Hey ladies!
This cycle has been pretty typical for me, I was pretty certain we were in, but I'm getting hot stabbing/pulling pains in my bladder/uterus area now so starting to doubt that

but anyway!!! Not out till the witch comes right! Not sure if I'm creating symptoms or not but here it is
1dpo: itchy nipples, sore ribs by sternum, heap of watery cm, tired and a bit grumpy
2dpo: burping soapy tasting foam....?!?!?! Itchy nips, cm starting to go creamy, tired and felt a wee bit sick
3dpo: burping water?!? Tad nauseous
4dpo:cramping, lotion like creamy cm, see if so high it can't be found
5dpo: dizzy, tired, on and off nausea and stabbing cramps by belly button and ovaries excessive saliva and thick creamy cm in abundance
6dpo: painful cramps, expecting AF, feels like bladder is heavy, gloopy cm shitty mood and shitty nights sleep, tired and tender nips.
7dpo: pain by kidney on and off nausea, really thirsty and shitty nights sleep. V tired, high cervix, EWCM?! WHAAAAAAT?! More cramps and fatigue
8dpo: really stuffy nose, super tired, lots of naps, more ewcm? Ok then. Super soft cervix. Muscles have stared hurting at night and vivid dreams are back, happened last month before AF too over a week before she was due.
9dpo: back to creamy cm, tired, nausea, got dizzy and work lastnight and felt v faint, nausea when I got home, nips were sore. BFN so I'm almost certain I'm symptom spotting and imagining most of it
10dpo: have had excess salivation solidly for almost a week. Not as tired today, cramps coming on like AF, nips not as sore. Thick cm again.
There you have it gals. Pretty sure it's all in my head tbh. Had a big cry the other day cause everyone around me is pregnant except me

you know how it can be! Baby dust to all!!