
Tbh I'm absolutely knackered and have zero energy, would love to go back to bed, but I'm looking after my gorgeous but exhausting 3 year old!
TBH I'm also knackered and have zero energy, and would love to go back to bed...but I'm at work! :haha:

I'm feeling so blah today.
TBH I threw up this morning and am still fighting nausea and dizziness. I'm so glad we have a Fall Reading Week, because at 4weeks + 4 days, I'm not ready to tell my boss, let alone my students, that I'm pregnant. :sick:
TBH, I'm struggling on how to tell someone.

One of my good work friends told me she was pregnant with her first pretty early one, 5-6 weeks. We chatted about all things pregnancy about every time we talked, I love being pregnant and having babies and soaked up information like a sponge the entire time I was pregnant with DS and TTC again, and I'm always willing to talk about stuff. Well, when she had her first appointment at 8 weeks and a scan at 9, it showed she had lost the baby. This was of course hard, this was late August and we had already discussed that I was going to start TTC in September. She didn't want to talk about the MC much, I told her I had one in June so I knew what she was going through. We haven't talked about it much since. Well, I fell pregnant in September as soon as we started TTC. Needless to say I have found it quite difficult to tell her, and since we haven't told really anyone IRL yet (except my sister, who like DH seems to know - she guessed why I was calling both times), it's been fine. But I don't know if it will be awkward when I finally tell her since she told me so early and here I am almost 10 weeks and haven't said anything. I guess I could say I just wanted to wait for my first appointment (which is still A WEEK AWAY)...but anyway. It's just on my mind as I've just been chatting with her now.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest, not a big thing or anything but I will be leaving this job 2 weeks from Wednesday so I should probably say something before then.
Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest, not a big thing or anything but I will be leaving this job 2 weeks from Wednesday so I should probably say something before then.

I don't know. It depends how sensitive of a person she is. If you were staying then I would say yes. I know after I had my miscarriage it took a year to get pregnant again and I basically hated the guts of everyone who got pregnant and had babies whilst I was still waiting. I'm not telling you not to tell her, after all you know her better than me, but I do know you'll need to be pretty tactful in telling her.

TBH yay I got my 12 week scan at 13+1 so a bit late, but better late than never.
Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest, not a big thing or anything but I will be leaving this job 2 weeks from Wednesday so I should probably say something before then.

I don't know. It depends how sensitive of a person she is. If you were staying then I would say yes. I know after I had my miscarriage it took a year to get pregnant again and I basically hated the guts of everyone who got pregnant and had babies whilst I was still waiting. I'm not telling you not to tell her, after all you know her better than me, but I do know you'll need to be pretty tactful in telling her.

TBH yay I got my 12 week scan at 13+1 so a bit late, but better late than never.

Yeah, I actually was about to tell her a couple weeks ago, and the time I went to her office to chat she mentioned how annoyed and frustrated she was at everyone getting pregnant around her...so I didn't say anything. Unless she just isn't saying, they are WTT until 2015 due to moving, her husband had an accident and they are down to 1 car, etc.

The thing is, I will probably see her again shortly after I leave the job, we are friends on facebook, etc. She will find out eventually, and I'd rather tell her than her just see me undeniably pregnant and having never said anything. She's planning a housewarming party soon (she is having a house built, it gives us something to talk about alot!), I'll probably be showing. And she knows I drink, so she may notice I'm not drinking either, etc. Maybe I'll tell her in the last couple days before I leave so she will have time to process it before she has to see me again (unlike when I'm at work, when she pretty much has to see me, you know?).
TBH I've decided to settle for my current family doctor and book my first appointment. I just called and she is on vacation hahahha. She gets back on thursday. I will be 6+1 then. I feel so relieved that I don't have to stress about finding a new family doctor...even though I hate this one. I will just use her to get a referral to an OBGYN. Hopefully one day I find a new doctor.
Tbh, I really don't *need* to be in bed right now (8.15pm) while my dh is cleaning the kitchen after he's bathed dd and put her to bed BUT I just feel as though pregnancy with a toddler is (and will continue to be) hard work so whilst today's scan is fresh in hubby's mind and he's offering to do so many chores, I'm just going to lie here and check babyandbump!

TBH - I'm having a hard time seeing so many complaints about pregnancy. I lost my son at 30 weeks last time and then struggled with unexplained infertility for well over a year. I am embracing every moment even the ones where I can't hold down food or am so exhausted I can barely function. I am so excited to get this opportunity to be pregnant and couldn't imagine complaining.

TBH - I have thought about stepping away from the forum until second trimester because it has just been bothering me.

Sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, although I had losses in the first trimester. It sucks when everyone is moaning and you are living to experience as many symptoms as possible because it gives you an extra bit of hope.

As somebody else said , I think it's away to find a common ground and doesn't mean others aren't as excited or happy to be pregnant. It's still bloody annoying though.xx
Tbh, I really don't *need* to be in bed right now (8.15pm) while my dh is cleaning the kitchen after he's bathed dd and put her to bed BUT I just feel as though pregnancy with a toddler is (and will continue to be) hard work so whilst today's scan is fresh in hubby's mind and he's offering to do so many chores, I'm just going to lie here and check babyandbump!


TBH - I love the fact that DH jumps up and spoils me while I'm pregnant. :blush:
Tbh Kian threw the biggest tantrum while I was getting him into the car for his first day in his new nursery and it just totaly threw me off, I managed to keep it together while going into the nursery and leaving him etc and he was totally fine playing and happy but as soon as I got back into the car with my neighbour I teared up a bit and she asked if I was okay and I jist ended up blurting out that I was pregnant and just emotional :dohh: and now I've come home and I've just broke into tears and can't stop crying :cry: I don't know what's wrong with me I hope it's just hormones and if it is I hope they kindly fuck off soon! Plus now I'm regretting telling my neighbour I am pregnant :dohh: I know she will keep it quiet but she's friends with my mum and when she says to her she knows my mum will probably be like I thought you weren't telling people yet? .... Urgh I just want to curl up into a ball :cry: but I've got the midwife coming soon and I need to pull it together before she comes or God knows what she will think of me... Probably that I'm an emotional mess and shouldn't have one kid let alone two :cry:
Tbh- I think you are the one person who gets to tell whoever you want whenever you want, still expect others not to tell, and not get judged. :)
Tbh I'm too much of a worrier.... :dohh: :haha: just had my midwife appointment and I was totally fine, more then just fine :haha: my midwife who I met for the first time was just lovely and actually when I did mention that I know I am quite young to be having my second she said that for someone so young I seem very together and doing great :) and I was just like you should have seen me a wee while ago :dohh: :haha: I also phoned my mum before and she was great as well. Gah I need to stop being such a worrier!! :dohh: :haha:
Can't believe I was in such an awful mood literally about an hour ago and now I feel great! ...... These hormones are just something else eh? :haha:
I like this thread.

TBH I am really regretting an explosion I had on Sunday. We were rear-ended pretty badly while we were stopped and my son was in the car. It was like I was seeing blind rage. I jumped out of the car and threw my coat and started yelling at the lady behind us. I forget exactly what I said, it all happened so fast, but all I could think about was YOU HIT MY CAR, MY SON IS IN MY CAR, YOU HURT MY SON YOU BITCH YOU WILL DIE. (ETA, this is what was going through my head, but I didn't say any of that irl. I rarely ever swear in real life, lol I'm much to nice for that ;) Then my husband yelled at me, Suz it's not her fault, she got hit! It was actually the car behind HER that rammed into her, which caused her to fly into us. This poor woman's car was absolutely smashed and totaled, while we got much less damage. I immediately went to this woman, while I was holding my son, and tried to apologize, but she could not stop apologizing to me! And then she kept saying "I saw you had a baby and I felt so bad!" And I kept saying "It's not your fault, I'm so sorry, my baby's fine." So we definitely cleared the air and I hope she doesn't still continue to think I'm mad at her, when I'm not. I'm mad at the driver at fault who wasn't watching the road and plowed into this poor elderly woman.

I keep thinking about this woman and hoping she's okay and not hurt and I want her to know none of it was her fault.
Tbh, I forgot what a b**** I am when I'm pregnant and am worried about how bad I will be as the weeks go on ( I'm only e
ight weeks and have wanted to be rude to / slap two people in the last two days!

One is a woman I know through a friend. She's met my daughter, Sadie three times and yesterday, kept calling her 'Sades' and saying to her children, "say goodbye to sades". Why would you do that? I've never called her that so I don't see why an acquaintance should (know I'm completely overreacting! Hormones!)

Other one is a friend who us disappointed with gender of baby from scan. Already has two children of same sex and has just doing out they're expecting another if that gender and said, "I'm really fed up it's another one" when I'm spending every waking second just hoping for a successful pregnancy! I know people have their reasons and that it's a sensitive subject but I think people should be more grateful ( I also wonder if I agree with gender info at scans - surely if you find out when you meet baby, you just fall in love and it doesn't matter rather than spending 20 weeks being fed up?)

Rant over!

Sorry, ladies.x
Tbh all of the above would piss me the hell off too! :haha: especially the gender dissapointment one... I don't know it's just something I don't understand, I would think any mother would be just happy and grateful that her baby was healthy , I might be sounding horrible here but in my opinion people who get that upset etc over the gender are just beyond me and if it was anyone in my life I would get them told to not be so bloody selfish and childish! And be grateful that you are blessed with a child in the first place! They really need to get their prioritys right tbh urgh actually angers me so much! I've seen the gender dissapointment forum on here and I've never gone on it because it would annoy me so much and I would probably be banned for telling them all to get a grip ... :S
Tbh all of the above would piss me the hell off too! :haha: especially the gender dissapointment one... I don't know it's just something I don't understand, I would think any mother would be just happy and grateful that her baby was healthy , I might be sounding horrible here but in my opinion people who get that upset etc over the gender are just beyond me and if it was anyone in my life I would get them told to not be so bloody selfish and childish! And be grateful that you are blessed with a child in the first place! They really need to get their prioritys right tbh urgh actually angers me so much! I've seen the gender dissapointment forum on here and I've never gone on it because it would annoy me so much and I would probably be banned for telling them all to get a grip ... :S

It's a private forum and that's the exact reason why..
I don't get gender disappointment either. My sister has cried every time she found out she was pregnant with a boy. When I was last pregnant I told people early on to stop calling my baby she because it would make me feel as if a boy wasn't as wanted in the family.

I have six nephews, a stepson, and then my son. So I get why they may want a girl. I do feel like a girl would be easier emotionally since I lost a boy, but I will be overjoyed with either gender.

I can't say I've ever seen anyone who has truly struggled with a loss or infertility or both have gender disappointment. I'm sure there are cases but everyone I know has just been overjoyed to get that baby.
Tbh I got a date for my first scan through today :happydance: roll on the 18th of November!

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