Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Me too green archer! Haha pretty sure the witch will be here tomorrow....
Ever since ovulation, all I want to do is eat pizza and mexican food with a side of ice cream! SIGN?! hehe

1 DPO: No symptoms.
2 DPO: No symptoms.
3 DPO: Slightly sore breasts.
4 DPO: Creamy white CM, continued slightly sore breasts. Very restless sleep. Hot flashes.
5 DPO: Creamy white CM, continued slightly sore breasts. Very restless sleep.
6 DPO: Creamy white CM, continued slightly sore breasts. Iritable especially at work. Overtired. Slept incredibly well at night.
7 DPO: Exhausted even though I slept super well. (coffee is not helping) Fuzzy feeling in head, dizzy spells and slight headache. Slightly sore breasts still. Feeling of rapid heartbeat...
I've been overly hot all day. My SO says my cheeks are flushed and I had him feel my head for fever. Couldn't resist so I peed on a stick... BFN, cried :(.
8 DPO: Slept well but still tiiiired. SORE breasts. (Feels like I've been punched in the boobs :haha:) No discharge at all today. not sure if this is a symptom buy my gums are really sore. headachey. 100.1 degree fever.
My September Cycle. I used preseed once (I kept forgetting). Five days leading up to O I drank a glass of grapefruit juice every night, definitely noticed an increase in CM for the rest of the month, like wow. Five days following O I ate pineapple core. I increased my vitamin D this month at the recommendation of my dr. I quit caffeine. And I drank water like it was my job.

1-2DPO: Super creamy
3DPO: Creamy, Bloated, Gassy, Extra Hungry, Increased Sex Drive
4DPO: Creamy, Bloated, Cramps
5DPO: Creamy, Gassy, Headache
6DPO: Creamy, Headache
7-8DPO: Crazy Creamy, Sore Boobs
9DPO: Creamy, Backache, Cramps, Sore Boobs
10DPO: Watery, Spotting, Emotional, Irritability, Sore Boobs
11DPO: Spotting, Sore Boobs
12DPO: :witch:

With how much creamy cm I had, I really thought I caught it this month, but nah. Dumb witch had to come and ruin my day. On to month 6.
Has anyone on here tested too early, gotten a BFN and then ended up being pregnant? I'm devastated. I decided to test tonight. I'm only 7 DPO and I know, logically, it's way too early but I'm really emotional over this BFN.
Has anyone on here tested too early, gotten a BFN and then ended up being pregnant? I'm devastated. I decided to test tonight. I'm only 7 DPO and I know, logically, it's way too early but I'm really emotional over this BFN.

Most implantation doesn't occur until at least 8 dpo so that's definitely way too early to get a bfp :)
Honestly, I think the people who claim they get a bfp before 10 dpo don't know how to track ovulation lol
Wait until at least 10 or 11 dpo before testing again. Nothing should show until then.
Baby dust and fingers crossed!!!
Seriously, 7 dpo is WAY early. Lots of people go on to get bfps. Day 10 is good for testing, later if you can manage it
1dpo feel like getting a cold
2dpo feels like i am getting a cold
3dpo the sam
4dpo the same
5dpo cold is going away
6dpo nothing, feeling wet down there, lots of cm - white and creamy
7dpo like 6 dpo
8dpo same
9dpo same
10dpo BFN my stomach is often upset because i am lactose intolerant and i eat milk products anyway, from that day it was the closest thing to constipation i get... normal stomach :D
11dpo nothing
12dpo cramping, thought af was coming
13dpo same as 12dpo, but getting dry
14dpo same
15dpo af due, cramping, feeling depressed and unhappy :D
16dpo today tested, BFP cramping a bit

I have checked CP couple of times but seemed firm

Now i have to figure out a creative way to tell my boyfriend woohoooooo
Has anyone on here tested too early, gotten a BFN and then ended up being pregnant? I'm devastated. I decided to test tonight. I'm only 7 DPO and I know, logically, it's way too early but I'm really emotional over this BFN.

Yes! 7dpo is so early! I am now pregnant but got a BFN 7dpo, 8dpo, 9dp and finally a squinter on 10dpo. Now it's blazing :)

Don't give up hope yet - some people don't get a BFP until 2 days after they implant (and you can implant on 10dpo!) fx for you
1dpo feel like getting a cold
2dpo feels like i am getting a cold
3dpo the sam
4dpo the same
5dpo cold is going away
6dpo nothing, feeling wet down there, lots of cm - white and creamy
7dpo like 6 dpo
8dpo same
9dpo same
10dpo BFN my stomach is often upset because i am lactose intolerant and i eat milk products anyway, from that day it was the closest thing to constipation i get... normal stomach :D
11dpo nothing
12dpo cramping, thought af was coming
13dpo same as 12dpo, but getting dry
14dpo same
15dpo af due, cramping, feeling depressed and unhappy :D
16dpo today tested, BFP cramping a bit

I have checked CP couple of times but seemed firm

Now i have to figure out a creative way to tell my boyfriend woohoooooo

Okay, nearing the end of the TWW, so going to go ahead and add my symptoms...

2 DPO - some tan CM and a teeny brown spot.
3-4 DPO - AF-like cramping for a short period. Creamy CM
5 DPO - twinges. CP is MMM.
6 DPO - creamy CM
7 DPO - creamy CM. Constipated and gassy
8 DPO - creamy CM. lower backache. headache. localized, non-af cramping. BFN on IC.
9 DPO - Nada. BFN on IC (clinical guard).
10 DPO - Creamy CM. Non-af cramping. BFN on IC and EPT.
11 DPO - Non-af cramping in the am. AF-like cramping in PM. Feels like she's on her way. Cervix high, soft, and tightly closed. Backache. Slight nausea and decreased appetite. Gassy and bloated. Moody. Bit of a temp dip. BFN on FRER and shadow on EPT.
12 DPO (today) - Dry CM. Gassy and cramping (feels like gas, not AF). Food aversion and a tiny bit of nausea. BFN on IC. 2 major dizzy spells. Backache. Cramping turned to AF type. Body sore, tired (but I'm always tired). Peeing a lot in the afternoon.
13 DPO - BFN FMU with IC. All symptoms seem to be gone, save for a tiny bit of lightheadedness. AF due tomorrow. Not using an expensive test until tomorrow morning, if no spotting and AF isn't here.
Edit: Tan CM when checking CP, so no longer testing with expensive test tomorrow. Expecting AF tomorrow, right on time.
14 DPO - Tan CM never got darker, so I tested with a FRER w FMU. BFN. No symptoms today. Temps still up, but that's not abnormal.

15 DPO (Oct 8)- testing again with an expensive test if no AF yet.

14 DPO and a BFN on FRER. Why do I keep paying for negatives?
Just wanted to share the symptoms before my BFP. I have spent hours pouring through this thread so I thought I'd share my experience.

1dpo: NO nipple soreness after ovulation. The only time I ever had this happen was the lats time I got pregnant. I know 1dpo is way too early to have symptoms but this was a weird coincidence.
-some leftover O pains
-extremely tired in the evening

2dpo: sore breasts (but still no nipple pain)

3dpo: minor twinges here and there (stretching and pulling)
-dry throat
-occasional sore breasts (tops and sides mostly)
-some intermittent stomach aches and pains throughout the day

4dpo: Extremely gassy cramps (felt like trapped wind)
-one markedly rough moment after lunch where the cramps caused me to double over but it ended quickly (implantation?)
-creamy white cm on underwear
-heartburn after dinner

5dpo: heartburn and nausea from 1-5PM
-creamy cm on underwear again but not much
-nausea starts up again at night

6dpo: heartburn every time I ate anything
-nausea starts at 8PM
-extreme fatigue also begins at 8PM

7dpo: heartburn and nausea again, seemingly getting worse
-very hot
-a few sharp twinges in left breast

8dpo: mild breast aching and flutters throughout the day
-dry mouth
-no acne yet (usually I have a major breakout mid-TWW, skin remained clear and still has)
-creamy CM on underwear
-nausea and heartburn begin at 9PM

9dpo: a bit of nausea in the morning
-minor breast pain
-exhausted after work
-creamy CM on underwear

10dpo: low grade AF cramps throughout the day
-breast pain
-very tired after dinner

11dpo: nausea on and off (really extreme right before lunch)
-low grade AF cramps on and off
-tired after work
-breast flutters and twinges
-heartburn late at night

12dpo: gentle ovulation-like pains on the right side
-exhausted (but we also moved on this day)
-some acne starting but nothing like usual breakout

13dpo: nausea hits right after lunch and persists for 5 hours
-huge spread of creamy CM on underwear
-areola pain (tight and stretched feeling)
-itchy left nipple
-dry mouth, extreme thirst
-light ovulation pain followed by relentless tugging under the bellybutton
-heartburn right before bed

14 dpo: constant, sore aching breasts (largely focused in areolas)
-tired after work
-nausea after lunch for a couple hours

15dpo: woke up to extreme AF cramps (had them throughout the night as well)
-cramps mostly dissipate by 11AM but still remnants of stomach pain
-one bout of nausea from 8PM until bedtime

16dpo: AF cramps are all gone
-sore, punched-feeling breasts
-breasts hurt when going up and down stairs
-some nausea after lunch but mostly fatigue
-lots of twinges and stretchy feelings
-tingly "tickled" breast feeling
-gas after dinner (quite a bit)

17dpo: Couldn't finish breakfast, appetite waning
-hurting left nipple and itchy sensitive right nipple
-school glue wet CM (checked internally)
-breasts quite sore
-some nausea, weakness, and fatigue
-occasional hot flashes

17dpo was the first day I tested and I got my BFP


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O day- slightly sore bbs. Tired.
1dpo- nothing
2dpo- nothing
3dpo- tired, gas, cramps,
4dpo- backpain. Tired. irritable
5dpo- so tired! Very irritable. Nauseated in waves all day
6dpo- waves of nausea, tired, irritable, backpain, lots of creamy cm
7dpo- too busy making thanksgiving dinner to notice. Waves of nausea was obvious.
8dpo- waves of nausea seem to be getting stronger. Headache. Tired. Dry cm.
9dpo- super nauseated in the am. Took a test with 3rd morning urine and Bam! Bright pink strong BFP.
(Bfp on my sons original due lol) persistent headache.

10dpo- minor AF like cramping. Back pain, waves of nausea continue, aversion to coffee, tired.. very very tired. Headache has reduced but it still lingering. Definitely having a surge of hormones lol.

BFP BFP BFP!! Woohoo!
Congrats!! This has been a lucky month so far for you lovely ladies 💜
Congratulations Oily!!!!! So happy for you! H&H 9 months!
Congrats ladies ^_^
Obviously this is the fertile season haha
I really enjoy this thread so I'm going to add what symptoms I've been feeling so far.

CD16 (10/07)- Ovulation confirmed by BBT
1-3DPO - No noticeable symptoms
4DPO - AM No noticeable symptoms. I'm the afternoon started to feel some pinching/twinges on my left side. Creamy CM
5DPO - More of the same cramping/twinges also accompanied by a general feeling of fullness in lower abdomen. Slight back pain, Irritable/moody in the evening.
6DPO - Had vivid dreams. Same abdominal cramping again with some back pain. A little moody/emotional in evening
7DPO - woke up around 2am difficulty falling back to sleep. Cramps/fullness not as noticeable but still present. Performed serum HCG on self came back as 0, I know it's early but feeling disappointed and emotional about the result. White creamy CM, some in underwear
8DPO - Cramps, some nausea, white creamy CM, a little emotional.
9DPO- No noticeable symptoms. Maybe a little bit of cramping still. Creamy CM but less of it. Some lower abdominal discomfort while BDing
10DPO - Had some cramping during the night and also had a dream that I got a BFP. Tested FMU :bfn: . Some nausea in the morning. In late afternoon had some creamy/white CM mixed with EWCM that was pretty stretchy (TMI) felt very run down and tired, was in bed by 8.
11DPO - BBT went up to 98.29 which is the highest it's ever been (maybe because it got warm out again?) Occasional feeling of nausea, feel like I want to gag. Other than that I feel pretty good today.... I take that back, definitely very nauseus today. Had my usual yogurt and was actually gagging/almost threw up afterwards... stomach has felt quesy since. In the evening my CM went from creamy to wet/watery. Figured body was preparing for AF's arrival.
12DPO- Had some cramping over night, I was positive that AF was coming. Woke up and my temp had dropped, checked CM had brown old blood mixed in, still wet assumed this is my typical spotting before AF. DH asked me to take a HPT anyway and of course BFN. Brown discharge disappeared throughout the day and CM was just wet. Cervix was high. Still pessimistic that AF is coming was cranky and very irritable. A little nausea when making dinner asleep by 830 on the couch.
13 DPO (AF due) - woke up did HPT test for the heck of it after checking CM and there was no sign of blood. Swore I saw a very very very very very very faint line. Asked for DH opinion and he thought he saw it too but only in good light. Not getting hopes up. Couldn't resist the temptation to check my serum HCG at work so I did and it was 12 mIU/mL I got my :bfp: !!!!!!!
Great idea for a thread!

So here are my symptoms and I'll update as I go along. Good luck everyone and baby dust to all!

nothing to note

spot appeared on face from nowhere (don't normally get spots any more)
Bleeding gums when brushing teeth
Feeling like bladder full but didn't need to pee
Burning feeling in right ear (weird?)

Dull ache in uterus, some twitches
Feeling weirdly full and heavy in lower abdomen

5dpo nothing much, some odd feelings in lower abdomen, some irritability, some white CM but now unsure if it could be an infection

6dpo-7dpo again nothing much, the odd twinge but that could just be gas!!

8dpo - feeling slightly crampy, very irritable, sore left bb, hungry, gassy BFN on ic

9dpo - slightly crampy again, gassy, hungry, sore left bb then both sore at the sides, tired, BFN on ic, getting the feeling I'm out this month

10dpo very bloated, stomach very hard, frequent urination, cramps, irritable BFN on ic, gums bleeding quite badly when brushing this evening

11dpo slightly sore bbs really bad cramps like AF is coming BFN on IC

12 dpo more cramps but not as bad today only light, some twinges, very irritable! BFN on frer, think I'm out this month

13dpo still having cramps but more convinced they are AF coming now, feeling quite wet whereas previous days I have been very dry. Bbs more sore today. BFN on Asda cheapie with SMU held for 3 hours. Expecting to see pre-AF spotting today. Shooting pains in my armpit.

14dpo BFN again with FMU, surely AF is on her way??? Achey cramps, bbs still sore. Think AF should be due today or tomorrow.

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