Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue
14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache
16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way :(
17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good
18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night
19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN :?

20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area
22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts, some cramping in uterus but doesn't feel like AF cramps
23DPO- Temp still up, 98.93. Cervix high, medium and closed. Gas, sore breasts. Took an HPT, negative but thought I saw a little bit of something starting to show.

The suspense is killing me! :happydance:
I told myself I wouldn't do this again, but here I am!

This cycle I had far fewer symptoms to note since O, but I had a big dip today leaving me really hopeful, so...

1DPO -hot flashes all day, tender BBs
2DPO -watery CM
3DPO -exhausted and napped in afternoon
4DPO -a lot of watery CM, exhausted and slept almost 14 hours total
5DPO -tender BBs
6DPO -nausea and threw up a few times in morning, more napping
7DPO -sore BBs, slight cramp feeling low in the middle (maybe GI though?) almost 6tenths drop in temp from yesterday to 97.33, well below cover line. Hoping it will end up being an implantation dip! (A few hours later I'm up to 98.34)
Omg, I am really excited now, because I starting having slight cramping in the late afternoon and now at midnight have pink spotting with a couple tiny specks of red!
10 DPO, I still don't know what to think. I don't want to keep my hopes up, but things are strange. Either I am pregnant or something like cysts must be screwing up my cycles yet again. Tests are negative.
Since I last noted, at 7DPO, I have still been spotting. It turned red but not heavy yesterday. Today it was done, until there was bright red when I wiped at four thirty. Since then nothing again.
I've still been sleeping and napping crazy amounts yet still feel sleepy.
10dpo -a little spotting a couple of times in the day when wiping. Nothing else.
11dpo -some twinges and pulling feelings, bloating, some cramping/backache. Just a little spotting when wiping a couple of times in the day (not every.)
12dpo. -No spotting. No anything so far. Negative test, and today is when I should expect AF. Eta: I thought of one thing to add, since yesterday my nose has been pretty stuffy. Pulling/pinching feeling every so often in abdomen especially if I stretch a little bit (like lifting my arms whilst changing a shirt.) Nipples more noticeable than usual, kind of tender. No spotting at all.
13dpo -officially late!! Smudges of slight brown every so often today when wiping. Weird pangs in vagina and abdomen. Not really cramps but aching in abdomen, sides, and back. Can't really reach my cervix, but it feels closed and softer than expected, from what I could reach. Clearish, sticky, egg whitish, slightly brown CM. Boobs started to hurt Very noticeably... The nipples!
14dpo -AF MIA two days today. Mild cramp/ache throughout abdomen and lower back. Nipples sensitive. Cervix high and soft. White, lotion like, watery CM. Today we see the specialist about DF's low sperm count. I wonder if he can order a blood test for me? We are going pretty crazy. :D DF keeps asking me to pee on sticks, but they are all negative.
14dpo and two days late for AF, at some point in the afternoon my nipples were burning, especially the left. I also had increasing crampiness from my navel down... The whole section of torso back and front. It sucked.
15dpo, and I still test negative. Grrr. I have the same cramp like uncomfortable feeling in my entire abdomen. Which, btw, seems to basically go away if I am standing or walking. Laying down or sitting is so uncomfortable.
I can hardly reach my cervix, and it is soft. I read that the position shouldn't be used as an indicator of pregnancy, but I do find it interesting that it is not low and hard for AF.
16dpo -DF insists my BBs are a bit bigger. Some pangs. Not much. Cervix high and soft.
17dpo today -cramped and sore inside (it seems to be from BD last night. My cervix hurts.) Lower temp, but no sign of AF when checking cervix. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning. Cervix still soft and high. A little nipple burning at times.

Continuing 17dpo -was very nauseous all evening. I had a very uncomfortable cramping feeling that was hard to describe, but it felt like I was about to poop although it couldn't and did not actually have to. I guess I'd call it pressure? I was also very sore in the cervix region.

18dpo -not much to say at all except my temp stayed just above cover line and my cervix stayed high. I've been checking it for a few days, and there is increasing amounts of thin, white CM, and I cannot manage to find the os ever. It feels closed, maybe, but looking is not working out.

Today is 19dpo. 7 or 8 days late for AF?
My temp is near cover line, like the past couple of days, and I feel nothing much in the way of symptoms any longer. Tomorrow I see the doctor, and I am so glad to find out what is going on, because I don't really think I am pregnant at this point. Perhaps I never really ovulated?
A LH test today was very negative. No sign of AF arriving.

I know exactly how you feel!!

All the above sounds exactly like mine. The only real thing I have now though is bloating, I can't sit comfortably in any of my trousers at all, I have to have them undone. And still loss of appetite. I can be starving and even the thought of food makes me feel eurrgh! I have a small amount and then I'm stuffed and can't eat no more which then leaves me feeling even more uncomfortable.
But I don't 'feel' pregnant now? Before I was with all the symptoms but now they've eased off and I suppose with the BFN's I'm not as optimistic.

I had nurse app today and she's sending me for blood test tomorrow morning so have to wait till Monday for result.

The worst thing with me is I had the implanon in for 5 years before TTC so there's a chance all my symptoms are all either in my head or its my body getting back into the flow of things. :shrug:
I have had 3 normal periods since having it out though with no issues.

Now 10 days late, last HPT was Sunday (7 days) and was BFN.

Just wait and see I suppose.

My fingers are crossed for you all. Xx
I told myself I wouldn't do this again, but here I am!

This cycle I had far fewer symptoms to note since O, but I had a big dip today leaving me really hopeful, so...

1DPO -hot flashes all day, tender BBs
2DPO -watery CM
3DPO -exhausted and napped in afternoon
4DPO -a lot of watery CM, exhausted and slept almost 14 hours total
5DPO -tender BBs
6DPO -nausea and threw up a few times in morning, more napping
7DPO -sore BBs, slight cramp feeling low in the middle (maybe GI though?) almost 6tenths drop in temp from yesterday to 97.33, well below cover line. Hoping it will end up being an implantation dip! (A few hours later I'm up to 98.34)
Omg, I am really excited now, because I starting having slight cramping in the late afternoon and now at midnight have pink spotting with a couple tiny specks of red!
10 DPO, I still don't know what to think. I don't want to keep my hopes up, but things are strange. Either I am pregnant or something like cysts must be screwing up my cycles yet again. Tests are negative.
Since I last noted, at 7DPO, I have still been spotting. It turned red but not heavy yesterday. Today it was done, until there was bright red when I wiped at four thirty. Since then nothing again.
I've still been sleeping and napping crazy amounts yet still feel sleepy.
10dpo -a little spotting a couple of times in the day when wiping. Nothing else.
11dpo -some twinges and pulling feelings, bloating, some cramping/backache. Just a little spotting when wiping a couple of times in the day (not every.)
12dpo. -No spotting. No anything so far. Negative test, and today is when I should expect AF. Eta: I thought of one thing to add, since yesterday my nose has been pretty stuffy. Pulling/pinching feeling every so often in abdomen especially if I stretch a little bit (like lifting my arms whilst changing a shirt.) Nipples more noticeable than usual, kind of tender. No spotting at all.
13dpo -officially late!! Smudges of slight brown every so often today when wiping. Weird pangs in vagina and abdomen. Not really cramps but aching in abdomen, sides, and back. Can't really reach my cervix, but it feels closed and softer than expected, from what I could reach. Clearish, sticky, egg whitish, slightly brown CM. Boobs started to hurt Very noticeably... The nipples!
14dpo -AF MIA two days today. Mild cramp/ache throughout abdomen and lower back. Nipples sensitive. Cervix high and soft. White, lotion like, watery CM. Today we see the specialist about DF's low sperm count. I wonder if he can order a blood test for me? We are going pretty crazy. :D DF keeps asking me to pee on sticks, but they are all negative.
14dpo and two days late for AF, at some point in the afternoon my nipples were burning, especially the left. I also had increasing crampiness from my navel down... The whole section of torso back and front. It sucked.
15dpo, and I still test negative. Grrr. I have the same cramp like uncomfortable feeling in my entire abdomen. Which, btw, seems to basically go away if I am standing or walking. Laying down or sitting is so uncomfortable.
I can hardly reach my cervix, and it is soft. I read that the position shouldn't be used as an indicator of pregnancy, but I do find it interesting that it is not low and hard for AF.
16dpo -DF insists my BBs are a bit bigger. Some pangs. Not much. Cervix high and soft.
17dpo today -cramped and sore inside (it seems to be from BD last night. My cervix hurts.) Lower temp, but no sign of AF when checking cervix. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning. Cervix still soft and high. A little nipple burning at times.

Continuing 17dpo -was very nauseous all evening. I had a very uncomfortable cramping feeling that was hard to describe, but it felt like I was about to poop although it couldn't and did not actually have to. I guess I'd call it pressure? I was also very sore in the cervix region.

18dpo -not much to say at all except my temp stayed just above cover line and my cervix stayed high. I've been checking it for a few days, and there is increasing amounts of thin, white CM, and I cannot manage to find the os ever. It feels closed, maybe, but looking is not working out.

Today is 19dpo. 7 or 8 days late for AF?
My temp is near cover line, like the past couple of days, and I feel nothing much in the way of symptoms any longer. Tomorrow I see the doctor, and I am so glad to find out what is going on, because I don't really think I am pregnant at this point. Perhaps I never really ovulated?
A LH test today was very negative. No sign of AF arriving.

I know exactly how you feel!!

All the above sounds exactly like mine. The only real thing I have now though is bloating, I can't sit comfortably in any of my trousers at all, I have to have them undone. And still loss of appetite. I can be starving and even the thought of food makes me feel eurrgh! I have a small amount and then I'm stuffed and can't eat no more which then leaves me feeling even more uncomfortable.
But I don't 'feel' pregnant now? Before I was with all the symptoms but now they've eased off and I suppose with the BFN's I'm not as optimistic.

I had nurse app today and she's sending me for blood test tomorrow morning so have to wait till Monday for result.

The worst thing with me is I had the implanon in for 5 years before TTC so there's a chance all my symptoms are all either in my head or its my body getting back into the flow of things. :shrug:
I have had 3 normal periods since having it out though with no issues.

Now 10 days late, last HPT was Sunday (7 days) and was BFN.

Just wait and see I suppose.

My fingers are crossed for you all. Xx

You're pretty strong to not be testing again until your appointment - I'd be testing like a maniac if I were you! :winkwink:
I told myself I wouldn't do this again, but here I am!

This cycle I had far fewer symptoms to note since O, but I had a big dip today leaving me really hopeful, so...

1DPO -hot flashes all day, tender BBs
2DPO -watery CM
3DPO -exhausted and napped in afternoon
4DPO -a lot of watery CM, exhausted and slept almost 14 hours total
5DPO -tender BBs
6DPO -nausea and threw up a few times in morning, more napping
7DPO -sore BBs, slight cramp feeling low in the middle (maybe GI though?) almost 6tenths drop in temp from yesterday to 97.33, well below cover line. Hoping it will end up being an implantation dip! (A few hours later I'm up to 98.34)
Omg, I am really excited now, because I starting having slight cramping in the late afternoon and now at midnight have pink spotting with a couple tiny specks of red!
10 DPO, I still don't know what to think. I don't want to keep my hopes up, but things are strange. Either I am pregnant or something like cysts must be screwing up my cycles yet again. Tests are negative.
Since I last noted, at 7DPO, I have still been spotting. It turned red but not heavy yesterday. Today it was done, until there was bright red when I wiped at four thirty. Since then nothing again.
I've still been sleeping and napping crazy amounts yet still feel sleepy.
10dpo -a little spotting a couple of times in the day when wiping. Nothing else.
11dpo -some twinges and pulling feelings, bloating, some cramping/backache. Just a little spotting when wiping a couple of times in the day (not every.)
12dpo. -No spotting. No anything so far. Negative test, and today is when I should expect AF. Eta: I thought of one thing to add, since yesterday my nose has been pretty stuffy. Pulling/pinching feeling every so often in abdomen especially if I stretch a little bit (like lifting my arms whilst changing a shirt.) Nipples more noticeable than usual, kind of tender. No spotting at all.
13dpo -officially late!! Smudges of slight brown every so often today when wiping. Weird pangs in vagina and abdomen. Not really cramps but aching in abdomen, sides, and back. Can't really reach my cervix, but it feels closed and softer than expected, from what I could reach. Clearish, sticky, egg whitish, slightly brown CM. Boobs started to hurt Very noticeably... The nipples!
14dpo -AF MIA two days today. Mild cramp/ache throughout abdomen and lower back. Nipples sensitive. Cervix high and soft. White, lotion like, watery CM. Today we see the specialist about DF's low sperm count. I wonder if he can order a blood test for me? We are going pretty crazy. :D DF keeps asking me to pee on sticks, but they are all negative.
14dpo and two days late for AF, at some point in the afternoon my nipples were burning, especially the left. I also had increasing crampiness from my navel down... The whole section of torso back and front. It sucked.
15dpo, and I still test negative. Grrr. I have the same cramp like uncomfortable feeling in my entire abdomen. Which, btw, seems to basically go away if I am standing or walking. Laying down or sitting is so uncomfortable.
I can hardly reach my cervix, and it is soft. I read that the position shouldn't be used as an indicator of pregnancy, but I do find it interesting that it is not low and hard for AF.
16dpo -DF insists my BBs are a bit bigger. Some pangs. Not much. Cervix high and soft.
17dpo today -cramped and sore inside (it seems to be from BD last night. My cervix hurts.) Lower temp, but no sign of AF when checking cervix. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning. Cervix still soft and high. A little nipple burning at times.

Continuing 17dpo -was very nauseous all evening. I had a very uncomfortable cramping feeling that was hard to describe, but it felt like I was about to poop although it couldn't and did not actually have to. I guess I'd call it pressure? I was also very sore in the cervix region.

18dpo -not much to say at all except my temp stayed just above cover line and my cervix stayed high. I've been checking it for a few days, and there is increasing amounts of thin, white CM, and I cannot manage to find the os ever. It feels closed, maybe, but looking is not working out.

Today is 19dpo. 7 or 8 days late for AF?
My temp is near cover line, like the past couple of days, and I feel nothing much in the way of symptoms any longer. Tomorrow I see the doctor, and I am so glad to find out what is going on, because I don't really think I am pregnant at this point. Perhaps I never really ovulated?
A LH test today was very negative. No sign of AF arriving.

I know exactly how you feel!!

All the above sounds exactly like mine. The only real thing I have now though is bloating, I can't sit comfortably in any of my trousers at all, I have to have them undone. And still loss of appetite. I can be starving and even the thought of food makes me feel eurrgh! I have a small amount and then I'm stuffed and can't eat no more which then leaves me feeling even more uncomfortable.
But I don't 'feel' pregnant now? Before I was with all the symptoms but now they've eased off and I suppose with the BFN's I'm not as optimistic.

I had nurse app today and she's sending me for blood test tomorrow morning so have to wait till Monday for result.

The worst thing with me is I had the implanon in for 5 years before TTC so there's a chance all my symptoms are all either in my head or its my body getting back into the flow of things. :shrug:
I have had 3 normal periods since having it out though with no issues.

Now 10 days late, last HPT was Sunday (7 days) and was BFN.

Just wait and see I suppose.

My fingers are crossed for you all. Xx

You're pretty strong to not be testing again until your appointment - I'd be testing like a maniac if I were you! :winkwink:

Oh believe me I want to!I've figured the blood test will give a difinitive answer so might as well wait. Can't stand to see more BFNs in the hope they may be wrong. :cry:

We'll see

I know exactly how you feel!!

All the above sounds exactly like mine. The only real thing I have now though is bloating, I can't sit comfortably in any of my trousers at all, I have to have them undone. And still loss of appetite. I can be starving and even the thought of food makes me feel eurrgh! I have a small amount and then I'm stuffed and can't eat no more which then leaves me feeling even more uncomfortable.
But I don't 'feel' pregnant now? Before I was with all the symptoms but now they've eased off and I suppose with the BFN's I'm not as optimistic.

I had nurse app today and she's sending me for blood test tomorrow morning so have to wait till Monday for result.

The worst thing with me is I had the implanon in for 5 years before TTC so there's a chance all my symptoms are all either in my head or its my body getting back into the flow of things. :shrug:
I have had 3 normal periods since having it out though with no issues.

Now 10 days late, last HPT was Sunday (7 days) and was BFN.

Just wait and see I suppose.

My fingers are crossed for you all. Xx
I'm 6days late, 23DPO, and I tested this morning and got another BFN, I'm waiting until my apt on Tuesday to find out too. Hate seeing BFNs :? Good luck!

The suspense is killing me! :happydance:

You and me both!
hi everyone! hope I can join too! :wave:

here are my symptoms so far (only my first month trying :) )

1dpo: not much, maybe a bit bloated, a bit of clear watery cm
2dpo: gassy, dizzy
3dpo: pulling feeling in uterus, bloated, gassy
4dpo: twinges on left side, sensitive nipples, bloated
5dpo: sore nipples, cramps, irritable, vivid dreams
6dpo: bleeding gums, very sore nipples, tired, could not fall asleep, creamy cm
7dpo: sore nipples, very bloated, dizzy spells. I think my veins in my chest are more apparent, lots of creamy cm
8dpo: could not sleep again last night, nipples still sore, moodiness, lots of creamy cm
9dpo: still lots of creamy cm, cervix is low, closed and firm. nipples a bit sore, sleeplessness
10dpo: sore nipples, creamy cm, cervix mid-high closed and firm. certain foods taste funny
11dpo: very little cm and dry, cp is high somewhat hard and closed, nipples still sore
12dpo: same as 11dpo, very tired today, headache
13dpo: not much today, tired, sore throat, hardly any cm but feeling more watery, cervix is higher now and softer :shrug:
14dpo: nothing to report :( no cm, cervix is all over the place, feeling totally normal, just still not sleeping, hungry a lot

BFN on IC again this morning
Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance for the long post. It's been a few months since I have posted here. My OH moved to America for 4 months for work but he's back now and this is my first TWW since he's home.

I'm not sure when I O'd this month as I didn't use OPK but I did have slight ovary pains on the 19th. I will give a small run down as I am having a strange cycle this time round. My cycles vary from 28-32 days and my last two cycles were 29 days, today is CD30. Every month for as long as I can remember I would always get a warning that AF is on the way about a week before... slight cramping and sore bb's never fail to show. So...

Made my usual Shepard's pie, I couldn't eat it because it tasted off. My OH said it tasted fine.

First cup of tea in the morning was poured down the sink, I thought the milk might be off because it tasted funny.
Increased appetite.

Noticing strong smells in work, strange taste in my mouth with food and without.
Increased appetite
Backache (could be to playing on the wii the day before)

BFN (I couldn't resist)
Strong smells
Very gassy (tmi)
Increased appetite.

Increased appetite
Very moody everyone seems to be irritating me.
Cried my eyes out watching a reality TV show :cry:

The strange thing for me this month is that I have had no AF like cramps at all not even one and my bb's are not one bit sore (but they are very warm). This is very unusual for me. I will keep you all posted anyway over the coming days. I plan to wait until Sunday CD33 to test again (that's what i plan anyway lol)

Best of luck to everyone
:dust: :dust: :dust:
I've been obsessing and reading this thread like crazy so I thought I'd join in :p
I'm very new to this so please bare with me :shy:
I've been TTC for 3 months now, well TTC actively for 2

My cycle is 24-28 days and as of now 8dpo(estimate of suspected ovulation)
Here are my symptoms (Sorry if TMI) <= consider this your warning :winkwink:

1dpo: cervix is about medium-hard(more medium?)feels closed. Less cm than yest. kinda sticky but white and thicker than yest.light cramps mostly on left side. I felt a cpl of pinches on left side above pelvis.I feel fat and bloated. Low flowing feeling.

2dpo:decreased thicker cm. Cervix is medium high feels softer than yest but closed. I think I ovulated wed-thurs(prob thurs. I had major cramps yest.which makes me think i ovulated. I feel better today.

3dpo:Feel much better! cervix felt pretty soft and high.

4dpo: cervix feels pretty soft but not extremely but I'm pretty dry. I'm pretty gassy but i think thats from swallowing a lot of air. Kinda crampy like af. Lower back pain. Skin break out. Vivid weird dream

5dpo: I have light constant cramps. I have little cm and its thick like creamy then it progressed over the day with thick creamy but a little was globby clear a stretched like 1-2 inches . My cervix is about a pointer finger deep and feels soft but firm?? I know.. I feel like im having period cramps. Today way more than yest. Cramping mostly on the left, comes and goes. Earlier it was on both sides. Lower back pain.The sides of my boobs(ribs,underarms) hurt when i press against them. Cervix feels kinda velvety but i did read that thats what a pregnant cervix feels like n i might just be convincing myself of that or i never really thought of the texture before.Hungry but feel too full to eat.Stuffy nose at 10pm for about an hour. Thirsty. Constipated. Skin break out.

6dpo: At 12:00am I had craving for vegetables and made brussel sprouts.Sneeze attack 9-10am. Really getting impatient...I want to poas but i know that will be a waste. My cm is white milky texture but a little thicker than milk and increased since yesterday. No cramps this morning but started around 6pm(thru 1am) after farting alot the cramps subsided :haha: (sorry). armpits still little tender, sort of feels swollen. Btw: NEVER had the armpit thing before... 3:30pm Cervix is back hard again and somewhat low-med. Still feels velvety. My cm was a mixture of dry feeling only a little bit cm less than this morning Cm- less than this morning kinda dry, sticky, had a little(pencil tip or 2) glob of clear stuff. 3:57 a few sharp pains on the right side near suspected ovary(maybe a little left of it nearer to bellybutton) lasting a second each time but in knocking pains(the best I can do to decribe it.), kinda hurts enough to make me cringe. Very irritated. I just had the urge to cry. Thirsty, not the whole day tho. Gassy. Bloated. Vivid weird dream. Having trouble sleeping. Disrupted sleep.

7dpo: Sneeze attack in the morning. Armpits still a little tender. Cm white,sticky, peaky, still kinda stretches. Cervix: still velvety, soft, under nail deep(first knuckle).Cervix feels less velvety and hard now:(.Boobs maybe a little fuller?Had gas last night and i think thats what made my belly cramps. Vivid dreams. Spouts of sudden thirst. Haven't been sleeping well for awhile. Feel like my period is about to start. Past few days I have had sharp pains/twinges in breast(imagination?)I definitely had them in stomach. Fried eggplant spaghetti tasted like feet(I usually love it but it tasted weird but could be because i didnt make it?) 11:40 starting to have cramps(maybe gas from spaghetti?)Strange stabbing in forehead first on left then on right. At 11:59pm stabbing pain right lower back. Can't sleep.

8dpo: 1:16 am Sharp pain in uterus area lasting only a second. Lower back ache. Bloated. Shooting pains right side in uterus area lasting a few seconds.

Still working on day 8 since it is 1:20am. Still can't sleep :growlmad:
I have had nausea a few mornings during this time but i didn't chart it for some reason. Note: Never had side boob/underarm pain before AF ever. Could be AF but feels different. Although, I'll probably say that every 2WW :blush: I hate the 2WW I tend to over analyze every little thing that is happening with my body :dohh:

Gonna try to get some sleep now...

Good luck everyone!!! Praying for :bfp: for all of us soon!!!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Warning : Rant alert.

1 day til AF due.

Can someone pls make me stop thinking about the witch. No symptoms today just a big fat headache right now and a big fat feeling thay the witch is coming tomorrow. Very emotional today prolly becos i keep feeling dat AF is gonna come tomorrow. Feeling very2 low. Huge fight with DH due to my stupid mouth. Have been cryinh since 6pm non stop. Its now close to 10pm where i am. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue

14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache

16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way :(

17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good

18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night

19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN :?

20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area

22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts, some cramping in uterus but doesn't feel like AF cramps

23DPO- Temp still up, 98.93. Cervix high, medium and closed. Gas, sore breasts. Took an HPT, negative but thought I saw a little bit of something starting to show.

24DPO- well, HUGE temp drop so AF will probably be here soon, cervix still high soft and closed so no idea when
1DPO-Cramps, backache, sleeplessness, frequent urination
2DPO-Bloating, mild cramps, diarrhea, sleeplessness
3DPO-Bloating, gas, Headache, diarrhea, increased cm
4DPO-Didn't take note
5DPO-Didn't take note
6DPO-Mild cramping, achy muscles, backache, headache, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue
7DPO-Bloating, mild cramping, backache, headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, diarrhea, increased cm, nausea
8DPO-Mild cramps, backache, frequent urination, sleeplessness
9DPO-Mild cramping, fatigues, frequent urination, chills, BBT dip
10DPO-Gas, Mild cramps, anxious, heat sensitivity, sleeplessness, increased cm, nausea
11DPO-Bloating, gas, mild cramps, overly-emotional, light headed, sore throat, heat sensitivity, frequent urination, nausea
12DPO-Bloating, backache, irritable, sore throat, itchy eyes, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
13DPO-Runny nose, itchy eyes, hot flash, sleeplessness, constipation, increased cm, nausea, BBT spike, was eating a burger from Wendy's and after a few bites it started to taste funky and i couldn't make myself finish it, sore teeth and gums, fatigue
14DPO-Heat sensitivity, frequent urination, fatigue, sleeplessness
15DPO-Frequent urination, intense gas pains, gas, sleeplessness, bloated, backache
16DPO-BFN, temp dropping, cervix high, firm and closed, less cm, nausea, extremely emotional. pretty sure AF is on her way :(
17DPO- temp up to 98.80 again, but thinking it may have to do with poor sleep due to gas pains and aching and twinges in my uterus and cervix. The pulling and aching pains last all day. Cervix is still high and closed but more medium than firm. Dumped a whole bowl of cereal because one bite made me want to puke, then choked down a salad at lunch even though it didn't taste good
18DPO- Temp 98.79, gas, cramping & aching pains have gone away, cervix is even higher,medium and closed, dry cm, quick sharp pain when getting up to fast at night
19DPO- temp down by .1, cervix still high,medium and closed. Pretty dry cm, dull cramping in uterus, , sensitive teeth, moody, still BFN :?

20DPO- Temp back at 98.79, cervix high, soft and closed. creamy cm again. napped all day, decreased appetite, nausea, sensitive teeth, frequent urination, small cramps, cats all over me, really bloated, gas
21DPO- Temp at its highest 99.01, cervix high,firm and closed. Still creamy cm. Frequent urination, sensitivity to smell, bloated, sore breasts especially on sides/armpit area
22DPO- Temp 98.85, cervix high,medium and closed. Creamy cm. frequent urination, gas, vivid dreams, sore breasts, some cramping in uterus but doesn't feel like AF cramps
23DPO- Temp still up, 98.93. Cervix high, medium and closed. Gas, sore breasts. Took an HPT, negative but thought I saw a little bit of something starting to show.
24DPO- well, HUGE temp drop so AF will probably be here soon, cervix still high soft and closed so no idea when

So sorry! :nope:
It's not over until it's over, though. Good luck!
hi everyone! hope I can join too! :wave:

here are my symptoms so far (only my first month trying :) )

1dpo: not much, maybe a bit bloated, a bit of clear watery cm
2dpo: gassy, dizzy
3dpo: pulling feeling in uterus, bloated, gassy
4dpo: twinges on left side, sensitive nipples, bloated
5dpo: sore nipples, cramps, irritable, vivid dreams
6dpo: bleeding gums, very sore nipples, tired, could not fall asleep, creamy cm
7dpo: sore nipples, very bloated, dizzy spells. I think my veins in my chest are more apparent, lots of creamy cm
8dpo: could not sleep again last night, nipples still sore, moodiness, lots of creamy cm
9dpo: still lots of creamy cm, cervix is low, closed and firm. nipples a bit sore, sleeplessness
10dpo: sore nipples, creamy cm, cervix mid-high closed and firm. certain foods taste funny
11dpo: very little cm and dry, cp is high somewhat hard and closed, nipples still sore
12dpo: same as 11dpo, very tired today, headache
13dpo: not much today, tired, sore throat, hardly any cm but feeling more watery, cervix is higher now and softer :shrug:
14dpo: nothing to report :( no cm, cervix is all over the place, feeling totally normal, just still not sleeping, hungry a lot
15dpo: feeling like AF is coming. boobs feel full, no cm, sleeplessness again!!

Again BFN on IC this morning booooo
hi everyone! hope I can join too! :wave:

here are my symptoms so far (only my first month trying :) )

1dpo: not much, maybe a bit bloated, a bit of clear watery cm
2dpo: gassy, dizzy
3dpo: pulling feeling in uterus, bloated, gassy
4dpo: twinges on left side, sensitive nipples, bloated
5dpo: sore nipples, cramps, irritable, vivid dreams
6dpo: bleeding gums, very sore nipples, tired, could not fall asleep, creamy cm
7dpo: sore nipples, very bloated, dizzy spells. I think my veins in my chest are more apparent, lots of creamy cm
8dpo: could not sleep again last night, nipples still sore, moodiness, lots of creamy cm
9dpo: still lots of creamy cm, cervix is low, closed and firm. nipples a bit sore, sleeplessness
10dpo: sore nipples, creamy cm, cervix mid-high closed and firm. certain foods taste funny
11dpo: very little cm and dry, cp is high somewhat hard and closed, nipples still sore
12dpo: same as 11dpo, very tired today, headache
13dpo: not much today, tired, sore throat, hardly any cm but feeling more watery, cervix is higher now and softer :shrug:
14dpo: nothing to report :( no cm, cervix is all over the place, feeling totally normal, just still not sleeping, hungry a lot
15dpo: feeling like AF is coming. boobs feel full, no cm, sleeplessness again!!

Again BFN on IC this morning booooo

is AF overdue?
Hi Ladies, I will also join in with DPO

4 DPO- heartburn
5 DPO- heartburn, increased appetite
6 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, moody, headache
7 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, backache, achy legs, sleepiness
8 DPO- lightheaded, headache, acne, cramps, moody, vivid dreams, gassy
9DPO- bloating, moody, cramps

I think AF will come soon since I am having cramps off and on. It is due between 8/5-8/8. I had a dip in my temp at 7 DPO but on 8 DPO it went right back up. I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring. Maybe AF is on her way in a few days.
I've been TTC for 7 months now. I had a chem.pregnancy in march 2013.
My periods are extremely regular, always 28 days cycle.

Here are my symptoms:

1-2 dpo: moody

3 to 8 dpo: sore boobs like crazy, moody, bubbles in my uterus.

9 dpo: no more sore boobs :( BUT I had af type cramps at night while sleeping. I thought af was in town... It could be implantation pain....right?

10 dpo: weird nipples, ovulation type pain on my left side going all the way down to my legs. No cramping. Uterus feels full. I must eat every 4 hungry.

11 dpo : sorry, tmi - I saw my dog eat his own poop this morning. Made me throw up within 10 seconds. No cramping, uterus feels full. Still hungry. Cried because I was angry at something.

I'm going to test only if I'm late. Like I said, my cycle is so regular that I'll know if I'm pregnant if I miss a few days.

So, cervix has started to open and starting to spot. Pretty sure AF will hit full force tomorrow morning :?
I'm 6dpo and have just had a temperature dip and period type cramps. Hoping this is implantation!!!
14dpo and no symptoms at all today. Only paranoia.. i thought AF came but it was only cm
Hoping it'll stay away.......... Almost driving myself crazy with every 'drip' that i feel 'down there'.

Feeling hopeful tho.
hi everyone! hope I can join too! :wave:

here are my symptoms so far (only my first month trying :) )

1dpo: not much, maybe a bit bloated, a bit of clear watery cm
2dpo: gassy, dizzy
3dpo: pulling feeling in uterus, bloated, gassy
4dpo: twinges on left side, sensitive nipples, bloated
5dpo: sore nipples, cramps, irritable, vivid dreams
6dpo: bleeding gums, very sore nipples, tired, could not fall asleep, creamy cm
7dpo: sore nipples, very bloated, dizzy spells. I think my veins in my chest are more apparent, lots of creamy cm
8dpo: could not sleep again last night, nipples still sore, moodiness, lots of creamy cm
9dpo: still lots of creamy cm, cervix is low, closed and firm. nipples a bit sore, sleeplessness
10dpo: sore nipples, creamy cm, cervix mid-high closed and firm. certain foods taste funny
11dpo: very little cm and dry, cp is high somewhat hard and closed, nipples still sore
12dpo: same as 11dpo, very tired today, headache
13dpo: not much today, tired, sore throat, hardly any cm but feeling more watery, cervix is higher now and softer :shrug:
14dpo: nothing to report :( no cm, cervix is all over the place, feeling totally normal, just still not sleeping, hungry a lot
15dpo: feeling like AF is coming. boobs feel full, no cm, sleeplessness again!!

witch got me today! but happy to have a 29 day cycle ;)

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