Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Welcome, Breeaa! Good luck this cycle!

Well gals, AF got me today! Two days late and arrived without any warning first thing this morning, too. Boo! On to the November cycle and seeing what the Fertility specialists can do for us. :)

:dust: to all!
Welcome, Breeaa! Good luck this cycle!

Well gals, AF got me today! Two days late and arrived without any warning first thing this morning, too. Boo! On to the November cycle and seeing what the Fertility specialists can do for us. :)

:dust: to all!

Sorr to hear she came. Hope the fertility specialists can help and get you on the road to your bfp!
Decided to start temping at cd20 as was getting annoyed at the amount of ewcm I've been getting! But my chart says I ovulated on cd24. So here are my symptoms :)
1dpo - ewcm, sore boobs.
2dpo - tummy constantly twitching, slight af type cramps, short tempered, sore boobs
3dpo - had a low temp this morning so ff hasn't put cross hairs on my chart :( so I may not have ovulate yet at all! But I'm not getting ewcm anymore, my cm has gone creamy and I had ewcm for absolutely ages. So if I did still o when ff originally said I did here's my symptoms for today. Creamy cm, sore boobs, af cramps.
Ninja, congratulations! :happydance:

Good luck to all those ladies about to test. Hoping hard for BFPs for you all!

1DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, creamy cm
2DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm
3DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm, stuffy/streaming nose and sneezing with a scratchy throat. Sure I was coming down with a cold but it was gone after a few hours of waking.
4DPO: Lower back ache, irritable as hell, no/dry cm, stuffy nose and scratchy throat until about midday.
5DPO: Tired, spots on face, stuffy nose and scratchy throat again but gone by midday, tender nipples, no/dry cm. AF-style cramps for about an hour at 11pm. Was sure AF was coming early.
6DPO: Had a crystal clear vivid scary dream. Big temp spike in the morning. No/dry cm. Really tired. Constipated. (Great!) Vague barely-there cramps. Irritable as hell. Slightly tender nipples and boobs feel heavier but don't really look any different.

7dpo: High bbt again, tired, and a tiny red spot of blood this morning on the tissue and nothing since. I also never spot! So very odd for me. Very crampy afterwards but no blood whatsoever. Some creamy, yellow-tinged cm. Aching hip. Greasy skin. Vivid dream again.
8dpo: Slight bbt dip. Woke feeling hayfeverish again. Exhausted, tearful, bloated, dry cm, pale and "look" ill, felt ill from head to toe and went to bed at 6pm. Tender stomach. Still no more spotting since that one time at 7dpo. Frequent peeing.
9dpo: Slight bbt dip again, but just by .1 degree. Kept waking in the night, 3 or 4 times feeling really really anxious and panicky :( Wasn't very pleasant. Headachey. EXTREMELY Tired. Can't-keep-my-eyes-open tired. Dry cm. I must admit this is unusual for me. I usually get yellow sticky stringy cm before AF. Still no more spotting (fingers crossed it was IB.) Ended up falling asleep in bed with DS at 7 after bed time story for an hour. So tired, so tearful.
10dpo: Woke early for a pee, POAS and faint but definitely there :bfp:!!! Symptoms are mostly tiredness, constant yawning, boobs looking a little bigger but not really sore or that tender. And greasy skin and greasy hair even though I washed it yesterday.

Hi ladies, just quoting my symptoms from a few days ago, as today, I got my BFP! :cloud9: Good luck to everyone about to test and lots of :dust:
Thank you so much ladies.

Iread, I'm sorry af showed. Sending lots of luck & happy vibes your way for next cycle.
Welcome Breeaa! This is my first cycle to post too after stalking :)

Just wanted to update: I am now on CD 40 - still no AF. My symptoms have all but disappeared with the exception of on-going mild cramps. I still feel "wet" most of the time and run to the restroom anticipating the witch's arrival. None yet. I also gave in and took a FRER yesterday afternoon with a BFN.

I have called the doctor and set up an appointment for a blood test, but it's not until Nov. 9. She told me to continue testing until then or until I get AF.

Not sure what DPO I am now, because if I'm not pregnant (and it isn't looking that way :cry:), then I must have O'd really late or not at all.

I'll update soon! Good luck ladies!

Just so you don't give up hope 1 was 14 days late with my ds before I got a bfp. It was bfn even the day before! Good luck
Ninja, congratulations! :happydance:

Good luck to all those ladies about to test. Hoping hard for BFPs for you all!

1DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, creamy cm
2DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm
3DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm, stuffy/streaming nose and sneezing with a scratchy throat. Sure I was coming down with a cold but it was gone after a few hours of waking.
4DPO: Lower back ache, irritable as hell, no/dry cm, stuffy nose and scratchy throat until about midday.
5DPO: Tired, spots on face, stuffy nose and scratchy throat again but gone by midday, tender nipples, no/dry cm. AF-style cramps for about an hour at 11pm. Was sure AF was coming early.
6DPO: Had a crystal clear vivid scary dream. Big temp spike in the morning. No/dry cm. Really tired. Constipated. (Great!) Vague barely-there cramps. Irritable as hell. Slightly tender nipples and boobs feel heavier but don't really look any different.

7dpo: High bbt again, tired, and a tiny red spot of blood this morning on the tissue and nothing since. I also never spot! So very odd for me. Very crampy afterwards but no blood whatsoever. Some creamy, yellow-tinged cm. Aching hip. Greasy skin. Vivid dream again.
8dpo: Slight bbt dip. Woke feeling hayfeverish again. Exhausted, tearful, bloated, dry cm, pale and "look" ill, felt ill from head to toe and went to bed at 6pm. Tender stomach. Still no more spotting since that one time at 7dpo. Frequent peeing.
9dpo: Slight bbt dip again, but just by .1 degree. Kept waking in the night, 3 or 4 times feeling really really anxious and panicky :( Wasn't very pleasant. Headachey. EXTREMELY Tired. Can't-keep-my-eyes-open tired. Dry cm. I must admit this is unusual for me. I usually get yellow sticky stringy cm before AF. Still no more spotting (fingers crossed it was IB.) Ended up falling asleep in bed with DS at 7 after bed time story for an hour. So tired, so tearful.
10dpo: Woke early for a pee, POAS and faint but definitely there :bfp:!!! Symptoms are mostly tiredness, constant yawning, boobs looking a little bigger but not really sore or that tender. And greasy skin and greasy hair even though I washed it yesterday.

Hi ladies, just quoting my symptoms from a few days ago, as today, I got my BFP! :cloud9: Good luck to everyone about to test and lots of :dust:

Aww yay! Congrats!! I keep hoping for implantation spotting but nothing yet. :cry: I need a sign!!!!!
Breeaa, looking at your chart it looks like there could have been an implantation dip at cd18. Not everyone gets implantation spotting. I didn't either time.
Hi ladies! I am late to write this but here are my symptoms so far. I am not 100% sure on my dpo but I am going to guess. I also am trying not to symptom spot so im only tracking things I cant not pay attention to ;)

1-3DPO: Nothing
4DPO: Terrible hip pain! Had to make an excuse to leave my neighbors house and go lay down
5DPO: Nothing
6DPO: AF cramps started at 1 pm I thought the witch was going to come kick my door down at any second. Also got a pain in my left hip that ran down my leg.That lasted until 8 pm and then just stopped.
7-9DPO: Mild af cramping, here and there, stop and go. Also got :bfn: each of these days
10DPO: Went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was a streak of light brown tinged cm. Checked CP and no blood on finger. Got curious again an hour later and check CP again. Had a dot of brown blood on finger. Cervix up so high I cant reach. Annoying AF type cramps ever since the brown streak on TP.

Af started

Good luck everyone! Babydust to you all
6dpo. Mix of clear ewcm and a big blob of yellowish ewcm. Sore boobs, tired.
7dpo. So tired! Ewcm, sore boobs, back ache, slight af cramps, feel weak like low blood sugar. BFN
8dpo. Same as yesterday but no ewcm. Temp rise this morning, still feel weak and very tired. Took 2 tests and I'm sure there's a faint line on them both!
9dpo. Tired, sore boobs, spots, very faint lines on ic tests.
10dpo. Sore boobs, tired, spots, faint line on frer but had a ibs attack which I normally do before af, also had some ewcm with very dark brown blood in it and some pink spotting. Sure af will come full force overnight :(
11dpo/cd1 af arrived this morning heavy with cramps :(
Ninja, congratulations! :happydance:

Good luck to all those ladies about to test. Hoping hard for BFPs for you all!

1DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, creamy cm
2DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm
3DPO: Lower back ache, bloated, tender stomach, no/dry cm, stuffy/streaming nose and sneezing with a scratchy throat. Sure I was coming down with a cold but it was gone after a few hours of waking.
4DPO: Lower back ache, irritable as hell, no/dry cm, stuffy nose and scratchy throat until about midday.
5DPO: Tired, spots on face, stuffy nose and scratchy throat again but gone by midday, tender nipples, no/dry cm. AF-style cramps for about an hour at 11pm. Was sure AF was coming early.
6DPO: Had a crystal clear vivid scary dream. Big temp spike in the morning. No/dry cm. Really tired. Constipated. (Great!) Vague barely-there cramps. Irritable as hell. Slightly tender nipples and boobs feel heavier but don't really look any different.

7dpo: High bbt again, tired, and a tiny red spot of blood this morning on the tissue and nothing since. I also never spot! So very odd for me. Very crampy afterwards but no blood whatsoever. Some creamy, yellow-tinged cm. Aching hip. Greasy skin. Vivid dream again.
8dpo: Slight bbt dip. Woke feeling hayfeverish again. Exhausted, tearful, bloated, dry cm, pale and "look" ill, felt ill from head to toe and went to bed at 6pm. Tender stomach. Still no more spotting since that one time at 7dpo. Frequent peeing.
9dpo: Slight bbt dip again, but just by .1 degree. Kept waking in the night, 3 or 4 times feeling really really anxious and panicky :( Wasn't very pleasant. Headachey. EXTREMELY Tired. Can't-keep-my-eyes-open tired. Dry cm. I must admit this is unusual for me. I usually get yellow sticky stringy cm before AF. Still no more spotting (fingers crossed it was IB.) Ended up falling asleep in bed with DS at 7 after bed time story for an hour. So tired, so tearful.
10dpo: Woke early for a pee, POAS and faint but definitely there :bfp:!!! Symptoms are mostly tiredness, constant yawning, boobs looking a little bigger but not really sore or that tender. And greasy skin and greasy hair even though I washed it yesterday.

Hi ladies, just quoting my symptoms from a few days ago, as today, I got my BFP! :cloud9: Good luck to everyone about to test and lots of :dust:

Aww yay! Congrats!! I keep hoping for implantation spotting but nothing yet. :cry: I need a sign!!!!!

Breeaa, I never got Implantation spotting with my first. I was shocked to see it with this one, but I think it's more common to NOT get it, than it is to get it so don't worry!
So.. this thread has taken up my whole day reading.. but that's perfectly okay with me!! :haha:

Thought I'd add in my symptoms as well! Hubby & I are in our first month TTC and are trying for our first, so keeping my fingers crossed we've done all the right things.

Just a bit of backstory on this cycle; AF came October 18th and I wasn't meant to ovulate until the first week of November (according to both Ovia and Glow). However, I took an OPK on Friday the 30th and it was positive! So Hubby & I BD'd using Preseed on Friday & Saturday. I'll assume that I ovulated on the 31st so that puts me at about 3DPO today.


1DPO - Incredibly sore boobs, irritable, nauseated, and fatigue.
2DPO - Incredibly sore boobs, big appetite, irritable, little stabbing pains near ovaries, creamy CM, and fatigue.
3DPO - Sore boobs (mainly on the right side), little stabbing pains near ovaries, fatigue, and lots of mucus in my nose. Ewww!
Hi, DH and I are in our first month of TTC, so thought I'd join in here as I've been reading non-stop!!

I have a 28 day cycle, and normally Ov on cd13. +opk on cd12 this month, temp rise also showed I ov'd on cd13.

1 DPO - light cramps, gas, sensitive nipps (never had this before!)
2 DPO - light cramps (really, still?!), gas, bloated, stuffy nose am, light nausea am, sensitive nipps - also had a very small amount of light pink cm, thinking this could have been from ovulation?
3 DPO - light cramps (yep, still here!) light nausea am, gas, very small amount of pink cm.
4 DPO - light cramps on left side (at least it's only on one side now!), nausea till midday, increased appetite, creamy cm.
5 DPO - light nausea am (always goes by lunchtime), increased appetite, creamy yellowish tinged cm, skin breakout (normal for me), frequent urination, fatigue, headache, just generally feeling rubbish but DH has a cold so I hope I'm not getting that :(
6 DPO - light nausea until lunchtime, headache on and off, much more energy today, bbs hurt on sides in pm, still hungry though - think I've eaten 6 Krispy Kreme doughnuts over saturday and Sunday! Weird for me as I don't have a sweet tooth, I'm a bit of a crisp monster, in fact I struggle to finish a whole bar of chocolate! (my BMI is 22 so I obviously don't eat like this normally, maybe it's the anxiety!!)
7 DPO - no temp dip (!!) I normally dip at 7&8 DPO when not TTC, woke up with stuffy nose and claggy throat, woke at 4am to pee, weird dreams past couple of nights - eating raw cod fillets, ewwww! headaches on and off with a bad headache 4pm till bed, lt nausea am, tender bbs on sides, stronger cramps - but I do tend to get them on this day and tomorrow.
8 DPO - temp hasnt dipped much 0.07c over 3 days, normally more with a spike tomorrow, woke at 4am to pee again (poor DH, I keep waking him up) woke with a blocked nose and sore throat so looks like his cold has got me - prob explains the headache last night, bloating and gas is back - lovely!!
9 DPO - woke with a full blown cold, temps looks to be on a slight but steady decline so not feeling very positive. Very emotional today because of this, cried for half an hour in bed this morning! Woke again at 4am to pee, Bbs still tender on the sides. Feeling I'm out this month - flippin' temps :(
10 DPO - still have a cold, bbs hurt more today, ovary type twinges, teeny tiny temp increase, tired had a 1.5 HR nap in afternoon.
11 DPO - still have a cold, bbs still hurt, let cramps/twinges, slight temp rise, tired and grumpy - wish this cold would disappear! FRER test this morning BFN. Thinking all my symptoms are cold related. Af is due at 16 DPO.
12-13 DPO - cold, bbs tender, tired. Temps still rising but BFNs.
14 DPO - massive temp drop :( think my cold has messed up my temps this month giving me false hope. It normally decreases gradually over a week before af. Ah well I'm sure she'll arrive on 16 DPO. Rubbish.
15 DPO - think af has arrived a day early - first time ever!?? Note to self - do not symptom spot next month!
Hi, DH and I are in our first month of TTC, so thought I'd join in here as I've been reading non-stop!!

I have a 28 day cycle, and normally Ov on cd13. +opk on cd12 this month, temp rise also showed I ov'd on cd13.

1 DPO - light cramps, gas, sensitive nipps (never had this before!)
2 DPO - light cramps (really, still?!), gas, bloated, stuffy nose am, light nausea am, sensitive nipps - also had a very small amount of light pink cm, thinking this could have been from ovulation?
3 DPO - light cramps (yep, still here!) light nausea am, gas, very small amount of pink cm.
4 DPO - light cramps on left side (at least it's only on one side now!), nausea till midday, creamy cm.

Good luck!
Hi, DH and I are in our first month of TTC, so thought I'd join in here as I've been reading non-stop!!

I have a 28 day cycle, and normally Ov on cd13. +opk on cd12 this month, temp rise also showed I ov'd on cd13.

1 DPO - light cramps, gas, sensitive nipps (never had this before!)
2 DPO - light cramps (really, still?!), gas, bloated, stuffy nose am, light nausea am, sensitive nipps - also had a very small amount of light pink cm, thinking this could have been from ovulation?
3 DPO - light cramps (yep, still here!) light nausea am, gas, very small amount of pink cm.
4 DPO - light cramps on left side (at least it's only on one side now!), nausea till midday, creamy cm.

Good luck!

Thank you breeaa! I'm pretty sure all this is all in my head though! Still, I thought I'd keep track of everything, then if it doesn't happen this month I'll know for next time that all this is normal for me.

Your chart is looking great! When do you plan to test? I hope I manage to hold off for as long as you - well done!
Hi, DH and I are in our first month of TTC, so thought I'd join in here as I've been reading non-stop!!

I have a 28 day cycle, and normally Ov on cd13. +opk on cd12 this month, temp rise also showed I ov'd on cd13.

1 DPO - light cramps, gas, sensitive nipps (never had this before!)
2 DPO - light cramps (really, still?!), gas, bloated, stuffy nose am, light nausea am, sensitive nipps - also had a very small amount of light pink cm, thinking this could have been from ovulation?
3 DPO - light cramps (yep, still here!) light nausea am, gas, very small amount of pink cm.
4 DPO - light cramps on left side (at least it's only on one side now!), nausea till midday, creamy cm.

Good luck!

Thank you breeaa! I'm pretty sure all this is all in my head though! Still, I thought I'd keep track of everything, then if it doesn't happen this month I'll know for next time that all this is normal for me.

Your chart is looking great! When do you plan to test? I hope I manage to hold off for as long as you - well done!

I tested yesterday at 14dpo and thought I had a super faint line. It could've been in my head but I plan to test again tomorrow morning at 16 dpo if AF doesn't surprise me. It's hard not to symptom spot, hope you get your bfp!
I've been stalking this post for the past month. Congrats ninja panda! Hope you ladies get your bfps soon!

Decided to join this cycle.

1-5 DPO - Mild cramping for 2-3 mins on day 3 & day 5. The lack of cramps is unusual because ive had them everyday from 1-8 or so in my past two cycles. 6dpo tomorrow so I'll update more then. :happydance:

6 dpo- huge temp dip, lowest this cycle. Cervix was super high this morning and I've had a few tiny cramps that were over by the time I noticed. Cm was sticky this morning and by night it was more like EWCM/wet, but not much. Hoping for a huge temp rise tomorrow. Nervous and excited!

7-9dpo- no symptoms what so ever. Not even the usual cramping I usually get up until AF. Temps are going crazy but I think it's because I've been taking my temp orally and have been a bit stuffed up thanks to allergies. Feeling down and out this cycle.

10dpo- big temp raise! Woke up with a ton of EWCM/watery mixed cm. It was a lot! Felt sick all day.

11dpo- BFN. Had some mild cramping, maybe AF is coming. Felt better today. Cp is high and closed. I expect sore boobies tomorrow to let me know AF is on her way.

12dpo- sore boobies. Vag walls feel really silky/soft, I've never noticed that before. Aside from the sore girls I have no other symptoms. No cramping, temp still high.

13DPO- The girls are a little less sore. Still have the soft/silky feeling, cp is high and a medium firmness I guess. I just got home from dropping off DD and got an instant headache. Guess I'll try to rest instead of cleaning up. Temp was still night today but last cycle it dropped the day AF showed.

Migraine this evening. Not fun.

14dpo- cramps on and off all day, and sore girls in the evening. Not quite sure what tomorrow will brings. Kind of nervous AF will show. Stuffed nose and sore throat. I think th fall allergies have finally hit.

15dpo- mild cramps in the evening, nausea on and off. Headache in the evening. Peeing a lot. Creamy cm mixed with some thick EWCM. Cp high, medium, closed. Sore boobs all day but not too bad, it comes and goes.

16dpo- bfp! Bfp! Eek!

This was a bfp cycle! I'm in shock and nervous and super happy! Waiting to see more bfps on this thread now. Good luck to you girls!

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