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Tbh - I feel like s**t today. Headache... Sore throat.... Snotty nose. Want to go back to bed but have to work :( roll on bedtime.
TBH 9 months is far too long to be pregnant haha! Excitement is wearing thin as is my patience haha
I was watching one born everyminute last night and I came to the realisation it's not the pain side I'm worried about, it's the fact that once it starts the ladies who have long labour's seem stressed up to the eye balls and that petrified me
I was watching one born everyminute last night and I came to the realisation it's not the pain side I'm worried about, it's the fact that once it starts the ladies who have long labour's seem stressed up to the eye balls and that petrified me


I was watching one born every minute the other day, and I came to the realisation that I *shouldn't* watch one born every minute *ever again*. My husband and I were both staring at the TV in shock and horror (we watched more than one episode. Like 5 in a row). :dohh:
^ Omg watching one born is like the worst thing you can do!! :haha: with my first pregnancy I watched half an episode before I had to switch it off ... Terrified! :dohh: :haha: trust me I don't know about anyone else but the screaming some of them do is really not necessary you should use your energy to push down and not waste it on screaming! Haha I thought it was just me that found it a bit over the top so I asked my oh incase I was remembering my first birth a bit different to how it was or something haha and he said no you where really quiet tbh just a bit of a grunting noise towards the end when I was pushing :haha: asked a bunch of my friends too (even ones who didn't have the best birthing experience) and they said a lot of what they have seen in one born wasn't at all what they where like!

So try relax! It really isn't that bad as it seems especially on that show! :haha: yah it does hurt like a bitch :haha: but it is a pain that is bearable! One bit of advice I would give is just go with what your body is telling you to do! And yes it might be hard to believe right now and at the time when it is happening but it is a pain that goes away as soon as you see your wee bubba for the first time :) and it is a pain that you seem to forget over time as well... I mean I'm having another one! :haha: and trust me I am the worst when it comes to pain tolerance but idk I coped well with it! Women's bodys are made to have babies and we've been doing it for years so it can't be that bad :p :flower:
Tbh I feel like death :sick: me and Kian have come down with some bug... feverish sneezing and coughing like mad, super sensitive to the light and even noise sometimes, aching bones sore to touch the lot, :dohh:
Like I said pains not my concern, I get just frustrated easy and hate being fussed round so not liking the idea of people piling in the room like extra midwives and stuff. Having my OH there is gonna be more than enough haha!
I quite like one born if I'm honest, I like to see what can go wrong and how it's handled. Will help my head loads to know what can go wrong and when, as daft as that sounds haha

I Defo agree with the screaming that its just so unnecessary, I'd be sooooo embarrassed I don't know what I'd do, I think a little grunt or moaning towards the end when it hurts and ur exhausted like u said Sarah is more than understandable just not screaming bloody murder like some of them do!
I've given my OH permission to tell me off if I start pissing about like that, and permission to knock me out if I carry on haha!
My friend swears by some raspberry tablets, she takes them from 37 weeks, says don't effect bringing on labour but once your in labour they help speed it up apparently. Her first and second labour's were only a few hours from start to finish and I must say I'd be pretty happy with that.
Like I said pains not my concern, I get just frustrated easy and hate being fussed round so not liking the idea of people piling in the room like extra midwives and stuff. Having my OH there is gonna be more than enough haha!

Lol - I get this! I actually wrote on my last birth plan "no students, no non-medical staff and no-one not actually involved in my care to be in the room". Maybe I worded it a bit nicer at the time , but it was words to that effect!! Can't be doing with unnecessary faff!!!!
Hopefully you won't need many people in the room with you :hugs: the only people I had other then my mum and oh was just the one midwife! Which was great tbh! I was really surprised though as I thought you always had two?

Oh God I'm the complete opposite it would just pannic me too much to see the complications that can happen.. To me ignorance is bliss! :thumbup: :haha:

Haha it's funny I never got embarrassed by anything at all really when I was in labour ( even though I had plenty to be embarrass about with the things I was coming out with! :dohh: )I was just too high as a kite of the gas and air to even care! :haha: I do remember saying "uhhohhh I'm so sorry" to the midwife when my water broke because I thought I had weed myself :haha: the midwife when I was being wheeled into the active labour suite mind that I was over 6cm gone she said that it was nice to see someone laughing their head off for a change :haha: (Gas & air just did something to me , made me feel a bit drunk tbh :haha: it was amazing!) even when I was getting my stitches done afterwards I was giggling like mad that she had to tell me to stop laughing so much and keep still :dohh: :haha: and then when she had to do that slightly akward check :shy: to see if they have stitched properly , I thought I was whispering (like you think when you are drunk haha) but I was actually saying in a really loud voice so my mum and oh said "she just stuck her finger up my bum!" And then proceeded to carry on wetting myself laughing haha , does embarrass me now tbh if I ever seen that midwife again like on the street or something I couldn't look her in the eye with the carry on and things I was coming out with during labour! :blush: :haha:

Ohh ive never heard of them!? My last labour was 22 hours so I'm expecting about the same this time round tbh , I've heard of some women going really quickly though! :S that would just scare the hell out of me! As well as the ones that are in labour for days! That would be so frustrating!
OK ladies - here it is... The Kool Aid Man Story --- to show you that it is not all horrer and stress.

My DS2 went in distress, probably due to my blood pressure spike while I was in labor, and they really thought they were gonna have to do a csection. So when they put my epidurral in they gave me a doozy! (well, after two times of trying anyway) I didn't feel any paid at all. Everything was funny. I actually threw up and laughed about how it wasn't even uncomfortable.... Then this very nice intern came in to check my progress (I was also on petocin to speed things up) and while he was checking me down there I was watching TV. And a Kool Aid Commercial came on. For those of you who may not be familier with the Kool Aid Man - He is a gigantic pitcher of flavored/colored sugar water and he always says "OH ya!" So when the commercial came on I shouted "Oh Ya!"..... while the intern was checking my cervix... and yes he was a guy..... Then I realized what that looked like and I turned 10 shades of red and said "oh.... I suppose that was not the most appropriate time to say that...." Everyone died laughing. I explained over and over it was for the commercial and appologized (while cracking up laughing) to the intern. LOL Later after DS2 was born I pushed a little too hard to get the placenta out and splatted it all over that poor same intern. If he didn't quit after all I put him through he is good to go! LOL LOL LOL

aaaah... fun times :) To tell you the truth, I kinda needed to rememer that story too. It put me at ease to remember it won't necissarily be all pain and pressure and worry.... but I plan to get an epidurral again too
^ :haha: that made me giggle! And like we've said yes it does hurt but there are some hilariously akward moments in there that just make you laugh your head off :haha: and actually really helps with the whole process haha . When I think about the many many inappropriate things I came out with it makes me look foward to what on earth I'm going to say or be like this time ! :haha:
I'm inappropriate at the best of times stone cold sober so now you ladies have mentioned it I'd cringe to think what rubbish I'd come out with haha!
Your stories really made me smile tho so may try ad remember them at the time I'm in pain haha!!

I will ask my friend what the actual name of the tablets are, my view is if they don't bring on your labour but help it once it's started naturally they can't really do any harm, I will most certainly be trying them x

I like that you can write on your notes about students and non medical person not allowed, I'll have to do this one myself. I can't imagine how ever I write it will be any less polite than what I'd tell them if they walked in haha x
Tbh how on earth am I nearly 20 weeks already?! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is passing!!
Tbh, I hate stairs. They make me feel so out of shape.
TBH I got woken up by heartburn for the first time this pregnancy last night, and this had better not be a sign of things to come. Thank the stars for Gaviscon. :wacko:
TBH I wish I was single. OH is just being a tosser and really starting to lose my patience with all the agro
Tbh, I'm not liking the forecast!
We are predicted to get 30 inches or more!!!
TBH - I also hate stares!! I work in the basement of a Medical Clinic and I swear they make those suckers steeper every week! I am going to start couting them to see if they are adding any!!! LOL

My OH is also being a butt!! He just got diagnosed as pre-diabetic and is making me freaking miserable! Oh I can't eat this and I can't eat that and find/make me stuff I can eat that I won't get bord with and bla bla bla..... :growlmad: Like I don't work full time too and have nothing I would rather do then plan and cook meals and snacks for him! (OK, that sounded horrable for me to complain about, but he is really being pissey. I don't think I would mind so much if it came with a little gratitude.)
TBH I just want to feel the baby move!!

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