Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Ohhhh I LOVE this idea! My turn my turn! I don't have too much in the way of symptoms just yet, however I'll throw them out! I don't like to spot them because then excitement builds so I will realistically only put out the things that are clearly noticed. By the way- when I was pregnant with my daughter Layla...I never even knew I was pregnant until I was in the 3rd month. No symptoms! Shortly after however- morning sickness hit me.

AF is due on August 14th-10 more days!

1 DPO: Nothing...still lots of CM (BD' again hehe)
2 DPO: Nothing..." " " " " Gassy
3 DPO: Noticed some specks of blood in CM...Gassy
4 DPO: Tired...always feel "wet" though I am not...cervix moved up
5 DPO: CM is drying up...but still feel "wet"...cervix is high and closed
6 DPO: Low back pain (yikes!), sore throat, very little CM, cervix is high and closed, uterine twinges, *HEADACHE as of now....UGHHHHH* FYI- that headache stuck around for 5 hours
7 DPO: Mild low back pain, still sore throat, cervix high-firm-closed, no CM

To be continued...

*Adding to today: 7DPO and for the past few hours I've noticed that the "nether region" downstairs is highly sensitive? Not sure how to explain or express it, but I feel blood flow. Never noticed this as a sign before. Additionally I am NOT a breakfast person and usually always wait to have a late lunch or dinner. Today my appetite was higher and I was extremely hungry, therefore ate breakfast though it's unusual. Just thought to toss that in there so in case I AM symptom spotting, I can remind myself of these things next month :haha:

If this doesn't stick then next month I will be charting for the first time ever! I have an account with Fertility Friend now on my phone and only took temps yesterday and today and they were 98.7 and 98.4

8 DPO: Never thought I'd be excited about a stuffy nose but I am! Uterine twinges and still that very sensitive feeling like all the blood is pumping down there! Dull aches in uterous and low back that sometimes run into my thighs. Cervix is high- closed- firm, and CM returned a bit- light and color is clear/white and stretchy. *usually by now I have sore BB's and more pain in my ovaries which cripples me. I'm hoping it holds out because then I may have a chance at this month. The only thing that told me something was "off" when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago was the lack of ovarian cyst pain which is almost all the time. Checking my cervix shows that its still high- very firm- closed and it seems to have grown in circumference and in height. Maybe my hormones are out of wack again this month.
Woah! I'm 9dpo and had a temp rise today. Nottimrntion the most vivid dream where my throat closed up as I was having an anaphylactic shock. Lovely. Also having cramping a cloudy head and stuffy nose. Feeling very positive and finding it hard not to test too early.
Hi Everyone. Just jumping in and hoping to turn my text green and not red :)

I've no idea where I am in regards to DPO. I haven't had a positive OPK but I didn't when I conceived my son either.

I'm on CD38. Usually 28-32 days.

So far I've had -

*Waves of nausea
*Tender boobs but only in the last 2 days
*Stabbing type cramps
*Spotting CD15 and CD20 (Never happened before)
*Dizziness (Doctor diagnosed Labrynthitis)
*Increased Appetite
*Sore Throat
*Horrible taste in mouth
*Bleeding gums

These have been on and off since CD15

Since CD31 my CM has been creamy and cervix has been High, Medium and Closed since CD33 was High, Firm and closed CD31-32

Temperature on CD36 was 36.60 then CD37 it went to 36.86 then CD38 it went to 36.99. I'm not sure if temperatures are relevant or not?

Update -

CD39 I have experienced -

*Extremely tired although had a late night
*Off food.
* :sex: felt uncomfortable
*BFN on IC

My temperature has risen again to 37.09 and my cervix is High, Firm and Closed.

CD40 - Woke dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I have a bit of backache and a headache. I'm not in a good place emotionally today. I have never in my life had a cycle this long :( I'm just hoping and praying that a BFP is behind it!

Temperature has dipped to 36.83. Cervix is High, Firm and Closed. CM is creamy with a little bit of cloudy EWCM.
Hi Ladies, I will also join in with DPO

4 DPO- heartburn
5 DPO- heartburn, increased appetite
6 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, moody, headache
7 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, backache, achy legs, sleepiness
8 DPO- lightheaded, headache, acne, cramps, moody, vivid dreams, gassy
9 DPO- bloating, moody, cramps
10 DPO- bloating, headache, cramps

11 DPO- headache, backache, cramps

I think AF will come soon since I am having cramps off and on. It is due between 8/5-8/8. I had a dip in my temp at 7 DPO but on 8 DPO it went right back up. I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring. Maybe AF is on her way in a few days.

AF came this morning! I am kind of relieved since I know that my cycles just might go back to normal after coming off of BCP. I will be back soon. I hope before the end of the year that I will get my BFP!
Good luck to everyone!!
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?
Hi Ladies, I will also join in with DPO

4 DPO- heartburn
5 DPO- heartburn, increased appetite
6 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, moody, headache
7 DPO- bloating, cramps, gassy, heartburn, backache, achy legs, sleepiness
8 DPO- lightheaded, headache, acne, cramps, moody, vivid dreams, gassy
9 DPO- bloating, moody, cramps
10 DPO- bloating, headache, cramps

11 DPO- headache, backache, cramps

I think AF will come soon since I am having cramps off and on. It is due between 8/5-8/8. I had a dip in my temp at 7 DPO but on 8 DPO it went right back up. I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring. Maybe AF is on her way in a few days.

AF came this morning! I am kind of relieved since I know that my cycles just might go back to normal after coming off of BCP. I will be back soon. I hope before the end of the year that I will get my BFP!
Good luck to everyone!!

so sorry! good luck in your next cycle! :hugs:
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

This is so me right now!!! I am 10DPO and due the 10th or 11th and started getting bad AF cramps today like it could show at any minute. I also tested today and got a BFN with a FRER and FMU. Felt so sad about it! I was in SUCH a good place until this morning when I feel like all my hopes for this month went out the window.

GL to you! Keep posting updates!
Nikinabox, I'm not even exaggerating, your symptoms are EXACTLY like mine, even to the day I felt them. The littler spotting of brown CM on 7DPO is what I'm holding onto for hope right now. I really hope there are BFPs in our futures!
Joining in here to keep track of symptoms.
I'm after MC, and since the week after the Mc until today I've been having symptoms. So here goes!

1dpo- Nausea, sharp pelvic pain/pubic bone, fatigue, elevated temp in evening
2dpo- Nausea, sharp pelvic pain/pubic bone, migraine, elevated temp in evening
3dpo- Cramps, Pelvic pain, creamy/watery CM, tired, headache
4dpo- Sharp pains on both sides, fatigue, elevated temp in evening, creamy/increased CM
5dpo- Cramps:sharp pains on sides, fatigue, creamy/increased CM, very light AF cramps here and there, regular temps in evening

6dpo- nothing much. creamy yellowish CM. Elevated temps in evening, very dull AF cramps scattered throughout the day
7dpo- dip in morning temps. Nausea, pelvic pain, creamy CM, overall sluggish feeling

8dpo- I couldn't sleep last night. bloated tummy and nausea. Also a neighbor upstairs decided to work out at about 1pm and we heard the "boom boom" of the training machine for about an hour +.
I definitely had 3 hours of sleep prior to my waking though- elevated temps in morning. Major migraine- dizziness, blurred vision. Day 3 of headache. Slight cramps every now and then. Wet/creamy CM. High firm CP.
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

Any thoughts?

This is so me right now!!! I am 10DPO and due the 10th or 11th and started getting bad AF cramps today like it could show at any minute. I also tested today and got a BFN with a FRER and FMU. Felt so sad about it! I was in SUCH a good place until this morning when I feel like all my hopes for this month went out the window.

GL to you! Keep posting updates!
I was just like you, so positive until this morning... and my cramps are continuing, but I'm not supposed to get AF yet. So frustrating! Keep me updated as well! :hugs:
Nikinabox, I'm not even exaggerating, your symptoms are EXACTLY like mine, even to the day I felt them. The littler spotting of brown CM on 7DPO is what I'm holding onto for hope right now. I really hope there are BFPs in our futures!

At least we have each other in this! Fingers crossed for BFPs for both of us!
Nikinabox, I'm not even exaggerating, your symptoms are EXACTLY like mine, even to the day I felt them. The littler spotting of brown CM on 7DPO is what I'm holding onto for hope right now. I really hope there are BFPs in our futures!

At least we have each other in this! Fingers crossed for BFPs for both of us!

Thanks! I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and not sure how much computer access I'll have, so if you don't hear any updates from me, that's why. GL!!
Nikinabox, I'm not even exaggerating, your symptoms are EXACTLY like mine, even to the day I felt them. The littler spotting of brown CM on 7DPO is what I'm holding onto for hope right now. I really hope there are BFPs in our futures!

At least we have each other in this! Fingers crossed for BFPs for both of us!

Thanks! I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and not sure how much computer access I'll have, so if you don't hear any updates from me, that's why. GL!!

Have a wonderful time, and good luck! Update us when you get back! :thumbup:
Hi Ladies, I found out last Tuesday we're expecting an April baby (if everything goes to plan!) and here are the small amount of symptoms I had:

Lots of CM between O and about 11dpo, it started to dry up which is when I thought AF was soon to be on her way
On 5dpo I thought I had thrush and it was really bad but it then went the next day
On 6dpo I was shopping and had a really sharp pain really low but tbh, that may not have been because of implantation or anything
on 8dpo I had a nap in the afternoon which I never do
10dpo shooting pains in my chest

But, unfortunately all of these things can be attributed to AF too which is why I was convinced AF was coming but for some reason (an extreme wave of nausea at 11dpo) I decided to test just with a normal test (not a FRER or anything) and it came up straight away!

Good luck! x x
Hi Ladies, I found out last Tuesday we're expecting an April baby (if everything goes to plan!) and here are the small amount of symptoms I had:

Lots of CM between O and about 11dpo, it started to dry up which is when I thought AF was soon to be on her way
On 5dpo I thought I had thrush and it was really bad but it then went the next day
On 6dpo I was shopping and had a really sharp pain really low but tbh, that may not have been because of implantation or anything
on 8dpo I had a nap in the afternoon which I never do
10dpo shooting pains in my chest

But, unfortunately all of these things can be attributed to AF too which is why I was convinced AF was coming but for some reason (an extreme wave of nausea at 11dpo) I decided to test just with a normal test (not a FRER or anything) and it came up straight away!

Good luck! x x

Congratulations!!! CM is drying up for me too now which was making me sad, but it's nice to see a BFP for you! SO happy for you, and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months :happydance:
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

Update for today 10DPO:
I just noticed pink spotting??? :dohh: I'm really hoping this is some weirdo version of implantation bleeding, and not AF... that would make AF 5 days early if it is, so it doesn't make sense.
Finally far enough along to post my notes :thumbup:

I typically have a 30 day cycle (give or take a few days) and am not sure when I ovulated this month, so based on ov symptoms and cm around the usual time, I made an educated guess as to what dpo I am...

1-2DPO: Nothing aside from horrible acne breakouts which have been happening throughout this cycle since my "ov" day.

3DPO: slight cramps on right lower abdomen, increased sex drive, slight nausea at night but nothing serious, gassy, creamy CM. Craving milk like crazy even though im lactose intolerant.

4DPO: vivid dream, woke up with headache, exhausted, nauseous, creamy cm, increased sex drive, big pimple forming which is normal for AF, but usually doesn't happen for another week. More milk cravings. More urgency to pee.

5DPO: vivid dream, BBs feel heavy/full, nauseous and light headed, AF like cramps and it's shooting down my leg, completely exhausted (falling asleep at my desk at work), BBs starting to feel tender, cranky, more milk cravings, gassy, creamy cm, pulling/pain on right and left sides, nauseous before bed.

6DPO: vivid dream, again. nauseous when waking up, af cramps in the morning, "bubbly guts", lower belly feels heavy - hard to describe, lots of watery CM, af-like cramps again, easily crying, easily irritated/set off, BBs very sore and full, tiny bit of brown color in EWCM - implantation bleeding? I don't know.

7DPO: yet another vivid dream, BBs still tender and full, extremely nauseous - had to eat a plain piece of bread to calm my stomach, lethargic, so cranky and irrational, almost crying at everything and fighting with DH. Brown spotting/yellow-ish CM, AF like cramps, tender/full BBs.

8DPO: 2 vivid dreams last night (woke up in the middle of the night), BBs still very tender, AF like cramps, nauseous, stuffed up/sore throat. I feel like I'm getting sick... yet ANOTHER vivid dream during a nap I had because I was completely exhausted, more AF like cramps at night, lots of wet CM (a little creamy as well), nauseous while laying down to go to bed.

9DPO: ANOTHER vivid dream... I dream sometimes, but this is getting crazy. BBs still sore/full, but not nearly as bad, gums were bleeding a lot, they do on occasion, but this was a lot... nauseous and light headed, slight headache, slight AF-like cramps, belly feels "full"? like I'm going to get AF or something, sharp pains on left side, wet cm, nauseous. I noticed before bed that boobs don't hurt as much and don't feel quite as full, so I'm starting to feel "out" this month, although nips are slightly sensitive.

10DPO: (This morning) Vivid dream - shocking right? I caved, and took a test, BFN. I was so emotional about it. I know it's early, but I was sure that I was pregnant, so I'm feeling very down today. BBs still tender, but not as sore still, strong AF cramps in the morning and I feel like AF is going to show up any day now :nope: , tickle in throat/sick/cold feeling - I can't stop clearing my throat and dry coughing - stuffy nose. SO cranky today, everyone is driving me crazy.

That's it so far for me... I'll update as I go along. I'm supposed to get my period either the 9th, 10th, or 11th (so frustrated that I'm not sure when I O'd because it makes it difficult to keep track of)...

Any thoughts?

Update for today 10DPO:
I just noticed pink spotting??? :dohh: I'm really hoping this is some weirdo version of implantation bleeding, and not AF... that would make AF 5 days early if it is, so it doesn't make sense.

Implantation happens at this time very commonly! And any spotting that I have prior to my AF is always brownish, never pink. Wishing you the best of luck!!!:happydance:
My period is either due the 11th not by chance having weird cravings yet today all I wanted was sex and spicy food 0.o So I've been mixing everything with salsa had ramen and salsa twice today and I don't like spicy foods. Funny thing is my heartburn went away after eating the salsa so I am eating it out of the Jar.

Hope you aren't mixing the salsa with sex. I think that would burn :nope:.

Sorry Was just in a funny mood. Best of luck to you.:happydance:

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