TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

hey ladies hope that you are all doing ok it has been quiet on here hope that everyone is ok. how are my preg ladies?

as i said have been super busy at work and finally got a break today YAY!! i love my job but it can be overwhelming at times lol i don't know what is going on with my body so i have stopped using the opks am only temp and they have been low so how knows whether i od or not so am just going to relax

hope that you are all doing ok hugs
Hi everyone!

I'm still here! I had computer troubles for a few days, and just had my middle daughter start school this it's been a bit busy!

How is everyone going? Lucy, probably a good idea to relax and just do the temping once a day. Your temps do look low...I feel sorry that you have such long cycles and that you are really uncertain about what's going on. I really wish things could be simpler for you. I'm happy to see that you got a day off today (yesterday). You are such a busy person, so it's nice to see you have a chance to relax.

peachy - goodness me, I'm so sorry to hear you're really ill. :( I know being sick is a double-edged sword. It's horrible when you're going through it, but at the same time strangely reassuring. I am fortunate not to be sick (and haven't with my other pregnancies), but I have a close friend who gets so sick that she is hospitalised on drips and on heavy medication. {{Hugs}} I hope you come through it soon.

baby_love - how are you? Have you done anymore HPT's? It's great that Clearblue was on track with 1-2 weeks.

**waves** to everyone else!

I'm doing OK. I'll be having another scan in about a week and a half, which will be good to see how things are going. I am still in a bit of denial about everything, but I'm sure I will get used to it all soon!!!

Please let us know how you are if you haven't posted in awhile!

Hey ladies. It has been quiet on here. I hope everyone is okay. *sniff*

AFM, I'm 7 dpo and I'm getting fed up with this TWW. My chart is looking good though, if I must admit. So my fingers are crossed. I do have some symptoms, but you know how those are.

Pink, I'm sure once you see your little bean on the ultrasound again, the reality will hit you like a ton of bricks! It's an amazing feeling! So good luck!

Lucy, how long does it usually take for your body to ovulate? I am not even used to that tcoyf charts. Makes my head hurt lol. Maybe relaxing will help you de-stress. That's a great idea. I wish you all the best, hon.
good to hear from you ladies was beginning to wonder what was going on.

pink i agree with lovebot when you see that little baby it is going to hit you like a ton of bricks. i wish that i had gotten a day off but no the only thing that happened was there was as not as much laundry as in the past few days lol so i got a little break there. i have an agreement with the owners of the motel i work everyday but i get a day off every few months to get away from here for awhile so being busy is a good thing when you are ttc but then you have those days when there is nothing going on and all i can think about is getting preg so its a double edge sword too lol

lovebot fx that you will be the next bfp on here. i really dont know when i normally ovulate i have severe pcos and so i was going about a year with out a period and then when i was put on metformin my dr thinks that it made me o so i got pregnant but now i dont know if am going to be ovulating every other month or what is going to happen i thought that it would help me be some what normal but i guess time will tell

afm at the moment am not really doing much on the ttc front if it happens it happens the more i try the harder it is so am going to let nature takes it's course, i hope, lol am concentrating instead on how to manage the pain that i have i mean like back pain, and now that i have some arthritis on my knees i need to manage so that they don't hurt as much at night so going to concentrate on that and then we will see what happens, i do hope to get preg soon but i guess time will tell hugs all around and let me know how you all get along lets see how long i go with out poas lol
Lucy, I hope that you somehow find a way to manage the pain and the arthritist soon. My mom has arthritis in her hands so I know how hard it can be. Sounds like you have a good attitude toward ttc though! Poas is so addictive so it would be tons of money saved if you could refrain from doing it so often. I dont even want to think about how much I spent on OPKs and HPTs over the 6 months... *hugs* hope it happens soon for you.

Lovebot, keeping my fingers crossed for you. The 2ww is frustrating eh? Are you a poas addict as well? I usually start testing 10 dpo... eventhough you really should wait the recommended time (at least to save money!

Pink, glad to hear that you have been keeping busy and well. You are so lucky to not get nausea. I had a bit of it with my first but certainly not as bad as I have it this time. My work schedule has been so busy and I cannot wait until my 9 week scan. Please post pics of your little one when you get it! I am so excited for you and I am sure once you see the scan it will feel real alright.

AFM, I literally just threw up five minutes ago. Still feeling like crap and now I am really worried that my baby is not getting the proper nutrition since I throw up so much. Trying to drink lots of water to stay hydrated but even water kind of makes me sick.

To all the other ladies, hope you are doing well!
ooh peachy i hope that you feel better soon when is your next dr apt.? cant you talk to them and ask if there is anything that you can try saltines seemed to help me or ginger ale hope you feel better soon

afm i tell you if things couldn't get any more wierd am now slightly crampy and having that same brown discharge sorry tmi am not in a lot of pain but noticable who knows i hope that its a sign that af is on her way that way i can get on with it. you are right i have only spent about 60 dollars on ic preg and opks but that could have gone to something else i still have like 100 opks and at least 30 preg tests but am going to just take my time with it and see what happens the addict in me wants to get to poas but rational me wants to wait lol

the arthritis is not that bad at the moment but when the pain gets to me i cant stand it it makes me break down in tears DH is always worried bc i dont get enough sleep unless am all drugged up so am trying something new and seeing how it works but we will see about it
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is well....

Lucy you work soooo much!! I dont know how you do it!! Have you ever tried reflexology to try and reulate your cycle? I had 4/5 sessions after the ectopic as my AF didnt really want to make an appearance and really belive it helped. She done a vertical reflexology at the end of each session whcih is meant to really balance your hormones etc. You should maybe look into it, it cant do any harm.

Peachy I really feel for you. I had a stomach bug for 4 days and it was hell so I can only imagine how you are feeling on a daily basis. Hopefully it wont last too long. Just keep thinking of the end product!!

Lovebot I really have a good feeling for you. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Pink the next scan will make it sink in for you. I think the first few weeks we are just soooo scared that we cant possibly think that everything will be ok. Once your bump comes it will really sink in!!

AFM I have been having a real pressure feeling on my right side, its there pretty much most of the time. Its not in my uterus area, more around my public bone up to my ribs. Its like a stitchy, crampy feeling. Not painful. I dont know if its normal or not. With the ectopic I didnt have any twinges etc at all. Have any of youe experienced this? This morning I was just looking at my calendar and realised that I would have been having my 20 week scan next week, now Im have a 5 week one!
baby love thanks for that suggestion i'm going to look into it and see what i find out, are you having any ms or just the twinges maybe they are growing pains? i hope that you can relax after the scan and enjoy this pregnancy

hope you are all doing ok i dont know where i am at the moment and to be honest am ok with that at the moment, but knowing myself i might change that and begin to obsess again but i think that the relaxed approach might help me more than worring about temps and all that but we will see i change my mind every day lol hugs to all
Hey ladies

Just popping on to say hi, I see there are quite a few posts which I promise I'll try to read through a bit later. Hope you're all well :) Big hugs to you all.

AFM, I think I'm ovulating naturally (i.e. clomid-free) for the first time in years!! Ferning on microscope, dark OPKs and I'm having a bit of spotting today. Fingers crossed (although it would help if hubby was in the same house as me, he's slept in his own bed 3 times in the past 3 weeks......!)

Baby dust to you all and will chat later, promise :)

Carmen. xx
mrsmoose go get your man and get to bd we have to take advantage of the times that we are fertile gl to ya
i will keep my fx that you catch that eggie
Okay ladies, I knew my symptoms weren't all in my head. So I decided to test yesterday at 9 DPO, I know, early, but you know I'm crazy. I didn't see anything at all at first, but then after staring at the IC for a long time, I thought I saw something. I tweaked the pictures and everything. There was an EXTREMELY faint line! Today, at 10 DPO, I took a FRER and a Wondfo (maybe 3), and the line was definitely darker! Omg, I'm pregnant ladies! I'm so excited, but I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. Very nervous that I'm going to have another ectopic. I'm really scared, but there's nothing I can do. I'm going to call my doctor on Monday so I can have my blood drawn ASAP. AF is due 2/9.

Thanks so much for all the help and support! I heart you ladies! So sweet. :hugs: Here are the tests for today.


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WOW!! That is fab Lovbot!! Sooo happy for number 4!!

I have my scan Monday to make sure bean is in the right place. I have been having a few twinges/crampy/pressure feeling in my right side, which I didnt have with my ectopic so not sure if this is a good thing or not. But I've had no spotting.

Hope our wee beans stick, that would be an amazing achievement for this wee group. This has been a really lucky group!!
lovebot YAY!!! can def see the lines YAY!! so happy for you hope that the little bean is in the right place and that everything goes well for you tell us as soon as you know anything ok lol

babylove i can only imagine how nerve racking it must be to wait for results but we are all here for you. hope that the scan goes well let us know gl but am sure you are going to be ok

hi to the rest of you lovely ladies peachy how is that ms going hope that you are feeling better, pink? hope everything is ok with you too i can only imagine how hectic your house must be at the moment how did you little girl like school?
Morning ladies,

Love bot, congratulations!! So thrilled for you : )

Baby love, hang in there.. I totally understand how nerve racking it can be. Will keep you in my prayers that your little one is in the right place.

Lucy, how are you feeling my dear? How is the arthritis? Any progress on pinpointing o? Keep your spirits up.

ATM, not doing very well. I was prescribed diclectin to help with the vomiting but it has a sedative effect so feeling sleepy all the time. I have moments where I just feel so angry that this continues to be so hard.... Then feel guilty... I still love and obviously want the baby am just sooooo tired : (
Here is the test I've been waiting for. I am through the roof! I think I'm done taking tests now since this one pretty much confirmed it. Now time to get the blood work from the doctor and start this journey again. Yay! Thanks!


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Peachy, I'm sorry you're going through this. I had horrible morning sickness all throughout my pregnancy with my 10 month old. Literally, all the time. I just accepted that I was going to puke forever lol. I really do hope you feel better.

baby_love, I'm sure you and your little bean are going to be okay. But I know exactly how you feel because I can feel myself becoming a bit hysterical with every little cramp and tug and twinge. It freaks me out, but I know there's nothing I can do about it but hope and pray. I cannot wait until I see the little bean on the ultrasound. I am praying for you!

Lucy, it's good to know you seem more relaxed this time around. I only hope for the best for you, hon.

Pink, let us know how the scan goes!! Where are you?

MrsMoose, yay for ovulating on your own! That's always exciting news! Hope you and the hubs can sleep in the same bed soon!
peachy happy 8 weeks i hope that the nausea eases up a little it must be so frustrating to be like that but think about the ending there is going to be a little bundle in your arms and all this will be worth it, you know we are here for you so feel free to vent we are totally going to undersdtand.

lovebot YAY!! can't deny that there is a bun in the oven now lol, and now you begin your journey of betas and the same goes to you we are here if you need to vent hugs to you

pink where are you? hope that all is well with you

afm well to be honest i was begining to panic because i had no idea where i was in my cycle, who really knows whether i od or not bc i skipped a couple of days of temp but there are pretty low anyway so i think that this cycle was no o, but the "good" thing is that i think that af is on her way, hope that she is so that i can begin again on a new cycle but we will see had some slight cramps yest but nothing today just pink cm so who knows
Well, I disappear for a couple of days, and someone goes and gets themselves PREGNANT!!!!! :haha:

Congratulations Lovebot!!!!!

Am so happy for you!! I had a feeling that this cycle might be the one for you! Your chart was looking great, and everything pointed to a BFP! Your tests look fabulous! When are you getting bloods done? I know it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride now, trying to get through the initial few weeks and confirming that everything is OK...but hang tight and take it one day at a time. We're here for you! xox

baby_love - from what I can see, you have a scan today (your time)? Good luck with it! You're getting a nice early scan which is should hopefully see a sac in the right place and with the beginnings of things forming - yolk sac, fetal pole etc? Keep us posted!

Peachy - don't feel bad about venting re. your sickness. I have a friend who suffers from hyperemesis (might not be spelt right), and she struggles through the entire and out of hospital, on drips, and taking medication (Zofran) at $15 a tablet, and she needs at least 1 a day, or 2 if she has to work. She gets into a very dark place with each pregnancy...but keeps going back for more! She's got 3 children and is hoping for a 4th. She actually just miscarried a baby, and lo and behold, she never got sick with the pregnancy, so she kind of knew that something was amiss. So, being sick, as bad as what it is, is a great sign that everything is very healthy. It sucks to go through it I'm sure...and I know it must be so debilitating, but you WILL get through it. {{hugs}} and don't feel bad. You don't dislike your baby....just the vomiting!!!! XOX

decemberose - how are you going?

MrsMoose - things are sounding very promising for you! Hope that you catch that egg and that some of our luck rubs off on you!!

Lucy - my dearest Lucy. How are you going? I've checked your chart, and it does seem like you haven't O'd? :( I just feel so bad for you...because without ovulating, you can't even give it a decent shot. :( It just doesn't seem fair, when you want this pregnancy just as much as any of us. The reflexology suggestion sounds like a good one. I have a friend who sees a naturopath as she needs IVF, and she swears by him for getting her cycles back on track with herbs etc. I think it's time to start attacking your body with a few different things to give it a kickstart? Just want this for you so badly. Sending you all of my strength and love xox

Hi to everyone else who I've missed.

Hopefully will be back in here more often again. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but my girls are all doing well with school, and I am settling back into a routine. I haven't had a lot of time to think about the be honest I'm still adjusting to the whole concept, and am still going through a lot of denial about this being a healthy pregnancy. I am having another scan next week, so perhaps that will help!!!

Love and luck to everyone! 4 BFP's, and many more to come.

Hi ladies, I had my scan this morning and they couldnt see a sac so I had my blood taken. The nurse said anything over 1500 they would expect to see a sac. It was 468 so its too early. Now I'm worrying that this is too low. I have to go again on wed to have my blood tested again. Do any of you know if this is a 'normal' level? I know the important thing is that its doubling and I'll know that on Wed.
pink where had you been ? i thought that you had left us,lol, but am glad to know that you are doing good.

baby love hugs to you it must so frustrating but like the nurse said it might be to early how far along are you? hope that the betas show that they are doubling and that you will see that little bean soon

afm well pink although i was upset that i did not o i was told long ago that sometimes you only o every other cycle because of the one ovary and am thinking that since i just began to take metformin again it might be that am going to o in march but to be honest i think that af is on her way have been spotting from brown to pink( sorry tmi) and back to brown af is due tom so am hoping that she will come and i can begin on an other cycle and hopefully i do o this time but it wont be til the beginning of march which sucks but what can you do the more i stress about the harder it seems am trying to just go with the flow although that seems to be hard too. but i guess that there is nothing that i can do at the moment but wait bc am not supposed be trying until march anyway.
sorry to be such a downer today but am just frustrated at the moment but this too shall pass

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