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TBH I think my digestive system has finally lost the plot. Yesterday I wanted an Indian takeout so badly I could have cried. I still want one today, but not as badly as I want....

grilled halloumi on wholewheat toast, with a tomato, rocket and Parmesan shaving salad and a chocolate milkshake to drink.

At least that's marginally healthier than the Indian.
Tbh I wish my tastebuds would go back to normal already! Every single food now tastes like crap :dohh: :brat:
Tbh, I wish I was eating healthier this pregnancy. I need to do better!
TBH, I legitimately just ordered 3 bags of Tootsie Roll midgees from Amazon. Nothing else, just the Tootsie Rolls thanks.

I mean, what's a girl to do when your adopted country doesn't sell your favorite American candy?!! The wait until they arrive is going to be torture...
Tbh, I'm sick of this cold already and I've only been sick since Saturday night :wacko:
Tbh the hyperemesis is coming back with a vengance :sick: and my midwife is really well not doing her job properly :/ because of the hyperemesis I'm now a high risk pregnancy ive been told and should be being checked up on very regularly (blood pressure , hydration, etc etc ) and I've already gone six weeks without seeing her... And the next time I see her it will be 8 weeks! I mean wtf!? Low risk pregnancys see their midwife at least once a month but yet I'm high risk and well being neglected... I was neglected at the start of the pregnancy too which resulted in me having to be flown away to hospital from collapsing with seveere dehydration when it all could have been avoided if I was being checked up on regulary and put on a drip for a few hours to keep me hydrated. Even the midwifes at the hospital I went to where disgusted that I had been left to get in that state... And now it's slowly happening again :cry: I just hope I can manage to keep my fluids up myself somehow so I can avoid going to hospital and being miles away from my family again :cry:
That's really shocking Sarah1508, is there nobody you can complain to to get better service from your midwife? Surely they're governed by someone else in the NHS outside of their own little department? I'd be on the phone yelling my head off in between sips of water and being sick if I were you. You're right that's totally unacceptable that they should let you get into that state.

If you are vomiting and/or having other digestive issues you will not be able to maintain your own hydration no matter what you do. You, or your partner, or someone needs to get vocal and demanding, like right now. :hugs::hugs:
That's really shocking Sarah1508, is there nobody you can complain to to get better service from your midwife? Surely they're governed by someone else in the NHS outside of their own little department? I'd be on the phone yelling my head off in between sips of water and being sick if I were you. You're right that's totally unacceptable that they should let you get into that state.

If you are vomiting and/or having other digestive issues you will not be able to maintain your own hydration no matter what you do. You, or your partner, or someone needs to get vocal and demanding, like right now. :hugs::hugs:

Not really tbh I live in an island so she basically the only midwife here so you have no one else to turn to really.. It's such a shame because when I was pregnant with my first the midwife I had was amazing but she retired last year. My mum did phone the health visitor and doctor because they where the only people she could think of to get on her case like but that was on Friday and it's now Wednesday and I still haven't heard anything back... The vomiting had eased off for a few weeks (I was only being sick a few times a day, but still finding it extremely difficult to eat or drink ) but now it's slowly getting worse and worse again and when the doctor did a home visit after my mum phoned he took a urine sample that showed I was far too dehydrated and also that I wasn't keeping enough food down as well, but all he said was that he would let the midwife know and she will take care of things... So I'm just now left again and don't know what to do.. :/
I've already lost over three stone (well that's the last time I checked a month ago) and I did start of the pregnancy plus size so that's my only saving grace but if I carry on loosing the same amount of weight in such a short time I will end up underweight by the end of the pregnancy :/
Does this help at all? Seriously, I would call them myself at this point if you don't have someone who could help you just give me the details and I will kick up all hell till you get seen by someone competent.

Oh my goodness Sarah that is shocking!! There must be some where to complain!! That's just not acceptable whether your high risk, low risk or not even pregnant. To leave someone dehydrated with out treatment is disgusting, this woman wants writing off!
Tbh I'm glad we ordered grocery shopping yesterday, will be snowed in by the end of the day!! Had a few inch fall in the last half an hour!
oh no Sarah that is aweful! I would go sit on her front step until she saw me! I hope you can get some help.
Does this help at all? Seriously, I would call them myself at this point if you don't have someone who could help you just give me the details and I will kick up all hell till you get seen by someone competent.


Pgfairy thanks! I will have a look over that with my mum as I get confused pretty easily reading certain things :dohh: due to my ongoing anxiety and depression. It's just rediculus really when it comes to healthcare here it's the same with the mental health service which I am obviously under due to ongoing anxiety and depression since I was 14 , when I fell pregnant the doctor had to lower my meds so I was promised that I would be constantly seeing cpns and I tried for the first two months to chase them up but nothing... And I'm now five months pregnant and still haven't had even a phone call of any of them... It's shocking really but it happens all the time here when it comes to the nhs , we are left understaffed and with lack of care due to that and no ones complaints seem to be heard so your screwed basically..
That sucks! Feel free to PM me with anything you really need to get off your chest. I am no councelor, but I am one who suffers from anxiety and drepression and can't take meds for it. I know how it can be a releif just to tell someone about the crazy you feel without worrying that they are judging you. Really, PM me anything you need to talk about.
Tbh, every Friday I look at kajastar's ticker because she is one day ahead of me and I like to see what fruit I will be Saturday. So,I am looking forward to tomorrow, lol. Lame I know, but it's the little things!
axt614 - not lame at all! LOL It IS the little things!

And speaking of little things - TBH, I am excited I only have 99 days to go!!! Woop woop double didgets baby!!! :happydance:
Double digits!!! Yay! Didn't even think of that one. Will be doing a happy dance tomorrow! Congrats on 99! Sounds so much better than 100!

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