Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi everybody
First post here
Stopped birth control pills recently and started trying. Not sure when i ovulated. We :sex: on july 30. August 1 had lots of stretchy almost clear cm. LOTS. Next day egg white clear cm. Havent been tracking everyday since i thought we had no chance. Here are somethings i have been feeling.

Nausea after eating. Feel like vomiting until i burp properly.
Moody. Very mean sometimes. Normally im very patient. Small things ticking me off. Hubby confused.
Sore throat
Stuffy nose when i wake up. Sometimes stuffy because of the weather anyways.
Cold while hubby sweating in the house.
Headache. But usual for me.
Wrists hurting sometimes. I though due to working on a computer all day.
CM everyday. Milky, sticky, yellowish sometimes
Small pimples on chest. Though because of heat.
Sleeping a lot
Not focused
Weird taste in mouth
Sore breats for the past three days. Usually have sore breasts before period.
Pain on the right side of abdoman
Really hungry when i wake up. But dont eat much because of nausea.
Feel a littlen sore down there.
Not sure if breats are bigger since already so big but joined a gym recently since i looked too big (138 lbs) especially breats.
TMI below
Constipated. Last week tried doing it and got really bad cramps. Could not move. Got better after maybe 30 mins. Usually go every morning.
Small pimple on left labia. White in the middle. Poped today after two days by itself.

Period 4 days late now. Tested after missing AF for one day. :bfn:. Waiting till the weekend.
One more thing

I had acne for a few years and it went away when i started bcp. Some came back when i stopped. For the past week my skin has been doing amazing. Its glowing. Coworker noticed too.
Fx for you srm!

I have had a tiny emotional roller coaster going my side. Yesterday had a temp dip which I downplayed in my head but then last night (tmi) I got what I thought is light spotting. Immediately my head jumped to implantation bleed or it's the start of spotting for 4-5 days before AF arrives, or its AF herself showing early. So i started getting all excited! Then I read that dried cranberries can dye your urine so I started wondering since I had some yesterday (though I have most days without it doing anything)...struggled like crazy to fall asleep last night cause my head was so busy. Then when I woke up this morning I remembered we had had beetroot tagliatelle pasta for supper which would for sure dye urine etc but then I also got a huge temp spike this morning. Seems like it could be one of so many things!
Hi everyone,

this is my first post on here.

My story: I had my Implanon removed in April and fell pregnant trying on our first cycle. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. I had my d&c on 9 June and waited to try again. took 4 weeks to get my cycle back and ovulated right away but wasn't successful last month. Last cycle was extremely short (only 3 days as opposed to 7), so I calculated my ovulation incorrectly. We were very active over my corrected ovulation days. at 5dpo I started presenting with very prominent symptoms. Hubby says he's convinced i'm pregnant because I was like this in May and when I fell pregnant with our twins in 2013.
Symptoms as follows:
ovulation on 10 Aug
1 dpo: egg white cm
2 dpo: egg white cm
3 dpo: slight cramping and egg white cm
4 dpo: headaches, blocked up nose, egg white cm, breasts becoming tender, constant urination.
5 dpo: headaches, ewcm, fatigue, tender breasts, breasts becoming veiny, constant urination.
6 dpo: tender breasts, constant urination, veiny breats, fatigue, metallic taste, insomnia.
7 dpo: tender breasts, constant urination, veiny breats, fatigue, metallic taste, nausea, vivid dreams.

Today is 8 dpo and AF is expected on 28 Aug. will test at 12 dpo to see if I get a :bfp: or a :bfn:

Its killing me to wait, but the symptoms are becoming more and more and quite prominent. So having a bit of hope here. Anyone also on the same timeline?:winkwink::thumbup::happydance::hugs::kiss:
GL TwinMommy, Your symptoms are sounding promising!
Here is my story... about 8 years ago I was prego, but lost it at about 8 weeks. My symptoms a week before my missed AF that time were cramping, sinus infection, sore boobs (closer to AF due date)...

Last year, I was on here like a mad woman because I had about every prego symptom in the book... AF was 2 weeks late and all. I was on the pill, but missed a bunch... ended up having a large ovarian cyst and AF eventually came. Oh yay lol.

Now it's been a year and I'm back. Still on the pills, BUT... I'm not so careful with them now since DH and I only do it usually once a month (I wont get into that haha), and I'm always late with the first week of pills.

-AF was on 07/29-07-31... supposed to take pills on 07/31 but didn't until 10 days later

-From 07/31 to now, only taken 6 pills total and they were doubled up each time (so 3 days of 2 pills) and only 2 of those days were in a row, right before my O time frame...

-I normally wouldn't O because of the pill, but right before O time (I calculated online) I had thick sticker milky/clear EWCM

-We had sex of course on my fertile days (if cycle was on scheduled time) on 07/13-07/15 (fertile days are 07/10 - 07/14)

-I noticed over the weekend I didn't poo much and that's not normal for me lol especially since we were on vacation and we ate a ton of junk

-Yesterday (5DPO) pretty hardcore cramping around whole lower area all day until about 6pm (and yes I even pooed a few times before the cramps lol), exhausted around 2-5pm but could be because I just came back from vacation

-No signs today except when I was pooing yet again (it's all catching up now lol), when I would push I felt slight pings on right ovary. Hoping it's not another cyst!! Same type pings. Also noticed one side of my nose is slightly stuffy and I have allergies but I take pills daily so I'm usually more runny than stuffy if allergies act up... also have a deviated septum, so could be nothing.

-Because I'm super impatient and even tho I know it's probably impossible to get a BFP this early, I took a Dollar Tree test yesterday afternoon and first thing this morning. Both BFN. Probably waiting until the weekend.

Probably just another month of thinking I'm prego when I'm not, but who knows :shrug: I did miss a crap ton of pills. Wonder tho how soon after stopping pills people get pregnant on average and would taking 6 effect anything?

Will check back. I've been stalking this thread since yesterday lol

Edit: I have been EXTREMELY exhausted since 11am and that's not like me. Usually if I'm tired, it's around 2:30pm during my work day. I even had lunch and it wasn't that I was hungry, just exhausted. Still insanely tired, I could nap right now but I have 1 more hour at work :( def taking a nap when I'm home. Also, had a slight headache for like an hour today. I also was doing the math out on a printable calendar and I thought I was 6 DPO today but I believe I am actually 7 DPO.


I'm going to simplify my DPO symptoms down here, but leaving my long explanation up top for myself and anyone who is curious... but when I stalk the interwebs, I like to see plain and simple symptoms, so here you go:

-Right before O day: EWCM huge chunk (sorry gross haha)

-O: Nothing

-1DPO: Nothing

-2DPO: Nothing (we BD)

-3DPO: Nothing

-4DPO: Nothing (we BD, slight cramps after but prob from BD)

-5DPO: Nothing (we BD, constipated somewhat)

-6DPO: AF type cramping all day until about 6pm on whole lower area, exhaustion around 2 - 6pm, BFN Dollar Tree test

-7DPO: Minor cramping but not for long like day before, slightly stuffy nose on 1 side, exhaustion from 11am - 5pm, BFN Dollar Tree test, a few 'pings' off and on around uterus area.

-8DPO (TODAY): Stuffy nose on both sides upon waking up then it was runny and now slightly stuffy again, BFN Dollar Tree test, light positive on a Dollar Tree OPK (I just felt like taking it lol), high cervix

-9DPO: Cold and hot flashes off and on, gassy, tired, high closed CP.

-10DPO: Cold and hot flashes, gassy, tired, BFN, high closed CP.

-11DPO: BFN, mildly crampy, tired, high closed CP, some pings when moving.

-12DPO: BFN w/ FMU, high closed CP, pimples around nose and upper lip, felt a ping by left ovary when I sneezed this morning, vivid dream.

-13DPO: Possible wicked faint line on dollar tree test SMU, shaky after 2nd cup of coffee which is unusual for me, slight stomach sickness feeling during shakiness currently, CP is much higher and still closed.

Well from 13DPO until 16DPO, I was so sure I was pregnant and was going to be surprised if I wasn't especially where AF was 2 days late... well she arrived on 16DPO which is so confusing to me. I had every symptom and more. Oh well.

BFN here
Update: 11 dpo. Tested this evening with 1 hour hold. VVVF positive on EPT +/-. Will be testing with fmu in am. :)
Update: 11 dpo. Tested this evening with 1 hour hold. VVVF positive on EPT +/-. Will be testing with fmu in am. :)

Woohoo!! GL for FMU testing! Keep us posted!

I tested this morning at 11dpo with CB Digital and got BFN :(
Originally Posted by tg82 View Post
CD19: BBT97.41. tugging feeling still behind belly button and on right, bbs tender on sides and bottom and feel like I am falling out of my bra, nauseated on and off, aches in hips on right at night, creamy CM, frequent urination. irritable.

CD20: BBT 97.18. creamy CM, bloated, constipated, bbs still tender in same spots, still feel tugging in belly on right and near belly button. frequent urination. (at a wedding all day) fatigued faster than normal while dancing. irritable. Got very angry and cried when my rabbit chewed on one of my books.

CD21: (forgot to bring my thermometer to wedding, no BBT) creamy CM, bbs still tender and full, tugging and pinching feeling in belly (same exact spot on right) once or twice was sharp for a few seconds before it dissipated. nauseated on and off. irritable.

CD22(today): BBT 97.73. same pinching and pulling in belly, same spot. bbs still tender and full. HPT BFN (internet cheapie)
Well turns out mother nature is cruel.
CD23: ended up in ER with lower right quadrant abdominal pain (they sent me to ER to make sure it wasn't a problem with my appendix). Was hoping it was implantation. Unfortunately, it appears I ruptured an ovarian cyst right around ovulation time and all the symptoms mimic that of pregnancy. Doctors verified via blood test I am not pregnant. So now I'm super depressed (really thought this was it) and feeling foolish for hoping. Luckily I have a super supportive husband who said we will try again next month. Still no AF yet, but I know she should show in the next day or two. Just wanted to update you all.

CD33: I am 5 days late and took two hpts this morning. Both positive. Just went to the doctor and they confirmed I am 3-4 weeks pregnant!!!! The first blood test was wrong! I am still in shock.
:hugs: tg82,I'm in same boat. Really started thinking this is the month but now it's looking more and more like my spotting it leading towards AF within the next few days. All we can do is keep trying I guess
:hugs: tg82,I'm in same boat. Really started thinking this is the month but now it's looking more and more like my spotting it leading towards AF within the next few days. All we can do is keep trying I guess
I am in total shock. Just 10 days ago I was told I am definitely not pregnant. Boy were they wrong. I still don't quite believe it.
I totally missed the last paragraph of your post! Congrats!!!!!!!! So so happy for you! You must have been so surprised!
I totally missed the last paragraph of your post! Congrats!!!!!!!! So so happy for you! You must have been so surprised!
Yes. Just found out 2 hours ago! My husband thought I was a little crazy for taking the test until the bright pink lines appeared. I took a CB digi a few hours later and got an instant "pregnant". I still didn't believe it until the doctor just told me. Such a shock after being told absolutely not and making me feel crazy. TRUST YOUR BODY AND YOUR INSTINCTS!!!!
I never knew blood tests could be wrong but I am so grateful for your sake that they can be!
Yep. If done too early they can give a false negative. The GYN was surprised that they told me that 10 days ago.
Congrats tg82!
I'm still holding out until the witch comes. AF due to arrive the 24th.
Tg82, congratulations!!! What a crazy and shocking feeling to get that positive huh?!? I wish you a happy& healthy 9 months. Enjoy it. :)
Tg82, congratulations!!! What a crazy and shocking feeling to get that positive huh?!? I wish you a happy& healthy 9 months. Enjoy it. :)
Thank you all! I am still in shock. Neither by husband or I have processed this yet. Just hoping my little bean sticks!

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