TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Babylove, if you scroll back to the earlier pages Pink had posted a really great website that gives average ranges depending on dpo. I found it very helpful. Please do not worry about your number - when I went in at 12 dpo my hcg was only 110 and at my 6 week scan they saw a sac and baby had a pulse so I am sure everything will turn out fine for you!

Lucy, you are not a downer at all. We are all here to support you through these difficult times. TTC I learnt is as much about a certain mental perserverance as it is about the physical. Hang in there. *hugs*

AFM, had to take the day off because I threw up all night and could not get up for work. Went to see my GP and she said that if this continues I may need to go in for IV if I get dehydrated so to try and suck on ice chips : ( Now I have a HUGE favour to ask any ladies in the US. There are these pressure bands called psi bands sold at Target, CVS, Wholefoods and can be ordered from Amazon. They supposedly help with nausea but I cannot get it shipped here to Canada. If someone can help me purchase I am happy to bear all cost for this (purchase, shipping). If you can help please message me - I would be so grateful!
baby_love - your level sounds fine to me! How far along do you think you are? Remember, the numbers have to start from zero. I have seen people start out with beta's in the 20's and go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies. Will look forward to hearing what your repeat beta is, but I'm tipping that everything is absolutely perfect. I know it's hard not to worry (it's what we do!), but hang in there.

peachy - gosh, you're not having much fun are you? I wouldn't be surprised if you are diagnosed with extreme pregnancy sickness like my friend. Throwing up during the night is just no fun at all. We have 'sea bands' here in Australia that definitely help with nausea. We went on a cruise last year, and I bought them for sea sickness, and thought they were pretty good. I would ship one to you in a heartbeat, but you are probably best to get it from someone closer to home, as the postage time would probably be pretty long.

Lucy - I've been around. Not doing anything in particular...just settling back into the routine with school and all of the girls' activities. They do a lot of swimming and gymnastics, so I am constantly in the car! I totally forgot that you only have 1 it all makes sense! So, it looks like we're gearing up for a BIG cycle next month? I totally understand your frustration, as I also feel frustrated for you and wish it was easier for you. I'm now feeling really confident for next month...certainly seems like this one was annovulatory, and your remaining ovary should be ready to roll next month! I want your AF to hurry up and arrive so that we can get rolling with it! Hang in there. x

lovebot - hope all is going well. Please keep us updated!!!

Well, I'd better get moving. My youngest daughter has gymnastics today, while the other girls are at school. It's very hot here!

peachy hi hun am so sorry that you are going through all this and i would love to help you buy the bands i was just looking at them and they are not that expensive so let me know how you want to do it and i can get them for you if not tomorrow am going to the big town and there is a target there i can get them if they have them what size do you need i think they have small,med and large i will look and see if the store carries them ok and the color that you want

pink wow you sound like you are busy don't over do it remember that there is a bun in the oven i can't wait until you girls start to upload u/s pics bc you all know that i need some pics lol

and yes am totally hoping that af gets here soon i have spotting all day so am hoping that soon she will show her face, and next month that ovary will send out a great big eggie that my hubbys spermies will go crazy for it lol at least am hoping for that lol but like i said am going to keep my cool about it i will probably try harder to wake up and take my temp so that i can be more accurate so fx for march

oh and to let you ladies know i made the front page a little more exciting just a bit at least i made it so that we can see those bfp better lol hope you all like it hugs all around peachy let me know about that ok hugs to you hope that you get some rest tonight
Lucy, if you can buy me size small in any light color that would be great! Really not picky with color so anything you can find is great. Thanks so much for helping :) its 6am here so got to get ready for work.... Wish I could just sleep. Will write more later. Have a good day.
Thank you sooooo much, ladies!! I'm doing good so far. I feel good. My boobs hurt though lol.

I went to the clinic on base yesterday to see if I can get it confirmed. I peed on their horrible, insensitive urine test and it came back NEGATIVE! I was like, "Oh no, not again!" This lady had to ask her boss if I could get bloods done because of my situation (ectopic) and they said yes. I didn't even have a missed period yet, and they usually wanted a woman to come in 5 days after her missed period.

So I got my bloods done and I had to wait 40 minutes. My hubby got off work and waited with me. I was so glad. The lady called us back and said, "Congratulations, the blood work came back positive. Now let's start with this referral." I was so happy!! I was literally shaking lol. Last time with the ectopic, it took over a week for them to confirm it because of the incredibly low hCG levels.

I pray all will be okay this time. My right (remaining tube) is in great shape, so hopefully the bean is implanted in the uterus this time. I'll definitely keep you all updated. :hugs:
peachy i think that i might be able to get to that store tom but am not promising as somethings came up and i need to run to a couple of different places but will do my best ok how you holding up?

lovebot i bet that was the scariest time so glad that it worked out ok and they were able to confirm it for you hugs and keep us updated on what happens

asf i thought af was comming but all i have had is (sorry tmi) is brown discharge and every now and then it had some dark red anyone know what that means i start to freak out and i think am going to go to a loval OB to see what is going on and see whether help me with something talk to you all tom 1 am here so night night talk more tom
hi to everyone else
Love bot, that is great progress. Once you confirm doubling hcg I am sure you will feel a whole lot better. Big hugs to ya!

Lucy, any help is greatly appreciated. I know what a busy lady you are. As for the period I have had dar brown going to bright red after about two days so don't think it is anything to worry about. That being said it probably doesn't hurt to see an Ob for peace of mind. Hope things get better soon.

ATM, I am still sick. Work is so terrible right now. I wish this vomiting and nausea would stop already. Sorry for being such a whiner...
**waves** just passing through quickly, as it's nearly midnight here and I really need to get to sleep. I worked today, and then we had parent/teacher interviews at the school it's been a hectic day.

Shall be back tomorrow.

Hi Ladies,

I had my beta done yesterday and it had only increased 20% to 556 over 48 hours so its not looking good. Getting another set done tomorrow.

Im just stuck in limbo land at the monute cos the beta isnt high enough to see where its at, be it uterus or tube. It looks like i am possibly having a mc or another ectopic :hugs:

I feel fine, have had no bleeding or pain so its just a matter of waiting at the minute.

I have read a few stories where ladies beta didnt double and they still went on to have a healthy pregnancy, everyone is different. So I am kinda clinging on to that tiny wee bit of hope.
Oh my goodness, baby_love...

I am just numb reading your post. I thought your first beta was great, but we all know that it's a numbers game and you really need to look at the rise.

:( I know how worried and terrified you must be. I just looked back to see how your ectopic was dealt with, and you had your tube removed right? If that's the case, then your risk of a 2nd ectopic is surely very very low (that's what I told myself).

*sigh* I wish that you didn't have to endure the 'not knowing'. These things can take some time to evolve, and there are so many possibilities...among them, the chance that it's just taking a little longer to grow, and it will all be OK.

I know right now that words are cold comfort. I wish I could reassure you that everything is going to be fine. I am thinking of you & your DH constantly and praying that everything is going to turn out well.

Love, Pink xox
Hi I had an ectopic pregnancy back in September and they where able to save my right tube, but I also had to be treated with methotrexated because the ectopic ended up being a continious ectopic. My husband and I have decided to start trying again but evey time I look at the statistics that have to do with an ectopic I start getting very scared and very worried. I really hope to see positive news here because I am so scared.
hi girls

Sorry I've been so scarce. Just trying to catch up on all the news and I see lovebot's pregnant!! Congrats girlie, such great news :)

baby_love....oh honey :( I'm so sorry, that's awful not knowing what's going on at the moment. Are you back on Sat for your next beta? You must be so nervous at the moment, but try to take it easy on yourself until you have the next test, otherwise you'll just be a nervous wreck. Fingers crossed and saying little prayers for you that all is actually ok and that this is just a little scare over nothing!

Lucy - how are you lovely lady?

Pink - hiya!! *waves*

Pixxie - I had a suspected ectopic ('pregnancy of unknown location' is the technical term apparently) in August and I was also treated with methotrexate, so I know how you're feeling right now honey *big hugs*. As you can see, there is ALWAYS hope, you just need to keep your chin up and keep that positive attitude going, it will get you through a lot. Plus, the bunch of girls on here are just FAB and really lovely, and if you're having a down day they'll be sure to brighten your day up!

AFM - well I don't know what's going on. Apologies for TMI in advance, but I've been having brown spotting for the past week since my (suspected) ovulation. My (.)(.) have been a little bit tender today, and had a few sharp pains shooting through them. Can someone tell me if this is a good sign or not (even if it's a good OVULATION sign I can handle that....). Bit nervous that my hormones are all over the place again. Do you think it was maybe the agnus castus that's done this?

Here's my chart:

<a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>

Any advice greatly appreciated.

P.S. went on an awesome cupcake decorating class today which was a belated birthday present, and I made the prettiest little cupcakes. It was a great stress reliever :)

Hugs to everyone else that I've missed off.

Chat soon girlies.
Carmen. x
Baby love, I am stunned... I truly hope that your numbers improve and that maybe you are just off to a bit of a slow start. Please try and stay positive. I will keep you in my prayers. *hugs*

Pixie, welcome! Ttc after an ectopic is nerve wracking at best and I am so glad to have found great support here.

Carmen, sorry but I am useless with charting so can't help... Your symptoms sound great though! Cupcake decorating sounds fun! Do you make the fronting yourself?

AFm, I am getting more miserable and this nausea really is getting on my nerves. I am so cranky to poor dh. I can hear how b@tchy I am but can't help it :(
It feels great to start reading success stories. Every time I see the statistics about having a normal pregnancy I start to freak out and wonder if my husband and I are ready for this roller coaster ride of emotions. My doctors feel that I am very fertile and last time I spoke with her she stated that she felt I should not have a problem concieving again. I just hope she is right. I am trying to make an appointment to speak with her again just to find out what my chances are or what my odds are.
Baby love, I am stunned... I truly hope that your numbers improve and that maybe you are just off to a bit of a slow start. Please try and stay positive. I will keep you in my prayers. *hugs*

Pixie, welcome! Ttc after an ectopic is nerve wracking at best and I am so glad to have found great support here.

Carmen, sorry but I am useless with charting so can't help... Your symptoms sound great though! Cupcake decorating sounds fun! Do you make the fronting yourself?

AFm, I am getting more miserable and this nausea really is getting on my nerves. I am so cranky to poor dh. I can hear how b@tchy I am but can't help it :(

You poor woman i can't imagine what you must be going through i did go to target but couldn't find them and since there was a ton of people i had to leave but am on amazon at the moment and am about to order them for you but went and checked on ebay and there are some there too and from what i saw they do ship to canada, do you want to check those or do you want me to order the ones on amazon i would be happy with what ever you choose just let me know asap as i don't want you to suffer anymore ok please send me a private message if need be they go straight to my cell phone and then i will know :hugs: tell your DH to hold on help is on the way !!
the ones on ebay are new and i thought that you might get them faster but either way let me know hun like i said i am willing to get them and send them to you as well
baby love o huni am shocked and at a lose for words, i know that there is nothing we can say that is going to make it easier on you but you are in my prayers and am hoping that your little bean is just taking it's time to grow please let us know how you get on we are here for you for what ever you need ok :hugs:

pixxie welcome hun wish we could all meet under more happier circumstances but we are here together to get each other through the good and the bad of ttc and like mrsmoose said keep your head up so happy that the success stories help you i love to read them and especially love the pics lol

mrsmoose can i just call you carmen? lol seems that we might be going through a similar thing although i think that am having af at least that is how am seeing it bc if not am going to go nuts thinking about what is going on ut am really hoping that i o in march so i need to order my preseed and hope for the best poor DH getting a little antsy lol

lovebot how are you getting along let is know lady, you best not be abandoning us like you did for that many days anymore ok? lol

afm well today was a low day for me a a friend of mine just gave birth to her baby, which am happy for her but when i called her at the hospital to congradulate her she asks me knowing damn well what i have been going through she asks so what about you when? talk about a slap in the face at least i took it that way bc she knows what we are going through especially when it took all i had to call her when i found out that she had her son he's a premie but they both seem to be doing ok and should be going home tom. she says that she doesn't call me much bc she doesn't know what to say to me bc she was preg and i had lost mine, that's all nice and all but then i think she went through a loss too her first son was born premature and sadly didn't make it, and then when she began to talk to the man that knocked her up she was literally desparate to get preg and married although he was and is no good for her she went to health dep to get the nuvaring and never used it and the she went as far as to consider abortion when when the guy up and left her, DH and i where there for her and were willing to take her into our home so that she didn't have to pay rent or anything for that matter i went as far as to buy her maternity clothes too, oh and then i found out that she was in town the day that i had my surgery, she moved to CA a few moths ago so her mom would take care of her and she would not have to pay anything for her prenatal care, but that kind of hurt that i was there for her in her time of need and she didn't as much as call me to let me know she was comming although she said she did it so that i would not see her pregnant belly, then why put it on fb? i can see them there too.

sorry this is so long i needed to vent and then when i saw a pic of her son it all came crashing down on me i wish her the best in this new phase in her life especially since she is going to be a single mother, but her past actions hurt me alot more than i had thought :sigh:

hope the rest of the ladies are doing fine i again apologize for the rant but i needed to let it out hugs all around
Morning ladies,

Its not good news I'm afraid. I had beta done monday 446, wednesday, 556 and friday 581 so they are nowehere near doubling.

I had a scan monday and they couldn't find the sac, I had another yesterday and they seen it in my uterus. Im just surprised it grew in 5 days if my numbers are so low? Anyway they said they suspected I would miscarry soon. I have to get another blood done on monday. The numbers will maybe have started coming down by then. The strange thing is my symptoms have been getting worse. i havent really had sore (.)(.) this time but the past couple of days they have been soooo sore!!

The positive thing is that I got pregnant first time again an that it got to the right place. My body just wasnt ready for it.

I thing we will now wait until May/June time to try again. We are going on holiday to Cyprus in May so maybe that will be the magic ingredient!! Relax a bit!!
Babyluv, hun I am so sorry. You are right that it was great you conceived immediately so perhaps it is good to give your body a few months to recover. I have been thinking of you and hoping for all the best. Take care of yourself.

Pixie, from what I recall if you still have both tubes your chances of conceiving after an ectopic are unaffected. It took my 5 months to conceive having lost my right tube and so far the pregnancy is progressing well. Baby is in the right place this time!

Lucy, no apologies for venting. We are here for you. That situation definitely sounds disappointing. I guess in life you can only hope that your generosity and kindness are returned but in situations where this isn't quite the case I think it's best to focus on the positive impact you made and not worry about the other party. I once met a woman who was well into her 60s and looked 45 at best. I asked her what her secret was, some special skin care? Her response to me is that people age due to hurt and disappointment. If you can find a way to let it go and not carry it with you your overall quality of life is better. I thought this was fantastic advice! Stay strong, you are a lovely person!

AFm, I am exhausted and started to break out. I never had zits with my first pregnancy.... I hope that in 9 months will have a healthy bouncy baby. It will be well worth it! My 3 yrs old pointed at the zit on my nose and asked why it's there. Ummmm... I'd like to know too lol.

How is everyone else doing? Any new scans? Pics?
Babylove I am really sorry this is happening to you. You are very right though, you are able to have a normal pregnancy and your body just wasnt ready. It also shows how fertile you and your husband are. Hopefully next time will be your time :)

Peachy that is great news. It is stories like yours that make me lose the worry and become filled with hope for my future.

I just keep hearing that you have more of a chance with a second ectopic if they saved your tube due to scare tissue. I really hope you are right though. I never had that test to check if my tubes where cleared. They just viewed them from an ultrasound twice after they gave me the methotrexate and once after the surgery. The second time they viewed it the tube after the metho it looked like the continual pregnancy was starting to get smalled and they where hoping that by the time my numbers got to 0 it should be gone. I did also pass a lot of clots when they did the metho treatment so I hope and pray they are right. My doctor felt confident she was able to remove the original ectopic without leaving a ton of scar tissue and thats why she thinks I had the continual ectopic so who knows. AF is finally starting to let up so I am getting closer to the fun part! :D
baby_love, I'm so so sorry to hear that the news isn't good :( Wishing I could give you a big hug right now. I hope a virtual one will do instead? My heart is breaking for you. But as everyone else has already said, I think you should take heart in the fact that your body is fertile, and although maybe now wasn't the right time, it will and CAN happen. *hugs*

Lucy - of course you can call me Carmen :) My nickname is something my husband gave me when we started going out 10 years ago. He calls me Moose (I know, I know, it's seen as a derogatory term for women in the UK and possible USA too, but in South Africa it's not) and the name just kind of stuck :) We even had a moose cake topper for our wedding cake hahaha! Just read your post about your friend. I'm so sorry. That does suck. It's such a double edged sword - you want to be happy for them but it's tough for you too. You sound like such a lovely friend to have,it's such a pity that your friend doesn't quite see that at the moment. Give it time, maybe you two just need a bit of a breather and you can reassess things when you've had that time apart.

Peachy - haha the wide eyed honesty of 3 year olds :) How are you holding up otherwise?

Pixxie - glad to hear that AF is ending so that the bow-chicka-wow-wow can begin ;-)

Pink - where are you girlie? Hope you're ok!

AFM, well where to begin. Boobs are definitely more sensitive than they were yesterday and I'm still having the brown spotting. I took the plunge and did a clearblue +- and there was the faintest of faint lines on there, but when I did an FRER it was BFN. I'm TRYING not to get my hopes up, which is why I'm being very casual about this, as I'm scared that it's an evap line, but I think I'm going to test again in a few days. It would be very weird, and probably karmic if it was a real BFP considering I have my first appointment with the IVF consultant next Saturday. I'm just trying to get too emotionally involved/attached at the moment and trying to be very objective about it (SOOOOO tough). Any wise/kind/funny words to help me keep perspective while I wait it out?

Love to all of you lovely ladies!

Carmen. xx

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