I did this last month after having my Implanon removed, thought I ovulated but looking back I'm pretty sure I didn't & any symptoms I had were just my body returning to normal. I forgot to turn my last post red but I'll find it after this & edit it.
I'm currently on CD19, I ovulated on CD14 and am now 5dpo. I'll probably start testing with some cheap internet dip tests around 8dpo. I've only tested & gotten a BFP a week after AF was due in my previous pregnancies (I have 2 daughters & had 2 m/c) so I'm excited/curious to see how early I can get my BFP. My first sign during my last pregnancy was total exhaustion, bouts of nausea, sore & veiny boobs so we shall see how things go this cycle.
O Day - EWCM, ovulation pains
1-3dpo - Nothing
4 dpo - Completely exhausted later in the day
5 dpo - Fatigue, headache
6 dpo - Fatigue, vivid dream, gassy, temp spike
7 dpo - Nausea early in the day (but probably due to eating too many Cheez-Its haha!), nothing else really
8 dpo - Sleeplessness, vivid dreams, lower belly feels a bit more "full", noticed some pimples had randomly appeared, more emotional (cried over a movie that wasn't sad & over my pants ripping in the knee.)
9 dpo - Gassy, sleeplessness, vivid dreams, constipated, slightly nauseous. BFN on an IC with FMU.
10 dpo - Bloated, gassy, tingling boobs, fatigued, constipated, decreased appetite. BFN on an IC with FMU.
11 dpo - Bloated, dull cramping, sensitive nipples, tender breasts, irritable, sleeplessness, vivid dreams, constipated, decreased appetite. BFN on an IC with FMU.
12 dpo - Bloated, gassy, boobs look a little more "full" than normal, sensitive nipples, tender breasts, irritable, moody, fatigued, vivid dreams, decreased appetite, nauseous. Increase in CM. BFN on an IC with FMU. THINK I see a super faint line on an IC taken later in the day but can't really tell.
13 dpo - Sleeplessness, boobs ache, nipples feel like they're on fire, very nauseous. Increase in CM. I think I got a faint BFP on an IC with FMU and then another faint BFP this evening with a 10 hour hold.
14 dpo - Sleeplessness, sore boobs, very nauseous. Faint BFP on an IC with FMU followed by a BFP on a FRER also with FMU.
Very cautiously turning my post green... can't believe it!