Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Figured I'd jump in here.

O-4dpo: No symptoms. EWCM went from clear and slippery to thicker, more like clear and white jelly. Comes in globs while on the potty.
5dpo: headache and jelly CM
6dpo: Jelly CM
7dpo: Jelly Cm and sore nipples. Nursing my son is painful.
8dpo: Jelly CM still and nipples hurt very bad. Feeling pretty tired today.
9dpo: BFN on $0.88 Walmart test. No more CM. Some cramping.
10dpo: BFN on $0.88 test. Exhausted, headache, crampy (pinching), hungry, indigestion. Creamy/sticky CM. Feeling out.
10dpo-17dpo: No symptoms. BFN.
18dpo: still no symptoms, AF 4 days late. BFP!!!
I'm feeling gassy and so bloated 🙈 sorry tmi. My temp has went up again - is this normal x
Well here goes...this is our first month trying for baby #4 so I doubt anything will come of this. But here's my VERY early symptoms:

Bd'd on October 3rd and pretty sure I ovulated that day.
2DPO-crampy/full feeling
3DPO-bloated/creamy cm/cramping on right side

Fingers crossed for all of us!!:)

Symptom spotting.
1DPO started my progesterone feeling bloated and slight cramping but nothing like the past two days (CD 16,17 <--which i also BD both days)
2DPO feeling off. Tired and cramps like dull ache down there. Woke up at 11pm had to pee so bad. In the evening i was super bitchy. I got so angry at something stupid like my dog wagging his big tail (great pyrenees) and he knocked over my bottle of water. Like psycho feeling.

3DPO Woke up again (even without drinking water since last wake up at night ) at 4 am needing to pee. I also took my temp before I got up - hoping pee feeling would go away... Spike in temp by 1 degree and then some.
Woke up finally at 9am had to pee again? Feeling content and full of love. Actually very energetic and feeling really lovey dovey. I know it is WAYYYYYY to early for symptoms - and maybe its the progesterone who knows. It's CD 20 for me. Usually I get AF CD24-26 but after starting metformin I have gotten ONE 28 day period :)

FX its my cycle and yours!
Well ladies I was in the er Wednesday night, I have/had an upper respitory infection! They did a pregnancy test as they had to do a chest X-ray, and that was negative, but I would have only been a few DPO. My anniversary is tomorrow, so I did enjoy a couple drinks last night, nothing extreme. This morning I had menstrual-like cramps. I thought for sure my period was coming, and nothing came. The cramps eventually faded. Maybe in a week or two I will be getting my BFP!!
Quite a bit of menstrual-like cramping today accompanied with watery cm. I felt a couple gushes (sorry tmi) and thought it was my period, but nope! Still waiting for something to happen!
Hey Ladies!!!
My first post in 2 years!! But figured this was a GREAT thread to join! I have enjoyed reading your updates so much!

So I had an issue with my opknsticks and not getting a positive response, so dtd anyway and kept our fx.
1-3 dpo - no symptoms
4dpo - super tender breasts. Exactly as if I was due Af iminently.
5dpo- pain in my right ovary. Sharp, but on and off.
So far that's it!! With my first, I had twinges as if someone was sat inside poking at my tummy!!! But never pain!?
I ovulated either yesterday or today so shall be updating my symptoms again soon :)
Hello everyone. So this morning I woke up with pretty intense cramping, it really felt like af would be here full force! I went to the bathroom, and when I wiped there was red blood, kind of slimey like af blood. I just got my nexplanon removed 18 days ago, so I was excited to be possibly returning to normal so quickly. Well ever since that I have only been spotting very light pink and my cramps are gone. I also have a stuffy/runny nose and a headache today. I was out in the cold yesterday, but I'm on an antibiotic for an upper respiratory infection I had a week or so ago. I wish I knew what was going on!! Any ideas?
1dpo. Breasts are a bit tender, been that way for 3 days now, they normally don't get sore till after ovulation but judging by the amount of ewcm I had yesterday I think I ovulated yesterday. So I'm either 3dpo or 1dpo but I'll go with 1dpo just to be safe. Got a slight headache but I'll put that down to being woken up loudly by the girls as we are off on a 5 day holiday today :)
New cycle for me!

Estimated Ovulation: Oct 12 -- AF due October 27th or 28th, 2015

This has been a weird cycle all around. I have had sore breasts for the past two or three weeks and can't really figure out why. Bra hurts, touching hurts, nipples hurt... It's really uncomfortable!

Oct 11th: BD'd with DH since I wasn't going to be able to temp the following morning and didn't want to risk missing Ovulation. CM was only slightly stretchy, like the very beginnings of EWCM, which I don't usually get EWCM at all.

Oct 12th, O-Day: Lots of ovary pain on both sides, feeling cramps. Very different from my usual O day. My PM OPK was so close to positive that I just marked it as such, 'cause you really had to squint to see if there was a difference and I didn't want to miss anything.

My entries got a little bit long, so I've condensed them with the spoiler tags. :)

1DPO - 10DPO
1DPO: Sore BBs, tender abdomen, not much else. Temp at 97.89. Watery CM

2DPO - 4DPO: BBs still sore, Watery CM, cervix too high to reach

5DPO: Temp spiked up to 98.42, a change of .41 degrees. That's a big jump! CM is suddenly dry and sticky, which generally doesn't happen to me until just before AF. Cervix seems pretty tightly closed, which is also odd.

6DPO: Temp dropped to 98.13. BBs not as sore as they were before, but still tender. Even in armpits. Possible implantation dip?

7DPO: Temp dropped again to 97.96. I have some really pinchy type cramps this morning and general tenderness in BBs, and lower abdomen. The pinchy cramps are also new for me at this time of month. Even when I have AF, they aren't pinchy cramps, they're really dull aches.

Update: Felt nauseated this evening for some reason. Usually I only get that when my AF cramps are really bad, and AF isn't due for another week at least.

8DPO: Temp spiked back up to 98.44 today. These last few temps are almost exactly like what I saw on my BFP cycle in June/July! I'm starting to be a little excited now. BBs are still sore, abdomen still sore. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and also had some pinching around my ovaries. I wasn't able to get back to sleep until I did some controlled breathing routines to get my heart rate back down to normal. Sheesh.

CM is still really thick and creamy, and there's a ton of it. It seems slightly more watery than it was yesteray, though. I can finally reach my cervix and it is firm and tightly closed.

Update: Heartburn all the time, even after two antacids!

9DPO: Temperature rose by .2°F since yesterday. Also I'm starting to get minor bloody noses, which is another similar symptom I got with my last BFP (that ended in MC, but we can hope for a sticky bean!). BBs aren't as sore, but still tender. Still feeling sore in my lower abdomen.

Also been feeling really warm blooded. I was freezing cold all morning, but then at night I got really warm and didn't notice when the bedroom temps dropped into the low 60s. We had the window open all night and it got so cold in there! But I was perfectly fine with it and didn't even notice it was chilly until DH said something. I'm usually the type of gal to be frozen solid at temps under 70, with socks and sweaters and long pants and gloves on. lol

My allergies are going NUTS. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, but I know it isn't a cold. My eyes are streaming, my nose is running... even after an extra allergy pill, I'm miserable.

Update: Decided to lay down a while in mid-afternoon, since my sinuses had become a headache and I was feeling really crummy. When I was laying down, I coughed -- and experienced a shooting, pulled-muscle feeling in my lower abdomen. With my BFP last June, I had that a LOT, and I haven't felt it since. I'm almost certain now that I will get a BFP, but at the same time, I feel like maybe that's just wishful thinking!

Veins in upper right arm are really blue? Veins in breasts aren't so prominent any more.

Super bad shortness of breath at bedtime. It was like I couldn't get enough air, even though my nose and lungs were pretty much clear. Took a while for that to go away so I could sleep. I was panting like a dog for a while there!

10DPO: POAS this morning with an internet cheapie: BFN. I'm not too disappointed because I know it's still too early to accurately detect anything, but I couldn't wait! I'll try again in a couple of days.

Still have sore BBs, still have bloody nose, sniffles, etc. My temp stayed right at 98.46. Aside from the muscle spasm from last night, nothing really new to report.

Update: Had sharp, stabbing pains in both breasts during the evening. The right one first, then hours later another jab in the left one. I hate those things!

12DPO - 16DPO

11DPO: Woke up with a headache and slight nausea. Temp jumped to 98.66. I'd be stoked about that, except it did the same thing the last cycle and AF showed up for that one. So if tomorrow's temp goes higher, then I'll start to get excited.

Bloody nose is gone so far today, thank goodness. Breasts still tender, lower abdomen is VERY tender but no cramping.

It was 80 degrees outside and 78 indoors, and I was FREEZING all day. Hands like ice, chills.. I felt like I was sick, but took my temperature in the middle of the day and it was a high 97°. No fever.

Evening update: Nausea has lasted all day long, but I haven't thrown up at all.

12DPO: Temp spiked up again, this time to 98.77°. BFN on FRER + Wondfos. Grrr!

BBs are only a little bit sore, and I have to directly put pressure on them to get an "Ouch" response. Generally right before AF, they're more tender than this.

Had to get up and pee last night in the middle of the night, and when I came back to bed my abdomen felt really firm and sensitive low down. Slept pretty restlessly because of that, and had a weird baby dream too.

Woke up with a slight headache again. I'm normally starving first thing in the AM, but today I'm not hungry at all. I feel full/bloaty instead.

AF is due October 27th, 15dpo.

13DPO: Temp dropped steeply today. Oh no! I'm feeling pretty bummed, but comparing this cycle to others, AF doesn't arrive for me until I reach 98.0 on my chart. So I still have some hope!

Increased CM last night and today. No cramps, no sore BBs. The queasiness is still present though, and this morning I woke up feeling like I had really low blood sugar and I was starving. Increased hunger is a PMS symptom for me though, so I'm not going to read too much into that.

Had some pretty sharp stabbing pains around my ovaries today while out running errands. Not sure what causes those... My GYN is aware of them, but I may bring them up at tomorrow's appt anyway.

14DPO: Temp jumped back up to the highest it's been all cycle (in fact, I've only had one or two cycles with temps this high in a year, and one of those as a BFP and the other one, I was 2 weeks late with AF and we determined it was likely a chemical pregnancy!)

Restless sleep last night, woke up 2 hours earlier than normal and had to pee like crazy. BFN on FRER. :(

Had my cervical biopsy done today since their Dr's office pee test was negative also. Hopefully if I am actually pregnant, that doesn't screw anything up.

Came down with a headache about 11am. Still seeing blood in the tissue when I blow my nose, which is another big pregnancy sign for me.

Got referred to a Fertility specialist today since DH and I have been TTC for a year now. :\ They're gonna call me to set things in motion.

Update: Ate lunch with DH around 2. We split a sandwich at a diner and had some fries. I was severely nauseated and dizzy the rest of the day, ended up having to lay down and sleep for a good hour or so. The nausea didn't go away even after eating antacids and I wasn't able to eat dinner until after 8pm that night. If that's a new PMS symptom instead of a reaction to hcg, I am going to be so angry at my ovaries! lol

15 DPO: AF due today! Temp at 98.61, still waaay above coverline. That's strange, because usually the day before AF, my temps have reached 98.0. In fact, that's happened on about 90% of all my charts, with some going a little lower than that.

BBs feel a little full and tender, but nothing major. No cramps, no spotting, no signs of AF.

Can't check my cervix or CM today due to yesterday's biopsies. Cervix needs to heal and CM will be muddled up by lubricant and the antibacterial gunk they slather on there to help the biopsy sites heal.

If AF doesn't show up tonight, I will be testing again with a FRER tomorrow! I have one more FRER left and I hope hope hope it's positive! It'd be nice to get a sticky BFP before we even meet up with the fertility specialists!

Update: Just put a pot of coffee on because I was expecting company. The smell of it -- my most favorite beverage! -- made me so so so so sick! If it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't had lunch yet, I'd have puked up everything I'd eaten.

I'm so baffled! How can nausea that severe be from PMS?

Tomorrow morning and the BBT readout I get can't come soon enough!

Evening update: Stabbing/sharp pains right in the center of my lower abdomen rather than one side or the other. Brown spotting as blood from Monday's biopsy is being pushed out of my body.

Checked my cervix and it was INCREDIBLY swollen feeling. I don't think I've ever felt it like that before?

16 DPO: AF due, or possibly 1 day late? Longest LP I've had is 17 days. We'll see what happens today or tomorrow. All I have left for HPTs right now is a First Response Rapid Result and those aren't as sensitive as FRERs or Wondfos, I've heard.

Temp dropped again from 98.61 to 98.5. Not much, but still a drop. I'm still above the cover line, and I'm still above my usual "AF is here!" temp, which is 98.0.

Lower abdomen is sore. No cramps this morning, but did wake up with slight slight nausea.

Cervix is medium height, VERY firm and open. Such a drastic change from last night! Still some brown discharge, but it's not even enough to make it to a panty liner.

Update: Went to bed around 10pm, no sign of AF.

17 DPO: Temp dropped again. 98.16. Didn't feel any cramping or usual AF symptoms when I woke up this morning. In fact, I didn't suspect AF had arrived at all -- until I went to the bathroom. AF has arrived in full force.

Took a whole hour for any cramps to show up, too.
I THINK I am 3 DPO today but I am not positive as I had EWCM and SHOW cervix 15 and 16 Oct and then went HSC and creamy CM on 17 Oct. This usually happens the day after O so I am saying my O date is 16 Oct. So here we go..

1 DPO - Nothing out of the ordinary, some cramps but that's about it

2 DPO - Feeling nauseated all day and having a hard time eating.. creamy CM high, soft cervix

3 DPO - Sore breasts and quite a few cramps, an almost electric shock feeling in my uterus on the left side (same thing happened with my last pregnancy on 4 DPO). A large increase in creamy CM, cervix has gone high and firm

4 DPO - Still lots of cramps and sore boobs. Metallic taste in my mouth and almost threw up brushing my teeth due to heightened gag reflex. Going to the bathroom almost every hour. CP is high, soft and closed. Still loads of creamy CM
DH & I Bd'd on October 3rd. Ovulated either that day or the 4th.

1-6 DPO stuffy nose, sharp cramps, heightened sense of smell, and slight nausea.
7-14 DPO symptoms disappeared except I had shortness of breath. This is always always a HUGE sign of pregnancy for me.
I tested on 10 & 11 DPO but BFN!

Tested today at 14-15DPO and BFP!!!! I figured I was pregnant when I had slight nausea this morning after breakfast.

Baby dust to all you wonderful ladies!!!!
I am about 11-12 dpo, so I am cautious about it.

I honestly had more symptoms and felt pregnant last month (i got AF instead) than I do this month. But I will list my symptoms.

1-2 dpo: Cramps
2-3dpo: tired, creamy cm
3-4dpo: tired, bloated and dry chapped lips
4-5dpo: blood in my nose, dry chapped lips
5-6 dpo: cramps and round ligament pain (I felt this when I was about 5 months pregnant with my 1st and went to the hospital because I thought I was miscarrying. It feels like needle pricks running up and down your abdomen -- not fun, took the wind out of me) for about 1/2 hour
6-7 dpo: tired, some cramping, heartburn in the pm
7-8 dpo: heartburn in the pm again, this time I started dry heaving for about 10 mins
8-9 dpo: wave of nausea few mins, tired, not feeling well (congested stuff nose and sore throat)
9-10 dpo: still sick, more congestion and coughing
10-11dpo: cramping throughout the day (light, I swore AF was gonna show up tomorrow), still sick (now my voice is hoarse, so I have a cold) and really bad diarrhea in the pm (sorry tmi). also, my poor awesome DH came to give me a kiss after his workout and my stomach turned! I also felt super short tempered with him. I felt so bad I just went to bed.
11-12dpo: today, still sick, no other symptoms :bfp:
Hubs and I have been TTC for about 4 months now - but just started charting the last 2 months

I typically have a 34 day cycle: these are symptoms for this month!

I think I ovulated around Oct. 8-9 based on CM

1-5 DPO - no symptoms

6 DPO - Creamy CM
7 DPO - woke up to LOTS of watery CM (undies were soaked, TMI)
8 DPO - watery CM today also
9 DPO - change to more like EWCM than watery, BD'd and super wet for that (TMI again) - cramps left side at night
10 DPO - BD AM (not as much CM), cramps left side at night, creamy CM, no appetite BFN at night when tested
11 DPO - cramps very low (cervix low) 2 different times during the day, also cramps left side at night - sure AF is coming
12 DPO - Cramps, early morning (STAY AWAY AF). Sore throat, runny nose, getting a cold? Craving healthy food only. Couldn't finish Taco Bell lunch. Had steak, raw cabbage and soy sauce for dinner? Never ate that before. Also very thirsty all day.
13 DPO - Our house smells weird. Gagged at the smell of dishes.
14 DPO (TODAY) - AF due tomorrow, but holding on to hope. Had a nose bleed on the way to work this morning? Still cold-like symptoms, so could be that.

10-14 DPO - going to bed very early, super tired.

Fingers crossed that AF stays away! This is therapeutic to report :) I'm going to way until I'm officially late to test again this cycle.

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