I LOVE this thread! So very interesting!!
26/06/2020 - I am on CD 29, 11-12 DPO today! Peak OPKs were 16th and 17th June (CD 16 and 17) and my Femometer app is using 17th as the day of O.
5 DPO - sore boobs
6 DPO - really sore and tender boobs, particularly around the nipple area
7 DPO - sore boobs again all day today and then when I went to bed, I got really tight/shooting pains all around my groin, bikini line, lower abdomen and lower back/bum area! It was awful - last about an hour and I just couldn't sleep - it was mostly on my right side.
8 DPO - BFN with FMU; stomach cramps and lower back pain with continued sore boobs - absolutely definite they look bigger! They are wider like they stick out at the sides towards my arm pits more than usual! Hubby agrees they look bigger and could be about a cup size larger!
9 DPO - horrible heartburn, bitter taste in my mouth when eating some foods, felt quite nauseous and had a bit of a dodgy tummy with some wind and bloating - boobs still sore but less so.
10 DPO - BFN with FMU; boobs still a little tender, not as much though but definitely still looking bigger. Had to pee a little more than normal this afternoon/evening.
11 DPO - BFN with FMU; no symptoms at all and breast pain gone
12 DPO - BFN with FMU; 3.20pm: my nipples hurt if I push against them but barely - feeling really deflated and thinking this month is a no go! AF due on Thursday so just waiting now
10.20pm update: **TMI** my CM is white and creamy looking I think - it mostly jut looks wet in my fingers but there’s definitely some white colouring and almost lotion-like (new to CM monitoring!) and my cervix is at the tip of my middle finger when I check so I don’t know if that’s classed as low of high but it’s super soft and spongey! Got slight tummy pains this evening and I just walked in to the kitchen after hubby made a coffee, retched and now I’m up in bed feeling quite nauseous so I’m still hopeful! I handed over remaining HPTs to hubby to confiscate from me until Saturday! Haha! I also got really dizzy/faint/breathless for no real reason and just felt quite puffed out and knackered all of a sudden!
13 DPO - 09.20am: I’ve woken up feeling a little nauseous but not too much, breasts are a little tender but definitely feel bouncier/jigglier and without a doubt feel bigger! They are much wider at the side but not as sore as they were so I really don’t know! Just looked in the mirror and they are definitely wider and bigger looking! Feel heavier too! I tried to take a test, think I can see a very faint line but I’m not sure so feeling super confused! Keeping everything crossed! I can just feel my cervix with middle finger, it’s very soft and spongey. CM is white and there’s quite a lot of it.