TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Love-OMG look at your little bean!!!:hugs: I have a huge smile on my face and it makes me feel so happy to see the ultrasounds because it really is hope. :) Sounds like baby has a great heartbeat and I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly! As for the OPK I used them like twice and while the second one was darker then the first one, I was not in the mood to keep comparing colors so I am going to monitering my temp. I noticed it was very accurate with my youngest.

AFM I dont know whats going on but I am having some cramping today. Its not really uncomfortable, but kinda reminds me of gass cramps in a way. :( My cervix is also still very high right now so I do not know if that is a good sign or a bad yet but I am going to keep an eye on it. I also have been waking up with night sweats which is weird cause I did that with my last pregnancy and it went away. I really really think I ovulated early now. Here is why (sorry for the TMI) when I went pee about 4 days before I ovulated I litteraly had that long stringy eggwhite mucus come out and yeah. IT really looked like the picture you see on the internet about what to look for. IDK we will see...BTW I also couldnt resist and peed on a stick and it was a negative (no surprise.) oh well. :shrug:How is everyone else?
hey lovely ladies sorry that i have not been on here that much but i have been super busy at work and have had hardly any free time

love bot YAY!! for seeing peanut and the hb i bet that that made you take a deep breath of relief, can't wait to have that feeling congrats again and keep us updated on what is going on hugs to ya

peachy am so sorry that you are feeling so horrid but please don't think that you are not meant to have a second child it makes me so sad to think that the sickness is so bad it makes you think that one day when that little bean is all grown up you are going to tell him or her stories of all you went throught o have him or her. i really do hope that in a few more weeks this will all be behind you and that you are going to go on to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy hugs hope that you feel better soon

pixxie EEWWWWWWWWW on the booger eating lol am such a baby when it comes to gross things it suck being in limboo doesn't it ? i wish that we knew what was going on inside of us or something to make this easier

mrsmoose reading that about those mean women made me so mad i cannot believe that there are women who are so mean i should now there are a couple of B*S in my family as well. it shocks me when i read stories like these especially from a women one would think that being a woman she would have been more sympethetic to an other womans pain. a loss is a loss no matter how far along you are, this whole experience had made me closer to one of my aunts she always asked when was i going to have a baby and when was i going go get checked by a dr and now that this happened she had not asked me once when am i trying again she had been so supportive especially since she had a mc and lost her youngest son when he was 2 i hope that that woman finds the peace and confort she willl surely need

pink hope that you are well and that little bean is growing bigger and stronger

baby love thinking of you hun hope that we hear from you soon

afm well the spotting finally stopped which made me really happy still having some light brown cm but nothing like the spotting now i hope that i o in the next few weeks and that i catch that eggie, am thinking i might as am feeling a little wierd and that happened when i did o last time so fx that all works out ok this time well i hope to hear from you all and will keep you all updated on what happens
Lovebot - yay for the healthy ultrasound and heartbeat! Thanks for your kind words. My spirits have just been really down lately...

Pixxie - I find timing so tough and never even got around to charting. That being said I found the OPKs helpful and just did the SMEP. Oh are you using preseed at all? I got pregnant on my second month using it so maybe it helped.

Lucy - the bands came in the mail today! Thanks so much for your help with this. I wore it most of the day today but did not notice a huge difference. Or maybe I just have it so bad that it is not working as quickly as it should. Glad to hear that you are almost in the clear to TTC again! How is the decorating going?

Mrs. Moose - I am shocked that people would be so mean and insensitive. I think that sometimes when people do not know what to say they just blurt our anything without thinking. So do I remember correctly that you work in HR? My HR woman is terrible. I wish she would resign *sigh*

Babylove, so sorry to hear about your news. *hugs*

AFM, I kind of just realized that the timing of my current pregnancy is exactly the same as the last one. With each pregnancy I kept a little journal with the idea of giving it to each child when they turn 21. With the previous one (ectopic) I stopped after three pages. Dh told me to just throw that one out because it will forever make me sad if I come across it. What do you gals think? I dont know why but I re-read the entries today and just started sobbing....
AFM, I kind of just realized that the timing of my current pregnancy is exactly the same as the last one. With each pregnancy I kept a little journal with the idea of giving it to each child when they turn 21. With the previous one (ectopic) I stopped after three pages. Dh told me to just throw that one out because it will forever make me sad if I come across it. What do you gals think? I dont know why but I re-read the entries today and just started sobbing....

Peachy-I wish I had something to make what happened with my ectopic more real but I dont besides the three small scars on my stomach. Personally I think you should do what feels right and if it means keeping the journal then keep it. I look at pictures that I took from the positive pregnancy test that I finally got only to remember that a week later that joy was just riped from me. I am actually thinking about going to my local hospital and asking for a copy of my surgery photos to remind me that I did go through the ectopic and that baby was there and was real. I still cry when I think about it, about the what could have beens and what ifs. It hurts. I will always hurt. :cry: I have to remind myself that it was not ready for here, that well it will always have a part of my heart and soul. I think and feel that we as women are very strong. When we go though the loss of a child we become even stronger cause we learn to in a way understand and cope (to an extent). We are all here for each other, even on these sad circumastances I have become very and I mean very greatful to talk to you women and have have you all in my life. :hugs::flower:
Hello ladies! Ive decided to join you. I am currently recovering from my second suspected ectopic. Heres my stats.. i hope im on the right thread.. age 37. tubal reversal jan 2010. short luteal phase determined in 2011. suspected ectopic march 2011 6w treated with mtx. miscarriage oct 20116w. Suspected ectopic jan 2012 6w treated with mtx. It is all very discouraging so im hoping for some cheer from this thread. :)
Hi Alleysm-I am very sorry for your losses :hugs: and its very very sad that we could not meet under better conditions. I am sorry to ask but with both your suspected ectopics was it a combination of of labs and a ultrasound that rulled it or was it just based on labs? When I went through my ectopic they never really suspected even though I really had all and I mean about all the symptoms. :( I hope and wish you tons of baby dust during your quest of ttc :) :hugs:

Peachy-No I have not tried Preseed. I have heard of it though, and will consider it if this cycle desides to hate me:shrug: I just really do not like OPKs now thats all. I think its way to complacated for my already jammed packed head. lol :haha:

AFM Woke up feeling very sick this morning and am still feeling very nauses. Also having some cramping, nothing heavy in my lower abdominal. Hmmmm is all I can say and all I am thinking is :baby::baby:. God cant it hurry up and be the third!!! I am wondering if a First Response test would pick it up in a few days. OK scratch that..just ran to the bathroom for the nausa its getting that bad. Ok so it can be one of two things one I want (baby) and the other I dont (stomach flu) fingers crossed for the first one!!!I hate the TWW!!!!

Baby Dust to everyone!!! :dust:
Hi pixie.. my "se's" were based on numbers and failure to see anything in the uterus. I just cant seem to get past 6 weeks..
Sorry but I have another question. I was wondering if you ladies got antibiotics after your surgeries? I did not get any after my tubal removal or my d and c. I am having what seems to be really thick white discharge no smell? No itch? But clumpy and thick white. Is this normal after a D and C?? Or should I be concerned. also, Been having a bunch of pressure in my stomach which seems to travel down to my butt. Sorry I know this post is very TMI but I don't know anyone else that went through all this. Thanks.
My turn, I was not prescribed antibiotics after having my tube removed and never had any whitish discharge. Are you going back for a check up? It may be nothing but worth asking about just to be safe.

Pixie, keeping fingers crossed for you!! I think a frer should work at 10 dpo. Keep us posted!

Alley, welcome to the thread. Sorry for your loss. There are three of us pregnant so far and I hope that when you are ready you will have success. In the meantime, feel free to share your hopes, fears, and anything in between!
Peachy- Thanks for that my mom kinda freaked me out today when she said that I should of been given an antibiotic. So, thanks for that. Yeah I think I may put a call into the Dr. in the morning. Thank you ;-)

Alley- With open arms welcome. I am new to all of this also. My emotions are very raw at the moment. But, these ladies have been awesome thus far. If you need anything don't hesitate.

Pixie- Good luck with your tww fingers crossed over here for you :)
Hi ladies

how are all of you doing?

Myturn - no I didn't get AB after my surgery, only pain meds. I kind of self-medicated with an antibacterial cream on the scar in my bellybutton because it looked like it was getting infected and that seemed to help. I can't help you with the discharge, but I think if there's no bad smell then I think it's normal? It's only a worry if there's a bad smell/itching. Maybe it's just your body returning to normal? If you're worried, check it out with your doctor/pharmacist?

Alleysm - I'm so sorry for your loss honey :( *Big hugs*. I also had a suspected ectopic in Aug last year and also had the MTX shot. It's a very surreal experience. How are you holding up? I'm sure you are so tired of seeing doctors and having scans done. I hope you're looking after yourself and trying to heal up, both physically and emotionally.

Peachy - Yes I'm in HR :) It's amazing how little people actually focus on the 'human' part and just look at the 'resources' part.....I use preseed and I swear by the stuff, even if it's just to help nature along, you know what I'm sayin' ;-) BD is not always as *ahem* romantic as you'd like it to be, so we've used it quite a lot and it worked both times when I fell pregnant. I'm also sad to hear that you've been crying today reading through the entries. I know what you mean by needing something that makes the ectopic feel more real. If keeping that journal will help you work through the memories and emotions then go for it. You would still have the emotions and remembering what happened without the journal, so maybe it will be cathartic for you to express your feelings in the journal. You may not necessarily look back on it in later years, but maybe for now it's a good outlet on how you're feeling. I do still occasionally look at the photos of the positive pregnancy tests as well to remind myself that I actually WAS pregnant, because as Pixxie says, apart from the scars I don't really have anything else to remind me of it.

Pixxie - woohooo fingers and toes and everything crossable is crossed for you!!! Sounds really positive, let us know how you get on? xx

Lovebot - Yay for heartbeat and piccie!!!! You must be so thrilled :) What a good feeling hon, so pleased for you :)

Lucy - thanks for the words hon. Yes, if I ever meet that woman that said that I will gladly give her a kick up the old wazoo....stupid cow. Sorry, but I just couldn't believe it. But yes, karma is a big ole' bitch and she'll getcha!!

To anyone else I've left out, hope you're all doing well and looking after yourselves!

AFM - I've got my second appointment with the IVF specialist on Sat, but in the meantime I've taken my last round of clomid and DH and I are BD'ing every night (he's so thrilled about the prospect of sex every night he's acting like a 15 year old boy that's just got the keys to the playboy mansion....)! I'm just thrilled that there's an opportunity to get one cycle on the NHS, which will be great. I'm hoping only 1 cycle will be needed.....

Have a lovely evening girls, look after yourselves and keep smiling :) Catch up soon!

Carmen. xx
Hi Ladies Just a quick update to all of you to say I have been thinking of you all but just haven't had a chance to get to the computer as I'm back at work and things have been reaaly busy, trying to get caught up again! I'm feeling better, using OPK and no luck as of yet:wacko:it's been 18 days since my surgery and I thought I would've ovulated by now but I dont even feel anything:( I have no feeling for anything at the moment...have my up and down days, work is keeping me distracted which is good! Went out for a meal with my husband on Sat night and woke up in the early morn (4am) being very nauseus and this lasted most of the night and all day yday... maybe just a bug and no connection with my surgery, have any of you experienced sickness after ectopic???

Love to all xxx
MrsMoose-You gotta love the husbands right? When my husband and I first started ttc we didn't even know if he could have children (my oldest is from a previouse relationship and my husband is a recovering addict (5 years clean!!)) So when we going at it he was the same way. I think I felt more done with sex by the end of it then he was lol:haha: I have my fingers crossed for you though hun and I hope it all works out. :flower::hugs:

Kaznib-After my ectopic I really didn't feel anything. I woke up from the sugery really feeling like I was no longer pregnant and that I was empty. I think thats why I went through that deep depression like I did because I feel like I did not have enough time to except it and in a way willingly let go of it. Thats why shortly after the surgery I emersed myself in all my homework and just tried to forget about it only to finally break down with my husband and cry together and come to terms with our loss. But as for nausa the only time I felt that way was when I ate a under cooked burger from the joint down the street a few days later. :shrug:

AFM first of all thank you for the fingers crossed cause trust me I am really starting to wonder now. Like after checking of the cervix it is now high soft and close, and I have still been having periods of nausa. My husband is also saying how I have been a really moody recently. I have no clue what he is speaking of though. In my other crazy world I am submersed in exams (fun :wacko:) and I really think my oldest caught bronchitis from my little brother. He has this horrible cough that has been keeping him up and while he doesn't have a high fever it looks like it is really hurting him. If it keeps up I think I am going to take him in.

Oh guess what my wonderful children did the other day??? My children (ages 2 1/2 and almost 1) broke my glasses, like beyond repair. My oldest reached onto the counter and hid under the table with his little brother and broke them. :dohh: To make matters even better my doctor can't see me for like two weeks and I don't have a replacement. Lets just say hubby is not happy about playing driver right now lol.

Well as always tons of baby dust and to those about to hit the big O day I hope that they catch that eggy!!! :dust:
hey ladies

pixxie fx for you hun hope that you caught that eggie kids can be something else right? hope that you get your glasses soon

mrsmoose lol on your DH getting the keys to the playboy mansion it seems like they could do it every night and not be tired us on the other hand need a break every now and then, my hubby i swear is like that i have to make excuses when i want to just lay in bed and sleep if not i would probably never get to just relax lol i too am using preseed and loved it i think that we are going to be using it when my fertile window is near if i get near it this cycle that is

kaznib keeping busy is a good distraction i think that we will always have the memories in the back of our minds i still have the the down days too it does get easier but we will always remember, hope you get that positive opk soon it seems like it takes forever to get on track afterwards but it will happen

peachy hope that your are doing better, as for the journal i think that you should keep it tbh i still have the pregnancy tests that i did when the dr told me that i was pregnant, i had never had a bfp so to me it was a huge shock and although i have talked to DH about getting rid of them i can't at the moment one day i will take a picture to remember and get rid of them but not now, if you feel that you are not ready then you shouldn't hugs to you

pink hope that you are doing ok haven't heard from you in awhile

hi to everyone else

afm well where to begin? am bloated feeling a little neaseas and then to make matter worse (sorry tmi) today after dtd i had some blood when i went to the bathroom not a lot but some my bbs feel bigger too i think that am getting ready to o bc this happened in dec and i o and it happened in oct when i got my bfp so if my pattern is right i am ovulating every other cycle it wouldn't even be month bc my cycles are so long. am also having some it's not pain but more of an ache in my lower ab and i had it too i really hope that this month is my month fx that it is, am not really tempting much since am so tired so i wouldn't really know but we'll see i have been having a bit of a rough week like everything was not enough i have been so emotional i watch tv begin to cry if something is sad am sensitive but not that sensitive lol the other night i completely broke down watching a movie and boy am i moody i think this whole ttc business is making me a little nuts lol

sorry so long but i just needed to get it out i really feel like am really am going a little nuts ttc i feel at times like it is never going to happen for me again and that gets to me but i hope that this feeling goes away soon sorry to be such a downer
Hi ladies,
Just popping in to say a quick hello. Will be back to write later when I am less nauseous. Nitey nite.
Nighty nite Peachy hope that you start feeling better soon :-(
Hey Peachy hope you feel better!!!

Hey girls thought I would drop in and say hi. My luck just keeps going through the toilet. I have been having this itch on my side for the past couple of days that I could have sworn was just a misquito bite...turns up I was way wrong. I found out I got shingles some how! I guess its not that common in women around my age and none of us could pinpoint how I got it. To make matters worse they have me on prenidsone which I have no clue what it could do to a baby if I am pregnant and I pray that no major damage is done if I am. Oh to top it off my youngest has a fever of 101 and is throwing up. My day just can't get any better. :(

Hope everyone is having a better day then I am.
peachy- nite nite hope you feel better soon

my turn- i was given antibiotics but bc i had a c section like surgery and a D&C along with it which made me bleed a couple more days after the surgery and then it went away until i got close to ovulation if it is still worrying you you should have it checjed to make sure nothing is wrong

pixxie- hugs to you hun i hope that your little one gets better soon you should call the dr and ask if they know that you are trying to conceive they can tell you if it can affect the baby hope that you feel better soon

with me the good thing is that i they know that am trying to conceive and when ever they want to give me a new med or anything they always make sure to tell me that it's baby safe and what meds am going to go off when i get a bfp the only ones are the painpills all the other where changed after my surgery
Ok so I know its really early to test but I could not help it and guess what!?!?! I see a faint line!!!!! Trying not to get too excited but I thought I would share the news. I find it soo hard to believe this may be it!!!! FX!!!!!
Ok so I know its really early to test but I could not help it and guess what!?!?! I see a faint line!!!!! Trying not to get too excited but I thought I would share the news. I find it soo hard to believe this may be it!!!! FX!!!!!

so excited for you :happydance::thumbup: but now am going to be needing some pics lol, am bad for that but oh well so if you can post one for my poas addiction ok lol

afm well i think that am getting ready to o i feel the same way that i did in dec when i did o last cycle i had no symptoms and there was no ovulation so am really hoping that i catch that eggie this month

but am so happy for you seems that this thread is going to getting an other bfp YAY!! :happydance:

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