Ohhhh I LOVE this idea! My turn my turn! I don't have too much in the way of symptoms just yet, however I'll throw them out! I don't like to spot them because then excitement builds so I will realistically only put out the things that are clearly noticed. By the way- when I was pregnant with my daughter Layla...I never even knew I was pregnant until I was in the 3rd month. No symptoms! Shortly after however- morning sickness hit me.
AF is due on August 14th-10 more days!
1 DPO: Nothing...still lots of CM (BD' again hehe)
2 DPO: Nothing..." " " " " Gassy
3 DPO: Noticed some specks of blood in CM...Gassy
4 DPO: Tired...always feel "wet" though I am not...cervix moved up
5 DPO: CM is drying up...but still feel "wet"...cervix is high and closed
6 DPO: Low back pain (yikes!), sore throat, very little CM, cervix is high and closed, uterine twinges, *HEADACHE as of now....UGHHHHH* FYI- that headache stuck around for 5 hours
7 DPO: Mild low back pain, still sore throat, cervix high-firm-closed, no CM
To be continued...
*Adding to today: 7DPO and for the past few hours I've noticed that the "nether region" downstairs is highly sensitive? Not sure how to explain or express it, but I feel blood flow. Never noticed this as a sign before. Additionally I am NOT a breakfast person and usually always wait to have a late lunch or dinner. Today my appetite was higher and I was extremely hungry, therefore ate breakfast though it's unusual. Just thought to toss that in there so in case I AM symptom spotting, I can remind myself of these things next month
If this doesn't stick then next month I will be charting for the first time ever! I have an account with Fertility Friend now on my phone and only took temps yesterday and today and they were 98.7 and 98.4
8 DPO: Never thought I'd be excited about a stuffy nose but I am! Uterine twinges and still that very sensitive feeling like all the blood is pumping down there! Dull aches in uterous and low back that sometimes run into my thighs. Cervix is high- closed- firm, and CM returned a bit- light and color is clear/white and stretchy. *usually by now I have sore BB's and more pain in my ovaries which cripples me. I'm hoping it holds out because then I may have a chance at this month. The only thing that told me something was "off" when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago was the lack of ovarian cyst pain which is almost all the time. Checking my cervix shows that its still high- very firm- closed and it seems to have grown in circumference and in height. Maybe my hormones are out of wack again this month.