TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Peachy Yes I have difficulty falling asleep too and then I wake up in the morning and still feel exhausted. I suppose our bodies have went through so much that our routine patterns are so disturbed! I'm going to my doctor on Tues afternoon and an going to ask him what I should take to help me sleep and which vitamins to take. Going for my morning coffee now:coffee: have a lovely, relaxing Sunday!

Lucy Hi Lucy at yes that def makes sense what you say. I think it's also because the experience and loss is always at the back of our minds during the day, then at night it's still the on forefront of our mind so we dream about it! I even find myself thining about it when watching tv, in the shower, out with my husband...and I think it will be like that for a long time :wacko:

Have a lovely Sunday:coffee: away for coffee
Hi ladies

I'm still here. Still having computer troubles. Am on my iPad now, but am frustrated as I can't type anywhere near as quickly without a proper keyboard.

Lucy I hope that af has finally departed.

Hope everyone else is good. Nothing new to report from here.

Shall be back soon. Xox
Hi ladies

So sorry I haven't been around, looks like lots has happened. I'll take some time to go through everyone's news later (am off to a family lunch now) and give you all a proper reply :)

AFM just a quick update. AF got me yesterday (hence the sore boobs and cramps), I also found out my best friend is 12 weeks pregnant and I had my first appointment with an IVF consultant (all in the same day!). It was a really emotional day yesterday for all sorts of reasons but I'll go into a bit more detail later on when I can properly chat to you all.

I hope you're all ok. I'm so sorry that I haven't been that regular in posting, haven't been home or online much this week due to work commitments. I miss chatting to you all!!

Hugs and baby dust.
Carmen. xxx
MrsMoose-I really hope the IVF works for you. I tried to talke to my husband about us possibly doing it and he didnt see to want to listen or care. He feels that if we get pregnant, we get pregnant. If not oh well. :( It sucks but I have my fingers crossed for you!!!

Kaznib-After recieving my the metho treatment for the continual ectopic I waited till my levels where at 0 and then I started to eat a lot of spinich and taking multi vitamins. Now that we are trying for a pregnancy I am taking prenatal vitamins. The most important thing is that when you feel that you are ready emotionally and physically then you will be ready. I do not know if this helps or not but I learned that it can take up to 6 months for a body to completely recover from a surgery on the inside. So I am hoping that because we waited we gave my body enough time to recover.

AFM I do not have much to report here. I am just going through a lot and still waiting for the O day. I am thinkin about going to pick up a OPK today to see if I even did ovulate or if im about to. I am more lost in thought right now. I hope everyone is have a better day.
Hi girls

This is a long post as I'm playing catch up, so grab a nice cup of tea and get comfortable ;)

Myturn - I had a salpingectomy (where they removed my right tube) through keyhole surgery. It took about 3 weeks for the pain and bruising to subside, especially around my bellybutton. It went all yellow and purple and I think it was infected for a while, but I made sure I put some Bactroban (antibacterial ointment) on it, which really helped. I had severe shouldertip pain from the gas for a while but that seemed to work its way out. This was 18 months ago, and the only side effect I have is right ovary pain, which usually happens around the start of AF and I think could be caused by adhesions inside (don't know for sure). I was absolutely petrified to have the surgery, especially since the gynae came in to see me and said I was being bumped down the queue to make way for another girl who 'was really severe and looked awful, much worse than me'. I remember thinking 'if I'm here with no symptoms are they really positive it's an ectopic?' but it was, and I had to trust that they were doing the right thing. You will have pain in that area for a while. The best thing to do is not to soak the scars in water too much. Use bio-oil/Vit E oil to reduce swelling (mine are hardly noticeable now) and take painkillers if you can. I had bloodtests every 2 days for about a week and a half to make sure the HCG went to zero (it was low to start with). We're all here for you and if you ever want to talk we're all here for you. The girls on this forum are really lovely and very generous with their time and their shoulders are pretty broad!

Pink - that's such an AWESOME nickname for your mom!! And look at your little bubba in your scan pic....that's really boosted my spirits, so lovely and happy for you honey :)

Kaznib - *BIG GIANT HUG* I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. It's a really devastating experience to go through. How are you holding up? I see you've gone back to work after a week, I hope you are ok and weren't forced into returning before you're ready. Folic acid is great, they usually advise to wait until your HCG is at zero before starting with folic acid, as methotrexate strips your body of folic acid. Other than that, maybe just some B vitamins and some magnesium will help your body get back to normal. I also took an iron supplement called Floradix (if you're in the UK you can get it at Tesco's or a Holland and Barrett). I also think your dreams are your subconscious' way of dealing with the emotions in a way that's healing for you. I slept fine the first few weeks after the surgery but then something switched in me and I woke myself up crying the one night and I couldn't tell you why, I was just SO incredibly sad. I'm sorry for all the sad talk, but I think that it's so common for our minds to keep thinking about it even when we actively try not to, but I think the more you try not to think about it, the harder it becomes to deal with later on. I thought I was fine until 3 months down the line when I visited a pregnant friend - I drove home in floods of tears. If you need to speak to someone that will often help, even if they don't offer advice, they just listen.

Pixxie - your cupcakes sound lush!!! I love red velvet :) Did you do cream cheese frosting? personally I like to use mascarpone instead of cream cheese and not make it as sweet with sugar. Yummy! How's the BD'ing going, any +ve OPKs??

Lucy - hello my sugar. How are you doing? Has the spotting gone away yet? What movie did you go and see? Sounds like date night was great fun with you and your DH!

Baby_love - how are you doing honey? Any news? Thinking of you loads and just wishing I could help ease some of the pain and torment you're going through.

Peachy - I'm glad to hear everything's fine with bubs but are you ok?? Are you on fluids to help with rehydration? Sounds like the doctors are looking after you. How is your work handling it? I work in HR so I always get the chills when I hear how managers treat female employees who've had pregnancy-related issues, so I hope for your employers's sake they're treating you well otherwise they'll have me to contend with LOL!!!!

Pixxie - ooh what you planning for your youngest's party?? I see you entered 'the fun time' so I hope you and DH had plenty of time this weekend to 'play poke-her' HAHAHAHAHAH!! P.S. don't blame me for that one, blame my DH....! I'm sorry that your hubby doesn't think IVF is worth a shot. Has he given you any reasons? Initially my hubby felt that IVF wasn't the natural way of having a baby, and when I said to him that in an ideal world, we'd make love and then one day I'd be surprised by a positive pregnancy test (you know you see these scenes in the movies). But the reality of the situation is that I have 1 tube left, which is potentially damaged (hence 2 ectopics) and if we want the family we've dreamt of then we need to accept that there are workarounds that we have to deal with, and if IVF is that workaround we'll deal with it as best we know how. I hope that you have the opportunity to have this discussion with your hubby again in the future, and hopefully he will have had some time to think about it. He may just be scared, or not know how the process works?

AFM - well where to start. AF arrived yesterday to great cramps and sore boobs. I then went to visit my best friend before her and her DH went on holiday and she told me that she's 12 weeks' pregnant. While I was really happy for them, I had a pang of jealousy, as I always thought that either I'd be pregnant first, or we'd be pregnant together (we spoke about being pregnant together and how cool that would be). What did surprise me was my DH's reaction when we left. He was so angry (not with them) and he was cursing and swearing about how unfair life is and he's never let me know until now how he's felt. He said he didn't understand how 2 people who so desperately want a family and who would be great parents would be deprived of it in such a savage way. He really needed to vent and I think he was better later on, but it was strange for me for once to be the strong one and to help him overcome his anger with the situation.

After that we went through to see the IVF consultant and he actually made me feel a lot better. He specialises in women with PCOS who undergo IVF, and the best part was that he's going to put me forward for 1 treatment cycle on the NHS!! My GP had previously said I was too young (I'm 30) as the minimum age was 35, but turns out he was wrong and was working off old info. They'd revised the age to 30-34 because of the effectiveness of IVF the younger you are. So the whole treatment plan will take about 5 months. 3 Months prep work and 8 weeks' treatment. In the meantime I'm having bloods done this week to check hormone levels but we can keep trying until we start the IVF. I have one round of clomid left so am taking it this cycle and we're just going to BD like crazy every night...who knows. I asked about the chance of having an ectopic and apparently it's slightly higher with IVF because I've had 2 previously, but at least they're bypassing the tube, which I think is my biggest issue. So all in all a positive consultation - I just want to get started now, enough of this hanging around and talking!!

Anyway ladies, I've waffled on enough, I'm so sorry if you've just read through all this and gone 'you crazy woman' hahahahah!! I really love reading all your stories and even though I don't know you personally I feel really grateful to be able to talk to you all about this, because I know there's no judgement, only compassion and concern and lovely lovely people :)

Have a wonderful evening and will catch up soon!! To everyone else I've missed, so sorry, will catch you at next update:)

Carmen. xx
It will be 2 weeks on Tues since my surgery I am feeling a ton better. I am still having diarrhea. Not all the time only in the AM when I'm supposed to be having a "normal BM" Sorry if that's TMI. Is that normal? Also, How soon can I do the dirty again with my hubs?? It's been a month. Ugh... I know I can't now. I honestly don't really want to just would like to know when. lol I have my follow up appt on wed and I am very anxious to speak with the Dr. I have a TON of questions. I have actually been writing them down as I go about my day so I don't forget them. Thanks all. You guys are awesome :)
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I havent been on in a while, I will read through all your posts tonight... I have had a miscarriage. I am doing ok.... I am reassured that it was in the right place and it was maybe just too soon. We have decided to wait a couple of months cos the last few weeks have been very tough. I've had to have bloods done every 2 days and its just an awful strain. I am optimistic that the next time will be the 'one'!!
Oh baby_love....I'm so so so sorry :( I wish there was something I could do to help ease the pain of what you're going through. It's such an awful feeling to get your hopes up and then to have them dashed so horribly, you must be devastated. Don't rush into anything, just take some time to get yourself feeling ok, and have some time to grieve and heal.

*big giant bearhug*

Carmen. xx
Myturn - it may be the meds working their way out of your system still? Good plan to write down all your questions - I usually forget and then when it comes to seeing the GP/consultant I'm scrabbing to remember!! I would wait to see how you feel. While the wounds may look healed from the outside, they are still healing inside, so take it easy with the movement for a while.

Carmen. xx
Aw Babylove I am so sorry.:( I think its good to give yourselves a while to recover from this while I know this is very hard for you. But look at the bright side to this, you did have a pregnancy in the right spot after an ectopic so it is possible. :) :hugs: I am sending you so much love and hugs your way right now.

MyTurn-After my sugery I felt bloated for about a month, and I really think I was because I was uable to fit into any of my skinny jeans. I also had lose stools and they told me to just drink a lot of water so i do not get dehydrated. Everyone goes through difference symptoms after surgery. I agree with MrsMoose. According to my medical terminology teacher (who is also a nurse) she stated the the body internally can take up to 6 months to even be completely better, but around 6 weeks is when the body starts to act as though it was healed completely and things start going back to normal so give it time hunny. :)

AFM I took an OPK test and the line was almost as dark as the control line but not exactly so its hard to even tell what it means! AHHH I knew there was a reason why I did not like them. I also have been tracking my cervical mucus and it seems as though its not changing. I mean it was like egg whites about 5 days ago but not anymore, so i do not know if I already ovulated or not and may never know. I think next month I will chart the temp and see how that one goes. I mean that is how I got pregnant with my DS. Well hope everyone has a fun holiday. :)

Baby Dust to everyone:dust:
Pixxie thank you for the advice and yes we are also going to wait at least 3 months. It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and still no sigh of ovulation, although I am ever so moody today... with my husband especially:dohh: My doctor told us how important it is to heal and although i really am anxious to try again the sensible thing is to wait. So we've booked a nice holiday to look forward to at Easter. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for u and hoping that ur keeping positive whilst ttc x

MrsMoose I'm back at work and doing ok, was my own decision to go back early, think it helps keep my mind busy and occupied:shrug: i will ask in tescos about those vitamins for sure, need to build myself up again, have already started taking folic acid:) so just taking one day at a time. I keep googling heterotopic pregnancy and can't believe it's happened to me because it's such a rare thing no one seems to know anything about it. It just baffles me to know there was two and i've lost two:growlmad: but staying positive for my future. I also thought i was fine until i spoke to my doctor yesterday and driving home just in floods of tears again x
hey girls sorry that i have not been on for a while have had a busy few days but i am just now getting a quick break to do get on here and check a couple of things and with you lovely ladies

baby love i am so sorry that you are going through this again am sure that the time that you are taking will help you in the long run hugs to you and you know we are here if you need to talk

carmen i don't find the name mrs moose as bad pretty cute my hubby just calls me his princess but i will call you what ever you like, wow on what you are going through as well but the good thing is that at least there is a plan of action being in limbo sucks i tell ya i wonder why men have trouble telling us what they are feeling and then all of a sudden have a blurt like that he needed it am sure i think that men try to be strong but sooner or later i know that it all comes out i really do hope that it all works out for you and that soon you get that bfp

pixxie those freakin opk are more of a pain at times i have to ask hubby a couple of times whether the lines look the same or what does he think lol he is in this as much as me damn it why should i do all the work lol no but he is good with it so your going to be bd pretty soon

my turn i agree there are so many question and i hope that today you got the answers you were looking for fx for you hun

pink hope that they get that computer fixed soon we can't have you no connected lol but i hope that your going well

love bot how are you hun? hope that you are doing great and please keep us up to date with what is going on

peachy hey hun how are you holding up have you gotten them yet? i hope so please let me know ok hope that they do help

kaznib good that you are back at work that helps keep your mind occupied it is your personal decision on how long you wait to try again good for you we all know our bodies and minds hugs to you hun

afm hope that i didn't forget anyone at the moment i have been so busy with work and i don't think that it is going to let up in a little while but that is ok i am still having that red brown crap more brown now but it is starting to scare me bc i'm afraid i might not o again this comming month so i think that am going to have to go to an OB to at least tell me about this crap it had been 2 weeks now am having cramps and feeling not so peachy and so am going to see whether i make an apt or not i hate going to them bc i feel like there is never good news
well just wanted to check in since i had been missing in a while didn't want yall to think that i had abandoned you girls
Hi ladies

baby_love: how are you holding up honey? I've been thinking about you and wondering if you're doing ok. xx

Kaznib - *hugs* I kind of understand how you feel. My second pregnancy last August was a suspected ectopic, but they actually called it a 'pregnancy of unknown location' because they just could not find where the pregnancy was even after 5 scans over 3 weeks, even though my HCG kept going up. I had to make the decision to have the methotrexate shot at nearly 9 weeks based on this, and even when the needle was going in I was holding onto hope that it was a normal pregnancy but just not able to be seen yet. I've had to make peace with the fact that I may have unwittingly terminated a healthy pregnancy, it's not easy when no one has the answers for you. All you want is for someone to take charge and just tell you what you need to know and give you some sort of direction, and when there is none you feel like you've been left to fend for yourself. I'm so sorry that this is such a difficult time, sending you lots of love and white light. Maybe being back at work will help your mind focus again and you can concentrate on healing.

Lucy - hey sugar! Thank you so much for the kind words, I know we're doing the right thing, I guess I'm just impatient. My hubby is doing better now, I think he's come to terms with it and you're right, I think he just needed to get it all out.

Pink & Peach - how are my lovely bumpy ladies? :)

AFM, not much. Just struggling with a horrible head cold at the moment (which is why I'm posting in the middle of the day - I'm at home all wrapped up). A lady who's page I like on facebook delivered her sleeping baby boy last week, and she got a horrible comment from some woman on her page, which absolutely devastated her (and another woman saying that it was all a wind up and not genuine). I got SO angry and just wanted to wade into that fight with guns blazing, I couldn't BELIEVE there are people out there who are so insensitive and vile and low. If I ever met them in person I swear I would punch them....Grrrrrrrr. It amazes me how defensive I feel about ladies who've lost a child (and I include pregnancy in this because to me it's still your child even if you didn't meet him/her yet). No one can explain the feeling when you've lost that piece of you.

Sorry, that was a bit of a depressing end to the post, I just felt like I needed to share it with people who get it.

I promise I'll have a happier post next time.

Lots of love
Hey MrsMoose- I feel you on that cold. I swear it seems like my whole family came down with this same dang cold at the same time. So we got my two young boys constantly sucking down their boogers cause I dont reach them in time to whipe their noses. ewww lol :haha::dohh: I am sorry for your friends loss and some people I swear are very and I mean very insitive. When I went though the ectopic people kept telling me that it was not a real pregnancy and had no reason to be upset, but lucky for me my sister in law knew how I felt. She delivered twins at 25 weeks (Yes I mean 25 weeks) and only one twin made it. People felt that she should not have been sad cause she still had one child. People are just cold and heartless and I guess when you go though a loss you become part of this pack, this group of women who have to stick together cause there is going to be that other group of people who really need to have a boot shoved up their a** (sorry for the bad language). I hope you feel better soon!!!:hugs:

Lucy-I am so glade I am not the only one who also find those damn things frusterating. Even my husband was like it that a positive or a negative and we both just sat their wondering if it was worth buying another:haha:....we later agreed that it wasn't. I think the most accurate way I had to pinpoint ovulation with my youngest was to chart my temp and I am probably going to do that next cycle if I do not get my BFP this month.

Kaznib-I got my fingers crossed for you. Just give it time, that big O day will come then followed by AF. Those three months will just fly by. :winkwink: There is a site that I know of called the ectopic pregnancy foundation (try googling that) and I know the woman who runs the site. She has been collecting information and has a ton of information on ectopic pregnancies and the different kinds. She is also very nice and has a memoral board for familes who want to still remember their child who have parted. I am sending you tons of hugs!!!:hugs:

AFM I am now officially in the TTW!!!! AHHHH!!! I am pretty sure I ovulated last night cause I started having cramping that only lated about 15 minutes so its good the hubby and I had fun earlier that day :p I am pretty much going crazy right now though because my medical termology class is driving me up the wall!!! I really wish I knew greek or latin cause it would probably have helped me a ton...that or took human anatomy before this course. Even better my whole family is sick with a cold and feel miserable. I hope everything is going great for all of you wonderful women!! :flower:

Baby Dust :dust:
Thanks Pixxie :) Hahahah had to laugh at your boys and their's such a little boy thing to do haha! Hope everyone feels better soon. xx

I hope you manage to catch that little eggie!! Fingers crossed, let's start symptom spotting tee hee! I can't really use OPKs as I have PCOS, and apparently they don't work very well for us girls as we have constantly elevated LH levels, which confuses the sticks (and the women using them!). I'm just basically sticking with the tried and tested recipe of BDing every day lol ;)

Love and baby dust.
Carmen. x
Hi ladies,
Miss everyone lots and wish I could come and hang out here more often. I am on prescription meds which make me sleep all day. Yet when I wake up I feel so tired. It helps with the throwing up so I will continue to take it.
I remember thinking that for me having an ectopic was so random... And now I am struggling with this one. I hope that thi isn't some sign that I am not meant to have a second child.... Sorry to be such a downer. Things have been so tough:(
Hi ladies,
Miss everyone lots and wish I could come and hang out here more often. I am on prescription meds which make me sleep all day. Yet when I wake up I feel so tired. It helps with the throwing up so I will continue to take it.
I remember thinking that for me having an ectopic was so random... And now I am struggling with this one. I hope that thi isn't some sign that I am not meant to have a second child.... Sorry to be such a downer. Things have been so tough:(
MrsMoose-Glade to know that someone finds my kids booger eating habits funny...I just try to keep down my nausa even time I see them do it. My oldest tried to offer me some of his early today and I was in that state of EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! LOL. Ah the joys of children.

Peachy-I really hope you feel better soon!!! With my oldest that is all I really did until the start of my third trimester with my oldest was throw up. I could not be more then 10 feet away from the bathroom for fear that I would not make it. They ended up prescribing me Zofran for it and it did help some but not all the way. If it makes you feel any better one time a friend and I went out to eat and on the way home I told her to pull over. I started throwing up and at the same time started to fart. She was laughing so hard I was pissed. Now I can see how it was funny, but at the same time it was still bad.

AFM I decided to check the cervix today after I got out of the shower and noticed that it was up high and closed. No eggwhite mucus,,but it was still rather wet. I am wondering when my body will start to notice the change of a fertalized egg. God I hate the TWW. Keep ya all posted to see if anything changes. Night everyone!
Thanks Pixxie : ) I surely hope this does not last any longer than another two or three weeks. I am really counting on leaving this in the first trimester. Awww the 2 ww. I was such a poas addict. Hope the time flies by quickly. Fairy dust to you!
Pixxie, how many DPO are you? And how many times a day did you use the OPKs? Whenever I started getting a darker line, I tested sometimes 3 or 4 times a day lol. I had those cheap, Wondfo ovulation tests, so I never worried about depleting my supply. Definitely start charting with FF, if you don't get your :bfp: this cycle. But I am hoping you won't even have to go there. :)

Peachy, I know what you mean about missing a lot on these threads. I am so sorry, ladies. I'm not sick yet, but the fatigue is killing me, but I'll take it. I'm so sorry you're feeling ill. Don't think you're not meant for another child. I was sick like a dog during my first. But he came out incredibly healthy and is now a very bright, yet active little boy.

Lucy, that is so odd about bleeding/spotting for so long. Please update us when you speak with your OB. I hope all is well with you, honey.

Kaz, I hope you're coping well at work. When I had my ectopic, I had about 3 weeks off. When I came back to work, I felt somewhat better, at least physically. I was glad that I had something to do and think about other than my ectopic. :hugs:

Babylove, mucho :hugs: to you, sweetie. How are you?

MrsMoose, are you freaking kidding me? That is horrible! That poor woman. I hope you do smash their nose into their face if you do see them. I cannot believe people could be so mean, or insensitive. Karma is a bitch, and I'm sorry to say that, but she is.

AFM, I had my 3rd ultrasound today at 6w2d. We saw the fetus (our little peanut) and the heartbeat was 111bpm! We are excited, and I'm surprised I didn't cry this time around like I did with Aiden. It sucks that I got used to it or whatever, but I am very grateful that he/she is growing well. Here's our little peanut.


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