show today but nothing. I hope she shows tomorrow cuz my RE office is closed on weekends and they instructed me to call when I start to tell me how we will start treatment this month. I have so much faith God will listen to my prayers and give me my miracle this month!!
I'm sending you a big :hugs:

Thank you sweetie, Im hoping that he hears both of our prayers this month....we so deserve this is an awesome thing to have and it moves God more than sure he's listening and he will give us our little hearts desire...keep me posted hun...muah :hugs:

Thank you for your sweet words dear! You are totally right, faith is the most powerful thing in this universe and I have lots of it! AF still is a no show so far, that makes me almost 18-19 DPO and 20 days past trigger shot. My breast is still very sore, I never been so late after trigger so I'm kind of worry I might have a cyst or something. I been having very mild cramping which made me think AF was coming today but so far nothing, I hope she hurries up so we can start with our cycle and new meds.
How are you feeling? When you will ovulate? Did the HSG hurt? I remember mine was quite painful but I did it in Mexico, I was wondering if it's the same here since I was thinking on doing it this cycle...
Sending you lots of love!!
Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)

6-7dpo - nothing, still bfn on 10ml tests.completely gutted.
Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)

6-7dpo - nothing, still bfn on 10ml tests.completely gutted.

I thought you couldn't really test until a couple of days after implantation and that happens around 10DPO? Thought the earliest you could get anything on a 10ml test was around 12DPO. I wouldn't give up hope just yet! X
Well ladies after my BFP albeit v v faint at 7dpo I'm now 10 dpo and got a BFN this morning , must have been a dye run , Im Devastated this is our 13th month 1st month with donor sperm and I really thought I had caught it , I know I'm not out yet as its only 10DPo but I wanted to see progression and some confirmation it was actually going to happen for us x
Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)

6-7dpo - nothing, still bfn on 10ml tests.completely gutted.

I thought you couldn't really test until a couple of days after implantation and that happens around 10DPO? Thought the earliest you could get anything on a 10ml test was around 12DPO. I wouldn't give up hope just yet! X

Some articles suggest implantation may happen 4 days after conception (hence why some people get a bfp at 7/8/9dpo). I really hope i'm still in the game though! Xx
Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)

6-7dpo - nothing, still bfn on 10ml tests.completely gutted.

8dpo- NEWS! Woke up after an 8 hour sleep without going to the toilet and took the 10ml cheapie. There was a V faint HALF a test line, that was pink. It wasn't a whole line, and was very hard to see, but was there. I'm hoping this means i have a tiny bit of hcg in urine and it's currently rising. However, i'll tell you*my symptoms today:
Very bloated and spots on strange places like tip of my nose.
Still really wishing for this bfp soon.

everybody keep us posted with their news please! X
Hello everyone! I hope you are having an amazing weekend.
I finally got AF yesterday and I feel so relieved that she finally showed up, I was kind of concerned but now I feel excited about starting this cycle. This period is heavier than usual and accompanied of breast pain which is unusual for me however I guess is because I was so late. I'll be calling my RE tomorrow and see what we do next.
Any news from you ladies? Hope you are all great!
hi ladies.. Here is my first real stab at this thread. I have a 1 year old and my husband and i are ntnp, although, i would be lying if I said I was a tad hopeful. Hence why i'm here.. We only want to have 2 children and i'm hoping they are close in age by 2-3 years. So, here i am.

Cd 1-6 = af
cd 7 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 9 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 12 = bd
cd 14 = bd
cd 15 = supposed o date. I don't temp but believe i o'd. Crampy, cm, etc.
Cd 16 // 1dpo = bd (lotiony cm)
2 dpo = feeling bloated and tired. Intense cramping in the evening. It's too early for implantation so i don't know what is up with that. I could be off on my o date and either o'd earlier or was just ovulating last night. No idea but had to mention it.
3dpo = no symptoms
4dpo = no symptoms
5dpo = no symptoms / some very light cramping in afternoon
6dpo = no real symptoms other than some light cramping on and off
7dpo = nothing, nadda
8dpo = nothing so far
9dpo = nothing
10dpo = nothing
11dpo = nothing ** I believe my cramps at "2dpo" were ovulation cramps and that I am only 9dpo right now.
I've noticed one thing different about this cycle and that is a lack of cm. I usually have light, lotiony cm or watery cm on and off all throughout the TWW. But I have practically been dry as a desert which is odd. Hoping it's a sign, but doubtful. If I am only 9dpo the lack of symptoms makes sense. It wasn't until after I missed my period last pregnancy that my boobs/ armpits were sore.
12dpo? = Felt really bloated
13 dpo? = Not much to note
14dpo? = No AF yet.. negative test. Boo

Hi everyone. This is my first cycle

1dpo - cramps, gassy, lots of cm
2dpo- lots of cm feels like my undies are wet, soft cervix. Crampy
3dpo- not sure if this is a something but runny nose, slightly crampy, lost appetite, insomnia, and loads of cm
4dpo- sore boobs, hardly any cm today. Emotional ( not a symptom since just had a close friend pass away last night),
5 dpo - cramping pretty bad. Stopped after a couple of hours, emotional, nauseous in the am.
6 dpo- nauseous in the am,sore boobs, very vivid dreams. Very tired. Bad head ache. Very emotional (DH has been asking if I am pregnant) bringing it up at least 5 times in the last 2 days. Feeling out this month but then again it's only 6dpo.
7dpo- super moody today. I feel like crying for no reason, cramping some. Gassy, constipated. Extremely vivid dream last night and having to wake up pee (which never happens). Tired I feel like I can sleep all day. Craving spicy food (the things I don't like) and not wanting food I normally love to eat.

8dpo - updating- the smell of eggs is turning my stomach to the point of running to the bathroom, cramping on my left side, gassy, nauseous. :sick::sick::sick:
9dpo no symptoms today.
10dpo insomnia, nausea, bloated, gassy,moody
11dpo dizzy(almost fainted), nausea,headache
Good morning ladies hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday so far....AFM im a little confused so hopefully someone can help me out...I went to my Dr apt Thursday and had cramps and noticed some EWCM but didn't really think anything of it, but we bd twice that day just because we wanted to....I took a OPK on Saturday and nothing....took another one this morning and still nothing and these are the ones with the smiley you think I may have ovulated at calendars all saw either today and one says tomorrow....Im totally confused b/c I always ovulate...could it be I missed O with my OPKs and ovulated early...toaday is cd 14 and I don't think I ever ovulate past 12 or 13....HELP

Oh and I forgot to mention that im still cramping today!
So today I am 3dpo, but we didn't really try this cycle... We bd'd 6 days before I ovulated so I probably won't even track my symptoms this cycle... Because It's not very likely that I will get pregnant. Instead I'm gonna take this time to work on me and my fitness, try to lose some weight :shrug:
But I will spread lots of babydust for you ladies in hope that it finds you!:dust:
Hi Ladies! I've also posted this in another thread so forgive me for repeating myself!

Thought I'd join in, as this cycle has been very confusing for me and any experiences/advice would be very much appreciated!

This may be a little long so apologies in advance, but here goes! :)

My last AF was on June 12th, it was quite heavy for 3 days, then stopped for 2 days, then came back again heavy for 2 days. I don't temp or chart, DH and I decided we wouldn't jump into the deep end just yet, however in the app on my phone I've taken notes of 'symptoms', CM changes and DTD etc. For the past 2 and a half years the :witch: has shown up like clockwork, except the rare occasion she's half a day late or early.

I feel, due to the EWCM I had from the 21st - 27th July and subtle cramps and light spotting for 2 of those days, this was ovulation. We BD over this timeframe. From the 28th (CD17) onwards I had no CM, nothing! I usually have a little, so this is a first.

CD20 - Cold symptoms, back ache
CD21 - Same, tender bbs, headache
CD23 - Same
CD24 - Same, Gas and diarrhea sorry TMI!:wacko:
CD25 - Bloating, Nausea, Neckaches and Abdominal pulling behind belly button
CD26 - TMI - 1 very large glob of Yellow CM when checking CP. The oddest thing though, I was VERY sensitive downstairs, it was swollen on the outside, no pain though. :bfn: at 11am & :bfn: at 5pm
CD27 - No CM again, hot flushes. I'm usually very cold and love to rug up, at night I always have a long sleeve, long pants and bed socks when I sleep. From this day I can't sleep in anything except a singlet and undies and i still sweat like crazy!
CD28 - Lots of EWCM at this stage, different to past 5 cycles (always dry)
CD29 - AF due, nothing! Headaches and feel hungover, but didn't drink.
CD30 - :bfn: with FMU, pulling behind belly button
CD31 - Backaches, slight cramps and bloating.
CD32 - Woke with SEVERE cramping, tears in eyes when crawling to toilet. TMI tiny streak of blood when wiping in AM. By PM, feel like nothing wrong and DH and I BD.
CD33 - (TODAY) Brown spotting (thinking from last night). Rest of today has only been EWCM, with 'flutters/bubbles' feeling in my belly.

So :witch: is 4 days late, I only have 1 more HPT which I'm saving until Friday when it's officially a week past.

Did any one else have :bfn: up until a week gone which then turned into a :bfp:?
hi ladies.. Here is my first real stab at this thread. I have a 1 year old and my husband and i are ntnp, although, i would be lying if I said I was a tad hopeful. Hence why i'm here.. We only want to have 2 children and i'm hoping they are close in age by 2-3 years. So, here i am.

Cd 1-6 = af
cd 7 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 9 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 12 = bd
cd 14 = bd
cd 15 = supposed o date. I don't temp but believe i o'd. Crampy, cm, etc.
Cd 16 // 1dpo = bd (lotiony cm)
2 dpo = feeling bloated and tired. Intense cramping in the evening. It's too early for implantation so i don't know what is up with that. I could be off on my o date and either o'd earlier or was just ovulating last night. No idea but had to mention it.
3dpo = no symptoms
4dpo = no symptoms
5dpo = no symptoms / some very light cramping in afternoon
6dpo = no real symptoms other than some light cramping on and off
7dpo = nothing, nadda
8dpo = nothing so far
9dpo = nothing
10dpo = nothing
11dpo = nothing ** I believe my cramps at "2dpo" were ovulation cramps and that I am only 9dpo right now.
I've noticed one thing different about this cycle and that is a lack of cm. I usually have light, lotiony cm or watery cm on and off all throughout the TWW. But I have practically been dry as a desert which is odd. Hoping it's a sign, but doubtful. If I am only 9dpo the lack of symptoms makes sense. It wasn't until after I missed my period last pregnancy that my boobs/ armpits were sore.
12dpo? = Felt really bloated
13 dpo? = Not much to note
14dpo? = No AF yet.. negative test. Boo
AF GOT ME.. Definitely ovulated two days later than originally thought.

On to the next
1DPO pinching cramp like ovulation pain almost the entire day
2DPO breasts sore under arm
3DPO not much today, kind of weird
4DPO I swear when I wiped there was a streak of pink spot on the toilet paper. But the toilet is autoflush so.. it could be because I had just started drinking raspberry leaf tea :), I stopped drinking after this.
4DPO - 11DPO (today): breasts sore, gotten progressively bigger
6DPO - I also swear there was a tinge of light brown discharge that I've never had before.
9DPO - severe acid reflux at 2AM woke me up nauseous, this has never happened in my life. Got rid of it by eating some snack. Had acid reflux whole day
bad gas at night
10DPO - just breast soreness today
11DPO - got some cold symptoms: some coughing, muscle ache, headache, but not full blown, sensitive teeth, breasts continue to be sore
12DPO - spotting! Dark red/dark brown, not much, breasts started out sore in the morning and no longer sore in the evenin. AF doesn't start for 3 days so I am kind of confused but pretty sure it'll be AF. The next 3 days will tell!
13DPO - spotting seems to have increased along with AF like cramps. I highly doubt this is implantation so I'm going to call this cycle out :)

I have never spotted midcycle that I know of, and have never had much acid reflux, nevermind one that woke me up in the middle of the night. The spotting's too early for implantation though so I'm actually more worried than hopeful about that. The breast soreness is definitely way worse this month than what I can recall from the past, but definitely not the first time I've had it this bad. Thinking of testing only if AF doesn't arrive in 5 days. I'm always regular so that should be easy to tell.
hi ladies.. Here is my first real stab at this thread. I have a 1 year old and my husband and i are ntnp, although, i would be lying if I said I was a tad hopeful. Hence why i'm here.. We only want to have 2 children and i'm hoping they are close in age by 2-3 years. So, here i am.

Cd 1-6 = af
cd 7 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 9 = bd (strangely enough had ewcm after bding)
cd 12 = bd
cd 14 = bd
cd 15 = supposed o date. I don't temp but believe i o'd. Crampy, cm, etc.
Cd 16 // 1dpo = bd (lotiony cm)
2 dpo = feeling bloated and tired. Intense cramping in the evening. It's too early for implantation so i don't know what is up with that. I could be off on my o date and either o'd earlier or was just ovulating last night. No idea but had to mention it.
3dpo = no symptoms
4dpo = no symptoms
5dpo = no symptoms / some very light cramping in afternoon
6dpo = no real symptoms other than some light cramping on and off
7dpo = nothing, nadda
8dpo = nothing so far
9dpo = nothing
10dpo = nothing
11dpo = nothing ** I believe my cramps at "2dpo" were ovulation cramps and that I am only 9dpo right now.
I've noticed one thing different about this cycle and that is a lack of cm. I usually have light, lotiony cm or watery cm on and off all throughout the TWW. But I have practically been dry as a desert which is odd. Hoping it's a sign, but doubtful. If I am only 9dpo the lack of symptoms makes sense. It wasn't until after I missed my period last pregnancy that my boobs/ armpits were sore.
12dpo? = Felt really bloated
13 dpo? = Not much to note
14dpo? = No AF yet.. negative test. Boo
AF GOT ME.. Definitely ovulated two days later than originally thought.

On to the next

Boooo! Sorry to hear that love. I'm out too methinks judging by this morning. Sniff
Hi ladies!!! I am back after a break.
I didn't really feel like trying again for a while after my second miscarriage...
anyways, here i am and on O day!!
I took a round of 150 mg clomid this cycle, so fx it does the trick again!!

0 dpo/ O day - fatigue, cramping, nausea, decreased appetite, cravings but can't figure out for what, dtd + preseed.
Hi, we have been trying for nine cycles, this one is our 10th, if there is not positive this month i have brought some online fertility tests for DH to take! I am currently four days post ovulation and had sex four days leading upto, and day of ovulation. Will tell you my

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - bloated, few cramps
3dpo - was asked if i was pregnant!! My belly was so bloated that this women thought i was pregnant...hoping she sensed it! Also had more cramps
4dpo - cramps, still bloated. Tested on a 10ml and bfn.
5dpo - feel nothing. Bfn on a 10ml (which says i can test from 7dpo for accurate results. Starting to give up)

6-7dpo - nothing, still bfn on 10ml tests.completely gutted.

12 dpo ans bfn. Decided i am going to stop posting because it's causing me to become obsessed, when it seems the best baby making pill is to be relaxed. So, unless by a miracle i get my bfp this cycle (in which case, i shall let you all know), i won't be posting again. I've spend hours on these boards over the past nine months and it gets to the point where i think, i'm just gonna chill out! So, good luck everyone! Hope you get whatyou want. Xx

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