Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

Update for today 10DPO:
I just noticed pink spotting??? :dohh: I'm really hoping this is some weirdo version of implantation bleeding, and not AF... that would make AF 5 days early if it is, so it doesn't make sense.

Implantation happens at this time very commonly! And any spotting that I have prior to my AF is always brownish, never pink. Wishing you the best of luck!!!:happydance:

I could hug you right now haha! :hugs:
Thanks for saying that. It's possible, especially since I'm the same as you... any pre-af spotting for me is usually brown, not pink. Now - we wait!
Hi Ladies, I found out last Tuesday we're expecting an April baby (if everything goes to plan!) and here are the small amount of symptoms I had:

Lots of CM between O and about 11dpo, it started to dry up which is when I thought AF was soon to be on her way
On 5dpo I thought I had thrush and it was really bad but it then went the next day
On 6dpo I was shopping and had a really sharp pain really low but tbh, that may not have been because of implantation or anything
on 8dpo I had a nap in the afternoon which I never do
10dpo shooting pains in my chest

But, unfortunately all of these things can be attributed to AF too which is why I was convinced AF was coming but for some reason (an extreme wave of nausea at 11dpo) I decided to test just with a normal test (not a FRER or anything) and it came up straight away!

Good luck! x x

Congratulations!!! CM is drying up for me too now which was making me sad, but it's nice to see a BFP for you! SO happy for you, and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months :happydance:

Thanks very much! FX'd for you - it could be a great sign, I was super sad when i was OBSESSIVELY checking CM and CP and it seemed to be drying up. I still have some now but not huge amounts!

x x
Hi, I used to read through oodles of these when trying - here's the log I kept of the two week wait and the weeks following my BFP. I have irregular menstrual cycles and was diagnosed with a cyst on the left ovary a few months previous.My husband works away from home during the week. This was the first time we used Clearblue digital ovulation predictor and when we got our one and only smilie we each drove two hours to meet in a hotel and it worked! :) We were due to see a fertility specialist on the very day I got my first positive on a PG test. All the best to those who are reading.

TWW and BFP!!

February 12th CD 1
February 15th Day 3 bloods all within normal ranges
March 1st, 2nd, 3rd DTD once daily
March 6th + on OPK @ 7am *DTD @ 7pm, 11pm and 5.30am (elevated hips & lying for 30 mins) not much ewcm
March 8th DTD once
March 8th am last stretchy clear cm
None of AF usual boob pain or bloating (wheat?) until BFP
March 11th - 15th Wetness when wiping
March 6th - 12th Head cold & sore throat - blood when blowing nose*
March 15th Bloods @ 8.20am Progesterone 11.5, Estradiol 210
March 16th *Back pain*
** * * * * * * * * *Sore throats in am & phlegm in throat
** * * * * * * * * *mostly dry when wiping.
March 18th Ate pineapple core
March 20th 2 faint BFP on Clearblue Plus @ 6.30am
** * * * * * * * * + on OPK @ 4pm
** * * * * * * * * Pregnant 1- 2 weeks Clearblue Digital @ 4.15pm
** * * * * * * * * Appointment with Specialist cancelled
** * * * * * * * * Some stabbing pains, side of boobs sore on and off
** * * * * * * * * Awoke too hot & some sweat once, restless night
March 21st Bloods @ 9.20am faint positive on doc's test. Not FMU.
Wk 4 * * * * * + on OPK @ 5pm after 1l of water throughout the day
** * * * * * * * * Exam of tummy. Dated 5 weeks 1 day. Told Oh who was working abroad.
** * * * * * * * * More bloated, back occasionally sore
** * * * * * * * * *Twinges, stitch like pain for short bursts
** * * * * * * * * *Awoke too hot & some sweat once, restless night
March 22nd awoke @ 4.30pm,*nauseated in am, back*not so sore*
** * * * * * * * * *Negative on OPK, anxiety sets in,*Teary with OH,*dry cm
** * * * * * * * * *Awoke too hot & some sweat once, restless night
March 23rd *awoke at 5am
** * * * * * * * * *slight cramps, noticeable more when sitting than moving around
** * * * * * * * * *very very anxious
** * * * * * * * * *boobs sore under nipple and at side
** * * * * * * * * *Nauseated in am
** * * * * * * * * *Pregnant 1- 2 weeks Clearblue Digital @ 1.15pm with SMU
** * * * * * * * * *Twinges, stitch like pain for short bursts just before bedtime.
** * * * * * * * * *dry cm
March 24th awoke at 4am, felt positive until began thinking!
** * * * * * * * * Sore throat
** * * * * * * * * Scant clear cm
** * * * * * * * * Sore boobs behind nipples
** * * * * * * * * Back pain after housework
March 25th awoke at 4.30am
** * * * * * * * * Sore throat
** * * * * * * * * Slight cramps and nausea in the morn
** * * * * * * * * Flatulence after lentil soup
** * * * * * * * * Sore boobs behind nipples
March 26th restless night
** * * * * * * * * Boobs not so sore, strange dream
** * * * * * * * * Very thirsty, very dry mouth in am
** * * * * * * * * Progesterone 11.5
** * * * * * * * * Cyclogest prescribed
March 28th some clumpy yellow cm
Wk 5*
March 29th more frequent urination
** * * * * * * * * *Sore back after housework
March 31st No real symptoms (except cyclogest related), anxious
** * * * * * * * * Pregnant 2-3 weeks Clearblue Digital @ 4pm
** * * * * * * * * sensitive nipples
** * * * * * * * * Stitch like pains in side
** * * * * * * * * Awake every few hours to pee
April 1st. * * Slight pressure am
** * * * * * * * * Some clumpy yellow cm
** * * * * * * * * Sensitive nipples
** * * * * * * * * Frequent urination
April 2nd. * * So tired went to bed for nap @ 1pm
April 3rd. * * *Tired, sore boobs when pressed
** * * * * * * * * *Pregnant 3+ Clearblue Digital @ 9.30am
** * * * * * * * * *Progesterone 18
** * * * * * * * * *Blood Type B neg
April 4th. * * *Pain in hip when walking
Wk 6. * * * * * Tired, sore boobs
** * * * * * * * * *Stitch like pain in left side pm
April 8th. * * *Scan 6 weeks 1 day heartbeat!
April 25th * * OH blood type O pos
April 29th. * *Scan 8 wks 5 days little arm buds!
** * * * * * * * * *Nausea decreasing, intense hunger every few hours but can only eat*
** * * * * * * * * *small amount at a time.

Diet Changes = 2l water daily, foods to boost progesterone, no wheat, coffee or tea
Other - fire lit at weekend, very warm. Soaked feet 18th & 20th, felt calmer until BFP. Less annoyance with pregnancy ads on tv. anxiety after positive tests that it will take.*
Hi Everyone. Just jumping in and hoping to turn my text green and not red :)

I've no idea where I am in regards to DPO. I haven't had a positive OPK but I didn't when I conceived my son either.

I'm on CD38. Usually 28-32 days.

So far I've had -

*Waves of nausea
*Tender boobs but only in the last 2 days
*Stabbing type cramps
*Spotting CD15 and CD20 (Never happened before)
*Dizziness (Doctor diagnosed Labrynthitis)
*Increased Appetite
*Sore Throat
*Horrible taste in mouth
*Bleeding gums

These have been on and off since CD15

Since CD31 my CM has been creamy and cervix has been High, Medium and Closed since CD33 was High, Firm and closed CD31-32

Temperature on CD36 was 36.60 then CD37 it went to 36.86 then CD38 it went to 36.99. I'm not sure if temperatures are relevant or not?

Update -

CD39 I have experienced -

*Extremely tired although had a late night
*Off food.
* :sex: felt uncomfortable
*BFN on IC

My temperature has risen again to 37.09 and my cervix is High, Firm and Closed.

CD40 - Woke dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I have a bit of backache. I'm not in a good place emotionally today. I have never in my life had a cycle this long :( I'm just hoping and praying that a BFP is behind it!

Temperature has dipped to 36.83. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. CM is creamy with a little bit of cloudy EWCM.

Still CD40. To add - Sore throat and boobs sore behind my nipples
Hi everyone, I'm completely new to this website, and even TTC for that matter. Me and my fiancé have been together almost 5 years now and are just recently TTC. I don't know much of the lingo but everyone's posts have been so helpful! :) I'm still getting off of the depo shot since last December/January, so my AF is NEVER predictable which makes it hard to figure ovulation and when/if I'm late :( hopefully I can catch up on everything. I've just had AF about 4 days ago but am now having weird symptoms, extra tired the past few days and I can't seem to stay full! I'm hoping this could be it BUT I'm so discouraged that I can't figure my O and AF so I just have to cross my fingers and wait every month. Any advice would help! Thanks :)
...also have been having some diarrhea/tummy problems if that means anything sorry for TMI
Hi Everyone. Just jumping in and hoping to turn my text green and not red :)

I've no idea where I am in regards to DPO. I haven't had a positive OPK but I didn't when I conceived my son either.

I'm on CD38. Usually 28-32 days.

So far I've had -

*Waves of nausea
*Tender boobs but only in the last 2 days
*Stabbing type cramps
*Spotting CD15 and CD20 (Never happened before)
*Dizziness (Doctor diagnosed Labrynthitis)
*Increased Appetite
*Sore Throat
*Horrible taste in mouth
*Bleeding gums

These have been on and off since CD15

Since CD31 my CM has been creamy and cervix has been High, Medium and Closed since CD33 was High, Firm and closed CD31-32

Temperature on CD36 was 36.60 then CD37 it went to 36.86 then CD38 it went to 36.99. I'm not sure if temperatures are relevant or not?

Update -

CD39 I have experienced -

*Extremely tired although had a late night
*Off food.
* :sex: felt uncomfortable
*BFN on IC

My temperature has risen again to 37.09 and my cervix is High, Firm and Closed.

CD40 - Woke dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I have a bit of backache. I'm not in a good place emotionally today. I have never in my life had a cycle this long :( I'm just hoping and praying that a BFP is behind it!

Temperature has dipped to 36.83. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. CM is creamy with a little bit of cloudy EWCM.

Sore throat towards the end of the day and boobs sore behind my nipples.

CD41 - Woke dizzy. Tossed and turned all night. Took a Superdrug test - BFN.
Cervix is High, Firm and Closed with creamy CM. Temperature risen to 36.87.
Hey all! Haven't posted on this thread for a few cycles as was taking a break. In the TWW again now, but not that hopeful as only managed to BD once around 5 days before O. Not sure exactly when I Od but hoping it was earlier so I'm in with a change.

Tender breasts as of aprox 2dpo (which is normal for me. Get tender breasts for a few days after O)

1-4 DPO - nothing

5 DPO - was extremely exhausted and feeling yuck for no real reason. Hurt to keep eyes open.

7DPO - feeling very very irritable.

8DPO - no symptoms what so ever. I'm sure I'm out this cycle :(

9DPO - still no symptoms what so ever :( notices that my CM had a slight brown tinge to it when I wiped after peeing. Maybe I did O a lot earlier than thought an AF is on her way? :(

10DPO - CM is still creamy but still with a slight brown tinge to it.. Hmmm. A few drops of light red blood on the toilet paper after wiping tonight. Guessing AF will be here tomorrow :(

11DPO - another small drop of blood on toilet paper around lunch time. Weird. AF is making a long entrance

12DPO - another small drop of blood in the evening. Now changing this to red and taking today as CD1
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

Update for today 10DPO:
I just noticed pink spotting??? :dohh: I'm really hoping this is some weirdo version of implantation bleeding, and not AF... that would make AF 5 days early if it is, so it doesn't make sense.

To finish off the rest of 10DPO: my pink spotting completely disappeared, my sore throat became even worse as the night went on, was sure that I was getting sick... on top of that AF-like cramps happened, I was nauseous and getting hot flashes... right before bed I went to the bathroom to find brown spotting. I was devastated and very emotional... and obviously exhausted, so I went to bed.

Today 11DPO (so far): I was about 99.99% sure that I was going to wake up to AF. She loves to arrive in the morning... but nothing. Not at all... and I still have AF cramps. So now I'm at work going to the bathroom every 5 minutes to check. No idea what to think at this point... I'm still scared that AF is going to show up :growlmad:
Ohhhh I LOVE this idea! My turn my turn! I don't have too much in the way of symptoms just yet, however I'll throw them out! I don't like to spot them because then excitement builds so I will realistically only put out the things that are clearly noticed. By the way- when I was pregnant with my daughter Layla...I never even knew I was pregnant until I was in the 3rd month. No symptoms! Shortly after however- morning sickness hit me.

AF is due on August 14th-10 more days!

1 DPO: Nothing...still lots of CM (BD' again hehe)
2 DPO: Nothing..." " " " " Gassy
3 DPO: Noticed some specks of blood in CM...Gassy
4 DPO: Tired...always feel "wet" though I am not...cervix moved up
5 DPO: CM is drying up...but still feel "wet"...cervix is high and closed
6 DPO: Low back pain (yikes!), sore throat, very little CM, cervix is high and closed, uterine twinges, *HEADACHE as of now....UGHHHHH* FYI- that headache stuck around for 5 hours
7 DPO: Mild low back pain, still sore throat, cervix high-firm-closed, no CM

To be continued...

*Adding to today: 7DPO and for the past few hours I've noticed that the "nether region" downstairs is highly sensitive? Not sure how to explain or express it, but I feel blood flow. Never noticed this as a sign before. Additionally I am NOT a breakfast person and usually always wait to have a late lunch or dinner. Today my appetite was higher and I was extremely hungry, therefore ate breakfast though it's unusual. Just thought to toss that in there so in case I AM symptom spotting, I can remind myself of these things next month :haha:

If this doesn't stick then next month I will be charting for the first time ever! I have an account with Fertility Friend now on my phone and only took temps yesterday and today and they were 98.7 and 98.4

8 DPO: Never thought I'd be excited about a stuffy nose but I am! Uterine twinges and still that very sensitive feeling like all the blood is pumping down there! Dull aches in uterous and low back that sometimes run into my thighs. Cervix is high- closed- firm, and CM returned a bit- light and color is clear/white and stretchy. *usually by now I have sore BB's and more pain in my ovaries which cripples me. I'm hoping it holds out because then I may have a chance at this month. The only thing that told me something was "off" when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago was the lack of ovarian cyst pain which is almost all the time. Checking my cervix shows that its still high- very firm- closed and it seems to have grown in circumference and in height. Maybe my hormones are out of wack again this month.

9 DPO: Ugh...just UGH. But a happy UGH. I have been so nauseous! My lower stomach is bloated, gassy, uterus area feels full and heavy. Still having that feeling of sensitivity but it has diminished somewhat. Still no ovarian cyst pain which is awesome. CM is relatively very light and white/white in color. Let's see, BAD back pain which is usually attributed to my ovarian cysts but still nothing from them. My nipples, just those are sore and sensitive. I don't have much feeling in them since breastfeeding my kids all those years ago. They chewed on the nerves lol. So this new feeling is promising. Cervix is high, closed, firm.
Hi Ladies, I found out last Tuesday we're expecting an April baby (if everything goes to plan!) and here are the small amount of symptoms I had:

Lots of CM between O and about 11dpo, it started to dry up which is when I thought AF was soon to be on her way
On 5dpo I thought I had thrush and it was really bad but it then went the next day
On 6dpo I was shopping and had a really sharp pain really low but tbh, that may not have been because of implantation or anything
on 8dpo I had a nap in the afternoon which I never do
10dpo shooting pains in my chest

But, unfortunately all of these things can be attributed to AF too which is why I was convinced AF was coming but for some reason (an extreme wave of nausea at 11dpo) I decided to test just with a normal test (not a FRER or anything) and it came up straight away!

Good luck! x x

CONGRATS!! Hope you have a healthy & happy 9 months!
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

Update for today 10DPO:
I just noticed pink spotting??? :dohh: I'm really hoping this is some weirdo version of implantation bleeding, and not AF... that would make AF 5 days early if it is, so it doesn't make sense.

My dr said Implantation can happen 9-13dpo or later in some women.
CYCLE: 25/26 cycle
20th July CD 1 AF - (counting the 20th July as day 1)

weird month with not really anything to notice EWCM mucous which I ALWAYS get.

OPK on test result stronger that control line on 14/15 fading of 15 evening (so by this I think I O'd around 15th)

DTD: every other day till cd11 thought I was predicted to O on cd 10/11 also first day of OPK so CD14 then again 48 hours later on CD16

presuming O was on the cd15

1dpo: nothing noted

2dpo: a little bit of twinges in pubic region but nothing too noticeable.

3dpo: Dull ache in pubic region very noticeable - Ridiculously tired, I had to have a 2hour nanna nap at 2pm - also when i leaned over i had a real stinging sensation in my nose/head.

4dpo: sharper pain but instead of being in pubic region it's on my left side... noticeable but not heaps creamy CM

5dpo: woke up and felt hot, very unlike me as I am a cold frog. - fell asleep on the couch at 6:30pm for an honour had a big day at work so not sure if it was because of the day or a symptom :((

6dpo: woke up again hot, not sure what this is... boobs feel slightly "fuller" not sore though.

7dpo: Had on & off dull aching in low middle Pubic region & same place in back (kind of like a mild to moderate continual af pain) & boobs for the first time feeling fuller -

8dpo: boobs definitely feeling fuller & tingly - weird feeling;
Hi :flower:

I'm on my 4th month ttc #3 this cycle seems different to my others so trying to feel a little hopeful:)

Here's my symptoms:

1DPO: creamy cm, cramping, backache

2DPO: creamy cm, cervix closed

3DPO: cramps, pressure, sharp ovary pains

4DPO: creamy cm, metal taste,strong AF type cramps, backache

5DPO: creamy cm, mood swings, strong cramps, drinking alot, pinching pains on the left side.

6DPO: creamy cm, drinking a lot, cramps, sore throat

7DPO: creamy cm, drinking a lot, frequent urination

8DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, backache,frequent urination, irritable

9DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, metal taste, cramps, fatigue, drinking a lot, irritable

10DPO: sticky cm, rise in temperature, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, fatigue, nausea

11DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, metal taste, fatigue

12DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, metal taste, cramps, backache, fatigue, nausea, decreased appetite

13DPO: creamy cm, cramps, backache, fatigue

14DPO: (AF due) no sign of AF, creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, backache, fatigue, drinking a lot

15DPO (1day late) creamy cm, sensitive nipples, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination, tender breasts
My Ovulation Chart
Hi Everyone. Just jumping in and hoping to turn my text green and not red :)

I've no idea where I am in regards to DPO. I haven't had a positive OPK but I didn't when I conceived my son either.

I'm on CD38. Usually 28-32 days.

So far I've had -

*Waves of nausea
*Tender boobs but only in the last 2 days
*Stabbing type cramps
*Spotting CD15 and CD20 (Never happened before)
*Dizziness (Doctor diagnosed Labrynthitis)
*Increased Appetite
*Sore Throat
*Horrible taste in mouth
*Bleeding gums

These have been on and off since CD15

Since CD31 my CM has been creamy and cervix has been High, Medium and Closed since CD33 was High, Firm and closed CD31-32

Temperature on CD36 was 36.60 then CD37 it went to 36.86 then CD38 it went to 36.99. I'm not sure if temperatures are relevant or not?

Update -

CD39 I have experienced -

*Extremely tired although had a late night
*Off food.
* :sex: felt uncomfortable
*BFN on IC

My temperature has risen again to 37.09 and my cervix is High, Firm and Closed.

CD40 - Woke dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I have a bit of backache. I'm not in a good place emotionally today. I have never in my life had a cycle this long :( I'm just hoping and praying that a BFP is behind it!

Temperature has dipped to 36.83. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. CM is creamy with a little bit of cloudy EWCM.

Sore throat towards the end of the day and boobs sore behind my nipples.

CD41 - Woke dizzy. Tossed and turned all night. Took a Superdrug test - BFN.
Cervix is High, Firm and Closed with creamy CM. Temperature risen to 36.87.

Still CD41 - Sore throat, sore boobs and I feel like I'm going to get thrush :( Bloated, my clothes feel tight but that could be down to my greediness!
Hi, there!

New to this thread, but I am in the tww and I need some buddies! :kiss:

I am journaling my symptoms, but thought I'd add them here, too, because this seems like an awesome thread!

I think I ovulated on a certain day, so we'll see. I use OPKs, but I drink a terrible amount of water. I bought a basal thermometer, but had to exchange it and am waiting for the new one to come in.

Here goes...

5 DPO:

-sore boobies (didn't have those the last pregnancy, though)

-cervical mucus (a little lotiony cream stuff and a little *boogery* stuff up near my cervix. Gross much? It is what it is.) :haha:

-Pulling twinges near my right ovary with slight pain every now and then (not usual for after ovulation for me)

-a little pulling/ pain to the left, too, at the moment, so I don't know what that is. (the pains feel like when I had a corpus luteum cyst at the February appointment- that could be a good thing! )

-so hungry, so very hungry, but then when I go to eat, I don't really eat much.

6 DPO:

-So, today is pretty much the same as yesterday.

-Adding in a little extreme thirst. I drink 10 glasses of water a day. Don't know how much more I can drink!

-Also, the CM near my cervix is still "snotty" (sorry TMI) in nature, but had a tinge of brownish to a little of it. My cervix was a little more sensitive today, too. :blush:

-And last night, I cried during the last part of Orange is the New Black. I don't cry. Orange is the New Black is a funny show- NOT the kind of show that makes you cry! :cry:

7 DPO:

-pulling near my right ovary a little today

-pain above right ovary

-CM is still snotty, no more color to it

-grumbly bowels

-nausea this morning. I threw up. (could be the supplements, though. )

-sore boobies

-last night's eating habits are the same today. I want something, make it, and can't eat it. I did eat those brownies with milk last night, though, and I can't wait 'til I can get home so I can have another one!

-I made spaghetti tonight. I usually eat two heaping plates, no lie, but I couldn't even finish one.

-I have been gassy all day today. Not much is happening, but my tummy feels gassy.

-I have this incredibly full feeling. :cry: Not fair! I like to eat. :haha:

Here's to hoping, right?

I am thinking that I was inaccurate as to my O date after looking at my chart and my FF predictor and My Days predictor. Still waiting on AF. I should start Friday, according to those apps.

27 DPO, maybe? or maybe 10DPO:

-creamy CM
-sore boobies
-really low temp yesterday, much higher temp this morning.
-sore joints, back
-sudden dull pain in lower abdomen last night

That's all. Just waiting...
Ohhhh I LOVE this idea! My turn my turn! I don't have too much in the way of symptoms just yet, however I'll throw them out! I don't like to spot them because then excitement builds so I will realistically only put out the things that are clearly noticed. By the way- when I was pregnant with my daughter Layla...I never even knew I was pregnant until I was in the 3rd month. No symptoms! Shortly after however- morning sickness hit me.

AF is due on August 14th-10 more days!

1 DPO: Nothing...still lots of CM (BD' again hehe)
2 DPO: Nothing..." " " " " Gassy
3 DPO: Noticed some specks of blood in CM...Gassy
4 DPO: Tired...always feel "wet" though I am not...cervix moved up
5 DPO: CM is drying up...but still feel "wet"...cervix is high and closed
6 DPO: Low back pain (yikes!), sore throat, very little CM, cervix is high and closed, uterine twinges, *HEADACHE as of now....UGHHHHH* FYI- that headache stuck around for 5 hours
7 DPO: Mild low back pain, still sore throat, cervix high-firm-closed, no CM

To be continued...

*Adding to today: 7DPO and for the past few hours I've noticed that the "nether region" downstairs is highly sensitive? Not sure how to explain or express it, but I feel blood flow. Never noticed this as a sign before. Additionally I am NOT a breakfast person and usually always wait to have a late lunch or dinner. Today my appetite was higher and I was extremely hungry, therefore ate breakfast though it's unusual. Just thought to toss that in there so in case I AM symptom spotting, I can remind myself of these things next month :haha:

If this doesn't stick then next month I will be charting for the first time ever! I have an account with Fertility Friend now on my phone and only took temps yesterday and today and they were 98.7 and 98.4

8 DPO: Never thought I'd be excited about a stuffy nose but I am! Uterine twinges and still that very sensitive feeling like all the blood is pumping down there! Dull aches in uterous and low back that sometimes run into my thighs. Cervix is high- closed- firm, and CM returned a bit- light and color is clear/white and stretchy. *usually by now I have sore BB's and more pain in my ovaries which cripples me. I'm hoping it holds out because then I may have a chance at this month. The only thing that told me something was "off" when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago was the lack of ovarian cyst pain which is almost all the time. Checking my cervix shows that its still high- very firm- closed and it seems to have grown in circumference and in height. Maybe my hormones are out of wack again this month.

9 DPO: Ugh...just UGH. But a happy UGH. I have been so nauseous! My lower stomach is bloated, gassy, uterus area feels full and heavy. Still having that feeling of sensitivity but it has diminished somewhat. Still no ovarian cyst pain which is awesome. CM is relatively very light and white/white in color. Let's see, BAD back pain which is usually attributed to my ovarian cysts but still nothing from them. My nipples, just those are sore and sensitive. I don't have much feeling in them since breastfeeding my kids all those years ago. They chewed on the nerves lol. So this new feeling is promising. Cervix is high, closed, firm.

10 DPO: Still nauseous, still no ovarian cysts, LOTS of back pain, LOTS of muscle spasms in my thighs and calves, cervix is still high and closed and firm, very little CM but when its there it is stretchy and white/clear. Sensitive nipples (which isn't my thing) very bloated and uncomfortable. No signs of AF- I can see signs of it up to 6 days before. I am due between the 12th-14th. Not sure because my period came a couple days late last month and it was originally due the 12th. I still ovulated real early I am expecting it more around the 12th.:baby:
Hi Everyone. Just jumping in and hoping to turn my text green and not red :)

I've no idea where I am in regards to DPO. I haven't had a positive OPK but I didn't when I conceived my son either.

I'm on CD38. Usually 28-32 days.

So far I've had -

*Waves of nausea
*Tender boobs but only in the last 2 days
*Stabbing type cramps
*Spotting CD15 and CD20 (Never happened before)
*Dizziness (Doctor diagnosed Labrynthitis)
*Increased Appetite
*Sore Throat
*Horrible taste in mouth
*Bleeding gums

These have been on and off since CD15

Since CD31 my CM has been creamy and cervix has been High, Medium and Closed since CD33 was High, Firm and closed CD31-32

Temperature on CD36 was 36.60 then CD37 it went to 36.86 then CD38 it went to 36.99. I'm not sure if temperatures are relevant or not?

Update -

CD39 I have experienced -

*Extremely tired although had a late night
*Off food.
* :sex: felt uncomfortable
*BFN on IC

My temperature has risen again to 37.09 and my cervix is High, Firm and Closed.

CD40 - Woke dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I have a bit of backache. I'm not in a good place emotionally today. I have never in my life had a cycle this long :( I'm just hoping and praying that a BFP is behind it!

Temperature has dipped to 36.83. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. CM is creamy with a little bit of cloudy EWCM.

Sore throat towards the end of the day and boobs sore behind my nipples.

CD41 - Woke dizzy. Tossed and turned all night. Took a Superdrug test - BFN.
Cervix is High, Firm and Closed with creamy CM. Temperature risen to 36.87.
Towards the end of the day I had a sore throat, sore boobs and I feel like I'm going to get thrush :( Bloated, my clothes feel tight but that could be down to my greediness!

CD42 - Woke with a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. Temperature has risen again to 36.95. CM is creamy.
Hi :flower:

I'm on my 4th month ttc #3 this cycle seems different to my others so trying to feel a little hopeful:)

Here's my symptoms:

1DPO: creamy cm, cramping, backache

2DPO: creamy cm, cervix closed

3DPO: cramps, pressure, sharp ovary pains

4DPO: creamy cm, metal taste,strong AF type cramps, backache

5DPO: creamy cm, mood swings, strong cramps, drinking alot, pinching pains on the left side.

6DPO: creamy cm, drinking a lot, cramps, sore throat

7DPO: creamy cm, drinking a lot, frequent urination

8DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, backache,frequent urination, irritable

9DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, metal taste, cramps, fatigue, drinking a lot, irritable

10DPO: sticky cm, rise in temperature, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, fatigue, nausea

11DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, metal taste, fatigue

12DPO: creamy cm, sensitive nipples, metal taste, cramps, backache, fatigue, nausea, decreased appetite

13DPO: creamy cm, cramps, backache, fatigue

14DPO: (AF due) no sign of AF, creamy cm, sensitive nipples, mood swings, cramps, backache, fatigue, drinking a lot

15DPO (1day late) creamy cm, sensitive nipples, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination, tender breasts
My Ovulation Chart
oh what dpo will you be testing?

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