22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts, some cramping in uterus but doesn't feel like AF cramps19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache![]()
20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area
Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache![]()
20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area
Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
Seems like we're on the same schedule missaria - I should be getting AF on the 9th or 10th... it's nice to have a cycle buddy. Good luck to you!![]()
So sorry that this is such a confusing time asm - do you have a doctor's appt scheduled?
Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
Seems like we're on the same schedule missaria - I should be getting AF on the 9th or 10th... it's nice to have a cycle buddy. Good luck to you!![]()
Thanks, best of luck to you as well!
What date to you think you may first test?
So sorry that this is such a confusing time asm - do you have a doctor's appt scheduled?
I have an apt in the morning on the 6th. They wanted me to wait a week o see if AF came or I got a BFP. I haven't tested for a few days. Got tired of seeing BFNs. Going to test again Thursday as long as I don't have a temp drop.
I'm new to this site. Glad to see soo many BFP in this thread. It keeps me hopeful.
I'm going to join by adding my symptoms.
Positive OPK 7/26- CD20. We DTD every other day from CD14 thru CD18 then every night thru 7/28. So I'm 4dpo.
1-3dpo cramping, feeling bloated.
4po- same as above plus twinges in pelvic area & hot flashes.
So sorry that this is such a confusing time asm - do you have a doctor's appt scheduled?
I have an apt in the morning on the 6th. They wanted me to wait a week to see if AF came or I got a BFP. I haven't tested for a few days. Got tired of seeing BFNs. Going to test again Thursday as long as I don't have a temp drop.
Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
Seems like we're on the same schedule missaria - I should be getting AF on the 9th or 10th... it's nice to have a cycle buddy. Good luck to you!![]()
Thanks, best of luck to you as well!
What date to you think you may first test?
I'm always tempted to test before AF arrives, but seeing the BFN is too painful, so I might wait until the 9th or 10th (the days when AF is supposed to arrive)...
how long have you been ttc?
My period is either due the 11th not by chance having weird cravings yet today all I wanted was sex and spicy food 0.o So I've been mixing everything with salsa had ramen and salsa twice today and I don't like spicy foods. Funny thing is my heartburn went away after eating the salsa so I am eating it out of the Jar.
Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
Seems like we're on the same schedule missaria - I should be getting AF on the 9th or 10th... it's nice to have a cycle buddy. Good luck to you!![]()
Thanks, best of luck to you as well!
What date to you think you may first test?
I'm always tempted to test before AF arrives, but seeing the BFN is too painful, so I might wait until the 9th or 10th (the days when AF is supposed to arrive)...
how long have you been ttc?
Yeah, I'm planning to test the 10th if no AF, but if I "feel" pregnant, I may test a day or to early haha.
This is our 6th month trying (for baby #1). We've been really passively trying so far, so this was the first month we used OPKs and PreSeed. Hoping that it has helped!
My period is either due the 11th not by chance having weird cravings yet today all I wanted was sex and spicy food 0.o So I've been mixing everything with salsa had ramen and salsa twice today and I don't like spicy foods. Funny thing is my heartburn went away after eating the salsa so I am eating it out of the Jar.
It's strange you say that. I'm only 5dpo but I'm craving salty foods. Things like bacon etc. very weird as I normally have a sweet tooth. I could just be making this up in my head. Also got a stuffy nose today.
23DPO- Temp still up, 98.93. Cervix high, medium and closed. Gas, sore breasts. Took an HPT, negative but thought I saw a little bit of something starting to show.22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts, some cramping in uterus but doesn't feel like AF cramps19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache![]()
20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area
MAJOR UPDATE!Hi ladies! I'm jumping in here!
DPO 1: No symptoms. Felt great.
DPO 2: Dizzy, thirsty, increased urge to pee, mild cramping
DPO 3: Sharp cramps on left side only, creamy CM
That's where I am now. AF is due the 10th. Will update as I go
I told myself I wouldn't do this again, but here I am!
This cycle I had far fewer symptoms to note since O, but I had a big dip today leaving me really hopeful, so...
1DPO -hot flashes all day, tender BBs
2DPO -watery CM
3DPO -exhausted and napped in afternoon
4DPO -a lot of watery CM, exhausted and slept almost 14 hours total
5DPO -tender BBs
6DPO -nausea and threw up a few times in morning, more napping
7DPO -sore BBs, slight cramp feeling low in the middle (maybe GI though?) almost 6tenths drop in temp from yesterday to 97.33, well below cover line. Hoping it will end up being an implantation dip! (A few hours later I'm up to 98.34)
Omg, I am really excited now, because I starting having slight cramping in the late afternoon and now at midnight have pink spotting with a couple tiny specks of red!
10 DPO, I still don't know what to think. I don't want to keep my hopes up, but things are strange. Either I am pregnant or something like cysts must be screwing up my cycles yet again. Tests are negative.
Since I last noted, at 7DPO, I have still been spotting. It turned red but not heavy yesterday. Today it was done, until there was bright red when I wiped at four thirty. Since then nothing again.
I've still been sleeping and napping crazy amounts yet still feel sleepy.
10dpo -a little spotting a couple of times in the day when wiping. Nothing else.
11dpo -some twinges and pulling feelings, bloating, some cramping/backache. Just a little spotting when wiping a couple of times in the day (not every.)
12dpo. -No spotting. No anything so far. Negative test, and today is when I should expect AF. Eta: I thought of one thing to add, since yesterday my nose has been pretty stuffy. Pulling/pinching feeling every so often in abdomen especially if I stretch a little bit (like lifting my arms whilst changing a shirt.) Nipples more noticeable than usual, kind of tender. No spotting at all.
13dpo -officially late!! Smudges of slight brown every so often today when wiping. Weird pangs in vagina and abdomen. Not really cramps but aching in abdomen, sides, and back. Can't really reach my cervix, but it feels closed and softer than expected, from what I could reach. Clearish, sticky, egg whitish, slightly brown CM. Boobs started to hurt Very noticeably... The nipples!
14dpo -AF MIA two days today. Mild cramp/ache throughout abdomen and lower back. Nipples sensitive. Cervix high and soft. White, lotion like, watery CM. Today we see the specialist about DF's low sperm count. I wonder if he can order a blood test for me? We are going pretty crazy.DF keeps asking me to pee on sticks, but they are all negative.
14dpo and two days late for AF, at some point in the afternoon my nipples were burning, especially the left. I also had increasing crampiness from my navel down... The whole section of torso back and front. It sucked.
15dpo, and I still test negative. Grrr. I have the same cramp like uncomfortable feeling in my entire abdomen. Which, btw, seems to basically go away if I am standing or walking. Laying down or sitting is so uncomfortable.
I can hardly reach my cervix, and it is soft. I read that the position shouldn't be used as an indicator of pregnancy, but I do find it interesting that it is not low and hard for AF.
16dpo -DF insists my BBs are a bit bigger. Some pangs. Not much. Cervix high and soft.
17dpo today -cramped and sore inside (it seems to be from BD last night. My cervix hurts.) Lower temp, but no sign of AF when checking cervix. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning. Cervix still soft and high. A little nipple burning at times.
Continuing 17dpo -was very nauseous all evening. I had a very uncomfortable cramping feeling that was hard to describe, but it felt like I was about to poop although it couldn't and did not actually have to. I guess I'd call it pressure? I was also very sore in the cervix region.
18dpo -not much to say at all except my temp stayed just above cover line and my cervix stayed high. I've been checking it for a few days, and there is increasing amounts of thin, white CM, and I cannot manage to find the os ever. It feels closed, maybe, but looking is not working out.
Today is 19dpo. 7 or 8 days late for AF?
My temp is near cover line, like the past couple of days, and I feel nothing much in the way of symptoms any longer. Tomorrow I see the doctor, and I am so glad to find out what is going on, because I don't really think I am pregnant at this point. Perhaps I never really ovulated?
A LH test today was very negative. No sign of AF arriving.