TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

hey girls Happy Valentines Day,

peachy so sorry you are still feeling sick as soon as i get that am sending it so hold on, today i hit a couple of second hand stores and it was so much fun hubby found this ab excercise machine and i found this pineapple made out of wire so cool,and a painting, thanks for the idea of laminate am going to have to look into it my boss is the one helping me with that since i have no idea about that but the wood in not real wood but is durable and like he said as am planning on having a baby it would be durable, thanks for that idea though

pixxie yes i wish the witch would leave but when i think that it's over then i start to spot again, hope that it doesn't last much longer i miss the bd lol, and hubby is getting restless, but oh well what can you do but we have talked and if it continues for an other week i am going to go see either my doc to get referrel or call an the OB that did my surgery but i hope it doesn't come to that it is so expensive

well today was a nice day hubby and i went out to lunch and then we watched a 3D movie which was so much fun we were the only ones in the theather lol, but it was nice, the weather on the other hand has been crappy it has been snowing on and off for the last 2 days but it sticks and melts then snows again and melts lol but it is not even that cold my fury baby loves to run out in it but then after a minute he is ready to come back in since he is small he gets cold fast lol

pink hope to get an update soon have a nice one everyone
Hi ladies!! I'm looking for a buddy as well. I went through surgery for an ectopic on Aug 09 of this year. Ended being ruptured so I lost my sweet baby and my left tube. We are just now starting to try again. But my cycle is sooooooo messed up. I'm 34yrs old (next month) and I have always had a text book cycle. So not sure what's going on. Anyways, I'd love to go through the TTC process with someone who has been through the same thing.

I've just had whats doctors described as a heterotopic pregnancy, one miscarried in the uterus (6 weeks) and one was ectopic. I got my ectopic removed last Thursday (9 weeks) and also my right fallopian tube removed. i just wanted to make friends with others who have experienced anything like this as I fear my future?:shrug:
Hi everyone

I've been searching the internet for an ectopic support group and have found myself here :flower:.

Nearly 2 weeks ago, I had surgery for an 8 week ectopic pregnancy. I had laparoscopic surgery, including a laparatomy to remove my left tube, and also a D&C to remove a 2nd 'pseudo sac' that was in my uterus (which is apparently a 'trick' sac' with nothing in it).

I would love to count down to TTC with you ladies. I am just so impatient to get back on the TTC bandwagon again. And it's not being made any easier by my cousin announcing her pregnancy yesterday, and my sister starting to try.

About me (I can't do a signature until I have 5 posts!). I live in Australia. I'm 35, and am already blessed with 3 girls aged 7, 5 and 3.5. (decemberose I have the matching girl trio to your boys!). Felt so ectastic when I fell pregnant quickly with #4, but it wasn't to be. :nope:

My obstetrician told me to wait 4-6 weeks for my period to return, and then we can start trying again. I'm nearly 2 weeks post-op, so I have a little way to go yet. I'm thinking Jan/Feb for TTC again. I think a few of you may be in the same boat, so I'm very excited about the prospect of supporting you ladies through this journey, and having people who really understand the fear & trepidation associated with TTC after an ectopic. I have so many thoughts running through my head at the moment. How long is it going to take? Will I have another ectopic? Will I lose my other tube?

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

Hi just came across this post and it sounds exactly like what i've been through. I found out i was pregnant 4 weeks ago, 2 weeks later i began to bleed and a scan showed a sac in my uterus (6 weeks) it was too early to hear a heartbeat so they called me back a week later. When i returned nothing there and i was sent home thinking i'd miscarried. I was very very confused, to say the east because my body still felt pregnant. 7 days ago i felt shap pain in my abdomen and i took a pregnancy test which showed up positive, that would've been 2 weeks after my miscarriage. I thought the test indicated that their was still some tissue that i hadn't passed but i was still sceptical....
My doctor sent me for another scan to the Early Pregnancy Clinic and they found another sac (9 weeks) in my right fallopian tube, i had to have lap and d&c and am feeling very very down as ive they removed my right tube aswell. Would love to hear how everything is going for you. You explained how they explained that the sac in your uterus was a nothing, they told me I had what was called a heterotopic pregnancy, very confusing!
Hi kaznib - I'm so sorry for what you're going through. As you have seen, I went through an almost identical experience myself. I'm not going to was hard...but finding this group was the best thing I ever did. As you will read, I am now 10 weeks pregnant, and never had a period in between. So there IS hope after all of this. I know it's hard to see right now, but there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel that is ectopic pregnancy. I never came across the term 'heterotopic' but I am keen to Google it and compare it to what happened to me. My OB never labelled mine as anything, except to say that I had a pseudo sac. Many hugs to you, and please stay around here and feel free to vent, post daily...anything that helps you pass this torturous time away. xox

Here you go ladies. I'm all on track...measuring 9w6d, which is equivalent to the scan I had at 7w, so my due date has moved back a few days to 12th September. I'm going to adjust my ticker!

It was a very quick scan in my OB's rooms, but he confirmed that everything looks good. I'm measuring well for my dates, and the heart was beating away.

I have my next scan in a little over 2 weeks, which is the nuchal fold test. Not sure whether that is a standard thing in the US, but I've had one with each pregnancy at around 12 weeks. I'll then have another one at 20 weeks.

Thank you all for your ongoing support. It means more than what you know.

To all you ladies who are still waiting for your time, I'm thinking of you. To babylove, I'm thinking of you endlessly.

Hi kaznib - I'm so sorry for what you're going through. As you have seen, I went through an almost identical experience myself. I'm not going to was hard...but finding this group was the best thing I ever did. As you will read, I am now 10 weeks pregnant, and never had a period in between. So there IS hope after all of this. I know it's hard to see right now, but there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel that is ectopic pregnancy. I never came across the term 'heterotopic' but I am keen to Google it and compare it to what happened to me. My OB never labelled mine as anything, except to say that I had a pseudo sac. Many hugs to you, and please stay around here and feel free to vent, post daily...anything that helps you pass this torturous time away. xox

Hi Pink Ribbons, thank u for commenting on my thread. I have been besides myself with worry because before it happened to me i had never really known much about an ectopic pregnancy. It was my first pregnancy aswell, and if all had've went ok i would've been exactly as far gone as u were now! i think my last period was Dec 5th so quite awhile ago! Congratulations on ur great news and u have made it to 10 weeks, u must be so excited! That indeed gives me great hope for my future and is such a positive thing to read:thumbup: wishing u all the best!

Did i read right that you ttc almost straight away after an ectopic? My doctor has asked that I wait for at least 3 months. I first want to wait to see if my period comes as I have had my right fallopian tube removed. I am scared everytime i think of this as i don't want to decrease my chances of becoming pregnant. Any advice for me? I find this site very endearing and helping me with the grieving process x
Hi ladies thank you for all your kind words and prayers. Nothing has happened yet..... and I dont feel like it will happen soon so maybe that means I will have to have a D&C, not sure? I had another beta done this morning so see if my numbers are going down, I will get the result in a couple of hours time. Maybe we'll have a wee miracle and they'll double!! I will keep you all updated.

Thanks again, your support really menas a lot to me. xx

Hi couldn't help but notice your from Northern Ireland, I am too! I just stumbled upon this site when looking up about my miscarriage and ectopic and have found it very useful and endearing to hear other women who have went through the same rollercoaster as me. I miscarried 2 weeks ago and had an ectopic only last Thursday. I had a d and c done and lap and ectopic and right fallopian tube removed. How r u coping?
OMG Pink!!! Look at your little one!!! It really fills my heart with joy just seeing that and even more so to hear that you are almost out of the woods for any negatives to happen to your little one. :D I am so excited for you. What are you hoping its gender is? Personally I think its a girl, but maybe that is cause I really want a daughter lol.

AFM Happy belated V-day everyone!!! Hubby took me out to a nice dinner and I made red velvet cake cupcakes with oldest. Lucky only one small eggshell made it into the batter...I already forwarned everyone who he gave them to. lol. :haha: The BDing is going, I am supposed to hit the big O day in like 5 days so we are trying will al our might so who knows. I know I am gettin really nervouse and am already starting to feel a little crampy so who knows maybe I will ovulate early. I am going to hold off buying the kits until its been about 3 months with no results. How is everyone else going though???
kaznip, I am so sorry! I cannot imagine the hurt of an heterotopic pregnancy! Losing two babies. :( I'm really sorry. But you have joined an amazing group full of supportive ladies who have all been in your shoes, or something like it. I'm sorry you have to be here, but welcome.

Pink, CONGRATS! That is amazingly beautiful! Such a miracle you are carrying! I am truly happy for you, I really am! Yay!

Hi pixxie! Your cupcakes sound lovely! I hope this cycle works out for you, but you are about to enter what I like to call "the fun part." Oh, I know it's not so original, but it's so true!

AFM, I've been cramping for a long while now. It could be scar tissue, I don't know. But I was completely freaking out and stressing myself to the point of a nervous breakdown at work. So my OB finally decided to have me come in today for an ultrasound around 5 weeks. I am thrilled to say the ultrasound tech was AMAZING and showed me everything. We saw the gestational sac in the uterus (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!) and that weird end-something lining, which are all great signs. They figure I'm about at the end of 4 weeks or right at 5 weeks! I'm so thrilled, and so is hubby! :happydance: Here is the picture. The tiny gestational sac is to the left; it's the dark round spot. I am seriously so excited!


  • Ultrasound 5 weeks (cropped).jpg
    Ultrasound 5 weeks (cropped).jpg
    28.7 KB · Views: 8
pink WOW!! i am speechless cute little one growing in there soon you will b in the 2nd tri and hope that your worries go away by then,

pixxie lol on warning every one on the eggshell keep on with the bd hope you castch that eggie, by kits do mean the ovulation kits? i have like literally opks they are ic that i bought on ebay but i think that once am done using them am not going to buy anymore and just go with it although gotta say have been good so far lol

kaznib so sorry for your losses, they are never easy, i too have been ttc since i had the surgery although i was told to wait and yet no bfp yet but am hoping that soon, so to me it was easy to make that decision i felt that i would not fall pregnant that fast and so decided not to wait and tbh am glad bc i would have been with the what if's it is your choice at the end of the day and you have to be confortable with what ever decision you make. we all understand the fears of a second ectopic (but to me at least) thinking of never trying again for a baby is not an aption it to was my first pregnancy so i know how you feel.
feel free to vent here if need be we are all here for you what ever it may be i have found that starting this thread has given me a peace that i think i would have not reached with out the encouragement of these lovely ladies

baby love hope that you are doing ok thinking of you

lovebot we posted at the same time lol but YAY!! congrats am sure that you are relieved, am so happy for you can't wait til that little dot starts to look like a real baby lol

afm had a lovely day yest, we had lunch the sushi was delish, had not tasted it that great in a while and the movie was fun hubby kept jumping when things came at us since we were watching a 3D one lol but unfortunatly no hankie pankie(bd) yet, am hoping that this spotting/bleeding goes away soon really soon it better be gone by the time o is supposed to happen if not am going to be a very angry woman lol hope you are all doing good hugs all around
Lovebot Congratulations on your scan photo, such an early blessing to know your little treasure is in the right place:) you must be delighted! I do hope and pray that time will come for me again. We booked a holiday for April so I'm going to look forward to that, think i deserve it! just wondering after your lap how long did it take you to have your first period and was it any different? Also do you know if one tube can pick up either ovaries? i'm reading some sites and all are different.

Lucy Thank you for your thread... so i'm gathering you started ttc straight away then? I'm like you this id my first and in a way makes our futures seems terrifying, but all the amazing success stories on here def make me hopeful, lovebot and pinkribbons! hopefully some women will be commenting on us to soon that our stories gave them inspiration:) I'm feeling alot more positive today (since joining this group actually) there's only so much you can talk to your friends about that have never experienced an ectopic or a's heartbreaking!! I'm confident you will be posting on here very soon of your ttc success. We'll keep sending each other positive vibes

Thank you ladies for lifting my mood!
kaznib-I experienced a continual ectopic pregnancy which resulted in the use of two treatments and honestly took more out of me emotionally then anything else in my life. I was misdiagnosed by my midwife saying that the bleeding and low numbers where common in early pregnancy and that everything was fine. After about a week I woke up in horrible pain, worse pain ever besides when I had my children. I colapsed on the floor and honestly thought I was going to die. Lucky my husband found me and called 911. I was taken to the ER where they found that my levels where finally semi high to where something can be seen on an ultrasound, but nothing was seen, except for in my right tube. I was taken into surgery where they managed to save my right tube, but at the cost that they may not have gotten all the pregnancy. That was confirmed two weeks later and I had to get the metho shot. That was followed by more pain, cramping, blood and clots. The doctor that treated me for the ectopic says that they thought ectopic was due to a fluke. It just happens sometimes. I think its cause i got pregnant on the mini-pill which I found out can increase your chances of having an ectopic. Its been about 5 months since I went through all that and we are trying again. I know your pain and fear. I think that is what is making me the most nervous right now is the fear. Good news is that you have a 10-15% chance of having another ectopic...which means you have close to an 85% chance of having a normal pregnancy and thats what I got my fingers crossed for. I pray that when you decide to try that you get that BFP and happy little bean that you want. Good luck!!!

AFM I am going crazy right now trying to do damage control. My husbands cousin is getting married and she is really stressing and I can sense her stress and she is making me stress. Oh well. Also her wedding is the same day I can start testing!!!! I am supposed to be able to get a positive test around the 3rd of next month and well thats the same day! If I get a negative test that day I will be joining the after party lol. :p How is everyone else doing?
kaznib am so glad that joining this thread has given you some insperation it made me feel so much better to know that i was not alone, i don't wish this on anyone, yes i did try right away although i still have not gotten my bfp am not losing hope. we have to keep positive and like you said one day we are going to be an insparation to someone else

pixxie congrats to your cousin my cousin is getting married the same day in north carolina although i didn't even know about it an aunt told me, think that at least with all the wedding stuff going on you don't have time to think about the 2ww, and if you do get that bfn well then drink a few cocktails we so deserve it, am due to o around that time and i so hope that it happens

hey to all the other ladies hope that you are all doing well

afm am hanging out working as usual gearing up for President's Day weekend, we are going to be swamped so am looking at possible 11 or 12 hour work days for the weekend which will be good i just got two new cell phones lol, gotta splurge every now and then well am such good spirits for some reason but it makes me happy but i know am going to be stressed this weekend so am enjoying it for now
Pixxie That was also terrible what you went through, having to collapse on floor must've been so frightening and also for your husband! No woman deserves to go through an ectopic and I hope i am one of the 85% fortunate ones next time around! Did you start ttc straight away or did you wait awhile? that's what I'm still trying to figure out :shrug:, doctor has advised me to wait so i might do for at least 2 proper cycles first. Good luck to you too, sending some luck of the Irish your way!:winkwink:

Lucy Thanks for your support and also sending some lucky Irish dust your way too :winkwink: i feel it will be soon for you! FX
Kaznib-I waited about 5 months before we started trying for another baby. Mostly for emotional reasons though because I was devestated about the loss. When I went through the ectopic I was not tryin to concieve, I was on what I thought was a good form of birth control but it failed me and my husband and I where at first unsure if we really wanted to keep the baby cause I had just had my youngest 6 months prior. When we decided to keep the pregnancy is when I started having all the symptoms. My period was already late by like two weeks and so by the time they removed it I was at least 5 weeks pregnant maybe more. I have been on the patch since then and this is actually my first month off the patch. The thing is I normally (before the ectopic) get pregnant pretty quickly so I am not too worried. With my youngest I got pregnant three months after being off the patch, the first two months though we did the pull out method, the last month was just bam here I am so I guess I am very fertile or was.

Lucy-that is crazy that your cousin is also getting married the same day as my husbands. Are you going? My husband and I were able to pawn our children off on my mother so we got a very nice hotel room on the warf with a balcony :happydance:. I am actually going to be so busy during my TWW that who knows maybe it will benifit me. :)

AFM I have just been busy with the normal. Youngest child is turning 1 next month (YIKES) and so I am trying to plan his first birthday party. I am also seriously busy with school now, but lucky since most of it is computers I am able to just work on it at home if I am unable to focus there. :thumbup: In other news I just entered my first day of ovulation!!! :happydance: So I am going to be super busy these next three to 4 days :sex::haha:. Hope everyone is doing great!!!

Hello ladies,

Wow I feel like I have missed so much...

Kaznib, I am so sorry for your loss and I know how tough it can be ttc again. I waited 6 months at my doctors suggestion. I underwent surgery and lost my right tube. I think I really needed the time to heal because I cried endlessly for almost a month.... I almost thought that I was sinking into depression. Try when you feel you are ready and when you get the medical clearance. In the meantime, we are here for support.

Pixxie, sounds like you have a fun date night out! It is so nice when you can leave kids with a grandparent and just enjoy an adult evening out. The 2 ww is so tough and I have poas one too many times and usually way too early. Hoping this is your month!

Pink, oh my what a beautiful little baby you have in there! Does it feel real yet? I am so glad to hear that things are progressing well for you. Another three weeks then you will be in the second trimester and onto worry free days!

Lovebot, glad to hear that your little one is in the right place! It is such a relief for anyone who has had an ectopic. How are you feeling?

Lucy, wow you work hard... those sound like such long days. Glad to hear that you are in good spirits though. Is AF finally gone yet? I am hoping that you and dh can gear up for BD real soon!

AFM, my doctor has demanded that I take a short leave of absence from work. Losing weight and on verge of dehydration. Went in for IV to get rehydrated yesterday and they checked in on the baby who seems fine. Growth and heart rate all on track. I asked for a printout and will ask dh to help me scan it in so I can share.

Thanks so much ladies for your support. After the ectopic dh and I are so afraid to tell anyone about our news until we pass the first trimester so I have not had anyone to share my fears and struggles with. *big group hugs*
kaznib thanks for the Irish luck hope that it works for me hope that you are feeling a little better physically emotionally we all know it takes time but like all the other lovely ladies have said we are here for you hugs and thanks again,

pixxie no am not going to the wedding first bc i was not invited i found out through an aunt that is going and second at them time i can't take time off yet i only get two weeks vacation so i need to plan them wisely lol besides other family members are going to be there that i don't get along with so am better off missing it but hope that you have a nice night get to :sex: girl gl that you get that eggie, still spotting for some reason but hope it goes away soon and you are right being busy in the 2ww makes it so much more bearable

peachy my peachy am glad that the dr is making you take some time off work you can't possibly concentrate on work when you are feeling ill at all times but am hopeful that it will soon pass and that you are going to feel much better suck that your that sick but at least you know that your bean is growing just fine it will all be worth it at the end

afm af has not quite left wish she would pack her crap and be gone already not to come back for a few months would be nice. hubby is getting restless and tbh so am i this spotting has been going on for more than a week so it should be gone by now. but i have decided to take it day by day no sense in stressing about something i cannot control

hope everyone is doing well hugs all around you might benreading my complaints on here for the weekend yes it has begun lol some kids think that the world caterers to them and they are so bratty, but i keep telling myself 2 more days 2 more days,lol, don't get me wrong am a people person and love my job but i don't like when there are these kids that come in here and think that they are better than you oh and don't get me started on the parents lol but that is a story for an other day lol night all
Lucy, Pixxie, Lovebot, Pink, Peachy, AFM (I hope I haven't left anyone out). Can't believe it's only been a week since my operation. Emotionally I am feeling very drained and am returning to work on Monday, still don't feel 100% ready but I teach and feel I have neglected my class enough already with many days off! Went out for a lovely meal with friends last nite and that was nice. I feel i'm less bloated than i was but my sleeping patterns are so messed up. I wake up every morning at 4am and have been doing so for months, has any onf you ever experienced dreaming alot but very anxious dream? :sleep: Pixxie and Peachy am also going to wait at least 3 months before ttc again, i think my body will take that time to heal. I want to make sure I'm taking all the right vitamins to build it up, any advice on what to take?????? I am taking folic Acid but that's all.

Have a lovely weekend ladies:) Plenty of Irish Luck charms your way!
Kaznib, when my ectopic ruptured I was 8 weeks and I had bad internal bleeding. After the surgery I was on an iron supplement for two months. I started taking prenatals right after I stopped the iron. I had a terrible time sleeping. Had difficulty falling asleep and when I did I think I cried in my sleep a lot. To this day when I think about it still have a heavy heart.
kaznib i wonder whether having anxious dreams is common after a loss, i was having vivid dreams before i got my bfp but since the surgery i have trouble sleeping and had to go on sleeping pills and but the dreams make me anxious and there are days that i wake up irritable or my hubby was heard me crying in my sleep, i wonder if the sorrow from our losses is making have all these feelings

if you think about it it makes sense when you are awake you "hide" the feeling or the emotions but when your asleep your body relaxs and i think that maybe that is when we mourn our babies gone
sorry for the sad talk but i think that might be the answer on why someof us are not sleeping well

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