Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

AGH Help. I am 15 dpo, still creamy cm, right ovary twinges and cramps, af is 3 days late and this morning around 5am i got a BFN on a dollar tree test. i have no idea whats happening.

I hope this turns out ok for ya. I dont know what to say... your in till the witch shows up. I wouldnt worry to much unless your in really bad pain... then I would worry.

It isn't a bad pain. just a little annoying!
AGH Help. I am 15 dpo, still creamy cm, right ovary twinges and cramps, af is 3 days late and this morning around 5am i got a BFN on a dollar tree test. i have no idea whats happening.

Almost exactly the same situation here. Just waiting to POAS since last time (yesterday) I got a BFN.
AGH Help. I am 15 dpo, still creamy cm, right ovary twinges and cramps, af is 3 days late and this morning around 5am i got a BFN on a dollar tree test. i have no idea whats happening.

My fingers and toes are all crossed for you. Keep us posted :thumbup:
8dpo- extremely sore boobs. Couldnt touch at all
9dpo- sore boobs, stomach ache, ridiculous urination ( 6 times) after having half a pain of water. Sore boobs, dull painful headache. Negative hpt
Here are my symptoms, we have been ttc for over a year, and this cycle is a bit unusual for me, but I could be coming down with a cold or something.

1dpo - cramps, creamy cm
2dpo - headache, creamy cm
3dpo - light cramps, acne, creamy cm
4dpo - blocked nose, pressure in lower stomach, feels like muscle ache, creamy cm
5dpo - blocked nose (no cold or allergies), creamy cm
6dpo - blocked nose, metallic taste (maybe from blocked nose?), sticky cm, slight temp dip
7dpo - blocked nose, metallic taste (maybe from blocked nose?),tender breasts, temp rising again, creamy cm, hungry
8dpo - stabbing back pain, shortness of brath, blood taste for short moment, tender breasts, bloated, hungry, blocked nose, sticky cm
9dpo - severe backache, tender breasts, gassy, vivid dream, cramps, low energy, bloated, slight nausia, sticky cm
10dpo - af type cramps, backache but better, metallic taste, tender breasts, creamy cm
11dpo - cramps, tender breast, feel warm, backache, freq. urination, sticky cm
12dpo - tender breast, backache, cramps, tired, vivid dream, creamy cm
13dpo - temp drop (still above coverline but makes me feel af is on way, not much hope :( but trying to keep fingers crossed), backache, cramps, acne, exhausted.
14dpo - temp drop, tender breasts headache, backache, creamy cm
15dpo - vivid dream, tender breasts, backache, sticky cm, af due
16dpo - temp drop, backache, tender breasts, bloated, creamy cm
17dpo - big temp drop :( backache
18dpo/cd1 - af shows, boo

Af was due on 15dpo, but not getting my hopes up too high, temp drops just show af on the way we have been trying so long already and my dh has a very low sperm count. But maybe this is it.
AF was due yesurday FF says today, can't really remember my syptoms day by day.
i have had
more cramping then usual
really gassy
tingly and ichy boobs
pains in my ovries
tire easly
increased appeite (strange for me as i'm usually hardly ever hungry now its all the time)
increased sex drive
increased cm the last few days although today has been quite dry.
water cm on 11dpo

i think thats everything i remember
AF was due yesurday FF says today, can't really remember my syptoms day by day.
i have had
more cramping then usual
really gassy
tingly and ichy boobs
pains in my ovries
tire easly
increased appeite (strange for me as i'm usually hardly ever hungry now its all the time)
increased sex drive
increased cm the last few days although today has been quite dry.
water cm on 11dpo

i think thats everything i remember

thats similar to what i have been going through, but im 16dpo and no af, bfn today and yesterday.
Good luck hope you get your bfp! :hugs:
Sorry to hear that littleandlove

Well AF still hasn't shown did a test this morining and its still a bfn
1DPO - pinching right & left side
2DPO - pinching right side, light cramping, fatigue
3DPO - pinching right side (CD21 blood - 5.10)
4DPO - pinching right and left side, fatigue
5DPO - pinching left side, vivid dreams, sore throat, runny nose
6DPO - pinching right side, nausea, dizziness, heartburn, irritable. (possible very pink spots on tp when checking cervix - Ultrasound at Dr's shows I O'd 1 egg from right side.
7DPO - light lower uterine cramping, Vivid dreams - Dizzy spell while standing in line at the grocery, thought I was going to faint or throw up
8DPO - Vivid dreams -
9DPO - CD 28 - Creamy CM every day so far, vivid dreams, light lower uterine cramping like AF is coming soon, lower back pain No sore BB's yet which I always have starting 2DPO - Tested BFN
10DPO - CD 29 - Same as 9DPO - Temp drop- Tested BFN
11DPO - CD30 - Creamy CM, vivid dreams, woke up alot at night, lower back pain, Irritability, temp drop - Tested BFN
12DPO - CD31 - same as 11dpo - Temp rise - Tested BFN
13DPO - CD32 - tired, crampy, lower back pain - temp drop - BFN
14DPO - CD33 - Huge temp drop - BFN
15DPO - CD34 - Temp back up again, light cramping - BFN
16DPO - CD35 - Temp back down, light cramping, lower back pain - BFN
17DPO - CD36 - AF here!
1 dpo-nothing

2 dpo-cramps started at night,fatigue,watery cm, right sided pain lasting about 10 mins

3 dpo-cramps continue until this morning,lower back ache,skins feels dry, creamy/ewcm which is odd,headache all day.

4 dpo-so thirsty, sore sore boobies,fingertips and toes are really cold,still cramping,feel fluttering in uterus area,pulling and tugging.

5 dpo-ewcm with white streaks sudden lower back cramps,mildly cramping,face and back breakouts,thirsty.

6 dpo-creamy stretch cm, cramps,backache,craving carbs,boobs still sore,no sex drive,getting irritated easily.

7 dpo-dry cm, boobs still hurt,back ache, cramps.

8-9 dpo-yellowish ewcm, sore boobs, backache, major migraine, so sleepy and exhausted..

I am new to the site, but decided after viewing 23 pages of this thread, I should give in and try it out!

My husband and I have not been using any kind of BC for 15 months :wacko:. We were not actively trying though and we were doing a lot stressful work and transitions and a lot of traveling for work for 4 of those months (we are missionaries). Now that we have finally settled again, I am getting serious about TTC!!!!!! We live in Asia and I just feel clueless on how to measure temps, etc. - partly because I just don't feel like I really have anyone to go to about it. But now that we are serious TTCers, maybe it is time! So these dates are definitely not exact as I did not chart, I just paid attention. Please forgive me!:shrug:

Used an OPK and believe I am 12 DPO now. DH and I did some baby dancing :happydance: the day before, the day of, and the day after O time.

1DPO-7DPO-Cramps like AF was on its way way too soon. bbs are itchy.
4DPO-Extremely emotional. :dohh: My poor DH. BBs tingle or itch.
5DPO- (I think?). Sudden sharp pain on my lower right side. I had worked out about an hour before and at first thought it was a side cramp, but realized it was way too late after working out to be a side cramp and I don't think it fully felt like that. It only lasted a few seconds.
5DPO-9DPO. Slight pinching, mostly on right low abdomen. Just a pulsating pinch that would happen on and off. Still feel like I feel it sometimes up to this date (can't decide if I am symptom searching now or not). Started feeling exhausted :sleep:. I would sleep 8 hours, wake up, and wish I could sleep for 5 my hours. Smells begin to seem more apparent. But I do live in Asia where smells are always a little more extreme than I am used to. Feel like a cold coming on at random times-no runny nose, just like my throat is preparing for a cold, but then the feeling goes away and I never get one (thankfully!).
10DPO-11DPO- Still tired when I wake up. Random but quickly passing (about 15-30 minutes) nausea. Left BB has an odd vein I haven't noticed before. BBs are starting to feel heavy. I don't realize it until I take off my bra at night and realize how relieved they fee. Could be AF symptom though. Slight vaginal itch, kind of like a yeast infection coming on, but it doesn't seem to get worse as the days go on and its not terrible, just a little annoying.
12DPO- BBs still heavy and painful (pain is a symptom of AF for me). No AF cramping, but I am due in 2 days for AF. (Is that weird?). Hungry. Slight vaginal itch. Still think I feel random pinching.

If I have a test at home, I know I will take it. I have only found cheapy tests in this country so its probably worth it to wait a little longer. I'm determined to wait 3 more days to test.:winkwink:

Praying I get to turn this green, but we shall see! :hugs:

I am new to the site, but decided after viewing 23 pages of this thread, I should give in and try it out!

My husband and I have not been using any kind of BC for 15 months :wacko:. We were not actively trying though and we were doing a lot stressful work and transitions and a lot of traveling for work for 4 of those months (we are missionaries). Now that we have finally settled again, I am getting serious about TTC!!!!!! We live in Asia and I just feel clueless on how to measure temps, etc. - partly because I just don't feel like I really have anyone to go to about it. But now that we are serious TTCers, maybe it is time! So these dates are definitely not exact as I did not chart, I just paid attention. Please forgive me!:shrug:

Used an OPK and believe I am 12 DPO now. DH and I did some baby dancing :happydance: the day before, the day of, and the day after O time.

1DPO-7DPO-Cramps like AF was on its way way too soon. bbs are itchy.
4DPO-Extremely emotional. :dohh: My poor DH. BBs tingle or itch.
5DPO- (I think?). Sudden sharp pain on my lower right side. I had worked out about an hour before and at first thought it was a side cramp, but realized it was way too late after working out to be a side cramp and I don't think it fully felt like that. It only lasted a few seconds.
5DPO-9DPO. Slight pinching, mostly on right low abdomen. Just a pulsating pinch that would happen on and off. Still feel like I feel it sometimes up to this date (can't decide if I am symptom searching now or not). Started feeling exhausted :sleep:. I would sleep 8 hours, wake up, and wish I could sleep for 5 my hours. Smells begin to seem more apparent. But I do live in Asia where smells are always a little more extreme than I am used to. Feel like a cold coming on at random times-no runny nose, just like my throat is preparing for a cold, but then the feeling goes away and I never get one (thankfully!).
10DPO-11DPO- Still tired when I wake up. Random but quickly passing (about 15-30 minutes) nausea. Left BB has an odd vein I haven't noticed before. BBs are starting to feel heavy. I don't realize it until I take off my bra at night and realize how relieved they fee. Could be AF symptom though. Slight vaginal itch, kind of like a yeast infection coming on, but it doesn't seem to get worse as the days go on and its not terrible, just a little annoying.
12DPO- BBs still heavy and painful (pain is a symptom of AF for me). No AF cramping, but I am due in 2 days for AF. (Is that weird?). Hungry. Slight vaginal itch. Still think I feel random pinching.

If I have a test at home, I know I will take it. I have only found cheapy tests in this country so its probably worth it to wait a little longer. I'm determined to wait 3 more days to test.:winkwink:

Praying I get to turn this green, but we shall see! :hugs:

I forgot to add that a couple of days ago, I wiped (sorry tmi) and saw a pinpoint size of blood on the tissue. It was so small, I figured maybe it got irritated from the annoying slight itch I've been having. Is it possible for IB to be that small?

((PS. I am usually like clock work, but the last couple of months, AF has been a few days ahead or behind. Last month 6DPO, I spotted for two days (much more than a pin point). Thought for sure it must be ib cuz that never happens, but then AF came full on after that.. just a week early. It lasted 8 days. So weird.))

Anyway, told myself I wouldn't be wordy, but here I am! Wishing you all the best and greens to everyone all around!

I am new to the site, but decided after viewing 23 pages of this thread, I should give in and try it out!

My husband and I have not been using any kind of BC for 15 months :wacko:. We were not actively trying though and we were doing a lot stressful work and transitions and a lot of traveling for work for 4 of those months (we are missionaries). Now that we have finally settled again, I am getting serious about TTC!!!!!! We live in Asia and I just feel clueless on how to measure temps, etc. - partly because I just don't feel like I really have anyone to go to about it. But now that we are serious TTCers, maybe it is time! So these dates are definitely not exact as I did not chart, I just paid attention. Please forgive me!:shrug:

Used an OPK and believe I am 12 DPO now. DH and I did some baby dancing :happydance: the day before, the day of, and the day after O time.

1DPO-7DPO-Cramps like AF was on its way way too soon. bbs are itchy.
4DPO-Extremely emotional. :dohh: My poor DH. BBs tingle or itch.
5DPO- (I think?). Sudden sharp pain on my lower right side. I had worked out about an hour before and at first thought it was a side cramp, but realized it was way too late after working out to be a side cramp and I don't think it fully felt like that. It only lasted a few seconds.
5DPO-9DPO. Slight pinching, mostly on right low abdomen. Just a pulsating pinch that would happen on and off. Still feel like I feel it sometimes up to this date (can't decide if I am symptom searching now or not). Started feeling exhausted :sleep:. I would sleep 8 hours, wake up, and wish I could sleep for 5 my hours. Smells begin to seem more apparent. But I do live in Asia where smells are always a little more extreme than I am used to. Feel like a cold coming on at random times-no runny nose, just like my throat is preparing for a cold, but then the feeling goes away and I never get one (thankfully!).
10DPO-11DPO- Still tired when I wake up. Random but quickly passing (about 15-30 minutes) nausea. Left BB has an odd vein I haven't noticed before. BBs are starting to feel heavy. I don't realize it until I take off my bra at night and realize how relieved they fee. Could be AF symptom though. Slight vaginal itch, kind of like a yeast infection coming on, but it doesn't seem to get worse as the days go on and its not terrible, just a little annoying.
12DPO- BBs still heavy and painful (pain is a symptom of AF for me). No AF cramping, but I am due in 2 days for AF. (Is that weird?). Hungry. Slight vaginal itch. Still think I feel random pinching.

If I have a test at home, I know I will take it. I have only found cheapy tests in this country so its probably worth it to wait a little longer. I'm determined to wait 3 more days to test.:winkwink:

Praying I get to turn this green, but we shall see! :hugs:

I forgot to add that a couple of days ago, I wiped (sorry tmi) and saw a pinpoint size of blood on the tissue. It was so small, I figured maybe it got irritated from the annoying slight itch I've been having. Is it possible for IB to be that small?

((PS. I am usually like clock work, but the last couple of months, AF has been a few days ahead or behind. Last month 6DPO, I spotted for two days (much more than a pin point). Thought for sure it must be ib cuz that never happens, but then AF came full on after that.. just a week early. It lasted 8 days. So weird.))

Anyway, told myself I wouldn't be wordy, but here I am! Wishing you all the best and greens to everyone all around!

Sound promising fx'ed for you :flower:
Got my BFP I bet to turn green eek
Im only 2 dpo but will start now and add each day.

1dpo- Sore nipples but think thats off Clomid. Wet CM
2dpo- Slight cramp for half an hour, Boobs hurt a bit. Wet CM
3dpo- felt sick at MIL's but pretty sure i was just hungry. Cramps before bed. Wet CM
4dpo- was woken up by super sharp pains in my right side of my abdomen. cramping too. No CM
5dpo- dull ache left side under belly button. Not much else. No cm
6dpo- Temp dipped below cover line. Cramp today. Sore throat. Yellow snot like CM? Pain in Abdomen when standing up too quick. VERY TIRED YAWNN! Ichy nipples.
7dpo- Very awful day! Been super hot, heightened sense of smell. Pain in Abdomen when standing up too quick again! Tired again! Dry heaving and heat exhaustion. Ichy nipples,
8dpo- EVAP on IC!! GRR! bloated! Feel slightly ill in pm.
9dpo- . faint line on 2 tests? Maybe indent? frequent urination. cramp on and off BFP 6pm test!! FAINT THOUGH!
Sound promising fx'ed for you :flower:[/QUOTE]

Thank you Blue Moon! Hoping for greens all around!

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