Mummy to Evie and TTC
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congrats chezwick!! hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months xx
I LOVE this thread and have been following it since the start- thought I'd post my symptoms this month. Today I'm 10 Dpo.
Dpo 1-3 nothing except a really foul mood on Dpo 3!
Dpo 4 - dizzy and lightheaded first thing
Dpo 5 - constipated, felt sick when I woke and again in afternoon. Hungry all day
Dpo 6 - dizzy first thing, slight sick feeling. Pulling in tummy
Dpo 7 - dizzy lots last night when up with my ds. Felt sick all afternoon. Think I have a cold coming on
Dpo 8- sick feeling in pm. Heavy feeling in tummy
Dpo 9 - dizzy again today, very tired had a snooze mid day with ds felt sick all day. Loose stools in morning.
Dpo 10- dizzy again. Sick feeling this morning but better this pm. Feels like I have tummy ache but not cramping!
Adding last few days...
Dpo 11- felt sick first thing. Needed a number 2 and constipated in the pm. A few cramps was sure AF was gonna appear any moment. Skin itchy. Spotted last thing so thought I was def out.
Dpo 12- tested - BFN. Felt sick in pm. Cramping again. Tender boobies ( the only time in the tww) so very tired. Sore neck. The weird thing I found was a burning feeling in my tummy and legs - it's the only way I can describe it. Thought then that something was different to other months.
Dpo 13- tested V faint BFP felt sick nod cramping
Dpo 14 -BFP with a clear blue digi!
I'm not sure whether to test tomorrow or wait till AF is due on Friday. What's interesting this month is my hips have been agony the last 3 nights ( had severe SPD in last pregnancy), or it could just be the cold weather.
Thinking it could go either way with me this month. 2 months ago I was convinced we were pregnant and i just came on early! I hate the 2WW!!
Good luck everyone xx
Okay so I've been stalking this thread for forever and now I can finally share![]()
Set 27 O'd -BD right on time!
DPO 1-4 nothing
DPO 5 nausea
DPO 6 still a little nausea (normal for me)
DPO 7 threw up twice, moody, just had a feeling I was pregnant. Kept crying cause I thought I was going to loose them
DPO 8 exhausted, nausea gone, bbs don't hurt (not normal for me)
DPO 9 nothing
DPO 10 nothing, thought about POS but decided I didn't want to get my hopes up
DPO 11 little bit of spotting
DPO 12 heavier spotting, at this point I'm absolutely crushed
DPO 13 very little spotting
DPO 14 nothing
DPO 15 crampy
DPO 16 crampy
DPO 17 crampy, emotionally bizarre! and craving chicken wings!
DPO 18 couldn't sleep cause I'm so upset that AF was so short, trying to figure out what went wrong this month, woke up angry and decided to POS to show myself how ridiculous I was being andHad a total freakout and called my Dr for blood word. Hcg 469
DPO 19 crampy, bbs finally hurting
DPO 20 Hcg 1480! Finally relaxing and freaking out!
I have to admit, this is the first month I had really no symptoms! So surprised and still totally in shock.
Good luck to everyone and
I've been stalking this thread for a while so thought I would add to it:
4dpo - lower back ache. Strange red rash between and below my boobs - looks like heat rash.
5dpo - bright red spotting with clots, enough to need a pad. I had this last month at the same time too and thought it was maybe progesterone related
6dpo - very tired - had to have a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Strange feeling in belly similar to when pregnant last time and baby was moving - half dreamed / imagined I was 6ish months pregnant again. Still slight red spotting. (not brown)
8dpo - very emotional. localised cramping / pinching on one side. Sore throat. Mild thrush symptoms. Slight red spotting. Neg. FRER.
9dpo - still spotting red. Pinching on left side. Positive feint line on FRER and positive CB Digital
Cautiously optimistic due to spotting.
Well just an update to my previous post.
1-3dpo -cramping. Watery CM turned to lotion like CM
4-5dpo -cramping still, odd sharp twinges. Boobies definatly fuller, fatigue, modd swings (uncommon for me) extreme backache ( could be sleep)
Trying not to get hopes up, but had spotting around ov time which iv never had before hoping that my eggo is preggo
UPDATE: 6-7dpo - Noticed boobs were more veiny and fuller still and have a dull ache about them. Woke up this morning with stuffy nose, feel very tired and was nauseated all yesterday.
When should I test?
Ovulated around the 14th, so 8dpo, tested with frer yest, which of course was negative!!! Had sore breasts and tingly nipples since ov, hever used to get that at all, but had it with last preg (lost at 14 weeks), and also last cycle, when af came at 26 days, my cycle has nvever been snort before, so wonder if it was a m/c?? Any thoughts? The last two days, so 6 and 7dpo I have had creamy cm, now its very wet. I havd also veen very gassy for about a week now! A few days ago, prob only 2 or 3 dadpo I am sure had had round ligament pain, had it with other pregnancies, much earlier in 2nd than first, but this early?? Today I have the sensation down there that I get when af is coming. Have been low down cramping since ov. Trying to wait till sat to test again if af doesnt show first....
Oh yes, dizzy when standing up the last 2 days, and starving!!
This is such a neat idea!
1 DPO: nothing much, just a little crampy but I think that these are still ovulations pains. Constipated, tired, and irritable in the morning. Upset stomach, diarrhea, dry mouth/thirst in the afternoon/evening.
2DPO: runny, stuffy nose, tired, irritable
3DPO: exhausted, gassy
Hi ladies, I'm new here this is my first 2ww and I am driving myself insane! I hope you don't mind me joining. I have very quickly become a symptom spotter!
My cycles have been irregular since coming off pill but I am fairly sure I am 8dpo.
1dpo - extremely bloated and gassy.cervix was getting lower and more closed
2dpo - still extremely gassy and bloated, quite a lot of left pelvic pain on and off (im having an ultrasound to investigate cause of pain) creamy/ sticky cm
3dpo - cervix low and hard, creamy cm
4dpo - creamy cm, still bloated and having pain
5dpo - lot of pain/cramps, cervix medium & closed
6dpo - skin started to break out, back ache, cervix medium &closed, tiniest bit of spotting light pink/brown mixed with cm
7dpo - backache, creamy cm, veins just starting to show on bbs,
8dpo - creamy cm,cervix high and closed - I had some more spotting but this was after checking cp - not sure if it was related my nails are a little bit long! Veins also more noticeable. I've been v tired too.
9dpo - bit of brown spotting am, could be due to vaginal ultrasound I had yday.also had 1 pink tinged blob of ewcm!
Been feeling very off today really tired, emotional, sick and hungry on and off, back ache, veins on bbs still slights visible and bbs feeling full.
10dpo - tired again.cp moving between high and low! Still closed.cm seems to be drying up. Felt really sick this morn and dizzy...just tested bfn. Veins still visible and bbs still sore but not holding out much hope. Spotting
11dpo - definitely spotting this morning, dark brown. All symptoms gone...pretty sure af will be making an appearance later or tomorrow.
so that's me so far! Really don't want to get my hopes up but it is so hard! Spotting is usual for me, but veiny bbs are not...so time shall tell!
Good luck to everyone, huge congratulations to those who have got their bfp![]()
Hi Lucy2013.
I am new here as well and this is also my first two week wait as well. It is driving me insane!! I have tested (Way too early) out of pure excitement but was disappointed. I am a nurse and should know better than to test before implantation. LOL
History: I am 33 and husband is also 33. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage who are 15, 13, and 12. Husband does not have any previous kids. I had my IUD removed on 9/30/13. I started my period on 10/2/13. We were married on 10/12/13. I had a positive ovulation strip on 10/17/13. We did the baby making dance a lot during that time. I am guessing I ovulated on 10/18/13.
1 DPO (10/19/13) Nothing
2 DPO (10/20/13) Nothing
3 DPO (10/21/13) Tired
4 DPO (10/22/13) Tired, sick to my stomach
5 DPO (10/23/13) Cramping, Tired
6 DPO (10/24/13) Cramping, Nauseated, increase in vaginal mucous
7 DPO (10/25/13) Cramping, Backache, increase in vaginal mucous, tender boobs/nipples (Tested on this morning 10/25/13---BFN---was way too early).
Good luck everyone!