Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

So I haven't officially listed my symptoms yet so here goes...
7dpo: sore boobs, emotional, BFN
8dpo: sore boobs, crying for no reason (not unusual with AF), twinging pains in lower right abdomen, white, creamy/watery cm, nausea in the evening before bed
9dpo: VERY sore boobs, again! same twinges BFN, white/yellow creamy cm, again nausea in the evening, allergies!
10dpo: sore boobs, feeling totally bloated and gassy today (TMI, sorry), also feeling not very positive about the outcome this month, kept feeling like i'd peed my pants, not hungry this morning but very nauseated later in the morning (10am maybe), allergies, tested FRER: BFN :(
11dpo: lower backache, sore boobs, terrible allergies/cold?, bloated, twinges, AF cramps and spotting :( feeling bummed
12dpo: sooo stuffy (allergies?) last night I hardly slept :(, tender boobies, acne showing up making me think AF is around the corner, keep feeling like I have
started AF and running to the loo to check, bloated (to the point where it hurts to button my jeans!) and craving chocolates, having weird heart palpations?
13dpo: heavy/swollen/sore boobs, acne, bloated, exhausted, nipples constantly hard even though it's 50 degrees here--weird! tested FRER: BFN :(
14dpo: sore boobs, oh the acne!....AF is coming, just where is she?
15dpo: oh. there she is.
Hey Everyone hope you don't mind if I join :0). I am currently 10dpo, here's my symptoms.

4dpo: Constipation (sorry tmi) I've just never been constipated in my life

5dpo: Same as above but not as bad

6dpo: Same as above, Cramping in the evening (8 days before af due very unusual for me)

7dpo: bb's slightly tender at the sides but only to touch, Cramping on and off every few hours during the day and again while in bed (very light but noticeable).

8dpo: Cramping, Light sharpish pain in right ovary, twinges and and off, slight pulling sensations every so often.

9dpo: bb's feeling heavier and slightly tender at sides, light cramps in the morning, cramps in the evening with twinges. Tested at 17.30 :bfn:

10dpo: Woke up to a sneezing fit, sneezing all day (sneezing as I type) with stuffy nose, Light cramping in the morning, few twinges through the day. Also feeling very wet down there (tmi) if that makes sense. Tested at 18.45 :bfn:

The things I notice different this month is how early I started cramping and that I've been cramping everyday since 6dpo. I'm not sure about the constipation (sorry tmi) but I've never had it before, I've had a little look online and some say it can be an early pregnancy sign fx'd :)

Any comments are more than welcome :happydance:

Best of luck to all you ladies waiting to test x
Hey Everyone hope you don't mind if I join :0). I am currently 10dpo, here's my symptoms.

4dpo: Constipation (sorry tmi) I've just never been constipated in my life

5dpo: Same as above but not as bad

6dpo: Same as above, Cramping in the evening (8 days before af due very unusual for me)

7dpo: bb's slightly tender at the sides but only to touch, Cramping on and off every few hours during the day and again while in bed (very light but noticeable).

8dpo: Cramping, Light sharpish pain in right ovary, twinges and and off, slight pulling sensations every so often.

9dpo: bb's feeling heavier and slightly tender at sides, light cramps in the morning, cramps in the evening with twinges. Tested at 17.30 :bfn:

10dpo: Woke up to a sneezing fit, sneezing all day (sneezing as I type) with stuffy nose, Light cramping in the morning, few twinges through the day. Also feeling very wet down there (tmi) if that makes sense. Tested at 18.45 :bfn:

The things I notice different this month is how early I started cramping and that I've been cramping everyday since 6dpo. I'm not sure about the constipation (sorry tmi) but I've never had it before, I've had a little look online and some say it can be an early pregnancy sign fx'd :)

Any comments are more than welcome :happydance:

Best of luck to all you ladies waiting to test x

Remember typically implantation happens at 9 DPO - but can happen up to 12 DPO and then takes a few days to show in urine- 3-4 days for blood and additional 2-3 for pee pee :D so you still hvae time prob just to early to test! FX'D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep us updated!
Hey Everyone hope you don't mind if I join :0). I am currently 10dpo, here's my symptoms.

4dpo: Constipation (sorry tmi) I've just never been constipated in my life

5dpo: Same as above but not as bad

6dpo: Same as above, Cramping in the evening (8 days before af due very unusual for me)

7dpo: bb's slightly tender at the sides but only to touch, Cramping on and off every few hours during the day and again while in bed (very light but noticeable).

8dpo: Cramping, Light sharpish pain in right ovary, twinges and and off, slight pulling sensations every so often.

9dpo: bb's feeling heavier and slightly tender at sides, light cramps in the morning, cramps in the evening with twinges. Tested at 17.30 :bfn:

10dpo: Woke up to a sneezing fit, sneezing all day (sneezing as I type) with stuffy nose, Light cramping in the morning, few twinges through the day. Also feeling very wet down there (tmi) if that makes sense. Tested at 18.45 :bfn:

The things I notice different this month is how early I started cramping and that I've been cramping everyday since 6dpo. I'm not sure about the constipation (sorry tmi) but I've never had it before, I've had a little look online and some say it can be an early pregnancy sign fx'd :)

Any comments are more than welcome :happydance:

Best of luck to all you ladies waiting to test x

Remember typically implantation happens at 9 DPO - but can happen up to 12 DPO and then takes a few days to show in urine- 3-4 days for blood and additional 2-3 for pee pee :D so you still hvae time prob just to early to test! FX'D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep us updated!

AF is due to arrive Monday, so I'm really going to try wait another couple of days before testing again. I have a lot of IC's on standby so it's pretty hard not to test everyday :)
Hey Everyone hope you don't mind if I join :0). I am currently 10dpo, here's my symptoms.

4dpo: Constipation (sorry tmi) I've just never been constipated in my life

5dpo: Same as above but not as bad

6dpo: Same as above, Cramping in the evening (8 days before af due very unusual for me)

7dpo: bb's slightly tender at the sides but only to touch, Cramping on and off every few hours during the day and again while in bed (very light but noticeable).

8dpo: Cramping, Light sharpish pain in right ovary, twinges and and off, slight pulling sensations every so often.

9dpo: bb's feeling heavier and slightly tender at sides, light cramps in the morning, cramps in the evening with twinges. Tested at 17.30 :bfn:

10dpo: Woke up to a sneezing fit, sneezing all day (sneezing as I type) with stuffy nose, Light cramping in the morning, few twinges through the day. Also feeling very wet down there (tmi) if that makes sense. Tested at 18.45 :bfn:

The things I notice different this month is how early I started cramping and that I've been cramping everyday since 6dpo. I'm not sure about the constipation (sorry tmi) but I've never had it before, I've had a little look online and some say it can be an early pregnancy sign fx'd :)

Any comments are more than welcome :happydance:

Best of luck to all you ladies waiting to test x

Remember typically implantation happens at 9 DPO - but can happen up to 12 DPO and then takes a few days to show in urine- 3-4 days for blood and additional 2-3 for pee pee :D so you still hvae time prob just to early to test! FX'D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep us updated!

AF is due to arrive Monday, so I'm really going to try wait another couple of days before testing again. I have a lot of IC's on standby so it's pretty hard not to test everyday :)

oh yeah - trust me I know lol - even though I know better - ive taken OPK's for the heck of it on 2 DPO!! smh LOL - but just wait- I remember finding out so early with my last pregnancy and I just remember thinking back to it now- geesh - I love the element of waiting its like christmas morning I shouldve waited until I missed my AF- so - but then im like the kid on christmas morning - cant wait for my gifts!! Lol I really wish all the best to you and you are blessed with your hearts desire What ever day it may be that you find out!! all the best!!!
Me too! I like this thread a lot, FX for us all!!!

1-6 DPO Cramping on and off both sides (like AF cramps)
7 DPO Cramping, tingling nipples, a bit of nausea
8 DPO Cramping, tingling nipples, sore lower back, nausea on and off BFN
9 DPO Cramping, tingling nipples, nausea Very questionable BFP...waiting
10 DPO Cramping, headache, nausea tested BFP
Hey girls
I've just updated my dpo's on page 7 to green as got my BFP!!!
Hope you can check my symptoms and it helps anyone in the 2WW.
Good luck to all and shoving tons of baby dust your way
i love this thread and have been following it since the start- thought i'd post my symptoms this month. Today i'm 10 dpo.

Dpo 1-3 nothing except a really foul mood on dpo 3!
Dpo 4 - dizzy and lightheaded first thing
dpo 5 - constipated, felt sick when i woke and again in afternoon. Hungry all day
dpo 6 - dizzy first thing, slight sick feeling. Pulling in tummy
dpo 7 - dizzy lots last night when up with my ds. Felt sick all afternoon. Think i have a cold coming on
dpo 8- sick feeling in pm. Heavy feeling in tummy
dpo 9 - dizzy again today, very tired had a snooze mid day with ds felt sick all day. Loose stools in morning.
Dpo 10- dizzy again. Sick feeling this morning but better this pm. Feels like i have tummy ache but not cramping!

Adding last few days...
Dpo 11- felt sick first thing. Needed a number 2 and constipated in the pm. A few cramps was sure af was gonna appear any moment. Skin itchy. Spotted last thing so thought i was def out.
Dpo 12- tested - bfn. Felt sick in pm. Cramping again. Tender boobies ( the only time in the tww) so very tired. Sore neck. The weird thing i found was a burning feeling in my tummy and legs - it's the only way i can describe it. Thought then that something was different to other months.
Dpo 13- tested v faint bfp felt sick nod cramping
dpo 13- bfp with a clear blue digi!

I'm not sure whether to test tomorrow or wait till af is due on friday. What's interesting this month is my hips have been agony the last 3 nights ( had severe spd in last pregnancy), or it could just be the cold weather.
Thinking it could go either way with me this month. 2 months ago i was convinced we were pregnant and i just came on early! I hate the 2ww!!
Good luck everyone xx

Yay Poppy!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
Testing tomorrow when AF is due, hope I have a similar result as you!!!
Yay Poppy!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
Testing tomorrow when AF is due, hope I have a similar result as you!!!

It still hasn't sunk in!! Thank you.
Ooh good luck for tomorrow - I will be stalking this thread xxx
Ive popped in and out of here and wanted to let you guys know what my symptoms were in the TWW. Youll have to fogive me, I didnt chart or use OPKs so most of these are guesstimates, but for the past three months my cycle has been 28, 29, then BFP!!!

LMP started 1/29-2/2
Im assuming I Od 2/12 or 2/13 OH and I DTD everyother day as soon as AF stopped

I really didnt notice much in the way of symptoms. At 10DPO my boobs started to get achey, they still dont hurt, but they have a dull ache to them.Around 12 DPO my lips got super crazy chapped like never before (and still are)
About 3 days ago soooo 14 DPO I lost my appetite.Comepletely gone, I dont want to eat, Im not hungry at all! For me, the loss of appetite is what clued me in. It was sooooo unusual! I waited until AF was a few days late and got my BFP this morning at 17 DPO!!!!

Hope this helps some of you ladies <3
Congrats poppy!!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months :D

SO im offically a day late and no sign of her. Two days ago i took a CBD and it said not pregnant so im hoping im to early for it to detect! I think ill test again with a FRER on sunday
Love this idea! We were not trying but, had a major ooops accident and believe i may be preg.
1 DP0 -- Very tender nipples (always happens around ov time but usually goes away within 3-4 days), Dry CM

2 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Dry CM

3 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Creamy CM

4 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Creamy CM

5 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Skin breakout (usually only happens right before AF), slight waves nausea (felt car sick), gassy, Bloated, Very vivid crazy dream (I never remember dreams usually), creamy cm

6 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Skin breakout, A little more nausea than yesterday, Very irritable (very unlike me), Gassy, Freq urination (very unlike me), Fatigue, Dizzy, CRAMPS, bloated, EMOTIONAL! Very vivid CRAZY dream, creamy cm

7 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Nausea, Increased appetite, Headache (huge symptom for me), Gassy, Freq urination, Fatigue majorly, Cramps, Bloated, PINK STRINGY CM tinged w/red ??? Emotional, Another very crazy dream

8 DPO -- (TODAY) -- Still tender nipples, Headache, Gassy, major fatigue, more cramping, still bloated, Emotional, and now BROWN STRINGY CM ??? And BFN.
Love this idea! We were not trying but, had a major ooops accident and believe i may be preg.
1 DP0 -- Very tender nipples (always happens around ov time but usually goes away within 3-4 days), Dry CM

2 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Dry CM

3 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Creamy CM

4 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Creamy CM

5 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Skin breakout (usually only happens right before AF), slight waves nausea (felt car sick), gassy, Bloated, Very vivid crazy dream (I never remember dreams usually), creamy cm

6 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Skin breakout, A little more nausea than yesterday, Very irritable (very unlike me), Gassy, Freq urination (very unlike me), Fatigue, Dizzy, CRAMPS, bloated, EMOTIONAL! Very vivid CRAZY dream, creamy cm

7 DPO -- Very tender nipples, Nausea, Increased appetite, Headache (huge symptom for me), Gassy, Freq urination, Fatigue majorly, Cramps, Bloated, PINK STRINGY CM tinged w/red ??? Emotional, Another very crazy dream

8 DPO -- (TODAY) -- Still tender nipples, Headache, Gassy, major fatigue, more cramping, still bloated, Emotional, and now BROWN STRINGY CM ??? And BFN.

8dpo is still very early to test... I tested at 9 and 10dpo with bfn's but I've read that even that's still early for testing. All my symptoms have disappeared today at 11dpo :(. My bb's are normal and cramping has stopped but I've had stuffy nose and feeling very sluggish the past 2 days. I'm feeling doubtful but I'm not counting myself out until af shows her ugly face

I have my fx'd for you
8dpo is still very early to test... I tested at 9 and 10dpo with bfn's but I've read that even that's still early for testing. All my symptoms have disappeared today at 11dpo :(. My bb's are normal and cramping has stopped but I've had stuffy nose and feeling very sluggish the past 2 days. I'm feeling doubtful but I'm not counting myself out until af shows her ugly face

I have my fx'd for you

With my DS, I had a BFP at 9 DPO, so that's why I figured maybe I'd go ahead and test. And I've read about several people whose symptoms actually disappeared around the time they got their BFP's. So, you are definitely not out. ;)

Fx'd for u too hun.
8dpo is still very early to test... I tested at 9 and 10dpo with bfn's but I've read that even that's still early for testing. All my symptoms have disappeared today at 11dpo :(. My bb's are normal and cramping has stopped but I've had stuffy nose and feeling very sluggish the past 2 days. I'm feeling doubtful but I'm not counting myself out until af shows her ugly face

I have my fx'd for you

With my DS, I had a BFP at 9 DPO, so that's why I figured maybe I'd go ahead and test. And I've read about several people whose symptoms actually disappeared around the time they got their BFP's. So, you are definitely not out. ;)

Fx'd for u too hun.

Thanks steffielee... My cramping started at 6dpo until 10dpo which is very unusual for me so that's what got my hopes up. I know this is strange but for the past week I've been getting static shocks off people and everything I touch ha ha and they're are so strong it actually hurts and would you believe I found forums with pregnant women talking about it. It might not have anything to do with pregnancy but I'm still going to add it to my symptom list ha ha

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