TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Hi ladies

sorry I've been scarce, just wanted to pop on and say a huge congratulations to Pixxie!!! That's fab news :)

Everyone else, I hope you're ok and smiling :)

AFM, went for my second follow up with the consultant. He did an internal scan and said everything looked fine, no lesions/polyps etc, and my hormone levels were normal. We completed the forms for IVF so now we wait to hear back on our appointment with Oxford Fertility Unit, and to attend an IVF seminar. So things are looking good and positive :)

Take care ladies, and will post a longer update a bit later!


Carmen. xx
pink so nice to hear from you am glad that your 12 week scan went well, i can't believe that you have not told your mom yet? you got more will power than me lol i hope to hear from you more often and can't wait to see the pics of your little bean must be so cute been meaning to ask are you going to find out the sex ?

peachy YAY!!! for o throwing up lol i hope that this is the beginning of ms easing up on you so that you can enjoy your little one, i am sure that your 12 weeks scan is going to go great i hope that you too have pics to show us so that we can see them

mrsmoose am so happy that you are going in the right direction i am praying that you too soon will get that bfp that we so long for

afm still waiting on o only a few more days to go and then i will know whether it happened or not? Today one of the housekeepers told me that she had a dream about me(it made me laugh bc it was wierd,i get along with them but we are not buddy buddy) but she told me that she dreamed that i had a really beautiful baby girl, i swear ladies it made me want to cry, but i told her that i hoped God heard her and i am praying that he does
am still feeling neaseas and bbs are sore last night they hurt so bad that i had trouble sleeping fx for this week
MrsMoose-I am so glad that everything looks good for you down there. I hope that brings you some peace of mind. :)

Lucy-Maybe thats a sign? One can only keep theirs fingers crossed. I got both of mine crossed for you. I just hope that you catch that little eggy. Damn thing is just so tricky though lol. :hugs:

AFM I am now just waiting for my doctor appointment. I have been having light cramps now and I am throwing up some more today. Thankfully no spotting. I didn't get start to bleed with my ectopic till about two weeks after my missed period so I am guessing I was 6 weeks then. I am just worried about it all till I get my levels done. I keep taking pregnancy tests to, to watch the line get darker and while it is I don't feel like there is much of a difference.The wedding was a blast but people were wondering why I wasnt drinking and why I looked like I was about ot be sick. Its kinda hard not spreading the news when you have your body screaming at you that your pregnant. I just have to remind myself that I have four more days...four more days. :shrug::growlmad:
Lucy Hopefully u catch that eggie, im confident that u will this time! I also have PCOS and i was wondering why there is always a second line, just a little fainter! i'm giving up on them now, had pains on my left side last night so hopefully they were ovulation pains - if i'm right i should have my first period since my surgery in roughly 2 weeks from now. I think i know my own body well enough without stressing over them packs, but i do agree with u they can be addictive, i just find myself checking sometimes 2 times a day.... need to stop, driving myself mad!!

Pixxie So happy for u! hope ur not feeling too sick and fx for you that all will be ok!

Pink Glad to see u back on here and looking forward to seeing those pics, u are indeed my inspiration at the moment

later ladies xxx
kaznib from what i have read the reason why we see that second line is because women with pcos have LH in their system even when they are not ovulating so it is very hard for us to really depend on those opks, but i did notice that when am closer to ovulation the line begins to get dark and in dec when i did have a "normal" cycle i did get a positive opk. what meds are you on for the pcos? i have pcos and diabetes and then on top of that i have high blood pressure i was just in the beginning of getting under control when i had my bfp last october but since then i have been put on baby safe meds so if i get a bfp my baby will not be effected by the meds which takes a load of my mind if i get that bfp i think that am going to have enough to worry about
you think that checking twice a day is bad i do them twice a day up to o day when i see the line getting darker i start to do them up to 4 times a day lol am trying to finish up the ones that i bought and then no more

hello to all the other lovely ladies :wave:

afm today i noticed that my hubby had lost some weight,am so jealous, you would think that working everyday for a year and a half i would be loosing weight but no, he has been out of work for a year and so he gained a belly but we bought this ab machine and the belly is gone so i made a deal with him, if i don't get a bfp this month am really going to get down to business and loose weight. it is funny bc we got the machine at a second hand store when i was looking for some decorating thing, he didn't want to go in there and was just not in a good mood until he saw the machine and now he has been working on it everyday. that was the best $20 i ever spent lol
Those of you that were treated with mtx for your ectopic how long did you dr advise you wait before ttc? Im in the states and even though I've had two treated with mtx i have yet to receive directives from my obgyn.. this last one she suggested i just have both tubes removed to avoid continuously torturturing myself and just do ivf.
Those of you that were treated with mtx for your ectopic how long did you dr advise you wait before ttc? Im in the states and even though I've had two treated with mtx i have yet to receive directives from my obgyn.. this last one she suggested i just have both tubes removed to avoid continuously torturturing myself and just do ivf.

i have never had the shot but from what i have read you have to wait 3 months bc if you get preg before then there is a risk that the baby might have birth defects, i wonder why your dr would not tell you that :nope:
Alleysm-I had a continual ectopic where they removed the sac first but some cells left behind continue to grow. Once they realized that was what it was they treated me with a single dose of methotrexate. I was told to wait 3 months before trying to concieve again, and by three months I mean the three months started as soon as my levels reached 0 which took almost a month in itself. I wish you the best and hope that you are able to get a healthy and sticky bean soon!

Kaznib-I am feeling fine for the most part. My nausa comes and goes but I am sure that I can keep it managed. :) How are you doing hun?

AFM I went to the Planned Parenthood near my house and got a confirmation of pregnancy. First the lady told me that it was a faint line, but then stated that it wasnt like super faint, that it was there and that it was normal for about how far along I am. I guess she had been doing pregnancy tests all day today. She kept trying to assure me that all pregnancies are different and that this one could be completely healthy. I just have to keep praying that it is. I guess my two biggest fears right now are another ectopic or have a miscarrage now. I dont even feel confident telling my own mother that I am pregnant because I am afraid of the heart break. :( sorry for the ranting, just a lot on my mind today.
Pixie and lucy thanks for the info. My dr is committed to limited info. My mc was probably due to low progesterone (8.8) but she "not a big fan of progesterone " after the mc i pushed so hard for supplements. And fyi after the second ep i did get a second opinion of my whole ttc ordeal. Pixie my fxd for you!!! I dont wish muliple ep on anyone!!
Afm onto third round in bleeding... started spotting jan 17 through mtx shot on jan 31 full bleed until feb 10. Bleed again from feb 14 to feb 20 and now round three beginning march 2.. im gonna need a transfusion!!
Pixxie, big hugs to you Hun. Hang in there. I didn't tell my mom until I was about 6 weeks. After getting an early ultrasound to confirm baby was in the right place. Are you getting your hcg monitored?
Peachy-No not yet. They are not doing anything till my appointment on the 8th which is why I am stressing right now. The lady I spoke to knows I am a high risk but that was the best she could do for a high risk case. :( Anyways being only four weeks I was told that nothing could be seen right now and yeah. Idk I just wish it was the 8th and that I knew my levels. I really feel like crying right now from all the stress. :(
2 more days pixie!!! Im praying for you!
Hi Guys

Not been here for a while & had decided to stop trying until nearer summer etc BUT I got my BFP this evening on a FRER :)

Am happy tonight but just waiting on the 'worrying' feeling starting. I just want this bean to be in the right place.

Congrats to all the flks who got BFP and best wishes to those who are still waiting. If it is any consolation - this time was the first time I actually laughed, cried and jumped about when I got a BFP. I think the months of trying have really made it count
Hi Lucy - i thought i was bad on the OPK but u are worse! lol... i did one a few days ago and when i did it the 2nd line seemed quite faint, i left it on the side of my dresser and it was the same dark colour pink as the first line an hour later, so would u call that a positive? im convinced it was! then this morning i did another one and the 2nd line was very faint and stayed faint after a few i guess i have O'd just didnt realise as ive never taken these texts before:blush: and u being an expert, who better person who ask??:winkwink: any way im not ready to start trying for another few months, just wanting to make sure im Olating. will keep u posted!

Pixxie - I'm doing great hun, just watching my body and keeping healthy using OPK which i'm not the biggest fan off! i hope ur feeling fine and im thinking of u and sending u lots of Irish luck charms that everything will be just fine this time around xx

Annie - great to hear another success story....congrats!! :flower:
pixxie we are all here for you so you go ahead and vent all you want i am really praying hard for you that this baby is in the right place, the 8th will be here before you know it it makes me so angry that they are not doing much more for you your in my prayers hun

annie Congrats another bfp boy this thread is getting lucky hope you stick around for some encouragement for us that are waiting on that bfp

peachy how is that ms going? i hope that it eased away and that you are now enjoying your pregnancy

kaznib lol on the expert thing, but i read a lot so i get all my info that way too, but from what i read once the five minutes are up you are not supposed to read them anymore bc they will turn positive sometimes, so unfortunately i would not count on that positive. to be honest the last time i got a positive opk i had it at night by early morning it was negative so i think that if i was not testing as much i would totall miss it this time around i have been taking the more "relaxed" approach lol i am not using the opks as much but am trying to temp as consistant as possible and using preseed hubby and i as you might have read bd or just dtd almost everynight so i really dont need to do them i just become addited once i started but i think once am done with these opks am not buying anymore gl to you

afm well tons of cm sorry tmi i didn't get to bed til about 4am last night but woke up at noon and my temp was high would you guys count it? i am having trouble sleeping and last night i had a wierd dream can't really remember it though bbs still sore am supposed to o today or tom we shall see then that wonderful 2ww ugh that is the worse part lol but i should know what is going on by the twenty something before my boss goes off to mexico for vacation but i hope i have an anwer so that i can get my levels checked at least 2xs before they take off once they do i am alone in the motel for a week so i can't leave fx ladies say tons of prayers please
Pixxie, how r u Hun? I hope seeing the doc and getting your hcg monitored will give you some relief. Hugs.

Annie, congrats!! I am so thrilled for you.

Kaznib, take your time. Healing is so important.

Lucy, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

AFm, I must've jinxed myself cuz the m/s is back.... I am due back to work next week and dreading it :(
Has anyone tried the detect5 progressive pregnancy tests?
Hey everyone, just got home from the doctors and so far everything looks ok. She had me go in for a battery of blood tests and I have to go back in to check my levels again on saturday. She asked me if I have any cramping or spotting and I said no that I felt fine. Then she examed me (god I hate that speculum thing) and said she did not see a single drop of blood and that it all looked great in there. I am scheduled for an ultrasound on the 22nd (so two weeks) and I am just going crazy waiting for it. The good news is she said she is cautiously optomistic about this pregnancy so we will just have to wait and see. Oh and she also has me on bed rest and no sex until the ultrasound...poor hubby is already suffering :haha: oh well its only two weeks. I will let you all know when I get my labs back as to what they came back as because honestly I am just praying for high numbers. I hope everyone is good and that we get more BFPs in the near future. :)

BTW congrats Annie!!!! I wish you a healthy and happy 9 months :)
Hey everyone, just got home from the doctors and so far everything looks ok. She had me go in for a battery of blood tests and I have to go back in to check my levels again on saturday. She asked me if I have any cramping or spotting and I said no that I felt fine. Then she examed me (god I hate that speculum thing) and said she did not see a single drop of blood and that it all looked great in there. I am scheduled for an ultrasound on the 22nd (so two weeks) and I am just going crazy waiting for it. The good news is she said she is cautiously optomistic about this pregnancy so we will just have to wait and see. I will let you all know when I get my labs back as to what they came back as because honestly I am just praying for high numbers. I hope everyone is good and that we get more BFPs in the near future. :)

BTW congrats Annie!!!! I wish you a healthy and happy 9 months :)[/Sol]

Ive been waiting all day for you update!!! LoL
peachy can't believe that ms is back i bet it is so frustrating :hugs: hope that they go away again and this time they stay away

pixxie YAY for things being good, i bet that was a relief now another 2ww but am praying for you

alleysm i have never heard of those what are they?

afm well am not sure that i did o tbh again! i have been feeling neaseas for the past two days and i thought that my bbs had stopped hurting but today they are back it feels like shooting pains through the middle of them, and am cramping a little down there have you ladies had any experience with this oh and also tons of cm i mean i feel like am peeing on myself at times lol am going to wait the 2weeks and take a test i hope that something happens i know that it has only been three months but today i felt like it was not going to happen for me i hate feeling this way but i can't help it :hugs: all around sorry to be such a downer and for the tmi

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