Hi ladies! I am new to this site, but i think my friends are getting tired of me talking to them about the gross factors (im the only one ttc right now, so the details are a bit tmi for them lol). My DH and I had a surprise BFP a month ago but we miscarried so we have decided to start trying
. As it is the first month and i scarcely bled after the MC, I am not sure of when I ovulated. AF is due on the 10th or 11th, and I am going crazy, I swear I have never paid so much attention to my body! Normally I don't have any AF symptoms until the moment it starts I will get a surge in cramps that KILL me. This month that is not the case, and I am hopeful to get a BFP.
after I think I O'd, I was positive we weren't since nothing felt different. However, the further I get, the weirder I become. I keep having twinges in my pelvic are and waves of nausea. In addition, I keep getting headaches from behind my ears to my forehead. I also have been smelling things a little better and have had the most vivid dreams and nightmares for the past 5 days. 3 days ago I started getting an extreme amount of watery slightly cloudy CM. It is to the point where I feel like I am wetting myself at times (sorry tmi). My BMs go from extreme constipation to diarrhea and I am super gassy all the time. I have also gotten emotional over small or silly things when normally I am extremely level headed. Final symptom for me is my exhaustion, and my body feels SO fatigued even when i first wake up and my eyes constantly feel dry and tired.
is anyone else having symptoms like this? I took a text yesterday cause I caved and it was a BFN. I don't know how some of you have done the TWW for months in a row, it is driving me bonkers!
UPDATE 1:today i am running hot and absolutely exhausted. I should be on dpo-9 or 10. I am waiting til the
is officially late to test. today i had more cramping then i have been having as if AF is on the way, but more mild. I am also severely emotional to the point where i nearly started crying over the time because i still had two hours of work. we will see what happens! the temptation to test is almost irresistable, but i don't want a
that is false to squash me when there is still a chance. FX that the
stays away!
UDPATE 2: 10 or 11 dpo -- oh dear lord my lower back and hips are KILLING ME!
they feel so achey today. also when i started eating my breakfast it way oh so delicious, but after near half was gone, i am starting to feel woozy and had to take a break from it. I still feel I am running a little warmer than normal, but havent had any hot flashes yet today. my hands/arms and legs/feet have been getting tingly then numb then tingley again. anyone else experience this? I am thinking it must have to do with the aches in my back since it isn't normal. I keep getting mild cramps as if AF is about to show up, but then there is absolutely no sign of her when i go to the bathroom, and i most definitely am experiencing my CM than normal for this late in my cycle, and its creamy (sorry tmi). My lower abdomen feels full today. not sure if its the gas or a bun beginning to cook in my oven lol, but i am starting to feel like maybe this is my month. only time will tell, the suspense is driving me nuts!
UPDATE 3: 11 or 12 dpo -- feel like crud.
my stomach has been upset all day. i have acne on my face for the first time in months. i feel sick every time after i eat. fmu poas and it was neg but there was a weird slanted line at the bottom. starting to feel like its not gonna happen but dunno why i feel like crap in that case.