Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi ladies!

No idea what DPO I am but I know I Oed cause my boobs always hurt after I O and sometimes hurts to have sex after I O...

Anyways symptoms I've been experiencing lately are:

Severe fatigue
extreme thirst
mild sore boobs (normally super sore if AF is on her way)
Normally I get AF around CD34 and I'm CD39 today...Never had a cycle longer than 40CD before...
I did test but I think I have line eye and I don't think there's anything there?
I've been nauseous
loss of appetite
shortness of breathe for no reason (feeling like I cant take a deep breath)
smells are bothering me making me gag...

No idea what's going on..
I miss this thread!! Congrats to all bfp!! And good luck to the rest

1dpo - 6dpo no symptoms

7dpo - nauseous, fatigued. Fell asleep early.

8dpo - more nauseous and felt like i needed to pee on the way to work and had to rush to toilet when i got there (always drive same distance but never had this). Still fatigued, another early night. Noticed strange CM, sort of watery but with lumps which i remember with last pregnancy that ended in MC.

9dpo - tested due to symptoms BFN. Sore boobs. Still strange CM.

10dpo - tested with internet cheapies claiming to be 10miu n BFN. went with partner to get FRER to use in the morning. Very restless sleep, too hot and fidgety which i normally get before AF.Boobs also hurt more so could be AF.Still strange CM.

11dpo - still feeling nauseous and boos still hurt. CM is just watery now. Cervix is very high. BFN on FRER with fmu so decided no more tests now and wait for AF.

12dpo - boobs really sore and they are never this sore, cant understand how I got BFNs, was sure it was happening this month. Been really wanting sex today :/ 2 days til AF due.

13dpo - feeling back to normal today, boobs not so sore, guess AF is on its way.*Update - AF came a day early.
Hi Ladies, can I join?

Currently in the tww. I ovulate on my own bu thave LPD so my dr has me on clomid and Crinone to help with progesterone levels. 11dpo today and have been feeling some cramping off and on. Also have a weird feeling in my hoopy (Sorry tmi :oops: ) almost like a dull achy feeling just like I get DURING af's visit. Not expecting her for a couple more days but I dont have high hopes for this cycle :(
Hæ Ladies,

My husband and I have been TTC since February. I have been pretty sure I would get a BFP before, due to all the symptoms, but then AF came, so I am staying positive without getting too carried away.
Here's what's been going on so far.

O day - Had really really bad cramps after doing the deed
1-4 DPO - stabbing pains in bbs and uterus, burped ALL THE TIME!!
4-8 DPO - stabbing pains continue, vivid dreams, sweating like crazy at night, a bit of nausea, and HUNGRY. Also start having creamy CM. On day 7 I was SO tired at work and got heartburn, I never get heartburn.
9 DPO - Stabbing pains turn into AF type cramps but very mild and a bit more like pulling or stretching pains. Hunger and nausea continue. Nipples a bit darker. Took a HPT in the PM and got a BFN.
10 DPO - Pretty much the same as 9 dpo. We went to Subway for dinner and I got a 12" sub for the first time ever and ate the whole thing without a problem and was hungry again in 2 hours.
11 DPO - CM turned watery, a bit tired. Cramps not too bad, bbs not so sore. Took another HPT in the am since it was mothers day (I mean, how cool would that have been, finding out you are pregnant on mothers day) but got a BFN. Still hopeful.
12 DPO - BFN in the am. Energetic at work, more creamy CM, not very hungry, cramps getting worse, nausea again and heartburn in the pm.

So excited to see what happens next. It's kind of nice having a chronic case of optimism. No matter what happens, it will all end up being an adventure!

This just in. I had the most entertaining day. AF is supposedly due today and has thankfully stayed away. I hope she is on an extended vacation. But today on 13 DPO Most of my symptoms decided to take a break. I did however have CM and was overly emotional. Storytime: At work I was having a lovely conversation with my co-worker about Grey's Anatomy and how its the best show to watch when you feel like you need to cry but you have nothing to cry over. We started talking about all these scenes that were super sad, then out of the blue I start crying. Kid you not. The girl I was talking to and the guy who was there but uninterested in the girly conversation didn't know what the hell had just happened. We all just started laughing as I continued to cry. Laughing and crying at the same time is a pretty awesome experience though . I recommend it.
Ohh also, we got a VERY FAINT BFP in the PM. Ill test again in the morning.

AF came by tonight. very late, but just as annoying as ever!
Today i am 12 dpo, af due tomorrow, my breasts are a little sore and full. veiny all over. even down my legs. I feel a slight back pain and light, mild cramping. not exactly like AF cramping though. my tummy feels kind of fluttery and different. i dont know if AF is coming on or im getting a bfp.. Ugh
trying to stay positive. :huh: :shrug: :af: :thumbup: :flower:
Today i am 12 dpo, af due tomorrow, my breasts are a little sore and full. veiny all over. even down my legs. I feel a slight back pain and light, mild cramping. not exactly like AF cramping though. my tummy feels kind of fluttery and different. i dont know if AF is coming on or im getting a bfp.. Ugh
trying to stay positive. :thumbup: :flower: :shrug: :af:
Hæ Ladies,

My husband and I have been TTC since February. I have been pretty sure I would get a BFP before, due to all the symptoms, but then AF came, so I am staying positive without getting too carried away.
Here's what's been going on so far.

O day - Had really really bad cramps after doing the deed
1-4 DPO - stabbing pains in bbs and uterus, burped ALL THE TIME!!
4-8 DPO - stabbing pains continue, vivid dreams, sweating like crazy at night, a bit of nausea, and HUNGRY. Also start having creamy CM. On day 7 I was SO tired at work and got heartburn, I never get heartburn.
9 DPO - Stabbing pains turn into AF type cramps but very mild and a bit more like pulling or stretching pains. Hunger and nausea continue. Nipples a bit darker. Took a HPT in the PM and got a BFN.
10 DPO - Pretty much the same as 9 dpo. We went to Subway for dinner and I got a 12" sub for the first time ever and ate the whole thing without a problem and was hungry again in 2 hours.
11 DPO - CM turned watery, a bit tired. Cramps not too bad, bbs not so sore. Took another HPT in the am since it was mothers day (I mean, how cool would that have been, finding out you are pregnant on mothers day) but got a BFN. Still hopeful.
12 DPO - BFN in the am. Energetic at work, more creamy CM, not very hungry, cramps getting worse, nausea again and heartburn in the pm.

So excited to see what happens next. It's kind of nice having a chronic case of optimism. No matter what happens, it will all end up being an adventure!
let me know what happens?! i hope you get your bfp !
Thank you Littleandlove, I am excited to see your results as well! Thing is I think AF is due today but since I stopped taking the pill I have close to no idea what my body is doing! I used to have a regular 28day cycle but recently it's been 25 and all of my symptoms could just be normal PMSing. I feel like I am constantly getting to know my body again :) but as always am very hopeful!
Baby dust to all!!!
6dpo/1dpt - slight stretching and twinges, watery cm
8dpo/3dpt - slight nausea (probably stressing about it not working) and slight abdominal stretching
10dpo/5dpt - slight nauseous feeling in the afternoon and headache, no cramps
12dpo/7dpt - cramps, backache, hungry
13dpo/8dpt - cramps, backache, hunger gone, :bfn:
14dpo/9dpt - all gone, :bfn:
15dpo/10dpt - :bfn
It's a bit different as we had a frozen embryo transfered so not sure if i should be getting symptoms of how many dpo i am or how many dpt i am.
Hæ Ladies,

My husband and I have been TTC since February. I have been pretty sure I would get a BFP before, due to all the symptoms, but then AF came, so I am staying positive without getting too carried away.
Here's what's been going on so far.

O day - Had really really bad cramps after doing the deed
1-4 DPO - stabbing pains in bbs and uterus, burped ALL THE TIME!!
4-8 DPO - stabbing pains continue, vivid dreams, sweating like crazy at night, a bit of nausea, and HUNGRY. Also start having creamy CM. On day 7 I was SO tired at work and got heartburn, I never get heartburn.
9 DPO - Stabbing pains turn into AF type cramps but very mild and a bit more like pulling or stretching pains. Hunger and nausea continue. Nipples a bit darker. Took a HPT in the PM and got a BFN.
10 DPO - Pretty much the same as 9 dpo. We went to Subway for dinner and I got a 12" sub for the first time ever and ate the whole thing without a problem and was hungry again in 2 hours.
11 DPO - CM turned watery, a bit tired. Cramps not too bad, bbs not so sore. Took another HPT in the am since it was mothers day (I mean, how cool would that have been, finding out you are pregnant on mothers day) but got a BFN. Still hopeful.
12 DPO - BFN in the am. Energetic at work, more creamy CM, not very hungry, cramps getting worse, nausea again and heartburn in the pm.

So excited to see what happens next. It's kind of nice having a chronic case of optimism. No matter what happens, it will all end up being an adventure!
let me know what happens?! i hope you get your bfp !

I just updated mine :) not a final update but still, an update!
Ooh, exciting Fixsohn! I hope your test lines get darker!!
AF was a no show today!! She might roll around within the next 2 or 3 days.. so I might just wait till after i know for sure. or at least kind of know.
I'm anxious!! PLEASE DON'T SHOW YOUR FACE :witch: :af: I want my :bfp:
AF was a no show today!! She might roll around within the next 2 or 3 days.. so I might just wait till after i know for sure. or at least kind of know.
I'm anxious!! PLEASE DON'T SHOW YOUR FACE :witch: :af: I want my :bfp:
Praying for you to get your BFP! :)
I ovulated on the 19th of April 2013
1dpo- Nothing
2dpo- Nothing
3dpo- dry mouth, bad twinges
4dpo- dry mouth, bad twinges
5dpo- A bit of nausea, Gassy, bad twinges
6dpo- Gassy, very gassy and bad acne
7dpo- Food was making me cringe at lunch time all I could stomach was dried toast and bad acne
8dpo- Again food was making me cringe at lunch time all I could stomach was dried toast and bad acne
9dpo- Bad sinus (stuffy) bit of nausea had cravings for a sumo salad, certain foods are making me cringe (potato chips and I usually love them!) and bad acne
10dpo- Some cramps
11DPO- Really tired, moody and cramps
12DPO- Really tired, moody and cramps
13DPO- Moody, mild cramps, acne, gassy and tired (no sign of AF) *tested this morning but still negative*
14DPO- No sign of AF (still hopeful), weird cramps this morning, creamy lotion like cm, gassy and tired
15DPO- No sign of AF, gassy, nausea, creamy lotion like cm, tired, some cramps
16DPO- Woke up with nausea, gassy, bad cramps, Stomach was upset most of the day
17DPO- Gassy, tired, creamy lotion like cm, acne is really bad today! Took a ClearBlue digital test came up negative :( still no sign of AF though (but apparently there is a chance I tested to early?) more waiting ... (CD31)
18DPO- Gassy, cramps, lotion creamy like cm, still no sign of AF (CD32)
19DPO- Creamy lotion like cm, tired and exhausted, increase in cm, gassy, constipation, some cramps (CD33)
20DPO- Cramps, exhausted, gassy, Creamy lotion like cm, nausea (felt like I was going to pass out while sitting down) (CD34)
21DPO- 2 mouth ulcers, increase in creamy lotion like cm, cramps, BFN, No sign of AF (CD35)
22DPO - Increase in creamy lotion like cm, cramps, no sign of AF (CD36)
23DPO - Increase in creamy lotion like cm, cramps, no sign of AF (CD37)
24DPO- BFN on FMU :(, creamy but watery cm (CD38) (decided not to test until next week unless AF shows up)
25DPO - Spotting (CD39) ???
26DPO - Spotting (CD40) ???

I am currently experiencing what I thought was AF but is only just spotting?! Started out brown yesterday and has now gone to bright red with occasional clear cm mix in with a little bit of red? No PMS symptoms at all! Not to mention that AF is never this late into the cycle. I am so confused! Has anyone experienced this? I'm off to the Doctor next week.
Hi everyone, I thought i'd show my "symptoms" in my TTW. I'm not holding my breath for being pregnant as I get some symptoms every month.

Well here's a brief history....I'm 42. I came off the contraceptive pill July '12 and started regular periods straight away. I got my first BFP on the 5th October. I had a missed miscarriage on 15th November at 10 weeks. We have been trying ever since.

This month I decided to make note of my symptoms. I am not 100% sure of my O date but think it was around 9th of this month, May '13, which means i'm approximately 6 DPO.

1 DPO...No symptoms

2 DPO...Fatigue. Very bad acne started on my back. Spots on my forehead, around my ears, jawline and chin. I only normally get a spot on my chin around AF time. Vivid dream about my ex partner.

3 DPO...Exhausted, very grumpy

2 & 3 DPO...Craving crisps at 3am.

4 DPO...Exhausted beyond belief, I kept dozing on and off all day, very grumpy and easily irritated, feeling nauseous.

4, 5 & 6 DPO...Extremely clumsy, even DP has commented on how I am at the moment. Serious heartburn, burbing A LOT!! (the other end too lol). I can pee for England, I cannot stop going. I go then an hour later I need to go desperately again. I have had many UTI's so know its not that. I pee as much as I did in my previous pregnancy.

5 DPO...Exhausted again. I spent the evening ripping up carpets and sweeping dust and rubbish...half killed me!!!! lol. Grumpy again. BBs started to hurt a little, nauseous, even pulling from traffic lights made my stomach lurch. May be because i'm exhausted though. My left ear is blocked and suffering from mild tinitus.

6 DPO...Exhausted again but only had 3 hours sleep, grumpy, easily irritated, BBs hurting a lot more today and cramps starting (not due AF till 23rd May, 9 days), quite nauseous. Left ear is still blocked.

I'll keep updating as time goes on.

7 DPO...Very irritable, one of my DP's clients keeps phoning...5 times in 7 hours!!! I actually had a major rant about it lol, bb's still sore and nipples quite tender. DP pinched them last night and I could have cried (I do get sore bb's before AF though). My sense of smell is heightened, I could actually smell the spices in my cupboard from a few feet away. I woke this morning to terrible cramping, I equated it to my miscarriage pain. Wore off after an hour. Nauseous still but feeling hungry. Headaches and light headedness. Exhaustion is eating away at me now, i'm fed up of sleeping my days off away...a week off work and all I want to do is sleep, not good lol. Loose bowels and lots of wind.

DP came home from work and said the strangest this a sign???? I'm a believer in signs so i'm hoping this a really big one. When he got in the car to come home, he noticed a dummy/pacifier attached to the windscreen wiper (he's using my car at the moment as his is broken and off the road). He has no idea who put it there or why. Where he's working at the moment, nobody knows us or our trying for a baby. Very bizarre i'd say. What do you all think? A sign or coincidence?

8 DPO...Woke up with a bad head which lasted a good half an hour before wearing off. Been feeling nauseous all day so far. BB's and nipples still giving lots of pain. The acne/spots are continuing from about DPO 2. I also have a huge red lump of a spot on my right boob, quite unsightly!!! Tiredness continues, had to have a 2 hour sleep 3 hours after waking. Had a dream I was showing my mum a pram that i'd bought, also that I had huge dark blue veins popping out of my boobs (not a vein in sight in reality lol). Hunger seems to have worn off a little and am now only eating for the hell of it.

9 DPO...Mild nausea today but hit me harder during the evening and my night shift. Exhaustion, very irritable and grumpy, even my poor dog got shouted at lol. Awful metallic taste carrying on throughout the night. Dizziness, sore bb's. Itchy tummy and bb's, headachey. Hungry. Twinges in my uterus, mild cramping.

10 DPO...Nausea, sore bb's, lots of watery/creamy CM. Feel like i'm getting a rotten cold, urgh, achy all over, stuffed up nose. lightheadedness.

11 DPO...Hmmmm, well I think i'm out this month and its all been just a huge big kick of progesterone. My symptoms, apart from the sore boobs, nipples and cramps, have subsided. No nausea, nothing!!! AF is due in two days, so it's just a waiting game. I'm gutted. Oh well, there's always next month.

On a positive note today, my bb's are very itchy and my pubic bone area is very itchy...weird. I'm also constipated. I really want to buy an early response test but I think it will be a waste of money, so i'll just hang on for AF to show her ugly face.

Ok I crumbled. I had a spare digital test...not to be used until missed period. How silly of me to think that it would register a BFP 2 days early. Of course it was a BFN. Now i'm even more convinced its all been a huge progesterone kick.

AF came yesterday....oh well, next month!!!
Any one know how I can edit my post? It says at the bottom that I cannot edit posts. Anyone know why?
Hi everyone, I thought i'd show my "symptoms" in my TTW. I'm not holding my breath for being pregnant as I get some symptoms every month.

Well here's a brief history....I'm 42. I came off the contraceptive pill July '12 and started regular periods straight away. I got my first BFP on the 5th October. I had a missed miscarriage on 15th November at 10 weeks. We have been trying ever since.

This month I decided to make note of my symptoms. I am not 100% sure of my O date but think it was around 9th of this month, May '13, which means i'm approximately 6 DPO.

1 DPO...No symptoms

2 DPO...Fatigue

3 DPO...Exhausted, very grumpy

4 DPO...Exhausted beyond belief, I kept dozing on and off all day, very grumpy and easily irritated, feeling nauseous.

5 DPO...Exhausted again. I spent the evening ripping up carpets and sweeping dust and rubbish...half killed me!!!! lol. Grumpy again. BBs started to hurt a little, nauseous, even pulling from traffic lights made my stomach lurch. May be because i'm exhausted though.

6 DPO...Exhausted again but only had 3 hours sleep, grumpy, easily irritated, BBs hurting a lot more today and cramps starting (not due AF till 23rd May, 9 days), quite nauseous.

I'll keep updating as time goes on.

For some reason it says that the administrator wont allow me to edit so here goes with some remembered symptoms....

2 & 3 DPO...Craving crisps at 3am.

4, 5 & 6 DPO...Extremely clumsy, even DP has commented on how I am at the moment. Serious heartburn, burbing A LOT!! (the other end too lol). I can pee for England, I cannot stop going. I go then an hour later I need to go desperately again. I have had many UTI's so know its not that. I pee as much as I did in my previous pregnancy.

When I read my posts I get soooo hopeful but I know i'll be disappointed next week. I just wish I could know now. Fingers crossed for us all ladies.
Any one know how I can edit my post? It says at the bottom that I cannot edit posts. Anyone know why?

Hi Melek! I'm pretty sure you have to have made a certain number of posts before you can edit. Sorry I'm not more help, but I think I remember that from when I first joined this site.

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