Hi all!
I have not planned to be in the TWW as my fiance and I are tying the knot next week, but here we are! We miscarried back in may/june with an unplanned pregnancy, and as he is joining the AF i got back on bcp so we could wait to start actually trying until he was through boot camp. that being said, it seems my oven is insistent on cooking something, because we think we are pregnant.
Since it was not planned i have not been tracking when i ovulated or anything, but just from knowing my body i think it was about a week and a half ago. with our m/c i started showing preggo symptoms two days after the suspected day of conception. I actually wasn't suspecting anything until my fiance said saturday he was suspicious that i am as i have been feeling tired and achey like i was coming down with something, and despite my normal LOVE AFFAIR with anything bread or pasta, i can't even stomach the idea of those types of food. all i have been able to keep down is pickles with cream cheese, and the smell of pizza alone made me sick on friday.
the food aversion seems to be getting worse, and my bbs have been tender for a week (so not normal. i have gotten smacked in the bbs before and not flinched, they are never tender!)
I am also having some seriously different discharge. normally im not too wet, not too dry. just enough to keep the parts from getting irritated. That being said, from sat - mon i had a TON of ewcm, and actually felt at one point that i had pee'd myself because my panties were soaked, but when i went to the restroom, it was discharge that was like water. yesterday i was dry as a desert and today i have a ton of lotion like discharge that is thick and firm.
My cervix is normally pretty low, but i noticed saturday after my love mentioned he thought i was preggo, that my cervix was very high and soft but closed. its been going higher since, and yesterday and today i can't even find it.
I am exhausted, but when i try to sleep, its a no go. last night i caved and decided i would try to eat a snack cause that will put me to sleep normally, but it sent me rushing to the bathroom and i was sick for about an hour. I am also running hot. i keep getting chills, but my love wont let me cuddle him because he says i am radiating heat lol.
today i keep gagging on my tongue, and other than pickles and cream cheese i could kill for orange juice.
on top of this stuff i am pretty emotional. i broke out in tears last night because i wanted to sleep, couldn't, and my love asked what i wanted to put on the tv and i couldn't decide. i wasn't sad, just indecisive and despite the fact that i NEVER cry, i was bawling lol.
also, my last period was extremely light for me, i barely needed a tampon at all and normally its heavy and painful. it was a little brighter red than i normally get, but i tested sunday and got a

so idk if it was period or implantation. i have been having some tummy cramps on and off since yesterday, so idk if my body is gearing up for baby making or AF. normally AF cramps only happen about a day before she comes though.
i am also bloated and having digestive issues. i am burpy and constipated and when i do finally go its diahhrea.
also, i never sneeze. like, ever. and since i think thursday last week, i have been sneezing periodically throughout the day. so annoying!!!
we are excited and will love if we are, but not being pregnant wouldn't kill us either. I am just so confused with all of these symptoms idk if i just have some nasty stomach bug or if i am cooking a bean in there!
have any of you who have had children before had symptoms like this????
i would really love someone to talk to as i don't want to scar my fiance telling him all of this, and my mom cant remember her symptoms with me.
thanks everyone!!!