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Tbh my face is looking awful right now. I'm broken out like crazy and also have a bunch of hives thrown in just for fun. :cry:
TBH I'm drinking Gaviscon like juice at the moment but at least it's helping. Stupid pregnancy heartburn.
Tbh I can't believe I'm even typing this but my best friend from school gave birth to beautiful healthy baby girl last night.... She didn't even know she was pregnant..... Ahhh I am so so excited and happy for her! :happydance: I still can't quite believe it! It's crazy! :haha:
Wow that is amazing!! Easiest pregnancy EVER haha!
I saw a post just as I came over to 2nd tri and a lady was 5months and didn't know, couldn't help but feel jealous haha! I'd love to have skipped out all the worry and stress!
Wow that is amazing!! Easiest pregnancy EVER haha!
I saw a post just as I came over to 2nd tri and a lady was 5months and didn't know, couldn't help but feel jealous haha! I'd love to have skipped out all the worry and stress!

Yeah....I dunno if you ever really get to skip it, I think it just happens a lot faster and a lot more concentrated when you do finally find out. Can you imagine knowing you're in the second trimester without having gotten to grips with how scary and weird the whole pregnancy thing just IS? Or having to take home a baby without having had ANY time to plan, or get used to the idea of becoming a mom, or buy anything? I know none of the stuff we do to prepare is essential but I can't imagine not doing it before this kid arrives you know?! :wacko:
Sarah - that is crazy!! Wow - she'll be in such a whirlwind for the next few weeks!!

Tbh - it is noon here. I have the day off work. And I have done EVERYTHING I can think of to avoid the housework! Oh well - lunchtime now!! :haha:
I more ment the first 12wks! That's been by far the hardest ever!
The rest is a breeze campared to first tri
Tbh this wee bubba has been right night owl this past week or so!
Tbh Kian found a bit of cotton wool and is running round the house going "ahhh a wittle (aka little) cloud!" :haha:
Tbh I was put on bed rest last night. I have complete placenta previa and I had a bleed yesterday. I'm so scared. And very sad about all the things that are changing because of it. I have to wean my little boy. It's breaking my heart.
too_scared :hugs: why do you have to wean your little boy because of it?
Thank you :hugs:

I have to wean him because nursing causes contractions of the uterus. The doctor said it is too risky now that I have had a bleed.

I also can't go home for 4 months (hopefully! I have to stay in a town 2.5 hours from my home until baby comes and I'm really planning to keep baby in there until 37 weeks!) I have to stay with my in laws. I'm hoping my husband will be able to stay too because I am not allowed to lift my little boy and definitely can't chase him around. So far he's been put off work for the next 2 weeks. I'm hoping our doctor will be able to continue giving him notes to keep him off. He has lots of sick time to do it. He's a teacher so if he can be off until the baby comes he'll have 2 months off still for summer vacation.

I'm still in shock and can hardly think about all the what ifs. I'm really hoping that this is it for the bleeding and I don't have any more complications before baby comes.
I thought it might have something to do with the contractions breastfeeding makes but was not sure. :hugs: I hope you can get everything worked out for rest and a good long cooking time!
Oh no! I am so sorry tooscared! My sil had complete pp, but her placenta moved up after 10 weeks and she was able to not be on bed rest or the remainder of her pregnancy! I am so sorry you have to wean on top of pp! :hugs:
Thank you :hugs:

The doctors are pretty sure mine won't move up. They said it was bi-lobed, so 2 halves with one in front and one in back. They both said anything can and does happen in medicine but it's unlikely. I'm hoping I'm one of those cases that does!
Tbh sitting on the labour ward for the last I don't know how many hours and hearing women moan/scream in labour is really making me sad that I won't get to do that again. :(

I know I absolutely cannot deliver vaginally and a c section is the only way but I'm still sad. :(
Aww too scared what an awful time ur having! I just wanted to say that I'm wishing you and your family all the best and will keep u in my thoughts!
Sorry I can't be of much more use I just dint want to read your posts and not send you best wishes!!

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