TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

baby_love, I am terribly sorry. :( This is just bullshit! Pardon my French, but this hurts my heart greatly. I cannot imagine your pain after all of this. Cyprus sounds great! Really exotic, and I know the magic will happen then. :hugs:
MrsMoose, why don't you try testing with an internet cheapie if you have any lying around. I'm telling you, it works wonders for me (Wondfo from and it literally catches very low hCG (at least for me). It'll be ironic if you are indeed pregnant right before your IVF consultation. It'll be a great slap in the face haha. FX crossed, love!

Pixxie, you really shouldn't worry so much. I KNOW it's hard, but you'll make yourself sick. If your doctors say you're super fertile (go you!), then know that you will get pregnant soon, and in the right place. It all depends on the condition of your tubes. My left tube was taken (the one with the ectopic), and my right tube is in great shape, so I don't really have to worry about another tubal at least. But I still find myself worrying sick at times, and I have to remind myself that there's nothing in the world I can do about it except be more vigilant.

Peachy, I am sorry about your sickness and fatigue and zits. I'm right there with you, minus the nausea, thank God!! I am so broken out (IMO) but I know it's for a good cause. So it doesn't really bother me. Hope you feel better soon, or at least stay hydrated. :hugs:

Lucy, that just pisses me off how insensitive your "friend" is. Some people really do not think before they speak. I'm sorry to say, but you should know right now who your true friends are and who aren't. I don't think she is. She is willing to cry to you when she's hurting, but when the roles are reversed, she wants nothing to do with you? That is so unacceptable from a "friend!" GRRR! Makes me mad thinking about the way she's treating you.

AFM, I've got my first beta drawn at 14 DPO, and it came back at 253 mIU. I think that's great! Had an ultrasound as well, but nothing was seen of course. The doctor did tell me that more than likely, everything will be okay. My ultrasound seems perfect so far, and she sees no abnormalities. But then again, it's too early. I should be scheduling an appt with my OB Monday. Finally. I'm also waiting on my second beta on Monday. Hopefully it increased.

I missed ya, ladies!!
baby love :hug: hun am so sorry that you are going through this again but think of the positives it was in the right place from what you said, and you were able to conceive right away, believe me being in limbo on that is not fun or easy, a nice vacation is what you need and like you said maybe that is the trick, maybe i need to schedule one as well :smile: again hugs and you know we are here for you

pixxie we all say it and i know how hard it is when we are going through it but try not to worry so much like lovebot said you are only going to make yourself sick, and i know that is hard bc i have to keep telling myself to do it i only have the one tube and that is where the ectopic was so they saved it so that i could have a chance at having a baby, now the thing is wether am going to be able to actually conceive and it making it to right place

peachy sorry that you are feeling sick and now your breaking out!! but think of the reward you are going to be getting at the end of this got the message and ok will do so consider it done

lovebot betas sounding good hope that they double for you for monday and like you said althought the zits and all that are no fun think of the reward as well

pink where are you? hope that all is well for you and that you stop by soon and let us know how you are doing

afm feeling better today i want to thank you all for being my shoulder to cry on and for all your lovely comments, it never ceases to amaze me how some people can be inconsiderate but enough about that i think that for the moment am going to concentrate on myself and hubby and then we have talked about changing some things in our apartment and since i have permission from my boss and going to concentrate on redecorating it making it more homey lol, so if any of you ladies have any ideas don't hesistate to let me know i will need all the help i can get lol hugs all around
I was 9 weeks Pregnant when i had to have surgery to remove my right tube and my baby :-( this just happened on Tue. The surgeon also gave me a D&C. First time I ever got put under and first time I ever even had to have an IV. I was wondering did anyone else have sever bruising from the laproscopic procedure. I don't even know if I'm spelling that right. Alos how long did it take you for your hormone levels to go down to normal?? HCG??
I was 9 weeks Pregnant when i had to have surgery to remove my right tube and my baby :-( this just happened on Tue. The surgeon also gave me a D&C. First time I ever got put under and first time I ever even had to have an IV. I was wondering did anyone else have sever bruising from the laproscopic procedure. I don't even know if I'm spelling that right. Alos how long did it take you for your hormone levels to go down to normal?? HCG??

Myturn first of all I am very and I mean very sorry for your loss. We all know the pain you feel.:hugs: When I went through my ectopic,(September 17, 2011) after the surgery my levels actually did not go down. They continued to rise and so the doctors did another ultrasound and discovered that the pregnancy regrew making it an continual ectopic and had to recieve methotrexate to end it(September 29 2011) It took 3weeks for my levels to finally get back to 0. So I was not really over it till late October and then I got the ok to try again in December, I chose not to. Emotionally I was not ready and kept thinking back to the what would and what if. It really brought me down. I finally have come to terms with our loss and have decided to try again. This is my first month and have fingers crossed and when it is your turn I pray you get a BFP right away :)
Hi everyone

Sorry that I disappeared again…I'm having really bad troubles with my laptop. I think it's about to die. Last night I kept turning it on and off for about 40 minutes before I could get it to work properly. It keeps coming up with fatal error messages and I have to turn it off. My mouse won't work. So, please bear with me! I am still here, and am hoping to get set up on a new computer soon!

baby_love – I am so sorry. It is just unthinkable that you are having to endure this. Please know that we are all here for you. You sound like you’re trying to be incredibly strong. I know it's part of the coping mechanism to try to be strong and look at the positives. I did that with my ectopic, but then found that I crashed...which is when you wonderful ladies helped me during my darkest days. We’re all here for you to vent if you need to. I am struggling to put into words exactly how much your news pains me. Having already endured our ectopics, it just doesn’t seem fair that you are now going through this. Hugs and love to you my friend. Xox

peachy – don’t even talk to me about break outs. My skin is absolutely awful. I have bad skin at the best of times, but can usually control it with the contraceptive pill. With all of my pregnancies, my skin has gone absolutely mad during the first trimester, and into the 2nd. At the moment I am absolutely over it…but like one of you said, I know it’s for a good cause, so I just live with it. I hope your sickness is improving, and you start to feel well again soon.

pixxie – look forward to hearing about your journey, as TTC comes around. I know it’s an anxious time…my mantra was “faith over fear”, and it helped me get through. I know the prospect of a 2nd ectopic is our worst nightmare, but statistically the risk is very low. I don’t think we’ve had a 2nd consecutive ectopic in here ladies? (and I pray that we never do).

Carmen – I like your nickname! My girls can my Mum “Gran Moose”…which was something my Mum devised….so I don’t think of it in a derogative manner at all! I’m intrigued to see whether you have yourself a BFP there! The waiting is sooo hard. Have you had any further symptoms?

lovebot – congratulations on a fabulous beta result! I’m looking forward to hearing your repeat test result, and am praying that it shows a fantastic rise for you! Sounds like you’re getting some great monitoring, with an early ultrasound already….so you’re in good hands!

Lucy – I was pretty outraged to hear about the experience with your “friend”. It sounds like you are choosing to take the high road, which is very good of you…and turning your attention to something else (like the house) is a great idea. What redecorating ideas do you have? Paint? Did you mention new floors at one stage? Which room are you going to start with? I have really good feelings about this new cycle for you! I will be watching closely, and can’t wait to hear that you have ovulated, and your chart shows a lovely temp spike.

My turn – welcome. I’m sorry that you’ve had to post here, and that you’ve lost your little one. My story is the same, however I had my surgery at 8 weeks and lost my left tube. I can’t say that I had a lot of bruising from the LAP. My scars were pretty neat. I think I had some around my belly button. I still feel a little pain from the scar on the right hand side (even now), but otherwise I seemed to escape with minimal damage (other than the obvious emotional damage!). I didn’t have any blood test monitoring of my hcg after the surgery, however I did a pregnancy test about 3 weeks after my surgery and it was negative. I didn’t want to test any sooner, as I really didn’t want to see a positive. I got a positive OPK 4 weeks post-surgery, and am very fortunate to have fallen pregnant before AF ever arrived, and am now 10 weeks. The ectopic experience definitely jaded me, and I still struggle trying to come to terms with this new pregnancy…but I am slowly accepting it. Please stick around. I know it is all very raw for you at the moment, and that the waiting is incredibly hard, but I hope that you can draw some hope from stories like mine, and other ladies in here.

**waves to everyone else I’ve missed**

I’m having my 2nd scan on Wednesday. I am still going along well, but am still kind of struggling with my acceptance of this pregnancy. I feel very protective, and I don’t feel like I want to tell anyone that I’m pregnant. I just want to keep it hidden for as long as possible. So yeah, it’s all a bit strange still. Maybe once I get past the 12 week mark, things will change and the burden will lift.

Have a great day to you ladies in the northern hemisphere…for me it’s off to bed. Will be saying a prayer for baby_love tonight.

my turn so sorry that you had to join us in this thread but you couldn't be in better company, i don't have much experience with bruses as i got an actual c-section like surgery bc i had or have endometriosis not much help there sorry, i hope too that you hang around as you continue on your ttc journey we all are here if you need to rant or just talk :hugs: to you hun

pink YAY!! your here so happy that you were able to get your laptop to work was beginning to worry about you, thanks for your kind words, you have more faith than me on this comming cycle bc i don't know what my body is doing, but thanks for the support, i don't know where to start in the apartment, i think that maybe the living room as everyone sees it when they come in, am not painting we just painted not long ago and that was a pain in the butt lol but i think that i might get some frames and put them up have not done that since we moved in and then a new tv stand things like that maybe new curtains with DH not working it is not so easy to upgrade what i want

but the one thing that i might be getting soon is a stove the one we have is not that great and i talked to my boss and he is willing to replace it since when i cook (mostly mexican) he gets some so no stove no cooking lol but he is really good about fixing things so any ideas that you might have don't hesitate to share please. the floors are going to get replaced at least the living room and bedroom from carpet to hardwood floors but that is going to have to wait until DH works as it is not that cheap

afm busy as usual but today there is not much going on at the motel so i get to watch tv and play the laptop lol but there is laundry to do so will be getting to that soon ladies hope you all have a great day
Pink Ribbons so far I have not seen any returning ectopics, but I have seen many miscarrages after and ectopic and it makes me wonder if its to be expected to have an misccarage after an ectopic or if there are other reasons behind that. I keep telling myself to relax becuse well what good is stress going to do? Its going to delay ovulation or make me not ovulate at all and we dont want that.:nope:

As for me AF has finally left the building!!!! WOOT!:happydance: Time for the fun part! :sex::haha:I know this may sound crazy but I made a little note for myself of positive encouragment and placed it in my pillow case. It says "I will get pregnant. It will be a healthy and normal pregnancy." Hey they always say positive energy leads to positive results and you can not get much more positive then that. Anyone else do something like that or other ideas of positive thoughts?
pixxie i have never tried that but not a bad idea once i get done with af i might just try that like you said positive energy also like you said there is no sense in stressing ourselves out on things that honestly we cannot control i am learning to concentrate on other things rather than just ttc i find that am calmer and way nicer to DH although there will be days that i break down but i think that is normal, am thankful that i have all you ladies to help me throught the rough patches although i gotta give my DH credit for being able to handle it when i get like that

on an other note i forgot to tell you ladies i had been thinking about a way to remember my little one as i feel that he was part of our lives no matter how long he was with us, so the other day this guy came to the motel selling like dream catchers i think is what they are but they are so pretty, they are hand made and so DH bought me one with a white dove which we have hung above the kitchen sink since there is a window there and i can always look at it it made me feel so good to see it there bc only DH and i know what it means
Was anyone else scared to be alone?? I keep thinking that something is still wrong and they possibly removed the wrong tube. Or that it is still in there and gonna burst any minute.I'm having no pain on the side that was removed but a bunch of pain on the opposite side. He removed my right tube. But, the scar is over my left hip bone.And, the left side is where i'm bruised and having pain?? I'm just still very scared. Is this normal and did anyone deal with this??
Was anyone else scared to be alone?? I keep thinking that something is still wrong and they possibly removed the wrong tube. Or that it is still in there and gonna burst any minute.I'm having no pain on the side that was removed but a bunch of pain on the opposite side. He removed my right tube. But, the scar is over my left hip bone.And, the left side is where i'm bruised and having pain?? I'm just still very scared. Is this normal and did anyone deal with this??

I am training for the medical field and know that while mistakes are made I think its hard to mistake an R and an L with a circle around them. But if you have your doubts go to the doctors or even better the ER and tell them you were just seen for an ectopic but you are having a ton of pain still. That way they will run another ultrasound on you to make sure that everything was taken care of. I will say this after I went through my ectopic I woke up not feeling pregnant anymore. I woke up feeling empty and alone. It really hurt and I think thats what drove me into a deep depression over my loss. I have three scars from the laproscopic sugery. One is in my belly button on is directly below it and the other is just above my right fallopian tube. Because I kept my tube I was in constant pain every time I moved and bent down. But that was on the side that they did the surgery on not the opposite. Like I said it does not hurt to go in for a second opinon. :hugs::flower:
Hi ladies thank you for all your kind words and prayers. Nothing has happened yet..... and I dont feel like it will happen soon so maybe that means I will have to have a D&C, not sure? I had another beta done this morning so see if my numbers are going down, I will get the result in a couple of hours time. Maybe we'll have a wee miracle and they'll double!! I will keep you all updated.

Thanks again, your support really menas a lot to me. xx
BabyLove-I am keeping my fingers crossed for double number or higher!!!! I have heard of some stories where a woman starts out with low Hcg and it just ends up doubling like crazy as the pregnancy goes further on and I pray thats what is going on with you. :hugs:
baby love :hugs: we are all praying and keeping our fx that betas double
Still thinking of you baby_love. It must be an agonising time for you. I hope that you get some clear direction soon about where things are at.

Myturn - if you have any doubt whatsoever, I'd give a quick call to discuss it with your ob or whoever you can get in touch with. I had 4 incisions for my LAP/D& in my belly button, one on either side, and a longer one along my bikini line. Apparently it had to be bigger as the ectopic tube was quite big due to it being 8 weeks. It is ironically the scar on my non-ectopic side (the right hand scar), which still hurts when I press on it. I had no doubt that the correct tube was removed, as my OB actually showed me a video of my surgery and I saw the bulging tube being removed. I'd say that it's VERY unlikely that they removed the wrong tube in your the bulge would have been very evident at 9 weeks. I saw for myself the difference between my ectopic tube, and the normal tube, and it was as clear as could be. I think your pain is just a normal consequence of the surgery...but if you still feel uneasy about it, it can't hurt to call and confirm.

pixxie - happy to hear that AF has departed for you!!! I love the idea of writing a positive affirmation and putting it in your pillow! That's something we could all try! Yes, I read a lot of stories about m/c after far I seem to be defying the odds. I also know of another girl here in Australia who fell pregnant straight after an ectopic (with no AF in between) and she is a few weeks ahead of me and everything is well.

Lucy - my cousin bought me a dream catcher after my ectopic, and I hung it up near my bedroom. I think it brought me some luck, so I am happy to hear that you have one too! You are very good cooking Mexican and giving some to your neighbour! Yum, I love mexican food...but I'm sure it is much more authentic over there in the US. Re. your's amazing what a difference small things can make. Pictures on the wall, new cushions or cushion covers. Do you have IKEA over there?

Well, my 10 week scan is tomorrow. I am feeling OK about it. I feel pretty hungry and still getting a bit nauseous, so I feel that it will be OK...but the fear is always with me. Thank you ladies for your support. I love this group!

Pink-Thats great that you have your 10 weeks scan tommorow! Soon you will be able to see your little beans gender!!! I am also happy to see that you are not one of the many women who did not m/c. Maybe people going through the m/c are people whos bodies where not ready for the pregnancy in the first place. I heard in medical class that the body can sometimes need anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months the heal, so in other words some people may be ready while other peoples bodies are not. Idk I am just trying to find a logical reason for it.

AFM Hubby and I finally started having fun last night and well I have a weird hunch I am going to get pregnant right away. So who knows right? Maybe I will have a Thanksgiving baby right?
pink i am so excited for you getting that scan tom well in a couple of hours by the time you read this maybe?, so when i wake up i hope to have an update the good in being behind you (in time zone) lol, as for the IKEA i don't know we have like sams club and costco, but am looking on line and at second hand stores to see what i find i find that they offer the most amazing things at times other times it's nothing. but i hope to find some good things and well we will see at the moment although i love to cook i don't want to eat much but i think that it is my body getting rid of the bad all i want is chocolate cereal and fruit, but i so much hope that next month will be better

the dream catcher is such a calming thing i find that when i look at it it gives me peace and confort and like i said it is nice to know that only hubby and i know what it stands for i can't believe that it has been almost three months time sure flys, gl with the scan but am sure all is well

pixxie YAY!! for the action i hope that your wierd hunch comes true and you have a bfp soon, it is such a relief when you finally are able to get on with it isn't i bleed for a month and poor hubby good your back to ttc

baby love thinking of you :hugs:

afm nothing going on here still having that brown red thing and well am getting tired of it i want to get to the fun part lol, oh it is just dragging but the good thing is that am such a better mood today, hubby is happy bc even i can see how bitchy i have been lol i guess putting my mind on other things helps so that's good well tom is Valentines Day any plans for you ladies? besides the bd lol
Morning ladies,

Lucy, decorating sounds fun! It will be a really nice distraction. I love getting magazines or searching interior design blogs and trying to replicate the look for less. As far as floors go, when I did my basement we put in high quality laminate. From looking you would not be able to tell that it isn't hardwood. My son loves riding his tricycle and it really wrecked the hardwood flooring on the main level. Laminate is super durable for much less money.

Pink, can't wait to hear all about your scan. Post a pic if you can!

Love bot, how are you doing Hun? Do you have the results? Being in limbo must be so frustrating....

Pixie, enjoy the Bding. Ttc can take some time so may as well make the best of it!

AFM, no further updates... Am still just very sick. Took another day off yesterday. I don't want to tell my employer until after 13 weeks but am struggling so much. Sorry for tmi, but after I throw up, even after brushing my teeth the terrible smell and taste still lingers. It is so disgusting. No valentine day plans for me... Not in the mood for anything:(
Lucy-I hope the :witch: leaves you soon. i mean how long does she really need to hang around for really??? lol :haha:

Peach-Trust me the hubby and I are having a very fun time BDing...then again that has never really been that much of an issue as to if we are able to or not...if we arent its mostly if he has worked really hard that day or the kids ran him into the ground lol.

AFM if I got my cycle down which I am pretty sure that I do, my big O day is on the 20th. So I am coming up on it. To make matters a little harder I am also coming down with something and so I am feeling a little yucky right now. :( Actually i think its more due to where my husband and I ate at last night but who knows right? To make me feel semi better though my sister and I are going clothes shopping this weekend!!! Yay!!! Hope everyone else is having a good week!!

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