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Thanks everyone was a bit of a let down at the time tbh but it's just trivial really will get to see bubba next month.. Will be a loooong wait but it will be worth it! :flower:

Great attitude!!! It's so nice to see someone on here that is not just constantly complaining! Especially about what they cannot change!
TBH I'm getting fed up of selling my nephews things on eBay because my sister is too lazy. It's me who has to deal with all the packaging and posting.
Tbh this little bubba is sure doing some amount of wriggling tonight! Must be trying to get comfy for bed time :haha:
TBH my dh is going away tomorrow for a long weekend to see his Mom. I'm not going because my passport is being renewed and she lives with 5 dogs which given the status of my stomach sounds like hell.

I can't decide if I'm looking forward to the peace and quiet and having the bed to myself, or if not having someone there to run interference on my crazy (my husband thinks it's all hilarious and loves being the one I go to when I'm a totally illogical witch/moron so it's not husband cruelty really....) is going to cause me to have a total freak out. Taking bets now, even odds. :haha:
Tbh I know its tmi but last night my boobie leaked! :haha: (aka my colostrum has started to come through :happydance: ) I know some might find that a bit of an inconvenience haha but that happening along with feeling movements almost every day now and a very noticeable bump coming along I FINALLY feel pregnant!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
TBH you haven't got the flu. You've got "man flu" aka common cold and just wanted a day off work so you can play your game all day.
Hahaha. My hubby has the man flu too! Damn the Xbox one.
Tbh... I'm laying in bed with my son (who FINALLY fell asleep) and I'm trying to get the energy to get up and get ready for bed so I can go to sleep.
Tbh I am too scared with this pregnancy. Ivf, bleeds, loss of one of my twins- been horrible till now. All I want is your prayers so my bubba grows to be a healthy and full term baby.
You have my prayers ttcmoon! :hugs: sorry you have been through so mch already!

How far along are you?

Tbh, I am pretty sure I have a uti, ugh. Going to the drs this morning so will find out soon.
ttcmoon :hugs: Wishing you all the best.

TBH the last couple of days have been interspersed with those horrible internet moments where you think 'I swear I was just reading about breastfeeding/what to eat when you're pregnant. How on earth did I wind up on a website about a guy who's sister in law is hitting on him/the final behaviors of hypothermia? :wacko::wacko: Time to get off the web.
ttcmoon wishing you all the very best for you the baba and all your family :hugs:

tbh was hoping to be feeling movements by now but not :(

told my self i wasnt allowed to get worked up before i go to a scan after my early gender scan went perfectly, im already getting myself wound up about nhs scan in feb

tbh im horrendously disappointed with my self :(
Don't be disappointed in yourself. :hugs:

I had a scan at 15 weeks. Baby measured 2 days ahead and seemed perfect. I haven't been feeling much the past few days and I'm driving myself bananas with worry. I'm trying to tell myself that baby has turned in and that is why. If this is your first baby you probably won't feel her until 19-20 weeks. I'm sure everything is perfect :hugs:

Tbh, I can't wait for my next scan. As I said above I'm nearly sick with worry. Not good at all. :( It doesn't help that it's coming up to the day we found out about our last loss (tomorrow :cry:)
Thanks too_scared. It's great to know I'm not the only person who worries like this!!

:hugs: for your loss, can imagine it's going to be a stressful day for you x
I wanted to release a japanese paper lanturn on what should have been the due date of our loss but I just couldn't bring my self to do it, just didn't feel ready! Didn't expect it to be so hard x
Thank you. :hugs: I'm so sorry for your loss as well. A loss really takes the innocence from a pregnancy. Gives me so much worry. :(
Ttcmoon wishing you all the best :hugs:

Tbh I couldn't resist but start to count down the days to my 2nd scan (take 2 :haha: ) :dohh:


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TBH I hope I stop peeing myself every time I sneez after baby is born....
^Snap! I didn't have this problem at all last time even after giving birth! But this time it's unreal! :dohh: :haha:

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