Hope to see some GREEN soon!
I ovulated Feb. 13 and have a 28 day cycle. TTC 2nd for 16 months. Started taking Fertility Blend for Women and DH is taking Fertility Blend for Men, not sure if my current symptoms are pregnancy or hormone changes!! Patience is a virtue!
1 dpo - Breasts are tender to touch
2 dpo - Breasts tender, Vivid (and weird) dreams
3 dpo - Breasts are no longer tender but nipples hurt to touch. Still dreaming about babies but thinking its all in my head
4 dpo - Nipples still sore to touch but no other symptoms
5 dpo - Breasts now feel very heavy and full, even hubby notices, also not fitting my bra like usual. Breasts not tender but nipples feel bruised when touched.
6 dpo - Breasts still heavy and full and now I notice white pimple looking spots on my aereola and white at the end of my nipples (strange). Still tender to touch. Feeling very tired and ended up falling asleep on the couch around 8:30pm which is unusual for me - bedtime is between 11 and midnight usually. CM has a lotion texture
7 dpo - Decided to wear a sports bra today and felt much better. Still have the white spots. Noticed some very light brown color to my CM todayand a lotion texture
8 dpo - Tested today BFN as if I didnt kmow. The nipple pain is barely there and the fullness has gone down about half. Lots of brown discharge only when peeing. Lots of cramping in the same spot, not like AF just a tightness that doesnt hurt. I dont normally cramp until AF is actually here so this ks unusual.
Wow, everyone symptoms sound really good, but yours screamed pregnancy to me! Good luck everyone and lots of!
Hi ladies. I hope you are all well. Not long until testing time for most of us. For those that have already reached or have gone past their AF due date, I really hope that you get some answers soon
I've noticed that a lot of us are having AF-like cramping. So I did some googling. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up too much, but just thought that I'd share. A lot of websites that I've looked at, there are ladies talking about unusually early AF-like cramping. Some say it could be implantation. A LOT of these ladies went on to get a bfp, but of course some didn't.
I hope it is a good sign.
Hi ladies. I hope you are all well. Not long until testing time for most of us. For those that have already reached or have gone past their AF due date, I really hope that you get some answers soon
I've noticed that a lot of us are having AF-like cramping. So I did some googling. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up too much, but just thought that I'd share. A lot of websites that I've looked at, there are ladies talking about unusually early AF-like cramping. Some say it could be implantation. A LOT of these ladies went on to get a bfp, but of course some didn't.
I hope it is a good sign.
Thanks for the reassurance JB. I had about 4 hours of seriously strong AF cramps today and it freaked me out a bit actually. I'm having brownish discharge that's even a little more reddish today too. 11dpo tomorrow with AF due at 14dpo so just a few more days to know for sure.
I also bought some FRER 5 day early tests today cause I've been using the Internet Cheapies so far. Will test tomorrow morning!! Good Luck to you too!
EDIT: AF came 4 days early.
Good luck ladies