Here are my symptoms, we have been ttc for over a year, and this cycle is a bit unusual for me, but I could be coming down with a cold or something.
1dpo - cramps, creamy cm
2dpo - headache, creamy cm
3dpo - light cramps, acne, creamy cm
4dpo - blocked nose, pressure in lower stomach, feels like muscle ache, creamy cm
5dpo - blocked nose (no cold or allergies), creamy cm
6dpo - blocked nose, metallic taste (maybe from blocked nose?), sticky cm, slight temp dip
7dpo - blocked nose, metallic taste (maybe from blocked nose?),tender breasts, temp rising again, creamy cm, hungry
8dpo - stabbing back pain, shortness of brath, blood taste for short moment, tender breasts, bloated, hungry, blocked nose, sticky cm
9dpo - severe backache, tender breasts, gassy, vivid dream, cramps, low energy, bloated, slight nausia, sticky cm
10dpo - af type cramps, backache but better, metallic taste, tender breasts, creamy cm
11dpo - cramps, tender breast, feel warm, backache, freq. urination, sticky cm
12dpo - tender breast, backache, cramps, tired, vivid dream, creamy cm
13dpo - temp drop (still above coverline but makes me feel af is on way, not much hope
but trying to keep fingers crossed), backache, cramps, acne, exhausted.
14dpo - temp drop, tender breasts headache, backache, creamy cm
15dpo - vivid dream, tender breasts, backache, sticky cm, af due
16dpo - temp drop, backache, tender breasts, bloated, creamy cm
17dpo - big temp drop
18dpo/cd1 - af shows, boo
Af was due on 15dpo, but not getting my hopes up too high, temp drops just show af on the way we have been trying so long already and my dh has a very low sperm count. But maybe this is it.