TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Its a really faint line and at first I thought I was crazy, but its there. Gonna test again on Sat before the wedding that way if I really am I am not going to drink. What do you women think??? Is it my :bfp:?


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Ok so I know its really early to test but I could not help it and guess what!?!?! I see a faint line!!!!! Trying not to get too excited but I thought I would share the news. I find it soo hard to believe this may be it!!!! FX!!!!!

Whoo hoo!!!! Pics pretty please!!

afm. I went for an evaluation and consultation and it seems that i have 2 options either continue to torture myself by conceiving as i am at such a high risk for reoccuring ectopic and basically a snowballs chance in hell that this will happen for me or have my tubes removed and go ivf for which we do not have $$for as zero is covered here by insurance. Yay for second opinions...
Its a really faint line and at first I thought I was crazy, but its there. Gonna test again on Sat before the wedding that way if I really am I am not going to drink. What do you women think??? Is it my :bfp:?

I SEE IT!!!!:sleep::happydance:
PIXXIE that is AWESOME!!!! Yeah :))))
pixie def see the line OMG :happydance: there is an other pregger among us YAY !! thanks for feeding my POAS addiction lol now i need to start POAS to see when am going to o

alleysm- oh hun am so sorry for the news it sucks that we don't have it easy I'm praying for you :hugs:

ladies am going nuts over here the neasea has kicked in for some reason and am having that feeling where the puke comes up and then goes down again ugh, me bbs are sore too and this time it's both of them they feel like twinges one at a time but am hoping and praying that all goes well this time this is so frustating to me that literally am at the verge of tears :nope:

i think that if this is this bad before i even o what am going to be like if i conceive? but am willing to take it all for a little one :hugs: am just sitting here now wondering what is going on :coffee: and totally talking to myself lol am nuts this ttc journey had made me crazy :nope:
Lucy-I was glad to feed your POAS addiction. Honestly in the last couple of days I have gone through about three pregnancy tests. This is actually my first faint positive. I was reading the box and it said the lowest amount it picks up is 25 so I thinks thats a good sign.I hope you are able to pin point your O day!!!!

Alley-I know how you feel about the IVF treatment. My insurance wouldnt cover it either because they know I have two children already. My husband and I both agreed that if this pregnancy is another ectopic that I am going to get both my tubes cut and burned and just save up for the treatment. I know in california its like $19,000 for the first treatment and that is just sooooo pricy. I am shocked that anyone can afford that. I really hope the best for you girly. Maybe all of our lucks will turn around.

AFM I really hope you women are right. My husband seems to think its an evap line, but I have never had an issue with an evap line with these tests before. :shrug: I mean the line itself was a very faint pink and now its a very faint purple so who knows. Like I said I am going to take another test before the wedding to be sure because honestly I am so worried. As for symptoms right now I am just feeling nauses and tired and mostly lazy. But that can also be because of the infection so who knows. FX that it gets darker...The fact that if I am pregnant and its showing up this early gives me hope that it is in the right place. :cloud9::baby:

I am sending eveyone some baby dust and pray that this is a sticky bean!!!! [-o<
pixxie the line looked pink to me as well i thought that an evap line had no color? Either way i hope that this is it for you hun, i honestly never even looked into the ivf i thought that adoption would be our way bc it is expensive but they are about the same so who knows what we are going to do if i don't conceive. i think that maybe you hubby is just trying not to get to excited in case
Pixxie, I see the line!! Hope it gets darker and you confirm your bfp this sat : )

Alley, so sorry Hun.... Personally I would save up for the Ivf. Physically and emotionally I couldn't continue trying knowing I have a very high chance of a recurring ectopic. That is just me though... In your heart you know what is right for you.

Lucy, hope this will be your cycle. Sorry to hear you're not feeling very well. Still waiting for your email address so I can PayPal you. Hope you are not going to be working too hard these next few days.

AFm, still very sick. My Ob increased my medication dosage. I am so tired yet have trouble sleeping: (
peachy i am so sorry that you are still feeling ill, the things we have to do to have kids hugs honey i hope that once you get into 2nd tri that it will all go away or at least get some relief the weekend was looking slow but it has been snowing since this mornign so we might get a couple of people come up to ski so who knows

i will pm my email to you
Well I could not resist it again...Took another pregnancy test. This time instead of the Dollar Store test I took a First Response Early Response and check this out!!!:happydance: I made an appointment with my doctor...Sucks though that they can not get me in till the 8th. Oh well its the soonest the could do it even knowing my history with the past ectopic. The fact that the line is getting darker too and at an early time makes me feel so hopefull right now but at the same time I am very cautious. You guys and my husband are the only people who know right now because we do not want to jynx it. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that this little bean stays sticky.

Peachy-I am with you on the morning sickness. We went out to eat today and well my lovely eggs benidict did not look so lovely on the way out. Oh well. I hope you feel better soon hunny!!!!:hugs:


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Pixxie- Try clear blue easy digi pregnant not pregnant. I took a dollar store test and first response both were on the light side and confused me. The Clear Blue Easy was the first one that made me feel very confident and it showed PREGNANT! 4 days before any of the others. :) With an HCG of under 20.
Pixxie def see the line this time i would do what my turn suggests i want to buy one if i feel confident about this cycle :happydance: so excited for you though
Pixxie - You can def see a faint pink line, couldn't mean anything else only that your pregnant!! First response are pretty accurate aswell:thumbup:
Hope this is it for u!!! u so deserve it, such a lovely person and have given me some great advice since I started this thread.

Lucy hope ur having fun trying to catch that eggie:haha: I still haven't ovulated, thought i did a few days ago as had lots of symptoms, but just coming up negative on the opk kits. How accurate are those kits? i'm finding them very confusing. Just want my AF so i start keeping track at least

Have a lovely weekend ladies
Kaznib-Thanks so much. As for OPKs I really could never figure them out either. The thing is no matter what I always got a line in varrying degrees of darkness. I figured that if my DH and I do the dance every other day or every day we should have a decent chance at catching the eggy. I hope that you get your BFP soon too hunny!!!

Lucy and Myturn-When it comes to those types of test I feel like I lose the joy of guessing if its a line or not. So instead I stock up on dollar store tests and watch the line to get darker lol. As of right now it is. Took another one with FMU and it is darker then the other one so FX thats a good sign.

AFM I am now in a very scary stage...wondering if this bean is in the right place, and if its a sticky bean. I am seriously freaking out about even little cramp and twinge right now. The good news is my side where the ectopic happened doesnt hurt,so I am taking it as a positive. Why does the 8th have to be sooooo far away!!!!! I just noticed that I am not due to miss my period for like almost another week. The 8th is actually when my period supposed to start. AHHHH I am such a jumbled mess in my head. I just don't know what to think right now and I am so scared. I wish I knew my hcg right now. I wish I could know if my little bean was safe. :( Sorry girls, I am a freaking mess.
Hi ladies-hope you don't mind my joining in. congrats to all those who are pg!

We were diagnosed with an ep and treated with mtx at 5+6. :( we were/are so devastated. So glad to find you ladies.

Iam 6dpo and freaking out because I feel the pinching and twinges again that I only felt when prego a and my chart just took a huge dip and rise.

Is there any possible way anyone could post their charts from their ectopic? I would really like to look them over and see what I can learn. Mine is in my siggy.

Having had 3 ectopic pregnancies within the last 2 years - I was left tubeless (tubal removal surgery). When we started IVF last year, our consultant rated our chances at 40 - 50% as I was 26, obviously fertile and my husbands sperm looked good. We had one failed fresh cycle, followed by two failed frozen cycles.

What I want to know is why it was so easy for me to have recurrent ectopic pregnancies? but when the opportunity for embryos to implant and develop in the uterus it has failed?

All embryos transferred were high graded day 6 blastocysts. As we are now out of embryos I was keen to find out any information as to why this isn't working for us.

We'll need to spend a further £5000 for the next fresh cycle and I just feel I need some suggestions to a problem, that could be remedied before commiting to another cycle.

I've had my immune system tested - everything came back normal. I was thinking, could it be scarring in the uterus? I've never had a D&C - but had a termination when I was very young. Would scar tissue have been detected in a ultrasound etc?

Any suggestions or advice would be gratefully received.

Thanks x
kaznib i really hate those opk kits tbh i am sorry i even bought them on ebay 100 in a pack for about $17 (lol am an addict what can i say) but at the time i thought that i wanted to know everything but hubby and i bd like everyday( not bragging) so i don't really need to do them and i have pcos so there is always a freggin second line so that just frustrates me my boss gave me a cbfm and so am using that one too so am always poas lol i too really hope that i catch that eggie so fx for us that are waiting for those bfps

pixxie it is totally normal to be freaking out, i mean after what we went through any little thing makes us jump, i find myself wondering every twinge or ache that i feel that something is wrong and i haven't even o'd yet so i can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling you know that we are here for you if you need to vent or anything else before you know it the 8th will be here and you are going to be ok, i can't believe that they are making you wait that long they should be monitoring you

bbgoosebumps am so sorry for your loss, you have come to the right place for support though, sadly i did not begin to chart until after my ectopic and even then i skip a few days, maybe your ovulating and what you are feeling are ovulation pains? i have come to notice that when i ovulate i have twinges and aches gl to you hun we are all here for you

vicijanek so sorry for your losses and for what you are having to go through i think that there is a great possibility that there could have been damage when they did the termination, i would think that they would do all sorts of testing before they did ivf it is an expensive alternative so you should def have more detailed testing to make sure that everything is ok gl to you

peachy, pink, lovebot :wave: hope that you are all doing well hey to everyone else that i did not mention

afm well i am getting close to o from the looks of it i am really hoping that this month will work for me am using preseed so i hope that boosts our chances and i began to take a prenatal just incase fx
Lucy-thank you for your kind words.

I know the twinges and pinches aren't ov pains. I get achey ov pains. The only time ive had the twinges and pinches is whe I was pg.
Hello my lovelies!!

I'm here. I'm sorry I've been a stranger. I have thought of you all often. Especially you, Lucy.

I've been quiet in all aspects of my life. Just been letting the weeks go by. I still haven't told many people about this pregnancy...not even my Mum.

I had my 12 week scan a few days ago, and everything looked good. I'm just waiting for the results of the nuchal test to come back before I really start spreading the news.

I have few photos that I will upload soon.

Pixxie, I see that you have a BFP! Congrats!

I will go now and have a read of how everyone has been going!

Pixxie, congrats! Your test looks exactly like mine at 12 dpo. My hcg at 12 dpo was only 35 but it doubled nicely. I can relate to your feelings of anxiousness but once you start the blood tests and see that your hcg doubles you will feel a sense of relief. So glad that this has happened for you! *hugs*

bbgoosebumps - So sorry for your loss hun. I waited 6 months before ttc and never charted so unfortunately cannot be of any assistance. Wishing you well.

vicijanek - I cannot imagine what you have been through. Prior to commencing the ivf I would think that the clinic did quite a bit of testing? I have not been down this path myself but know someone that did ivf and it took them 4 cycles to finally conceive. Not sure what the particular issue was but based on the percentages given I would not give up hope. All the best.

Pink, congrats on your 12 week ultrasound! I am sure that the NT will come back just fine : ) I hope that with first trimester behind you, you will feel better sharing your news.

Lucy, yay on bd-ing daily. You are sure to catch the eggie! Preseed is so awesome, I got my bfp second month of using it. Keeping my fingers crossed for you : )

MyTurn, how are things with you hun?

AFM, today is the first morning where I have been awake for an hour and have not thrown up yet. I hope that the nausea eases and that I can sail safely into the second trimester. I have my 12 week ultrasound and NT this week. Hope all goes well.

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