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Tbh I've just had a letter through saying that the council are replacing the open fire with a new heating system and should all be done by the end of this March!! :happydance: I must say I will miss the open fire a bit because it looks so lovely but I will definetly not be missing cleaning the damn thing out! And dragging the heavy coal in! And also the house will be warm 24/7 and I won't have to rely on the fire to heat the house and water up!! I can't wait!! :happydance:
Aww Sarah I'm so glad you have got your scan sorted, bet your so excited x

Great news about the heating as well, bet that will make your life so much easier
Tbh I wish OH's ex wife would get her head out of her arse and grow up! She's fuckin 35 not 13!
I can't stand this woman, she's one of those that should never have been allowed kids. She's selfish, self centred, spoilt, utter waste of organs and recycled oxygen!!!!

Woooossaa( rubs ear lobes) ..........

Rant over lol

Sorry ladies
Tbh I wish OH's ex wife would get her head out of her arse and grow up! She's fuckin 35 not 13!
I can't stand this woman, she's one of those that should never have been allowed kids. She's selfish, self centred, spoilt, utter waste of organs and recycled oxygen!!!!

Woooossaa( rubs ear lobes) ..........

Rant over lol

Sorry ladies

sounds like DH's ex.... *shutters* and every once and a while I think about how I get to deal with her for the rest of my life! Yippee!!! (NOT!)
All of a sudden it's like she's decided she wants to be the biggest pain in the arse ever. We've been together nearly 3 years and they've been split up 5!!
He's finally filled for divorce and she's clearly seen her asre because she's such a disgusting mess and an awful person that no one wants her.
It's not just awkward she's started getting the kids involved. Little girl is 8 and son is 13 but has really bad behavioural issues. They don't need it!
I wouldn't mind if my OH didn't do anything but he's paid her bills, paid 100 pound a week towards them since they split up up untill he got signed off last year, told her he wants nout from the house or her state pension if she paid for the divorce, that she never bothered doing so we have!
I'd quite happy beat her with something heavy till my arm went numb
Tbh, I'm not looking forward to my scan tomorrow. DD's rabbit died last night and I managed to hold it together until breaking the news to her today :cry: she was so upset. We're trying to pick a new one for her. And then she ends up being poorly all evening. If she's still poorly tomorrow then I'm cancelling my appointment.
I really hope your DD is feeling better today Smartie, and I'm sorry to hear about her bunny.

TBH round ligament pain + pregnancy rhinitis = the worst cosmic joke ever told. But I can't stop sneezing! Ouch!

pink_phoenix - that sounds aweful! Mine is a controling B who doesn't even bother to enforse simple manners. First time I gave Stepdaughter a present (she was 6.5) she threw it on the ground and said it was stupid because the batteries were not already in it...... My head almost exploded!!!

TBH - I feel like crap :( My head has been bothering me for days and is at an all time high in pain right now, my legs all the way down to my toes are swollen and sore, and morning sickness has made a come back... :cry:
Tbh when did my baby boy get so big?! :cry: :haha:


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Wow what a brat! No her kids have no manners either. I don't get it, if we were cheeky or disrespectful as kids we got a clout, not rewarded.
Her car is in the garage so asked if we could pic them up, we take it in turns every other week as she can't be arsed dropping them twice a month, not worth it apparently, when OH said not really as i had planned to be away she said 'ok well kids can stay here, makes no difference to me' no mention of taxi or busses or any way of even being interested in them coming if it ment she had to do anything remotely like hard work. 2 seconds later his Little girl rung upset asking y he had told her mum they couldn't come this week!
She's so vile she makes my blood boil.
Not the 1st or prob not the last she's slagged us/me off to them or made snide comments she knows will get to us thru them.
I'm a patient person but she will only push so far before I snap, refuse to pick them up full stop and tell them what a disgusting piece of work their mother really is
Aww Sarah little one is lovely, going to be a little heart breaker I bet :D
Tbh - you are 7 weeks further along than I am... You are glowing & blooming & looking gorgeous. And I hate you just a little bit. Can you please have just one day where you look a bit sh*tty??!! Just so we're in the same boat for a couple of hours???!
Tbh - you are 7 weeks further along than I am... You are glowing & blooming & looking gorgeous. And I hate you just a little bit. Can you please have just one day where you look a bit sh*tty??!! Just so we're in the same boat for a couple of hours???!

lol, I look like sh*t --- lol my face is swollen and I have the "pregnancy mask" (not too bad, but I have it) and I don't have the energy to do anything with my hair other than brush it and my face is pinched in pain from my constant headachs....
Tbh - you are 7 weeks further along than I am... You are glowing & blooming & looking gorgeous. And I hate you just a little bit. Can you please have just one day where you look a bit sh*tty??!! Just so we're in the same boat for a couple of hours???!

lol, I look like sh*t --- lol my face is swollen and I have the "pregnancy mask" (not too bad, but I have it) and I don't have the energy to do anything with my hair other than brush it and my face is pinched in pain from my constant headachs....

:hugs: sounds rough. I don't want anyone to feel bad :hugs: I just don't want anyone to look great either :) haha!!

I'm tired (& have the bags under my eyes to prove it), have a spotty chin & jaw line (& back - thank goodness it's winter!). And I think I can feel my old spd twinges today :(
TBH I'm going home to cry, maybe do a yoga practice to try and center myself, and eat an Indian takeout because today has royally kicked my a**.

To be honest i'm really not enjoying this pregnancy. I never had hip pain with my daughter but with this baby some days I'm like an 80 year old with back pain. Ouch.
TBH - I am not enjoying this pregnancy either - but I knew it would be miserable when I signed up and tried so hard for so long for it, so then I feel guilty too. I swear I am greatful for this misery! But I am still miserable...... 3 more months and I will have my prize!
Tbh ive spent more money than sence and still listing up more and more things I want. After swearing blind baby wouldn't be spoilt :blush:

Also I'm a little concerned at some point soon I'm going to need a wheel chair for anything out of the house. In so much pain just going for a wee at night :'(

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