Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi ladies, here are my symptoms so far.
1dpo:insomnia and increased sexdrive
2dpo: fatigue backaches, cramps
3dpo: nausea, backaches, tender bbs, cramps, right and left pelvic pain
4dpo: +appetite,nausea, backaches, tender bbs, cramps r&l pelvic pain
5dpo: fatigue, backaches, cramps
6dpo: nausea, backaches, tender bbs, gas, cramps, right pelvic pain
7dpo: nausea, backaches, tender bbs, gas, +appetite
8dpo: backaches, indigestion, +appetite, cramps
9dpo: dizziness, backaches, indigestion, cramps, r&l pelvic pain.
10dpo: nausea, backaches, tender bbs, gas, right pelvic pain. Second line on hpt, possibly Evap as appeared after time limit.
11dpo: nausea, backaches, tender bbs, sore nipples, cramps. Sure The witch is on her way due to the cramping, Af due but didn't show. Another 2nd line on frer 6 day sooner, appeared after time limit again. Really hoping this is it!!!
12dpo: backaches, cramps, yellow tinged lotion like cm, :bfn: now 2 days late I feel like she'll be here tonight
this is a very very strange cycle for me as ovulation was very late and i had zero EWCM. first cycle using OPK and had almost 3 days of positive OPK. i am trying for a girl so did not BD as often.

CD17: BD
CD18: 1st +OPK
CD19: Several +OPK. Massive migraine with nausea. My guess is ovulation happened around 11pm
CD20 / 1 DPO: BD in the morning (this is an attempt to trying the O+12 method for a girl)

1 to 5 DPO: no symptoms
6 DPO: major cramping after BD. pulling on lower right of abdomen. stretchy but yellow CM. went to visit a friend and her 2 yo boy kept calling me mummy and wanted me to carry him.
7 & 8 DPO: very light constant cramping, so light you won't notice it unless looking for it. No CM
9 DPO: :bfn: no symptoms no CM
10 DPO: :bfn: no symptoms no CM
11 DPO: cheapie HPT was negative at 10 min mark but has a slight line at 15 min mark. i debated with myself for the longest time and decided to use one of my 2 clearblue weeks estimator. while the hourglass was still turning, my 3 yo woke up and demanded my attention so I left the hourglass to turn while i tend to him. 5 minutes later i saw :bfp: 1-2 weeks.

it's still early days. i will continue to test for the next week or so.

I haven't been TTC for a very long time but I know I am not very fertile unless I put in extra effort (10 years of unprotected sex but never an "accident" tells me so).

What i did differently this cycle:
- drank green tea right after AF ended in an attempt to increase EWCM but strangely it killed ALL my CM.
- started using OPK
- started using conceive plus
- lifted the hip high for 30 min after BD
- right after ovulation, i only drank warm drinks, especially ginger tea.
Back for my second cycle!

1-4DPO: general yuck feeling, back pains off and on, nausea, some cramps.

5DPO: had this crazy "icy hot" feeling in my abdomen after some hip pain.

6DPO: constant yuck feeling, was nauseous if i wasn't snacking, craved fizzy drinks. Boobs started to ache.

7DPO: general crampiness, temp spike, back and foot pain. STARVING! Ate more than I ever do and never felt full or bloated. Like a bottomless pit! Sore boobs.

8DPO: cramps all day so far, sore boobs.
Hi ladies, 've been looking at these boards for a few days now and decided to make a profile because need some help!
As far as dpo goes, think am 9DPO, but my period tracker puts me at three days before that. think 'm three days later than the tracker because am going off the days have increased discharge and very sore nipples.
share some of the symptoms as both FN and FP so thought would share mine and see what you think?
haven't been keeping track of days, but think started wondering about three or four days in due to very light cramping that only lasted a few minutes and that happened for about two days on and off. also think 've gained weight as my mid-section looks fuller and have a very tiny frame so it's easy to see. My biggest issue is the last two days of symptoms and 'm wondering if 'm just looking for them...
brushing my teeth yesterday, spit and blood came out, as my gums were bleeding, looked to see where and couldn't tell, my bf says probably just brushed too hard. Then, last night, we D (?) think that's what it's called on here, and in the middle of it we saw that there was very, very light brown discharge, barely enough to even notice, and started cramping as well. feel like 've been peeing a lot but also drink a lot of water. took a test today at 9DPO, and got FN. AF is due in two days so 'll wait for the other one until then. Also, having a hard time standing up, even from sitting down, as get very light headed and have to stop and lean on something. This isn't common for me unless am dehydrated of hypoglycemic, which it's been happening to much for it to be either of those. We aren't exactly ready yet but we have both played with the idea of having a little one, and the more think about it, the more excited kind of get, but also know it will make nursing school very difficult.

Can anyone help me, please? Any of you ladies had any of these symptoms? What ended up happening?
So sorry, i forgot to add something and i don't know how to update, but i also had a lot of CM even after ovulation, and ever since last night after bd and finding light brown spotting, there has been no CM! So confused :(
6dpo (I think) and very nauseous and just feel 'off' but not ill.
I also had a very very vivid weird dream last night that I had dementia. It was terrifying. The last time I had that vivid a dream I was pregnant with my son!
Edit: AF showed up right on schedule, morning of Sept 25. Boo!

Here's another cycle for me! I've been trying not to stress this time around, and overall I think I've been successful with that. The stress was always such a mood killer for me before!

+OPK = September 8 2015. We BD'd 5 days before, the night before, and the day after. My LPs are usually about 15 days.

1DPO - 3DPO: Cervix too high to reach. No real other symptoms

4DPO - 5DPO: There's SO MUCH creamy CM today that it's wetting my underwear. It's a lot like lotion, white, and no odor.

6DPO - Sept 15: Noticed that my CM is slightly discolored today. Could be because of very minor spotting? Still creamy, no odor. Also experienced a temperature dip of about .2F degrees. Implantation dip?

7DPO - Sept 16: Breasts are only mildly sore. Nothing near as bad as I get when AF is near. CM is less abundant but still creamy. Starting to feel really sleepy and ready for bed around 7pm instead of my usuall 9:30 or 10pm bedtime. But then when I finally DO get to bed, I just toss and turn all night.

8DPO - 10DPO: Breasts still a little sore, and now I'm getting moody. Still tossing and turning at night, keep having to get up and pee around 2am. Going to try restricting myself to only small sips of water after 7pm to avoid that problem.

11DPO - Sept 20: Really cranky today. DH took me out for lunch at a new place and I was snippy with him all day. He didn't seem to notice.. or if he did, he didn't say anything about it. Wise man!

12DPO - Sept 21: Temps are still high, above 98.5°F. I'm starting to get anxious because in previous AF cycles, my temp already starts dipping toward the coverline at this point. Took an HPT with FMU around 9am, BFN. I'm not too worried though 'cause my last BFP was negative at 12DPO but positive at 14. We'll see what happens. Had some AF type cramps in the morning, but none for the rest of the day.

13DPO - Sept 22: Still the slightly sore BBS, still restless sleep. Didn't get up to pee last night though, so that's good. Temp went up a tiny bit this morning, so I'm still holding out hope. AND: this morning when I blew my nose, it was pinkish/bloody. Same thing happened with my last BFP. I'm getting a tttiiiinnnyyy bit excited/anxious/hopeful!

14DPO - Sept 23: Slightly sore BBs, restless sleep. Bloated up like a balloon overnight and weighed in at 5 pounds heavier than last week, which was maddening! Steep temperature drop this morning. Pretty sure AF will show up this cycle.

15DPO - Sept 24: Another temp dip. Not really any other symptoms besides the bloat and sore BBs. Another steep BBT drop toward cover line. AF will probably show tonight or tomorrow.
first of all I don't know the exact date I ovulated, I had Mirena after having my daughter for a little less than a year. I wasn't too fond of it, went on the pill for just a month and a half and then my SO and I wanted to ttc. so I stopped the pill and we began right away ttc :sex:. This month was about 1.5 months now. LMP was 09/02 and so I figured I O'd on the 16th, We tried 10,12,15,17,18,19,20,22,23 to be safe:sex:. During this time, I had a metal taste in my mouth on 16 and 24th. Since 15th I have had nausea non stop until yesterday. I have had cramping on and off since the 16th and already 3 acne. the back aches started yesterday, did have some vaginal pains like AF is coming and shooting pains(which i have had since having my daughter) I have taken multilpe hpt and they all come back :bfn:::cry:. AF:af: is set to arrive on sept 30. should i wait or should i keep testing? I'm going crazy
Hi all I'm guessing I am around 4dpo just based on tender breasts and EWCM. My symptoms are sore boobs, sore throat, tiredness and had a few twinges earlier in the right side of my uterus/ovary area. Waiting until 9dpo to start testing! Good luck ladies
This wasn't planned. I am 39 and DH is 44, our other kids are 22, 19, and 15. ...but we are very happy. And scared!

1-3 DPO: Nothing except a feeling after realizing we flat-out forgot to pull during O week.

4-6 DPO: Kept feeling like I was coming down with a cold

7-8 DPO: PMS like cramps way down low, tired, hint of nausea, a pimple at the wrong time of the month, many dreams of dead relatives, increased sense of smell started at 8 DPO and so did aversions to some spices and coffee.

9 DPO: PMS like cramps, tons of EWCM when should have been pretty dry, short of breath, tired, 1 bad nausea spell, sharp pain in groin

10-12 DPO: milder than PMS but noticeable cramps, pulling pains, groin aches, boobs hurt in a different way than they do in PMS, they felt more burny and ripping and they area around them ached, like the pits and top of the chest), increasing nausea and smell aversions, very tired and napping a lot, noticed a darkening and widening of the nipples. At 11 DPO I passed two small brownish red flecks. I also did not get PMS acne or sweet cravings and although I started getting emotional and moody it was different than the way PMS moods develop for me. Usually I am sad for a few days than irritable for a few. This time it was all mixed together. I had a headache during these days as well. AT 12 DPO I noticed my insides felt...thicker.

13 DPO: My dog sniffed my crouch and then started humping the air. I know this is really weird, but nothing like that ever happned before and although I did feel fairly violated (haha) it was the last straw. I was going to wait a few more days but instead held my pee for 6 hours and got a BFP on a FRER. At least I have an excuse for that bizarre interaction. >_<

I know this is years later but omg...I am in the 2ww and have been having a lot of dreams involving my dad and grandfather (both deceased) and it was just really messing me up :( I wonder if preg is why??
I had my coil removed 5 days ago, the lady said that my cervix was slightly to the left and it looked like I had either just ovulated or was about to. Tested on ovulatin kit and it said no on Thursday then peak on Friday. Very strange as there was no in between... Any ideas ladies?

We bd on the Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday.

1 DPO... I was bloated and having twinges, pains in legs and back, extremely tired. Ovulation kit said ovulation was over. No cm. Cervix soft. Two spots. Dark areolas.

2dpo..... Same as above, but had a craving for a chip butty and felt sick after. Scratchy throat randomly. Waking up early.... Number two three times this morning. Dry skin but two spots.

3DPO..... Bloated still but less uncomfortable, constant twinges and back pain. Emotional.

4DPO....Happy one minute then sad the next. BFN... YES I KNOW FAR TOO EARLY :wacko::wacko: but ovulation test said I am high (not peak fertility) again.....

What is going on?..
This thread is a cool idea! I think I'm going to be team AF this cycle, but I'll be testing tonight again.

Cycle Start 8/29 (O on 9/16-17)
4dpo - afternoon twinge in same spot as when I was pregnant before, menstrual-like cramps, silly mood, green boogers
5dpo - more twinges, right ovary twinge, cramps, craving for McDs & Coke, gas, green boogers
6dpo - extra creamy cm, more twinges and slightly lower than pg spot, cramps, bloated, tired, slight nausea, not comfortable crossing legs, alert nips & slightly tender bbs, green boogers
7dpo - woke up at 4:30am, really vivid dreams, trouble sleeping, cramps, lots of creamy liquid cm, alert nips, green boogers, pale lips, twinge-like cramps in entire uterus, not comfortable crossing legs, sensitive sense of smell, slightly sore back lots of cracks, boob pain
8dpo - woke up multiple times, trouble sleeping, not as vivid dreams, alert nips still constant, cramps, slightly sore back lots of cracks, twinges, creamy cm but not as much
9dpo - trouble sleeping, then groggy waking up, not much creamy cm, negative FRER :bfn:, alert nips, cramps, hadn't pooped in 2 days then I did and had upset stomach, gas, feeling negative about cycle
10dpo - trouble sleeping, nausea, diarrhea, gas, alert nips, lazy, cramps
11dpo - Trouble sleeping, diarrhea, gas, cramps, more creamy cm, light nausea, dizzy
12dpo - Trouble sleeping (woke up 4:45), temp dip by .3, cramps, nausea, feeling sad, not much cm all day then some creamy + yellow eggwhite
13dpo - Dry/scratchy throat, cramps, feel like I'm getting a cold, temp still lower, gas, cough, feel like AF is coming, wore liner & feels wet, headache, spotting began in evening. Cd1 tomorrow.
im 8dpo today. You should all know that I had a d&c nearly 5 weeks ago and I'm still testing positive on hpts but they look more like evaps they are that faint and I'm using ic's. You have to really strain your eyes to see the lines and dp can't even see them! But of course being a poas addict I can see the faintest of faint lines! So if I get a proper bfp this cycle I won't class it as one unless the line gets darker. So here are my symptoms.

1-6dpo. Nothing much, just sore breasts which I normally get after o, needing to pee more often. Sore throat and flu like symptoms. Ibs flare up at 6dpo.

7dpo. Sore breasts, slight headache, a bit of ewcm one time when I wiped after going to the toilet but it wasn't clear like around o time it was kind of cloudy, felt sick when I went to bed but put it down to a horrible golden wonder pot noodle I ate for tea, af type cramps at night time, needing the toilet more than usual.

8dpo. Horrible headache all day, very tired, sore breasts, need to pee more, very 'wet' down there (sorry tmi), af type cramps on and off all day, feel like af is gunnar show up at any minute but thankfully no sign of any blood, aches in thighs, random bouts of nausea.

9dpo. Sore breasts, no cramps, mild headache, starving but don't fancy anything, shadow of bfp still on hpt (leftover hormones from mc), ewcm on tp in the evening also breasts soreness has gone! Craving chocolate which is a sign af is on its way.

10dpo. Cramps in the am for about half hour. Sore bbs. Feeling sad. Feel as though af is on its way. Hpts look a bit lighter today :( line almost non existant. No more cramps by pm don't feel as though af is about to show anymore but have started to get spots on my cheeks!

11dpo. More spots, bbs a bit more sore today, headache, no appetite, sciatica starting to play up (had this early last pregnancy) hpt bfp a little bit darker today on ics but bfn on frer. Ibs flare up. Very achy bum cheek muscles! Had to the paracetamol to help with the pain.

12dpo. Still got a dodgy tummy. Sore bbs. Bfn with cheapie test. Don't feel like af will be here soon but don't feel pregnant either. Very tired and irratable! I know I'm not pregnant so I'm wiling af to turn up so we can try again.

13dpo. Sore bbs, tired due to lack of sleep grrr, still no preg or af symptoms. Bfn. Come on af!! Should be here either today or tomorrow. It's now 8pm and I'm defo feeling af cramping! I think it will defo show over night. Fully expecting tomorrow to be cd1!

14dpo. Went to the loo at 4am and saw blood the on tp. Cd1 now onto the next cycle!
How are we all doing with our dpos?

Wishing you all lots of luck and prayers and hoping we all get our :bfp: soon xx
I have lots of creamy cm today! Cervix is high and soft still....

Still twinges in stomach but not as bad or frequent....

Felt sick waking up, my multivitamin smelt awful this morning. Couldn't eat the pie pastry last night as all I could smell was egg...

Am going to test first thing tomorrow again and see what it says....

Am hoping X
Sounds promising, Grace!! AF is starting so I'm on to a new cycle. FX you get better news tomorrow!
1 dpo: backaches, watery CM, low firm cervix
2 dpo: EW CM, high cervix
3 dpo: erratic CM, low firm cervix
4 dpo: erratic CM, low firm cervix
5 dpo: fatigue, cold, spotting after sex, EW CM, medium firm cervix
6 dpo: fatigue, cold, EW CM, medium firm cervix
7 dpo: cravings, mild nausea, fatigue, dizziness, cold, increased thirst and urination, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
8 dpo: twinges on left side, mild nausea, increased appetite, cold, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
9 dpo: mild nausea, tender breasts, cold, fatigue, increased thirst and urination, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
10 dpo: fatigue, cold, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
11 dpo: fatigue, cold, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
12 dpo: mild nausea, tender breasts, fatigue, cold, increased thirst and urination, EW and watery CM, medium height firm cervix
13 dpo: left pelvic pain/twinges, acne, fatigue, cold, increased thirst and urination, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
14 dpo: mild nausea, acne, both sides pelvic pain/twinges, fatigue, increased thirst and urination, EW and watery CM, low firm cervix
15 dpo: fatigue, gas, stomachache, acne, bloating, increased thirst and urination, milky-creamy CM, low firm cervix
16 dpo: fatigue, cravings, gas, mild nausea, acne, bloating, backaches, increased thirst and urination, milky-creamy CM, low firm cervix
17 dpo: fatigue, gas, nipple soreness, acne, increased sex drive, increased thirst and urination, milky-creamy CM, low firm cervix
18 dpo: acne, nipple soreness, increased sex drive, increased thirst and urination, milky-creamy CM, low firm cervix
19 dpo: fatigue, nipple soreness, tender breasts, increased vaginal discharge, mild nausea, increased sex drive, increased thirst and urination, very moody, erratic CM, medium-high firm cervix
20 dpo: nipple soreness, tender breasts, increased dishcharge, nausea when doing dishes, low firm cervix, creamy CM
Also: Multiple bowel movements every day starting 15 dpo (unusual for me, normally less frequent)
Note: cold means sick, not chilly
Hiya! I'm in my two week wait and found this thread... Have been trying to read to catch up but there are a lot of posts!!! Some info on me... I'm 41, DH is 43 And we are trying for our 3rd... Here's what I have so far this month...

5dpo - feeling queasy and had an upset stomach- generally felt like crap.

6 dpo - same as above

7dpo - still caught in that hungry/ queasy cycle.... I feel queasy so food sounds good, but feel even more sick after I eat... Headache and my boobs feel super full and massive... I didn't notice until I felt the pain walking down the stairs, like I needed to hold them in place.

8dpo- this is today and of course I tested early! Hahah bfn of course but still feeling same as yesterday...

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