Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I have been reading over this thread for like a week now I love reading peoples bfp stories or trying to conceive stories. Anyway I have decided to join in :) Here it goes

1dpo nausea cramps and bloating which is all post o symptoms for me
2dpo nausea gassy and headache creamy cm
3dpo nausea and backache creamy cm
4dpo nausea heartburn fatigue and tender breasts I am breastfeeding my 8 month old and my nipples have been sore to feed today creamy cm
5dpo huge dip in temp nausea cramps gassy backache diarrhea (sorry tmi) really bad dizziness today as well I felt as if I would fall over constantly creamy cm
6po spotting at about 9am that lasted until midday just brown watery nausea on and off cramps frequent urination gassy tender breasts decreased appetite I was not interestedd in food at all big spike in temp, heightened sense of smell
7dpo nausea has settled down now, temp still high, cramps on and off like heavy dull pains in lower abdomen and back, fatigue, frequent urination, tender breasts again especially when feeding bubs.
This has been our first month ntnp I 100% want to try but hubby is still on the fence as we already have 3 boys :) :) :) I have had ib with every pregnancy so this cycle looks pretty promising but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. I stupidly tested today and of course bfn
I wasn't going to track but this is not working!! I've guessed my DPO though.

8DPO: Creamy milk like CM, medium cervix slightly open and low. Slight cramps - temp 36.5C
9DPO: Not much CM, CP - Hard, slightly open and low - cramps still - Temp 36.3C
10dpo: crampy, bloated. Temp 36.3 again. No signs of spotting or AF, but two days temp drop is confusing me.
11dpo: still cramping, breasts sensitive. Low cervix hard and slightly open. AF due Sunday. Temp has gone up slightly 35.4 C. Lets see what tomorrow brings....
12dpo - AF cramps again. Temp 36.4 again, CP medium, hard, closed. No breast pain, no nausea not tired. A bit stressed at the moment though.
13dpo - AF pains, strong lower back pain. Doing no 2's like a champ. (I'm isually really irregular). Temp 36.4 honestly my body is saying here's AF oh but wait there's no blood. Felt like I was hungover in the morning too. Weird.
14dpo - temp 36.3 but bad sleep, vivid dreams, bloated so don't trust it. Sex drive up this am. Bded. CP was harder to reach but hard and soft. Quite achy still lower back and legs.
Very dry downstairs although sex drive is up.
15dpo - temp 36.1 started bleeding. But quite a medium to light period instead of a heavy nasty debilitating one. Hopefully that laparoscopy worked after all.
I really enjoy this thread so I'm going to add what symptoms I've been feeling so far.

CD16 (10/07)- Ovulation confirmed by BBT
1-3DPO - No noticeable symptoms
4DPO - AM No noticeable symptoms. I'm the afternoon started to feel some pinching/twinges on my left side. Creamy CM
5DPO - More of the same cramping/twinges also accompanied by a general feeling of fullness in lower abdomen. Slight back pain, Irritable/moody in the evening.
6DPO - Had vivid dreams. Same abdominal cramping again with some back pain. A little moody/emotional in evening
7DPO - woke up around 2am difficulty falling back to sleep. Cramps/fullness not as noticeable but still present. Performed serum HCG on self came back as 0, I know it's early but feeling disappointed and emotional about the result. White creamy CM, some in underwear
8DPO - Cramps, some nausea, white creamy CM, a little emotional.
9DPO- No noticeable symptoms. Maybe a little bit of cramping still. Creamy CM but less of it. Some lower abdominal discomfort while BDing
10DPO - Had some cramping during the night and also had a dream that I got a BFP. Tested FMU :bfn: . Some nausea in the morning. In late afternoon had some creamy/white CM mixed with EWCM that was pretty stretchy (TMI) felt very run down and tired, was in bed by 8.
11DPO - BBT went up to 98.29 which is the highest it's ever been (maybe because it got warm out again?) Occasional feeling of nausea, feel like I want to gag. Other than that I feel pretty good today.... I take that back, definitely very nauseus today. Had my usual yogurt and was actually gagging/almost threw up afterwards... stomach has felt quesy since. In the evening my CM went from creamy to wet/watery. Figured body was preparing for AF's arrival.
12DPO- Had some cramping over night, I was positive that AF was coming. Woke up and my temp had dropped, checked CM had brown old blood mixed in, still wet assumed this is my typical spotting before AF. DH asked me to take a HPT anyway and of course BFN. Brown discharge disappeared throughout the day and CM was just wet. Cervix was high. Still pessimistic that AF is coming was cranky and very irritable. A little nausea when making dinner asleep by 830 on the couch.
13 DPO (AF due) - woke up did HPT test for the heck of it after checking CM and there was no sign of blood. Swore I saw a very very very very very very faint line. Asked for DH opinion and he thought he saw it too but only in good light. Not getting hopes up. Couldn't resist the temptation to check my serum HCG at work so I did and it was 12 mIU/mL I got my :bfp: !!!!!!!

Got my :bfp: !!!! So excited!!!!!
Alright, back again... Approaching O any day now, so thought I'd get my symptoms page started :shrug: I am feeling lucky so FX we catch that egg this time :spermy:

Cd18: EW cm, positive opk, BD in Pm:sex:
Cd19: Increased sex drive,
Hi everybody!

I am currently 10dpo (I think) I have POAS loads due to being paranoid from the symptoms! Every time I google or look at forums I've found loads of people that have had the same, but then when I get to the end of the forum it doesn't say how it turned out for them either BFP OR BFN. Totally confused :-( and desperate for a BFP!

So here goes,

On ovulation day I felt a gush (thought it was AF) but it was just watery white CM. DTD That evening.

Next morning when I wiped there was a small hairline streak of red blood I have never ever seen this before.

3dpo- mega sex drive

6dpo - woke up with cold sweats absolutely soaked, quite spotty on chin, bloated in the morning even though not eaten anything

7dpo- really bad mood, lower back pain, stabbing pain in right ovary for about 2 minutes then nothing, stuffy nose and dry throat

8dpo- felt like I was getting a cold in the morning but then went away, headaches, heartburn in the morning, back pain, cramps feels like on the right ovary side all day, CM when examined has consistency of a yellow like tacky glue, in the evening felt exhausted and aching all over. Thought AF arrived in evening but just CM

9dpo - feeling achy all over when woke up, then nothing BFN

10dpo - nothing! And a BFN

I have stopped the mini pill nearly 4 weeks ago, so I am hoping all of the pill has left my system by now. Has anyone had any similar symptoms? Or am I just extremely hopeful? Any advice or experience I would appreciate :wacko:
Trigger- Slight nausea, tired, cramps
1dpt- slight nausea, tired, not hungry but hungry. cramps
2dpt/O- Extreme nausea. :sick: Severe O type pains! Tired. cramps
3dpt/1dpo- nausea, EMOTIONAL!!! O pains/cramps. Tired
4dpt/2dpo- EXTREME nausea O pains/cramps. Tired. Emotional. Backache.
5dpt/3dpo- slight tender boobs. slight cramps
6dpt/4dpo- Frequent BM, Left ovary twinges/pain. Tender breasts.
7dpt/5dpo- emotional, slight nausea, tender breasts
8dpt/6dpo- slight tender boobs, ovary twinges
(Progesterone Test was 4.3) 9dpt/7dpo- slight tender boobs, VERY emotional- i lost my cool on the server at dinner.
10dpt/8dpo- Slight tender boobs, frequent BM
11dpt/9dpo- slight tender boobs, AF like cramps
12dpt/10dpo- tender boobs, tinged CM ( IMPLANT ?????), AF like cramps
(AF DUE)18dpt/16dpo-
Alright, back again... Approaching O any day now, so thought I'd get my symptoms page started :shrug: I am feeling lucky so FX we catch that egg this time :spermy:

Cd18: EW cm, positive opk, BD in Pm:sex:
Cd19/Oday: Increased sex drive, ovulation cramps around noon, opk starting to look a bit lighter than positive and that marks ovulation day. Bd in pm.

1-3dpo: Not much, just a bit hot while sleeping and a little sleepier than normal. Feeling really hopeful that this might be my lucky month![-o<
Hi everybody!

I am currently 10dpo (I think) I have POAS loads due to being paranoid from the symptoms! Every time I google or look at forums I've found loads of people that have had the same, but then when I get to the end of the forum it doesn't say how it turned out for them either BFP OR BFN. Totally confused :-( and desperate for a BFP!

So here goes,

On ovulation day I felt a gush (thought it was AF) but it was just watery white CM. DTD That evening.

Next morning when I wiped there was a small hairline streak of red blood I have never ever seen this before.

3dpo- mega sex drive

6dpo - woke up with cold sweats absolutely soaked, quite spotty on chin, bloated in the morning even though not eaten anything

7dpo- really bad mood, lower back pain, stabbing pain in right ovary for about 2 minutes then nothing, stuffy nose and dry throat

8dpo- felt like I was getting a cold in the morning but then went away, headaches, heartburn in the morning, back pain, cramps feels like on the right ovary side all day, CM when examined has consistency of a yellow like tacky glue, in the evening felt exhausted and aching all over. Thought AF arrived in evening but just CM

9dpo - feeling achy all over when woke up, then nothing BFN

10dpo - nothing! And a BFN

I have stopped the mini pill nearly 4 weeks ago, so I am hoping all of the pill has left my system by now. Has anyone had any similar symptoms? Or am I just extremely hopeful? Any advice or experience I would appreciate :wacko:

AF arrived yesterday

Alright, back again... Approaching O any day now, so thought I'd get my symptoms page started :shrug: I am feeling lucky so FX we catch that egg this time :spermy:

Cd18: EW cm, positive opk, BD in Pm:sex:
Cd19/Oday: Increased sex drive, ovulation cramps around noon, opk starting to look a bit lighter than positive and that marks ovulation day. Bd in pm.
1-3dpo: Not much, some light pink spotting from ovulation, just a bit hot while sleeping and a little sleepier than normal. Feeling really hopeful that this might be my lucky month![-o<
4dpo: Weird stomach pain/nausea for about 20 mins in am... CP high firm closed.
5dpo: Gassy and bloated, over slept this morning by about 45mins which is very unlike myself ( I usually wake up the same time everyday without an alarm clock):sleep: ate a few pieces of Halloween candy in my office today and then felt a bit nauseous after :shrug:
6dpo: Gassy, hot and restless while sleeping, feeling annoyed and irritable about almost everything today :growlmad: some slight cramps on left side this morning.
7dpo: More slight cramps on left side, some very light pink spotting when checking CP ( could be IB???):huh: Please god let this be a good sign [-o< Still gassy, started feeling more hungry yesterday into today, felt even hotter last night while sleeping,
I am currently 2 days late (CD29 on a usual 27 day cycle). I tested CD28 and today and got BFNs. I thought I O'd around CD13 (just based on when I've O'd in the past) and had IB from CD21 through CD26, but I spoke to a nurse today who thinks my spotting was actually post ovulation spotting, so that throws my entire charting off. So for the purposes of this post I will just use CDs since I really don't know when I O'd.

CD27 - slight cramping & achy legs
CD28 (1 day late) - twinges in abdomen, achy legs, frequent urination
CD29 (2 days late) - twinges in abdomen, achy legs, much more frequent urination, nausea when I tried to eat lunch (I couldn't even finish eating), lack of appetite
CD30 (3 days late) - achy body, slight nausea, head feels heavy with mild headache, lack of appetite
CD31 (4 days late) - backache, slight nausea, mild headache, bloated, lack of appetite and nothing sounds appetizing to eat!

Game plan - Nurse told me to test again on Friday (CD 32 and 5 days late) if AF doesn't arrive. If still negative then go in for a blood test to confirm positive/negative.
Hi all :)

I'm back TTC #2 after having my baby boy in Nov last year. We were so lucky to concieve him first cycle TTC and not sure if we'll have the same luck this time, I am breastfeeding so my cycles are a bit erratic. But thinking I O'd on Monday so currently 2DPO? With my son I had IB at 6dpo and felt like I had a cold around when I got my bfp at 13dpo. IC's were very faint but test from the chemist was very strong so will probs try different tests from 10dpo!! (if I can hold out lol!!)

1dpo - ewcm and crampy/ full feeling on left side of abdomen
2dpo - I have a cough, sore throat and stuffy nose and am really thirsty and hungry
3dpo - creamy white cm
4dpo - slight cramping, tender boobs/nipples, thirsty
5dpo - gloopy creamy cm, tired and irritable
6dpo - thirsty, shooting pains in cervix, gassy, stuffy nose, sore throat, creamy cm, felt like poas but only have opks - got a strong pos - wtf? :(
7dpo - poas - BFN of course :( no sign of IB :( This evening heavy crampy feeling and aching upper thighs.
8dpo - bfn, still getting creamy stretchy cm - like ewcm but white..??
9dpo - FRER - neg. Ok pretty sure I am not pregnant and didn't o when I thought I did. Pretty sure I o'd around when I got the dark opk on what I thought was 6dpo. My cycles have gotten longer and longer since my period came back after having my LO. I usually have 28 day cycles and now they seem to be around 35 days or so. So next month we'll try and BD every 2-3 days over a longer period of time (hard to do with a 1yo :( )
10dpo - feeling confused. Uncharacteristically tired last night and today, emotional and teary. I had o spotting a few days before I thought I o'd. I then had a very pos opk at 6dpo. I don't use opks usually so nothing really to compare it to but then at 7dpo opk was stark white. So basically I don't know what's going on :(
11dpo - bfn
12dpo - bfn. Extremely nauseated :(
13dpo - AF has arrived :(
Alright, back again... Approaching O any day now, so thought I'd get my symptoms page started :shrug: I am feeling lucky so FX we catch that egg this time :spermy:

Cd18: EW cm, positive opk, BD in Pm:sex:
Cd19/Oday: Increased sex drive, ovulation cramps around noon, opk starting to look a bit lighter than positive and that marks ovulation day. Bd in pm.

1-3dpo: Not much, just a bit hot while sleeping and a little sleepier than normal. Feeling really hopeful that this might be my lucky month![-o<

4dpo: Weird stomach pain/nausea for about 20 mins in am... CP high firm closed.

This needs to be your month!!
Your symptoms are very promising so far :3
Alright, back again... Approaching O any day now, so thought I'd get my symptoms page started :shrug: I am feeling lucky so FX we catch that egg this time :spermy:

Cd18: EW cm, positive opk, BD in Pm:sex:
Cd19/Oday: Increased sex drive, ovulation cramps around noon, opk starting to look a bit lighter than positive and that marks ovulation day. Bd in pm.

1-3dpo: Not much, just a bit hot while sleeping and a little sleepier than normal. Feeling really hopeful that this might be my lucky month![-o<

4dpo: Weird stomach pain/nausea for about 20 mins in am... CP high firm closed.

This needs to be your month!!
Your symptoms are very promising so far :3

Thanks girly, I sure hope so!
1 dpo- ewcm, lots of cramping, tender nipples
2 dpo- continued cramping and excessive saliva, cm has turned creamy, tender nipples
3 dpo- cramps and a slight lower backache, tender nipples
4 dpo- tender nipples, slightly crampy
5 dpo- pinching feeling in pelvis/uterus, tender nipped, fatigue (started progesterone at 4 dpo)
6 dpo- lots of creamy cm, nipples significantly less tender today, fatigue and a headache his evening.
7 dpo- still lots of creamy cm, nipples back to being tender and hurting when I was in bed, fatigue, backache, cramps pretty constant all morning and an intense stabbing pain on my right side.
8 dpo- fatigue, horrible aversions to smell, emotional, irritable, light cramps
9 dpo- fatigue, irritable, intense pinching on left side (lasted a few mins)
10 dpo- fatigue, dizziness, negative hpt
11 dpo- fatigue, nausea, a lot of cramping, skin breakout (typical PMS)
12 dpo- more cramping
13 dpo- af arrived :cry:
So I recently signed up for this forum.. I am currently 16 DPO and have had early symptoms of pregnancy with several BFN!
DPO 1-7 no symptoms
DPO 8- light pink spotting ( only when wiping)
DPO 9-10 windy- IB- slight cramping BFN
DPO 12 cramping on right side only vivid dreams- increased CM
DPO 13-17 increased CM- cramping I think af is coming!
BFN! Today :(
So I recently signed up for this forum.. I am currently 16 DPO and have had early symptoms of pregnancy with several BFN!
DPO 1-7 no symptoms
DPO 8- light pink spotting ( only when wiping)
DPO 9-10 windy- IB- slight cramping BFN
DPO 12 cramping on right side only vivid dreams- increased CM
DPO 13-17 increased CM- cramping I think af is coming!
BFN! Today :(

Sorry :cry::cry:
So I recently signed up for this forum.. I am currently 16 DPO and have had early symptoms of pregnancy with several BFN!
DPO 1-7 no symptoms
DPO 8- light pink spotting ( only when wiping)
DPO 9-10 windy- IB- slight cramping BFN
DPO 12 cramping on right side only vivid dreams- increased CM
DPO 13-17 increased CM- cramping I think af is coming!
BFN! Today :(

Sorry :cry::cry:

I forgot to mention the sore breast (more like heavy it doesn't hurt to touch!) still no AF today!

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