Okay, nearing the end of the TWW, so going to go ahead and add my symptoms...
2 DPO - some tan CM and a teeny brown spot.
3-4 DPO - AF-like cramping for a short period. Creamy CM
5 DPO - twinges. CP is MMM.
6 DPO - creamy CM
7 DPO - creamy CM. Constipated and gassy
8 DPO - creamy CM. lower backache. headache. localized, non-af cramping. BFN on IC.
9 DPO - Nada. BFN on IC (clinical guard).
10 DPO - Creamy CM. Non-af cramping. BFN on IC and EPT.
11 DPO - Non-af cramping in the am. AF-like cramping in PM. Feels like she's on her way. Cervix high, soft, and tightly closed. Backache. Slight nausea and decreased appetite. Gassy and bloated. Moody. Bit of a temp dip. BFN on FRER and shadow on EPT.
12 DPO (today) - Dry CM. Gassy and cramping (feels like gas, not AF). Food aversion and a tiny bit of nausea. BFN on IC. 2 major dizzy spells. Backache. Cramping turned to AF type. Body sore, tired (but I'm always tired). Peeing a lot in the afternoon.
13 DPO - BFN FMU with IC. All symptoms seem to be gone, save for a tiny bit of lightheadedness. AF due tomorrow. Not using an expensive test until tomorrow morning, if no spotting and AF isn't here.
Edit: Tan CM when checking CP, so no longer testing with expensive test tomorrow. Expecting AF tomorrow, right on time.
14 DPO - Tan CM never got darker, so I tested with a FRER w FMU. BFN. No symptoms today. Temps still up, but that's not abnormal.
15 DPO (Oct 8)- testing again with an expensive test if no AF yet.