Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

How are you doing hun? Any news? Did you test yet? Fx! xXx

Hey strawberry,

Nope, nothing yet. Tested this morning... bfn. Af due tomorrow. Hoping that she doesn’t come. I’ve been have on and off cramps since yesterday morning. After I ate dinner, I became nauseous and my mouth was watering. Woke up with heartburn today and no cramping yet. It just seems odd that I had the cramping at 5/6 dpo. That has never happened right along with all the other issues. And the fact that my kids are getting pregnancy symptoms really bugs me out.

FX’d af stays away. I have 2 more days before I give up.
Okay here goes... We have been ttc baby #4 since mid January 2020. I had a chemical pregnancy end of Feb.

1dpo: Extremely sore boobies. Especially nipples! Felt on fire by the evening. Was in so much pain I wanted to take pain meds...but didn't :) CP: high.
CM: creamy/white. Temp slightly high late afternoon.
Had diarrhea. Not normal for me.

2dpo: Breasts not so painful anymore.
Had some weird vivid dream early morning hours.
Some creamy/white cm. Low grade temp late arvo.

3dpo: breasts a bit sore at times. Nothing too bad. Lots of white creamy cm! (Not normal for me). Had another vivid dream previous night. Smells seem to bother me today - as in my sense of smell seems very heightened... too early surely!?

4dpo: (.)(.)’s a little sore. Milky/white cm.
Had vivid dreams. Had some blood on the tissue when blowing my nose.

5dpo: Had some slight cramping- like mild period cramps. Vivid dream - dreamt I asked my sister in law to take a pregnancy test (they are also ttc). Feel more thirsty, drinking more water, having to have more bathroom breaks. Uterus area felt painful when I coughed hard in the pm.
Decreased cm.

6dpo: Felt in the morning as if all my “symptoms” have disappeared. Then later in the day I felt bloated and boobs felt heavier. Had some slight breast tenderness on the sides (area near arm pits). Little bit of white milky cm. Tmi: Diarrhea again! Dizzy spell. Gums bled when I brushed my teeth after lunch.

To be continued....

Hey strawberry,
Hope all is going well. How’s everything going with you? Any updates? FX’d some good news..
Okay here goes... We have been ttc baby #4 since mid January 2020. I had a chemical pregnancy end of Feb.

1dpo: Extremely sore boobies. Especially nipples! Felt on fire by the evening. Was in so much pain I wanted to take pain meds...but didn't :) CP: high.
CM: creamy/white. Temp slightly high late afternoon.
Had diarrhea. Not normal for me.

2dpo: Breasts not so painful anymore.
Had some weird vivid dream early morning hours.
Some creamy/white cm. Low grade temp late arvo.

3dpo: breasts a bit sore at times. Nothing too bad. Lots of white creamy cm! (Not normal for me). Had another vivid dream previous night. Smells seem to bother me today - as in my sense of smell seems very heightened... too early surely!?

4dpo: (.)(.)’s a little sore. Milky/white cm.
Had vivid dreams. Had some blood on the tissue when blowing my nose.

5dpo: Had some slight cramping- like mild period cramps. Vivid dream - dreamt I asked my sister in law to take a pregnancy test (they are also ttc). Feel more thirsty, drinking more water, having to have more bathroom breaks. Uterus area felt painful when I coughed hard in the pm.
Decreased cm.

6dpo: Felt in the morning as if all my “symptoms” have disappeared. Then later in the day I felt bloated and boobs felt heavier. Had some slight breast tenderness on the sides (area near arm pits). Little bit of white milky cm. Tmi: Diarrhea again! Dizzy spell. Gums bled when I brushed my teeth after lunch.

7dpo: vivid dreams. Creamy cm. Cp: high.

8dpo: Creamy cm. Increased thirst, hence more bath room breaks! ;). Some lower back ache. Decreased appetite.

9dpo: Keep having vivid weird dreams. Tested with frer... bfn.

10dpo: Increased thirst! Drinking tons of water. Some insomnia (very unlike me)... woke up 3 am and again 5:30 and couldn't sleep again! Had some cramping lower abdo. Increased

11dpo: Feel moody. Thirtsy. Boobs a bit sore. Just feel pregnant. Tested bfn on frer.

12 dpo: Had to get up really early to use the bathroom. Very very faint :bfp: on frer! God is good all the time! Thank you for this life Jesus! On easter sunday as well! Amazing! Halleluyah!! xXx

Wohoo! Congratulations on your :bfp:!:yellow: & Happy Easter!
Hi! I have been looking at forums for several months and now am officially joining the fun!

Backstory: This is the 5th month of actively ttc. I have had random spotting every month so far (not my norm). In recent months, my spotting has started a couple days after ovulation and continued until AF reared her ugly head. Went to doctor and they weren’t concerned since I was having positive OPK’s each month. They did an ultrasound and it was normal. Anyways, here are all my symptoms so far :)

4/2 Ovulation- based off of peak OPK and egcm

1 dpo- nothing

2 dpo- sensitive nipples, acne

3 dpo- sensitive nipples, acne

4 dpo- acne, sharp cramps on lower R and L sides (more on R side)

5 dpo- slight headache and mild cramps in am; mild cramps and aching R hip in afternoon; itchy legs, mild sore throat, yellow tinged cm

6 dpo- dry mouth/sore throat in am; boobs feel full but not sore; diarrhea; full feeling/dull achy cramps in lower middle below belly button; very sharp pain R side low down late afternoon (hurt to the point I said ow and rubbed); another sharp pain R side about an hour later (said ow and rubbed again)

7 dpo- Lower generalized cramps in am (at work and moving around); sides of boobs getting sore; diarrhea; full achy feeling in lower abdomen; sensitive nipples *strange burning/tingling in both breasts and nipples in the evening- never felt anything like it

8 dpo- Dull achy feeling and occasional sharp cramps R side; *spotting begins- brown cm with small clot when wiped late morning; R lower cramping around noon; sensitive nipples, tired; small amount of brown cm every time I wipe or pee and wipe; *bright red bleeding at 9 pm- could feel wetness and ran to bathroom; had a small area of cm (my period does not normally start like this) boobs getting increasingly; bloated; elevated resting heart rate while laying in bed

9 dpo- Headache early morning; wiped in am light brown barely anything; after pee good amount of rusty brown and kept coming, put tampon in so I can see better how much I am bleeding; cramping some; noticing I am peeing more often and having increased urgency (can usually hold my pee for a very long time, I’m a nurse); bloating; mild headache late morning; more cramping on R side; irritable and tired feeling; took tampon out around 1pm- brown all over (no red) but not full of blood; Hand was shaking while we were laying on the couch later afternoon; nipples may look bigger and veins more prominent; R lower weird feeling; hungry all day and especially feeling hungry shortly after meals

10 dpo- Woke up early with bladder extremely full; pregnancy test with first morning urine BFN; had a tampon in overnight- taken out and there is brown (no red) and not full/soaked in blood; light brown when wiped after pee; nausea and headache when in car- still lingering after getting home and eating breakfast; nipples looks puffy and larger (husband agrees worth me); R nipple feels like it’s burning/ tingling early afternoon; dark brown with stringy small clot after pee/wipe; tired

Really hoping that my spotting/bleeding does not turn into AF this month!

I would love to hear if anyone else has had similar bleeding or tingly breasts and gotten a BFP!
Hi! I have been looking at forums for several months and now am officially joining the fun!

Backstory: This is the 5th month of actively ttc. I have had random spotting every month so far (not my norm). In recent months, my spotting has started a couple days after ovulation and continued until AF reared her ugly head. Went to doctor and they weren’t concerned since I was having positive OPK’s each month. They did an ultrasound and it was normal. Anyways, here are all my symptoms so far :)

4/2 Ovulation- based off of peak OPK and egcm

1 dpo- nothing

2 dpo- sensitive nipples, acne

3 dpo- sensitive nipples, acne

4 dpo- acne, sharp cramps on lower R and L sides (more on R side)

5 dpo- slight headache and mild cramps in am; mild cramps and aching R hip in afternoon; itchy legs, mild sore throat, yellow tinged cm

6 dpo- dry mouth/sore throat in am; boobs feel full but not sore; diarrhea; full feeling/dull achy cramps in lower middle below belly button; very sharp pain R side low down late afternoon (hurt to the point I said ow and rubbed); another sharp pain R side about an hour later (said ow and rubbed again)

7 dpo- Lower generalized cramps in am (at work and moving around); sides of boobs getting sore; diarrhea; full achy feeling in lower abdomen; sensitive nipples *strange burning/tingling in both breasts and nipples in the evening- never felt anything like it

8 dpo- Dull achy feeling and occasional sharp cramps R side; *spotting begins- brown cm with small clot when wiped late morning; R lower cramping around noon; sensitive nipples, tired; small amount of brown cm every time I wipe or pee and wipe; *bright red bleeding at 9 pm- could feel wetness and ran to bathroom; had a small area of cm (my period does not normally start like this) boobs getting increasingly; bloated; elevated resting heart rate while laying in bed

9 dpo- Headache early morning; wiped in am light brown barely anything; after pee good amount of rusty brown and kept coming, put tampon in so I can see better how much I am bleeding; cramping some; noticing I am peeing more often and having increased urgency (can usually hold my pee for a very long time, I’m a nurse); bloating; mild headache late morning; more cramping on R side; irritable and tired feeling; took tampon out around 1pm- brown all over (no red) but not full of blood; Hand was shaking while we were laying on the couch later afternoon; nipples may look bigger and veins more prominent; R lower weird feeling; hungry all day and especially feeling hungry shortly after meals

10 dpo- Woke up early with bladder extremely full; pregnancy test with first morning urine BFN; had a tampon in overnight- taken out and there is brown (no red) and not full/soaked in blood; light brown when wiped after pee; nausea and headache when in car- still lingering after getting home and eating breakfast; nipples looks puffy and larger (husband agrees worth me); R nipple feels like it’s burning/ tingling early afternoon; dark brown with stringy small clot after pee/wipe; tired

Really hoping that my spotting/bleeding does not turn into AF this month!

I would love to hear if anyone else has had similar bleeding or tingly breasts and gotten a BFP!

I’m 10dpo today. I’ve had nausea and headaches the past few days. Horrendous heartburn and I felt so ill today I had a 2 hour nap (husband is home so he watched the kids) I’m feeling crampy currently and AF is due in 3 days (fx it doesn’t come) I’m going shopping tomorrow so I’ll be picking some tests up ready for Saturday/Sunday
Hello fellow ttcers!
I'm new to this forum and thought i'd join in.

my backstory: ttc #2 naturally before admitting defeat and going through IVF again. #1 was conceived via IVF after 18 months of trying naturally.

O - lots of ovulation pain.
dpo 1 - slight cramping
dpo 2 - no more cramping but less of an appetite and took a 2 hour nap.
dpo 3 - annoying leg cramps. can't is currently 2am. extremely hungry but gonna hold out til the morning to eat. peeing every hour.
dpo 4 - a little crampy. leg is still annoying an itch I cant reach.
dpo 5 - nothing much
dpo 6 - cramping and tired
dpo 7 - cramping and tired but cant sleep. restless legs.
dpo 8 - cramping in left side of stomach. hungry. restless legs.
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Hi All,

Ovulated on April 30.

Day 1: nothing
Day 2: cramping. Felt like sore ovaries after too much sex
Day 3: huge increase in creamy cm (only ever get dry or slightly creamy cm in 2ww). Food smelled off and felt mildly nauseous if I was hungry, felt better if I ate. Started compounded progesterone cream from naturopath. Nipple sensitive.
Day 4: Felt good. Ran 5k. Symptoms seem to have disappeared overnight :( Tired but the last two nights I've been waking up at 4am on the dot. Nipples sensitive.
Day 5: Woke up to dry cm but by evening it was back to tons of creamy/watery cm. Slightly crampy. Nipples sensitive. Shooting pain/cramp through pelvis throughout day. Tired. Ran 5k but super s-l-o-w-l-y.
Day 6&7: dry mouth no matter how much water I keep drinking, napped today as I've had insomnia the last three nights, so incredibly dry cm (unusual for me), so bloated today. Could be from something I ate (usual) but feel irritated and horribly bloated (seriously second trimester looking!) Grumpy!
Day 8: slight bloody nose (never have except one time with a miscarriage), so nauseous, had to stop midway on my run I felt so sick, headache, higher than normal for me daytime temp, test with fmu and neg. Crampy, low backache. If I'm not pregnant I don't know what is wrong with me!
Day 9: super dry cm, tired, nauseous
Day 10: Gave up. Morning bfn... afternoon bfp ?? (Quite noticeable!) Then late evening stark white bfn. What the hell. In all my years of TTC I've never had a false positive.
Day 11&12: so bloated my kids are joking when I am due. BFNs.
Day 13: Still stark white bfn. Starting EWCM which is my norm before AF. Very bloated, tired.
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I basically read through this entire thread who keep myself sane this week!!!!

1-4dpo - No notes
5dpo - Side cramp right side, pinching. Weirdly chilly. Hiccups at night
6dpo - Some congestion in nose, likely seasonal allergies, increased sex drive
7dpo - Insomnia last two nights, dry lips, bad headache, stomach twinges at 5:54pm, headache
8dpo - Exhaustion, light cramping, nausea
9dpo - BFN, exhaustion by 4pm
10dpo - BFP, still exhausted
11dpo - exhaustion
12dpo - exhaustion, excessive need to pee, mild background nausea, backache
15dpo and status quo from 12dpo still!
My symptoms at god only knows how many days post ovulation (my cycle is monthly but anywhere between 28-40 days) nipples are sore, im slightly crampy, and im a whole lot agitated (but this may be due to a coworker that I can't stand and covid). I went off on my partner earlier for leaving hair in the sink. Then started getting upset and telling him i felt like he didnt care because he went back to sleep. I am never this sensitive.

Hoping the egg was caught.

If not, aunt flo is revving up and i need chocolate stat.
Joining in cos it's so interesting so read those who turn into a BFP!

Ovulated 12th May
- cramps like crazy on and off, irritable, impatient, headache all day. Positive OPK all day

1 DPO - positive OPK in the morning. Cramps up until midday. Tired, irritable

2 DPO - nausea. Little bit irritable. Bad stomach pains all night

3DPO - irritable, cramps

4DPO - CM change. Backache (mild, only when aggravated) fatigue

5DPO - few niggles rather than cramps. Very tired, took a 90 min nap. Very hungry

6DPO - feeling angry, frustrated and 'down'. Acid reflux and hunger. Mood is crazy today

7DPO- acid reflux. Nothing else to report

8DPO - The mother of all sadness mood all day. Very hungry. Energy levels much better.

9DPO - BFN. (Why did I test, didnt get faint + until 12DPO last time!) Mild cramps...AF coming??

10DPO - BFN. Cramps again on the left side. Much better mood. Tired. Mild backache at night time.

11DPO - suspected faint line.... feeling sick but might be the uncertainty tying me up in knots! Lots of waves of cramps.
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Joining in because this thread has kept me sane the last couple of months ttc and symptom spotting. Definitely ovulated when I got my positive opk backed up by bbt temps and ewcm etc but for some reason my opk strips keep giving me near positives when normally they go faint the day after they are nearly as dark or as dark as the control line.

1-3 dpo absolutely no symptoms whatsoever but (near positive opk)
4dpo Creamy white cm other than that no symptoms (near positive opk again)
5dpo Creamy white cm other than that no symptoms.
(Positive opk)
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I am suspecting this is an anovulatory cycle but until I know for sure I will do my best to DPO it.

O- slippery cm for past couple days, more aroused, breasts a little more full, ovary cramps, mildly sensitive nipples, mildly sore breasts
1dpo- mildly sensitive nipples mildly sore breasts runny nose
2dpo- same
3dpo-mildly sensitive nipples, mildly sore breasts, about a dime sized amount of pink discharge, (I assumed I started an anovulatory "period" so I put on a tampon just in case) frequent urination (normal)
4dpo- less sensitive nipples, less sore breasts, night sweat tampon had only a very little pink cm on tapmon DRY CM mild AF cramps
5dpo- same breast and nipples as 4dpo, left ovary cramping bloating and AF cramps with the AF gas (only ever happens around CD 2) DRY CM sore throat, felt like I was getting a cold, mild AF cramps mild low backache
6dpo- breasts and nipples are the same, irritated, mild AF cramps legs/thighs weak and achy
7dpo- mild AF cramp,s weak legs, very tired, hot, sore throat INCREDIBLY IRRITATED
8dpo- mild sore throat. Nose a bit stuffed Very hot/hot flashes Sweating, less irritated, Mild AF cramps. Constipation. Lethargic Back of thighs achy. Left ovary cramps breast more full nipples a bit sore. Runny nose
9dpo- Hot flashes Weak sore legs and tiring easily. Have to catch my breath while talking or doing a simple task had to take a deep breath. Random nausea for a couple minutes. Dizzy/cloudy head, kept losing my thoughts. Head cold type of headache. Left ovary cramping going down groin. Mild AF cramps. Sore/stiff neck. I have neck and back issues but this was different. Left nipple sharp/tingle mild pain Slightly stuffed nose.
10dpo- Night sweat Stiff neck again. Left nipple tingled, one sharp feeling in uterus. Didn't hurt. Itchy nipples a little. Very forgetful all day. Very sore legs but ran 3.33 miles today lol.
11dpo- Felt fine when I woke up. Shortly after the stiff neck came back. No breast or nipple pain. butterflies/nervous feeling in chest/stomach quite a few times.
12dpo- irritated, emotional (kind of had a reason), dry eyes, butterflies/nervous feeling in chest and stomach a lot.
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I saw this thread and though 'why not'. I've been trying for 4 years now and love to read other's symptoms on bfp cycles. Hopefully this will be one for me. Babydust all!

Vitex 650mg cycle

Ovulation CD 11 (day of ovulation pain)

CD8 Advanced reader look Peak but had a dye bleed so just read HIGH
CD10 PEAK : extreme diarrhea, bbs pain out of no where, bd
CD11 Ovulation day based off opk, diarrhea still, ovulation pain lingers, bd, increased urination

05/21/20: 1dpo, ewcm, bd, increased urination
05/22/20: 2dpo (nothing)
05/23/20: 3dpo, started progesterone cream, (nothing)
05/24/20: 4dpo allergies, hot at night
05/25/20: 5dpo, stuffy nostril, bloated, temp rose really high, not sure if its because of heat outside.
05/26/20: 6dpo, early morning left side uterine long pinch cramp, bloated, temp same high, been hungrier past two days
05/27/20: 7dpo, worked late last night, bloated, stomach just not happy, temp even higher,drinking more water to see if that will help with bloat,montster headache behind left eye
05/28/20: 8dpo, temp came down two notches, still hungry though not as intense, chills
05/29/20: 9dpo...I was dreading this day, my temp tried to drown itself. Dropped so low. I was very cold this morning, bfn on my OSOM, not feeling well. Its over but I will still wait for AF to show before I have a good cup of caffeinated joe. :D
05/30/20: 10dpo temp recovered some but not to excited, bfn again, no symptoms really
05/31/20: 11dpo temp dropped even lower and I slept in, another bfn,bbs hurt bad underneath like i have been squeezing them. Must be AF coming ( two more natural cycles then IVF should be in my datebook) I will post back what day AF shows. :dust:
06/01/20: 12dp0 Nothing really just bfn
06/02/20: 13dpo I can feel AF coming in a way. Just feel off but no cramps
06/03/20: 14dpo AF spotting has started. Happy Anniversary to me :(

On a much happier note I have my IVF Consult in 7 days so there is a new kind of hope on the horizon. Sending you all loads of BABYDUST and STICKYVIBES this year.
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I saw this thread and though 'why not'. I've been trying for 4 years now and love to read other's symptoms on bfp cycles. Hopefully this will be one for me. Babydust all!

Vitex 650mg cycle

Ovulation CD 11 (day of ovulation pain)

CD8 Advanced reader look Peak but had a dye bleed so just read HIGH
CD10 PEAK : extreme diarrhea, bbs pain out of no where, bd
CD11 Ovulation day based off opk, diarrhea still, ovulation pain lingers, bd, increased urination

05/21/20: 1dpo, ewcm, bd, increased urination
05/22/20: 2dpo (nothing)
05/23/20: 3dpo, started progesterone cream, (nothing)
05/24/20: 4dpo allergies, hot at night
05/25/20: 5dpo, stuffy nostril, bloated, temp rose really high, not sure if its because of heat outside.

Baby dust ❤️❤️ I am taking vitex as well this month, and maca
Love: Thank you, I keep meaning to take Maca but can never decide on a

I am doing the pills this month. I have taken the powder, as well as, the tincture before but the pills are just easier lol
I saw this thread and though 'why not'. I've been trying for 4 years now and love to read other's symptoms on bfp cycles. Hopefully this will be one for me. Babydust all!

Vitex 650mg cycle

Ovulation CD 11 (day of ovulation pain)

CD8 Advanced reader look Peak but had a dye bleed so just read HIGH
CD10 PEAK : extreme diarrhea, bbs pain out of no where, bd
CD11 Ovulation day based off opk, diarrhea still, ovulation pain lingers, bd, increased urination

05/21/20: 1dpo, ewcm, bd, increased urination
05/22/20: 2dpo (nothing)
05/23/20: 3dpo, started progesterone cream, (nothing)
05/24/20: 4dpo allergies, hot at night
05/25/20: 5dpo, stuffy nostril, bloated, temp rose really high, not sure if its because of heat outside.
05/26/20: 6dpo, early morning left side uterine long pinch cramp, bloated, temp same high, been hungrier past two days

I would think your temp rose really high because you started the progesterone cream on 5/23. Have you used it before?
I would think your temp rose really high because you started the progesterone cream on 5/23. Have you used it before?

No, this is a new cream this cycle. I lost the old one (fell behind dresser) so researched a new one because I didn't feel the other was doing much. Here is my chart. It is working and I wish I could go get a progesterone test today but COVID makes it so I don't think I can take my daughter with me. I'm not one to ever leave her alone anywhere so having her wait in the car is out of the question. I wonder if her Aunt could sit for me??? hmmmm Nah..what will be will be.
Hello ladies. I figured I better hop on here and occupy myself because my blood is boiling with hormonal irritability and I may slap someone.
breath. Random nausea for a couple minutes. Dizzy/cloudy head I kept losing my thoughts. Head cold type of headache. Left ovary ovulation feelingsand going down left groin. Mild AF cramps. Sore/stiff neck. I have neck and back issues but this was different. Left nipple sharp/tingle mild pain on and off. Slightly stuffed nose.

I would love to get excited about something but PCOS not even sure I O'd.
I am laughing because my name is loveisallino but I want to slap someone.

I am on the edge of my seat. Have you tested? Those are loads of symptoms to have for an annovulatory can't spell it. My nips don't hurt and I haven't had any kind of spotting. OMG...please let this be your cycle.
Hi Lovelies

Really not optimistic with this cycle as didnt ovulate till CD28. I got diagnosed with PCOS last year and have been NTNP for the last 12 months. I have a 10 year old and conceived her naturally without trying when i was 19. This has been the first month of OPKs and monitoring. My periods have never been regular and i dont think i ovulate every month but have never routinely checked. Really trying to regulate my cycles so will see what happens...

1-2DPO some mild lower abdo cramping, nothing else noticeable.

3DPO- bloating, sensitive nipples.

4DPO- really bloated feels like AF is due. Lots of cramping. Sensitive nipples. Loose BM. Feeling full quickly. Creamy Discharge.

5DPO- mild lower cramps, sensitive nipples. Constipated, snuffly nose, loads of creamy CM

6DPO no more cramping. Sore BBs and really stuffy nose. Creamy CM

good luck and baby dust to you all xxx
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